Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 612 Liu Deshan's Malice

Chapter 612 Liu Deshan's Malice
Faced with the opposition to Wu Zantong and An Yufeng, Liu Deshan seemed a little hard to resist.

Green Gang.Hong Gang and San Tong Hui are the three largest gang organizations in Jinmen. The first two are gang associations all over the country. San Tong Hui is a peripheral gang of the largest gang in Zhepeng, the Black Dragon Association. It can be regarded as a transnational organization.

Now two of the three major gangs are opposed to Liu Deshan, which means nearly half of them do not support him. Normally speaking, Liu Deshan is doomed to fail as the leader.

However, Liu Deshan, who had been panic-stricken just now, miraculously calmed down.

With a sneer, he took out a note and handed it to Wu Zantong himself.

Wu Zantong sneered: "What are you doing? Am I shameless? Speak up if you have something to say!"

"Boss Wu, I advise you to take a look, lest you regret it too late." Liu Deshan looked confident, which surprised Wu Zantong and everyone present.

"I'd like to see it," Wu Zantong snatched the note and sneered disdainfully, "What do you want to play with me..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Zantong's face changed drastically, and he closed the note with a "swipe", his eyes were filled with astonishing murderous intent, and he stared at Liu Deshan firmly.

Liu Deshan acted as if he hadn't seen it, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, finish it, finish it."

Wu Zantong stared at Liu Deshan for a while, then opened the note and looked down.

At the end, his complexion softened a little.

"Boss Wu, as long as you support me, I will do the second half of the sentence. If you don't agree to me, the first half..." Liu Deshan said with a half-smile.

After half a sentence, Wu Zantong waved his hand and shouted: "Enough!"

He snorted coldly, stared at Liu Deshan and warned: "If a word of this matter is leaked, Liu Laosan, I will feel bad, and you should not try to feel comfortable!"

"Where is it?" Liu Deshan said with a smile, "As long as Boss Wu supports me, we will be friends, brother. How could I, Liu Deshan, betray my brother?"

"It's better not!" Wu Zantong's eyes flickered fiercely, he stared at Liu Deshan for a while, and then turned his head and said to An Yufeng: "I don't play anymore, I support Liu Laosan!"

After speaking, he crumpled up the note in his hand, threw it into his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it.

There was an uproar!
An Yufeng's face was gloomy, but he didn't speak, because he knew that Wu Zantong had obviously been taken advantage of by Liu Deshan, and it was useless for him to say anything now.

Even Jia Changqing, who had been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai before, couldn't help frowning at this moment, showing annoyance.

It's a mess!

He originally thought that with the opposition of An Yufeng and Wu Zantong, Liu Deshan would never get his wish.

But I didn't expect that Liu Deshan could handle Wu Zantong so easily!
Now among the eight forces, there is only one An Yufeng who clearly opposes it.

In theory, even if An Yufeng objected, it would be useless, because the minority obeys the majority.

At this time, even if Liu Deshan declared strongly that he was the new leader of foot travel, An Yufeng had no choice but to fight with Liu Deshan slowly in the future.

But Liu Deshan, the new leader, has already been determined.

At this moment, the whole scene was buzzing loudly, and everyone was talking excitedly.

No one expected that everyone came to the meeting with the mentality of joining in the fun, but unexpectedly witnessed the birth of a new leader in footwear.

Among the forces in all directions, apart from Wu Xing, who has no desires and no desires, and the Zhongyi Society, which is absolutely impossible to be the leader, Liu Deshan, the most unpopular dog-headed master, has won the support of most forces with lightning speed. Become the new leader!

The situation became dizzying, and people could not understand why.

On the surface, it seems that this is Liu Deshan's cunning and scheming skills.

But this is only one reason, and another reason is that whether it is the official or the major concessions, they chose Liu Deshan, a helpless person, as their spokesperson. Liu Deshan did not join any gangs and was a native "pedestrian". , there is no force involved behind him, to some extent, he is the most "clean" of all forces.

Clean means good control.

Therefore, Liu Deshan's rise to the top position today is not only due to his own merits, but also the joint efforts of the French Concession Bureau of Industry and the Municipal Government to withdraw Liu Deshan's position.

Why did Ma Zhanyuan of the Iron Banner Society compromise?Because he dared not offend the Francians.

Why did Zhai Lili of the Baijia Gang support Liu Deshan?

It is also because of the double pressure from foreigners and the government,

Even Wu Zantong's handle was obtained by foreign intelligence personnel, and now it is being used by Liu Deshan.

Therefore, Liu Deshan's superiority is more due to the endorsement of officials and foreigners.

The people present, including Su Yi, only fully understood the deeds behind this after the incident, but it was too late to say anything at this time.

Especially Jia Changqing, whose intestines are green with regret now.

He even wanted to regret it on the spot, but he was afraid that his face would not look good, so the expression on his face at the moment was extremely exciting.

"Boss An, you are the only one left, so let's send a message!" Liu Deshan said to An Yufeng with a half-smile.

An Yufeng snorted coldly: "What's the matter if I don't speak? If you have the ability, you can also send me a small note to see if I, An Yufeng, have done anything shameful!"

