Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 585 Liu Haiqing's Spring

Chapter 585 Liu Haiqing's Spring
2 minutes ago.

Liu Haiqing, who walked out of Cai's mansion, came to the mansion next door.

Before entering the door, he carefully cleaned up all the blood on his face and footprints on his body, and then knocked on the door.

The person who opened the door saw him and greeted him with a smile, "You're back so soon?"

Liu Haiqing replied: "President Teng is waiting for my reply, don't dare to delay."

"The president is making an important call, please wait here for a while."


A short two-sentence dialogue revealed a fact - Liu Haiqing was here to report the situation to Teng Jie before!
When did Liu Haiqing hook up with Teng Jie?
In fact, it was just a few hours ago.

But when Teng Jie asked Liu Haiqing for questioning, it was a situation that Su Yi had already analyzed.

Teng Jie came to Jinmenlong to do two things - first, to meet with Sir Lytton, the representative of the League of Nations, to discuss the investigation report on the truth of the September [-] incident; second, to arrest Wang Yaqiao.

As a result, Teng Jie hadn't done the two things yet.

Especially Wang Yaqiao's escape made Teng Jie ashamed and ashamed.

So Su Yi concluded that once there was news about Wang Yaqiao, Teng Jie would definitely not let it go, and would definitely investigate it himself.

When Liu Haiqing brought back the personal letter written by Wang Siqiang and Wang Yaqiao to Dai Chunfeng from Jiuda Wharf, it was destined that Teng Jie would meet him in person with a high probability.

For this meeting, Su Yi and Liu Haiqing rehearsed at least dozens of times. It can be said that every wording of Liu Haiqing after meeting Teng Jie has been tempered.

Both of them knew that people like Teng Jie were definitely deep-minded, and if they were fooled, they would die a miserable death, so they formulated a coping strategy of "nine truths and one falsehood".

After the meeting, Teng Jie asked Liu Haiqing about the process and process of the investigation. Liu Haiqing answered according to the well-prepared wording, asking what he asked and answering what he asked, basically without any nonsense.

But when Teng Jie asked Liu Haiqing why he had to make such a big fuss when he could secretly arrest Wang Siqiang, Liu Haiqing made a hesitant expression.

This was Liu Haiqing's first unnecessary expression and movement after seeing Teng Jie, which immediately caught Teng Jie's attention.

But Teng Jie didn't point it out, just looked at Liu Haiqing calmly, waiting for his answer.

"This... the reason why I do this actually contains a little selfishness, which is related to the interests of the industry." Liu Haiqing said vaguely.

"Fighting for the pier?" Teng Jie was not ignorant of Jinmen's footsteps, so he said something suddenly, and then asked, "Who did you fight for?"

"For me!" Liu Haiqing said.

Teng Jie's eyelids moved, and he said, "I don't like people lying in front of me. Liu Haiqing, I'll ask you one last time now, and tell me after you think it through! Who are you fighting for?"

Liu Haiqing looked entangled and embarrassed, gritted his teeth and said nothing.

At this point, Teng Jie has basically guessed a bit.

There were 47 trips reported by the Loyalty Society to him, but Teng Jie knew very well that there must be more than this number.

Walking is a big cake, and the ocean rushes in and out every day, and it is hard for an individual not to be tempted.

He knew very well that the people below definitely concealed the report and filled their pockets.

And this person is none other than Li Hu, who he entrusted with the important task.

When the water is clear, there will be no disciples. Teng Jie has always turned a blind eye to this. He has always believed in the principle that a strong country must first strengthen the party, and a rich country must first become rich in officials.

That's why he founded the Lixingshe, the top party organization with a rigorous structure, to benchmark against the Turkish Communist Party.

He set up peripheral organizations of the Lixing Society all over the country, and used them to amass money crazily, both for party property and private property, both for a strong party and for rich officials.

So he is not afraid of Li Hu's corruption, because his purpose is to make these men rich while doing things for the party and the country.

But everything must be in moderation.

He is not against greed, but he hates those who are greedy!

If it is said that there are [-] oceans now, [-] or even [-] go to the public, and those under his command share the remaining [-]% ​​or [-]%, Teng Jie can accept it.

But if you take [-]% of the [-] oceans, or even more, then you should die.

From Jinling to Shanghai.From Shanghai to Jinmen, Teng Jie inspected these outlying organizations and found several cases of "super class" incidents. Some people were bold and greedy, and they were beaten or dealt with by him.

When he came back to Jinmen, Teng Jie actually had to do the third thing, which was to clean up the interior.

It's just that he has been busy with Li Dun and Wang Yaqiao's affairs and has no time to be distracted.

