Chapter 596
"My junior brother and I are not in the same family, and we haven't met a few times in total. They say they are senior brothers, but there is only a bond in the same school, and there is no relationship at all." Chen Shi said slowly to Zou Rong, "You If you expect to catch me and make him submit, I can only say that you are thinking too much. He is cold-blooded, and his master died, and he didn't even go back to take a look."

To a certain extent, what Chen Shi said was indeed the truth.

Zou Rong nodded thoughtfully. She didn't know that Chen Shi was fooling him, so she thought she knew more about Geng Liangchen.

"I don't like him. I already knew that people like him would cause trouble sooner or later, and get me involved." Chen Shi said angrily, "If you want me to deal with him, you have to agree to three conditions."

Zou Rong smiled and said, "Tell me."

"First, I want [-] oceans." Chen Shi said.

"One thousand." Zou Rong directly chopped off a zero.

"Then go find someone else." Chen Shi sneered, "There is no ten thousand oceans, so there is no need for us to talk."

"Five thousand, he is worth this price at most." Zou Rong thought for a while and said.

Chen Shi seemed very dissatisfied, but after thinking for a long time, he agreed: "Yes, but you have to give me four thousand first."

"You have to tell me first, what do you want to do?" Zou Rong laughed.

"It's impossible to stop Geng Liangchen from kicking the gym, to persuade him, the only way is to abolish him!" Chen Shi's eyes were fierce, "But his martial arts are not inferior to mine, and he has many younger brothers."

Speaking of this, Chen Shi paused, and looked at Zou Rong: "So you have to do two things, first, find a way to make him unable to hold the knife steadily; second, let him be alone!"

"As long as you have the money and do these two things, I'll help you get rid of him!" Chen Shi said.

Zou Rong laughed and said, "If I can do this, why don't I do it myself, and spend five thousand oceans to find you?"

"First, I'm going to do this. It's because we are fighting each other, and it has nothing to do with outsiders." Chen Shi said calmly, "Second, you are a big shot, and it's not easy to clean your hands when they get dirty."

"That makes sense." Zou Rong nodded, "Then let's do this. Pack up your things and follow us. Before you start, you have to stay where I danced for you, and you are not allowed to go anywhere."

"How long?" Chen Shi asked.

"Tonight, after the dinner at the Yinglou." Zou Rong said with a smile, "If you abolish him before ascending the Lou, I will get him drunk and let him be celibate. Afterwards, I will create chaos for you to escape, you leave Jinmen, you are not allowed to come back in the future."

"It's reasonable." Chen Shi nodded, "I agree."

"Your woman still has to follow me first." Zou Rong said, "I will let you meet at the station after you finish your business."

"This matter has nothing to do with her!" Chen Shi couldn't help but increase his voice, "She doesn't know anything, she doesn't even know that I have a younger brother! I never told her!"

Zou Rong laughed and said, "Husband and wife are one, you shouldn't hide it from her. This time is a lesson for you, I hope you two can treat each other honestly in the future."

"Let her go!" Chen Shi restrained his anger.

Zou Rong shook his head: "What we have to do is not a trivial matter. With her here, I can use you with a little peace of mind. If there is no her, I would rather not use it. Do you understand when I say that?"

Chen Zhi's eyes breathed fire: "You really have a heart like a snake and a scorpion!"

Zou Rong couldn't help laughing: "The world is turbid, if it's not a snake or a scorpion, it can only be reduced to other people's blood. If you call me a snake and a scorpion, I'll take it as you are praising me."

Chen Shi's face twitched, as if he wanted to curse, but he held back in the end.

He looked at the back room, feeling a little depressed, and said: "She has never seen such a battle before, she must be terrified. I will comfort her and let her go with you."

Zou Rong pondered slightly and agreed: "Yes, I will give you 5 minutes."

Without saying a word, Chen Shi stood up and walked back and forth.

Zou Rong's subordinates asked, "Do you want to watch them?"

"We can't play tricks. If the couple whispers, we won't listen to the wall." Zou Rong smiled, "Do you think this person is trustworthy?"

"Looking at his appearance, it doesn't look like he's lying." The subordinate said, "If it's true, it's the best choice."

"That's the best thing to make me feel a little bit embarrassed." Zou Rong was thoughtful, "This matter seems to be no problem now, but it's better to make two preparations."

After a pause, Zou Rong's eyes flickered: "Go and check again to see if we can find anything. If he lied, then there is no need for him to live."


