Chapter 581
Although Wang Yaqiao caused a huge sensation in Jinmen, for Su Yi, rescuing Wang Yaqiao was just an episode, at least in the short term.

No one knows why Su Yi did this, patriotic?Respect heroes?
Maybe everyone who knew about this would think so, because a well-known assassin and a well-known assassin had nothing to do with each other. No one thought that Su Yi was playing a big game of chess.

As for the acquaintance between Su Yi and Yixiantian, the incident has passed without a trace, and the two never met each other.

A few days later, Wang Yaqiao, who arrived on Hong Kong Island, asked someone to report to Su Yi that he was safe, and Su Yi immediately called for Liu Haiqing.

"Brother Jiu has arrived on Hong Kong Island." Su Yi handed him the letter Wang Yaqiao left for Dai Chunfeng, "You can start now."

Liu Haiqing took the letter and asked a little late: "Xiao Geng, although you have thought carefully, this matter is still very risky. If you are not careful, you will lose everything. You should think about it. There is no turning back when there is an open bow. In fact, we don’t need to do anything. We will always succeed if we look for opportunities slowly and steadily.”

"I'm only fighting for the day and night." Su Yi patted Liu Haiqing on the shoulder, "The risk is a bit high, but the so-called wealth and wealth are found in insurance, if you do everything safely, you will not have any great achievements in this life."

"I discussed it with brother Yukun. If he really won the new site, he didn't do much, and he didn't want to be too public, so he won't participate. So it's just you and me. You have to explain to the higher-ups, I I will give you all the share that originally belonged to Brother Yukun, that is, I am six and you are four..."

"Little Geng..."

Su Yi stopped Liu Haiqing's refusal: "I did this not only for the friendship between us, but also for safety and long-term development. If Teng Jie is not given enough benefits, why should he bear it for us?"

Liu Haiqing nodded slowly.

Hesitating slightly, he said again: "Dai Chunfeng is not a simple person, will he notice something is wrong? If he really sees something, we will be self-defeating."

"Teng Jie is in charge of this matter, not him." Su Yi said, "You also said that Teng Jie doesn't trust him, especially after receiving this letter, Teng Jie will not trust him. It's something to show your face, it's just an excuse for failure, no one will seriously investigate."

After a pause, Su Yi said: "But you are right. Dai Chunfeng is not an easy person. We are not the same as him. I am afraid that we will meet sooner or later. Hai Qing, this person is full of ambition and ability. He is now at a low ebb. , you might as well turn on the cold stove, it will definitely be useful in the future.”

"I listen to you." Liu Haiqing nodded.

After separating from Su Yi, Liu Haiqing brought Ji Ge Li Xingshe's men to Jiuda Wharf.

Not far from Jiuda Wharf, there is a gambling stall, and Liu Haiqing, who had found out the news earlier, led people straight in.

He came to a poker table, smiled and said to a man with triangular eyes in front of him: "The king is so elegant, he pushes Pai Gow here in broad daylight, it seems that you have made a lot of money in recent days. Is there any way for you, brother?" Shall I also introduce?"

The triangular eyes didn't recognize Liu Haiqing, he was a little puzzled, he frowned and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

Liu Haiqing cupped his hands and said, "From the Loyalty Society, I would like to ask Wang Baotou to come with me. There is something I want to ask you for advice."

"Speak if you have something to say, and fart if you have something to say!" Triangle Eyes said impatiently, "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here! If you can talk, if you can't talk, get out!"

As soon as his words fell, there were booing and insults from all around, which could be heard endlessly.

Liu Haiqing was still smiling, but the faces of the two subordinates he brought turned dark.

"Wang Siqiang, dare to be so arrogant with us, don't you know how the word "death" is written?" A subordinate stepped forward and cursed.

Wang Siqiang sneered coldly: "I can't read, and I really don't know how to write dead characters. But I know you disturb my elegant mood!"

Speaking of the last word, Wang Siqiang's eyes widened violently, and he slapped this subordinate flying away with a violent slap, and then kicked Liu Haiqing's other subordinate also flying away.

He was about to shoot Liu Haiqing, but Liu Haiqing quickly took out a pistol and put it on Wang Siqiang's forehead.

Wang Siqiang's pupils shrank suddenly, his whole body froze, and he didn't dare to move.

"He has a gun!"

There was an uproar in the casino, everyone screamed and backed away.

Although guns are not too difficult to get these days, those who dare to carry guns on the street at all times and openly draw them are definitely not easy to mess with.

There was a clever one who ran out in a hurry to call for someone.