He looked at the fearful Liu Haiqing in front of him, and wondered if this person could be a key for him to open the gap in the Jinmen organization?
He knew that Liu Haiqing, because he had offended a big figure in the party, had never been reused and was marginalized.

Of course, that big man is nothing to Teng Jie, it's just that he doesn't care about these things.

But now, he felt that he had to take care of it.

Among other things, at least Liu Haiqing is a talent, and Teng Jie doesn't want to be a "mediocre master" who buryes talents.

In fact, this is the first face-to-face conversation between Teng Jie and Liu Haiqing. Why did he think that Liu Haiqing is a talent?

There are two reasons. First, these days, as long as people offend big shots, nine out of ten are talents, and the remaining one is a fool.

Why do you say that?Because only by doing things can you offend people, and by doing great things you can offend big people, and if you can accomplish big things and offend big people, what is it but talents?
No one can offend, either a slick official, or a waste of nothing.

Second, this time Wang Yaqiao disappeared inexplicably under heavy siege, and everyone in Jinmen was at a loss for what to do about it, but it was this Liu Haiqing who discovered Wang Yaqiao's trace and found out the method and route of his escape.

Based on this alone, Liu Haiqing is better than too many people.

With such thoughts in mind, Teng Jie's attitude towards Liu Haiqing immediately changed fundamentally.

Originally, he was just asking questions, but now, he mainly wants to see people.

He wants to see how Liu Haiqing will deal with this matter, he wants to see how this Liu Haiqing is too useless.

Looking at Liu Haiqing who was tangled and silent, Teng Jie continued to put pressure on him: "Don't talk? Are you afraid to say it, or don't want to say it?"

"Or, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. You Liu Haiqing no longer see me as the president of the company, and there is no party country, huh?"

Teng Jie's last "um" suddenly raised the volume, full of pressure.

"I don't dare to be humble!" Liu Haiqing didn't dare to be silent anymore, and hurriedly said loudly, "From the first day I joined the party, I have been determined to serve the party and the country with myself, and I will never forget it! For President Teng, the subordinates have always admired him There are additions, and they are regarded as role models."

"Stop flattering me!" Teng Jie snorted coldly, "That sounds so nice, then answer my question!"

Liu Haiqing's face was cloudy and uncertain, and suddenly he said with a miserable expression: "President, I can't answer your question because of my humble position."

Teng Jie was furious: "Do you think I dare not kill you? Come!"


Immediately a guard came in.

Teng Jie pointed at Liu Haiqing and sternly said, "Take this Liu Haiqing, who has no superiors and disrespects the law, out for me and kill him!"

"Yes!" The guard replied, and then went to push Liu Haiqing.

Liu Haiqing still gritted his teeth and said nothing, but bowed deeply to Teng Jie, then turned and walked out.

Seeing that Liu Haiqing was about to walk to the door, he was stopped by Teng Jie.


When Liu Haiqing came back with a complicated expression of confusion and entanglement, Teng Jie snorted coldly and said, "Liu Haiqing, do you really think I don't know who you are making money for? It's Li Hu, right?"

Liu Haiqing still didn't say a word.

Teng Jie continued: "Don't think that I don't know anything about the situation in Jinmen because I'm far away in Jinling. Let me tell you the truth, I have already mastered everything about the situation in Jinmen! I'm asking you for You have a chance to see if you are still loyal to the revolution and the party, but you have let me down so much!"

Teng Jie pretended to be disappointed and looked at Liu Haiqing: "You offended the Song family back then, and I didn't say anything, because I thought it was a kind of tempering for you. After you came to Jinmen, I saw all your hard work. Here, I watched you persevere and work hard to prove yourself over and over again, until recently, you finally kept the clouds open and took a step forward."

"Do you know what I thought when your lieutenant application report was placed on my desk? What I thought at the time was that this Liu Haiqing has finally been tempered. I can finally use this talent with confidence! "

Having said that, Liu Haiqing had already burst into tears, knelt down on one knee, and cried out with emotion: "President, I don't know that you are paying attention to me all the time, and I don't even know that you have high hopes for me!" , I have let you down!"

"You let me down!" Teng Jie sighed, "The talent of the party and the country has now become Li Hu's family dog. Liu Haiqing, Liu Haiqing, how did you fall to this point?"

Liu Haiqing cried: "President! I am not Li Hu's family dog! I just think that if you are loyal to the party and country, you must first be loyal to the chief!"

As soon as this famous sentence came from the mouth of Yu Zecheng, the king of lurking, and was passed on to Liu Haiqing by Su Yi, Teng Jie was immediately moved!