In the room, Chen Shi walked towards the pale Zhao Guohui.

There was fear and resentment in the woman's eyes.

"You married me just for today?" Zhao Guohui's voice was cold.

Chen Shi walked up to her without saying a word.

"Living in a slum and raising a beautiful woman makes people think you are aloof from the world?" Zhao Guohui said angrily, "Not only are you using me, but you are also betraying your younger brother? Isn't that right?"

"Women shouldn't inquire about men's affairs." Chen Shi looked at Zhao Guohui and said slowly, "You guys have cleverness, but that's all."

Zhao Guohui wanted to speak, but Chen Shi hugged her tightly.

She was about to break free violently, but Chen Shi whispered in her ear: "This is what my junior brother and I discussed today! We planned to send you away first at night."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Guohui froze immediately, with a look of shock on her face.

She looked at Chen Shi in disbelief, and Chen Shi nodded to her, indicating that what he said was true.

"This woman came too fast, so you were involved." Chen Shi then whispered in her ear, "She wants to use you to threaten me, I can only pretend to submit, I can't let her know that my junior brother and I treat her well." Already prepared."

"What do you want me to do?" Zhao Guohui's tone instantly became calm.

This surprised Chen Shi a little.

Zhao Guohui smiled proudly: "Women in Jinmen are not only smart, but also able to handle things."

Chen Shi gave her a thumbs up.

"You just have to be afraid and let her dictate, don't make any unnecessary moves." Chen Shidao, "Junior brother is thoughtful and considerate. He and I have a plan, and he will definitely find a way to protect you, my sister-in-law, so You must be safe."

In Zhao Guohui's mind, the young man who stood at the door and greeted herself politely appeared again.

Chen Shi held her face in his hands: "After this catastrophe, I, Chen Shi, leap into the dragon's gate."

Chen Shi didn't lower his voice when he said this, and Zou Rong who was outside also listened seriously, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

After leaving the room, Chen Shi said to Zou Rong, "You can go."

Zou Rong asked, "Don't bring anything? You probably won't see this place again."

"It's worthless if you don't want a broken house." Chen Shi said.

"That's fine." Zou Rong smiled, "With five thousand oceans, and without gambling or smoking, you have enough to live in this life."

When Zou Rong came, he was riding a human-powered rickshaw on foot, and ten rickshaws stopped at the door one by one.

When they left, there were still ten rickshaws, and Chen Shi and Zhao Guohui were both sitting in the rickshaws.

A young man wearing a straw hat watched them go away, and turned around quietly.

After 10 minutes, he appeared in front of Liu Haiqing.

After listening to his narration, Liu Haiqing frowned and said, "This woman is decisive... Prepare the car, I'm going to Pier No. [-]."

"Representative, in half an hour, Director Qian and Acting Director Zheng will come to report to you." The secretary on the side reminded.

"Postpone, let them wait for my call." Liu Haiqing said while taking off his military uniform and changing into a Chinese tunic suit.

At this time, Su Yi was drinking with the brothers on foot, celebrating his first victory.

He didn't know that Zou Rong had already made a move, but he had already arranged for Brother Kuan to transfer Zhao Guohui's matter at night.

When Liu Haiqing told him about this, Su Yi was also taken aback, Zou Rong moved so fast.

"The people under my command knew about your relationship with me, and they also saw you going to your senior brother's house, so they were extra careful and ran back to report this matter to me." Liu Haiqing said, "This woman is playing dirty, It should be to force you to submit. Xiao Geng, how about I make a move?"

"No." Su Yi shook his head, "There are rules on the street. Once your officials intervene, the nature will change, and I will easily be labeled as a lackey of the imperial court, which will not be conducive to my future development."

Liu Haiqing sighed: "It's because everyone has their own rules in this world, that's why it's so chaotic. There should be only one rule, so that the sea can be clear."

Su Yi smiled: "I agree with this, but right now we are still weak, we have to abide by the rules we should abide by."

The conversation changed: "You can't show up openly, but you can come secretly. My sister-in-law can't be wronged, and I really can only rest assured if you come here."

Liu Haiqing nodded: "Leave it to me, I will rescue the person myself, but I will not reveal my identity."

Su Yi nodded and narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's too early to save. Since this woman wants to start it, let her do it. I don't want to startle the snake and make her shrink back. You leave someone to follow me. When it's time to do it, I will let her do it." He's going to let you know."