Liu Haiqing saw it, but he was not in a hurry. He could have taken away Wang Siqiang secretly, but now he chose the simplest and rude way of arrogance, in order to make things big and make it known to everyone.

Seeing sweat on Wang Siqiang's forehead, he forced himself to be calm and said: "Brother, speak carefully if you have something to say, and be careful not to get angry. If it really rings, you will have to pay for my life. There is no need for this, right?"

"Just now you talked like that, isn't it all right?" Liu Haiqing said with a smile.

"What do you want?" Wang Siqiang asked.

"I said before, come with us, I have something to ask you." Liu Haiqing said.

"I was just taken away by you for no apparent reason? Even if I agreed, my master would not agree, nor would our Yinghua Martial Arts School." Wang Siqiang said, "Your Loyalty Club and our martial arts have always been in the same boat. Brother, how did I offend you?"

Liu Haiqing smiled, he saw that Wang Siqiang was deliberately delaying time, but he pretended not to know, and still cooperated with him, talking about it.

After a while, a hale and hearty old man strode in. When everyone saw him, they got up and saluted one after another.

This old man is Qi Yuanlong, the leader of Jiuda Wharf, and the younger brother of the curator of Tiandao Martial Arts.

As for Wang Siqiang just now, he was his apprentice, and he was also the manager of the car shop under him, so he was considered a small leader.

Where Qi Yuanlong passed by, people avoided one after another, which shows the prestige of this person in this place.

He walked up to Liu Haiqing, looked him up and down, and said coldly: "I know you, your name is Liu Haiqing. You used to be a gangster in robes, and then followed that Geng Liangchen who has been in the limelight recently, and joined him. You too People from the Loyalty Club. I know exactly what background your Loyalty Club has."

"But that's not the reason for you to use your gun on the street!" Qi Yuanlong said coldly, "No matter what your background in the Loyalty Society is, if you want to plan food on the street, you have to follow the rules on the street. Follow the rules! If you move your gun, you break the rules!"

Liu Haiqing said: "Master Qi, I was forced to use the gun..."

"I don't care what your reason is, it's a fact that you broke the rules with your gun!" Qi Yuanlong waved his hand, not listening to Liu Haiqing's explanation at all, "Now you have two ways, first, you shoot him to death, and I will shoot him again." Kill you! Second, put down the gun immediately, and let those of you who have enough words in the Loyalty Society come to redeem you!"

"I choose the third," Liu Haiqing said, "I must take Wang Siqiang away!"

"You can't take him away!" Qi Yuanlong sneered, "How many bullets are in your gun? If you count them, how many heads are there?"


Everyone gathered around, staring at Liu Haiqing and the other three with unkind faces.

The faces of the two subordinates turned pale with fright, and they yelled and shouted a few times, seeing that not only they could not scare each other, but had the opposite effect, they dared not speak again.

"Master Qi doesn't want to know what happened to your apprentice Wang Siqiang?" Liu Haiqing became expressionless.

"Our Heavenly Knife Martial Arts Academy will take care of what he has to do." Qi Yuanlong said proudly, "But Liu Haiqing, will you be loyal to help you with what you have to do?"

As soon as these words came out, the onlookers immediately applauded.

Wang Siqiang was moved to tears: "Master, with your old words, Siqiang is already satisfied!"

"Shoot, come and kill me! Kill me if you have the ability!" Wang Siqiang tore off the clothes on his chest, yelling, and went straight to the muzzle of the gun.

With the situation like this, he didn't believe that Liu Haiqing dared to shoot.

But the next moment-

With a gunshot, all the noise at the scene stopped abruptly.

It was Liu Haiqing who fired a shot at the sky.

Then Liu Haiqing looked at Qi Yuanlong coldly and said: "Master Qi, repeat what you said just now, did Wang Siqiang commit something, and your Tiandao Martial Arts Hall will be taken care of by him?"

"Bastard, how dare you shoot?" Qi Yuanlong was furious, and he was not on the same channel as Liu Haiqing was thinking or asking. "What's wrong! The Loyalty Club won't give us an explanation from the Tiandao Martial Art Museum about today's matter. From now on, there will be you without me on the street, and there will be me without you!"

"Is it because Wang Siqiang committed any crimes, and your Tiandao Martial Art Museum will take care of him?" Liu Haiqing stared at Qi Yuanlong, and asked word by word, with a very bad attitude and an especially aggressive tone.

Qi Yuanlong is already at the age of knowing the fate, and he is also regarded as highly respected. How can he hold back his anger when he is pressed in public by a young man?

"Even if the top four kills someone, my Heavenly Knife Martial Arts Hall will take care of it for him!" Qi Yuanlong's eyes widened angrily.