Today, when Lixingshe was founded, the lethality of this sentence is undoubtedly very huge.

At this moment, Teng Jie "understood" Liu Haiqing.

He walked around from behind the desk, stepped forward to personally support Liu Haiqing, patted him on the shoulder, and said with emotion: "To be loyal to the party and the country, you must first be loyal to the commander. This sentence is well said, very well said! Liu Haiqing, you That's what you said, and you did the same, you are a loyal minister, I can't be loyal to others, you are not wrong in this matter."

"President." Liu Haiqing looked at Teng Jie with tears in his eyes, choked up and couldn't speak. His eyes were full of emotion, and the implication of "a man who died for his confidant" that was about to overflow was a personal Can read.

Teng Jie patted her on the shoulder again, pondered for a moment and said: "Liu Haiqing, from now on, you are no longer a member of the Loyalty Society, and you are no longer under Li Hu's command."

"I am now appointing you as the special representative of Lixingshe in Jinmen, responsible for all the party affairs of Lixingshe in Jinmen. Even Li Hu has to report to you!"

Liu Haiqing was stunned.

Great happiness fell on his head at once, and his first feeling was not excitement, but panic, which was unreal.

"Society, president, I'm afraid it's hard to take on a lowly position..." He stammered, and after only a few words, his face turned red.

"If it's difficult for you to take on the important task, aren't you questioning my human eyesight?" Teng Jie said indifferently.

"Don't dare to be humble!" Only then did Liu Haiqing really get excited.

This was a real surprise, a piece of pie in the sky!
Teng Jie smiled, very satisfied with Liu Haiqing's reaction.

That's right, he likes loyal ministers, but he doesn't like saints.

"Now, can we talk?" Teng Jie said leisurely.

Liu Haiqing stood upright and said: "Report to the president, the humble job knows everything, and the words are endless!"

"Oh? Just because Li Hu is no longer your chief, so you don't have to be loyal to him?" Teng Jie smiled.

"No!" Liu Haiqing said sternly, "It's because you are my chief now, the president, and the first person I want to be loyal to is you. Haiqing dare not hide anything when you ask me!"

"Haha..." Teng Jie pointed to Liu Haiqing with great joy in his heart, "You are my biggest gain from coming to Jinmen!"

This evaluation is not low, even though it was pretending at first, but at this moment, Liu Haiqing was really moved by Teng Jie's attention.

At the moment, Liu Haiqing has nothing to hide anymore, and told everything about Li Hu.

Li Hu is indeed very greedy, but his greed started in the past two months. Before that, he was still very diligent in his work.

In addition to the shares in Dingzigu and Baihe Wharf, Li Hu also used the signboard of the Loyalty Society to secretly establish a land transportation footstep for himself.

Moreover, he deducted [-]% of the money he handed over to the public every month and put it in his own pocket.

Liu Haiqing did not add any embellishments, but said this matter objectively, only stating the facts without adding any thoughts or comments of his own.

In the end he explained: "The reason why the humble staff made such a big fuss when arresting Wang Siqiang was to create momentum and frighten those who practice martial arts, making them feel that Wang Siqiang's matter is very serious this time, and someone must pay for it." cost."

"In this way, it will be much easier for Director Li to seek their footsteps and make them bleed..."

"Aren't you afraid that Wang Siqiang still has accomplices, and the commotion is so loud that it will startle the snake?" Teng Jie asked lightly.

Liu Haiqing explained: "President, after receiving Director Li's order, I decided to use my plan, which was to deliberately scare the snake, and see if Wang Siqiang was arrested and everyone he knew and had contact with had any unusual behavior."

"But from now on, this Wang Siqiang is just an idiot used by Wang Yaqiao. This person has no value at all."

Teng Jie narrowed his eyes slightly: "Then that letter to Dai Chunfeng...what do you think?"

Liu Haiqing's heart tightened suddenly, and he said, "I don't dare to speak indiscriminately in a humble position."

Teng Jie wanted to ask again, and someone outside came to report that Li Hu next door was sending someone to find Liu Haiqing.

Teng Jie pondered slightly, and said to Liu Haiqing: "Go and have a look, don't tell Li Hu that I'm back."

"I obey you!" Liu Haiqing stood at attention and saluted.

After he went out, Teng Jie told his subordinates: "Call Qian Jin here."

Qian Jin is Secretary Qian.

Teng Jie is a cautious person, he will not believe Liu Haiqing's one-sided words, so he recruited Qian Jin to confirm the two sides, to see if Liu Haiqing was lying.

(End of this chapter)

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