"Success." Liu Hai readily agreed.

"Hello, actor Su Yi, due to the current situation you are facing and the decision you have made, the performance task of the fourth act of the first unit-the cancer of martial arts is triggered in advance, and this task and the third act performance task can be completed in parallel.

Mission description: Zou Rong, who is dedicated to maintaining the continuation of the Jinmen Martial Arts, has actually become the biggest cancer in the Jinmen Martial Arts. This mysterious woman has been running the martial arts for many years, and no one knows how many cards she has.And as you who are determined to revitalize martial arts, eradicating Zou Rong, a cancer in martial arts, is already an urgent task for you. "

Accidentally received the task of performing the fourth act, Su Yi couldn't help frowning deeply, and his expression suddenly became much more serious.

A Zou Rong, how can He De be able to become the target of a performance mission?

You must know that from the perspective of Su Yi's first three missions, any of them will risk death.

But in Su Yi's plan to deal with Zou Rong, he is absolutely safe.

But now that Zou Rong became the target of the mission, Su Yi suddenly realized that he still thought Zou Rong was too simple.

This woman is definitely more complicated and dangerous than I imagined.

And this time he wanted to set a trap for Zou Rong, and solve this problem all at once, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles. Su Yi suddenly realized that his understanding of this woman, Zou Rong, was actually not very deep, and it was only superficial.

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on Liu Haiqing again.

"Hai Qing, there is an urgent matter. I want you to help me find out about Zou Rong." Su Yi said, "I always feel that this woman is more than what we see on the surface."

When it comes to engaging in intelligence, who else is more qualified than Lixingshe?

This is a connoisseur of intelligence.

Liu Haiqing nodded: "Okay, I'll get someone to investigate right away, and I'll let you know as soon as there's news."

The sudden performance task made Su Yi feel a little uneasy.

He thought for a moment, and said: "Zou Rong has taken away my senior brother and his wife now, which means that the time for her to attack me should be today, otherwise she wouldn't have had to do it so early."

"Tonight...tonight's dinner at Yinglou, in the eyes of outsiders, is the time when I am most satisfied. At this time, she gave me a fatal blow, and it is difficult for me to react, so if I am not wrong, Zou Rong should be Do something to me before and after the dinner at the Yinglou in the evening."

"What do you think she will do?" Liu Haiqing asked, "Assassination? Or use some dark trick to ruin your reputation?"

"It's all possible." Su Yi said, "I don't know what she will do, but I'm sure she will disregard herself and martial arts, so the conspiracy she set up must be very secretive and difficult for me to detect."

"Why don't you avoid it for now?" Liu Haiqing asked.

"If you can hide from the first day, you can't hide from the fifteenth day." Su Yi shook his head, "At least now I guess the time and place of her attack, and my senior brother must be a part of her plan, so this time, it's actually me The most advantageous time. If I miss today, I will have no idea when, what means, and where she will do it, and it will be even more unfavorable to me."

"It makes sense." Liu Haiqing nodded, "I arranged for my people to deploy defenses in Dengying Tower in advance, and I will give them orders to listen to you, just in case."

Su Yi shook his head, and said: "You saved the sister-in-law, you still have to come here as soon as possible, I'm afraid she has official means."

"Then you have to stall for time." Liu Haiqing said.

Su Yi smiled: "I can still handle this matter."

The two discussed for a while, and Liu Haiqing left.

Su Yi pondered for a while, then called Brother Kuan to wait for his confidantes, and gave them instructions.

After finishing all this, Su Yi suddenly thought of another person.

He decided to meet this man.

For Zou Rong, if you can make twelve points of defense, you must not lose one point.

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the Dengying Tower was brightly lit, and all the big heads of the martial arts industry arrived. In addition to the people from the martial arts industry, some reporters and other people with status and status also came.

When Su Yi arrived, the first to third floors of Dengying Tower were full, but there were so many people that there were no empty seats.

"Geng Liangchen is here!" The waiter at the door sang loudly, the floor was full of noise, and everyone's eyes were focused on the door.

Su Yi was wearing a long robe and mandarin jacket, a cap with melon skin on his head, and boots on his feet. He walked towards Dengying Tower step by step with a smile on his hands, looking like a handsome young man.

The second he stepped over the threshold, the whole Dengyinglou cheered and thundered!

(End of this chapter)

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