Liu Haiqing stared at him for a while, nodded slowly, put away the gun, turned around and left.

But it was not so easy for him to leave now.

"Stop for me!"

Following Qi Yuanlong's shout, the people around immediately surrounded him with a "crash".

"Come when you want, leave when you want? How can it be so easy?" Qi Yuanlong sneered.

Liu Haiqing turned around and glanced at him, and said, "Master Qi, I don't have to leave, can I ask my subordinates to go back and pass a message?"

"Who are you sending the message to?" Qi Yuanlong asked.

"Of course it is enough to speak." Liu Haiqing took out a blue ID from his arms and handed it to his subordinates, "Xiao Zheng, you go back and tell the chief that arresting Wang Siqiang was stopped by the Tiandao Martial Art Museum. Inciting the people to violently resist the law, please mobilize the military and police to support as soon as possible! You tell the chief, I, Liu Haiqing, is ready to die for the country, and I swear to the death that Wang Siqiang will not escape!"

"Yes!" The subordinate saluted and answered loudly.

After putting down his hands, his subordinates turned back and roared angrily at the people who blocked him: "Get out of the way! Whoever dares to stop him will be punished as Wang Siqiang's fellow party!"

By this time, Qi Yuanlong had already realized that something was wrong.

What mobilized the military and police, what violent resistance to the law, and even died for the country...

These terrible words made Qi Yuanlong's heart skip a beat.

In desperation, he grabbed Liu Haiqing's arm: "What did Wang Siqiang do?"

Liu Haiqing said: "Can I let my subordinates report first?"

"If you don't speak clearly, no one is allowed to leave!" Qi Yuanlong shouted angrily.

"Qi Yuanlong!"

Liu Haiqing suddenly pointed at him and shouted: "Do you really dare to stop? Do you really want to go all the way to the dark?"

"You..." Qi Yuanlong blushed with anger, "What did Zhang Siqiang do?"

"You want to listen? Yes! I'll tell you!" Liu Haiqing sneered, "Nine days ago, the 51st Army, the Chinese Concession, the French Concession and the Japanese Concession mobilized thousands of people to arrest the vicious bandit Wang Yaqiao. It is said that Wang Yaqiao is hard to fly! However, he disappeared without a trace inexplicably surrounded by so many people!"

"The reason is your apprentice, Wang Siqiang!" Liu Haiqing pointed at the dumbfounded Wang Siqiang with a livid face, "It was him who helped Wang Yaqiao escape! It was him who made the experience of Mayor Yu and General Teng come to naught! It was him, It provoked the anger of the chairman! It caused a shock in the military and political leadership in Jinmen, and I don’t know how many people have to pay the price for this, and resigned!"

"Impossible, this is impossible..." Qi Yuanlong couldn't believe his ears.

On the other side, Wang Siqiang also woke up from a dream at this time, and shouted excitedly: "Your surname is Liu, you are less bloody! I don't know Wang Yaqiao at all, and I haven't even met him! You bastard, you wronged me. You hurt me!"

"Liu, it's impossible for the top four to do something like this. Why do you want to put shit on the head of our Tiandao martial arts school!" Qi Yuanlong also became excited.

There was an uproar in the casino again, everyone was talking excitedly, and the atmosphere became extremely tense.

"Xiao Zheng, please help!" Liu Haiqing's complexion changed, and he suddenly shouted.

Xiao Zheng suddenly yelled and pushed away the crowd and rushed out.

Rushing to the door, he frantically threw a smoke bomb outside the door.

chi chi chi...

In an instant, smoke billowed outside the door.

Liu Haiqing and another subordinate stood back to back with guns in their hands, watching the excited people around vigilantly.

"Qi Yuanlong!" Liu Haiqing pointed his gun at him and yelled, "I have sent out a signal, and the military and police will surround this place immediately! If you dare to incite your people to violently resist the law, I will die in the line of duty. I will kill you first!"

"Quiet me!" Qi Yuanlong shouted with his eyes wide open angrily.

Wait for everyone to quiet down.

Qi Yuanlong stared at Liu Haiqing and asked, "Liu Haiqing, what evidence do you have that Wang Siqiang let Wang Yaqiao go?"

"Of course I have evidence!" Liu Haiqing sneered, "Ask your precious apprentice, did he take fifty oceans from a French chef six days ago and send a person to the boat to Hong Kong Island?"


All eyes were on Wang Siqiang.

Wang Siqiang was dumbfounded at first, and then his face turned pale. Suddenly his legs went limp, and he sat down on the ground with a "plop".

Seeing this scene, Qi Yuanlong's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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