Even Liu Deshan and Wu Zantong scolded this sentence together, and both of them looked a little unhappy.

Liu Deshan sneered and said: "Boss An, you don't need to support me. It doesn't matter whether you have your support today or not. Liu has the approval of most of the brothers, and the position of chairman is already confirmed!"

"But today's matter, I will remember it. In the future, if your Hong Gang stumbles in your journey, don't blame me, Liu Deshan, for not being sympathetic!"

This was an undisguised threat, and it was what An Yufeng was most worried about.

If Liu Deshan really becomes the new leader, it is a done deal, and other forces will definitely choose to ease with Liu Deshan, after all, making money is the most important thing.

But the only Hong Gang that does not support Liu Deshan will definitely be hated and targeted by him. There is already a competition for interests, and I am afraid that other forces will follow suit, and the situation of the Hong Gang in footsteps will become worse. I can't move an inch.

Don't think that because Hong's family has a great career, they can run amok. Everyone is afraid of it.

The Hong Gang also has competitors, and no matter how big it is, it cannot be bigger than the official, and it cannot cover the sky with one hand.

An Yufeng knew that the general situation was over, but he didn't lose. He snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "Liu Deshan, today you are considered to be superior in skill, and you got a good deal! But the position of the leader is not so easy to sit on! Ba Yanqing has been famous for more than ten years, but in the end he still ended up dying! I want to see how long you, Liu Deshan, can live in this position! Hmph, let's go!"

After all, with a wave of his hand, An Yufeng was about to retreat with his subordinates.

"Wait!" Liu Deshan stopped him.

"What? You still want to force me to stay?" An Yufeng sneered.

Liu Deshan smiled: "Boss An, as I said at the beginning, we have three things to do today."

"For the first matter, we have heard the opinions of the Ministry of Industry and the Municipal Government; for the second matter, I, Liu Deshan, will do my part to take the position of the leader of the foot! But there is still a third matter that has not been resolved. .”

When Liu Deshan said this, he sneered, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of touching his nose, and then continued: "Uncle Ba's bones are not cold yet, if we don't find the murderer to avenge his old man, I will not sit comfortably in the position of leader."

"So, today, you might as well avenge Uncle Ba first, and then I will formally succeed Uncle Ba and become the new leader of the footsteps!"

An Yufeng's expression flashed, and he said, "Liu Laosan, do you know who the murderer is?"

"If I don't know, do I dare to talk nonsense here?" Liu Deshan chuckled.

At this moment, Su Yi, who was already extremely vigilant, suddenly found that there were four unfamiliar faces approaching him quietly from all directions.

Su Yi's mind was changing rapidly, and he had already guessed where this scene came from.

He felt a little terrified, because he didn't know whether Liu Deshan really had definite evidence to prove that he was the murderer of Bayanqing, or he just wanted to use himself as a scapegoat, and then killed himself to stand up.

If it's the former, that's bad.

But if it's the latter...

Murderous intent boiled in Su Yi's heart, no matter what, Liu Deshan had already become Su Yi's enemy at this moment.

How to deal with it?

Su Yi looked around calmly again, and found that the four people approaching him in all directions had bulging waists, and they obviously came with guns!
Obviously, Liu Deshan knew that Su Yi could fight, so he made all preparations. He did not intend to let Su Yi leave this hall alive today.

calm down!

Su Yi was surprisingly calm, and quickly formed a response plan in his mind.

Then, his eyes fell on Yi Yitian not far away.

Yi Yitian felt that Su Yi was looking at him, and immediately looked over to him.

Su Yi looked solemn, his body didn't move, but his eyes moved from side to side.

Yi Yitian was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, looked at both sides of Su Yi, and immediately found the four people with malicious intentions, his complexion changed immediately.

He looked at Su Yi again, and saw Su Yi smiling at him and shaking his head, then glanced at Liu Deshan on the stage.

At this moment, Liu Deshan was speaking loudly, saying, "Uncle Ba has countless enemies, but on the day of his death, he only offended one person"...

Yixiantian followed Su Yi's eyes and glanced at Liu Deshan, and when he turned his head again, he saw Su Yi's eyes were ruthless, and he put his right hand on his chest in a subtle way, and made a cross.

Yi Yitian's eyes turned sharply, and after a while, he nodded solemnly to Su Yi, then lowered the brim of his hat, and quietly approached Liu Deshan in the field.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he knew that Yixiantian had already understood what he meant, and was ready to do as he wanted.

On the stage, Liu Deshan continued to sneer and said: "It is said on the street that Uncle Ba was killed by a killer sent by Wang Yaqiao. I can tell you clearly, it is absolutely impossible!"

"In the case of Wang Yaqiao's assassination of Sir Lytton, Uncle Ba was entrusted by others to do something that was not conducive to Wang Yaqiao. This is indeed a fact."

"But after the incident happened, Uncle Ba immediately sealed [-] oceans to Wang Yaqiao, and also informed Wang Yaqiao. It's a compensation, right? Let the matter rest."

"The money was given by me personally. Wang Yaqiao took the money from Uncle Ba, and asked me to tell Uncle Ba personally, so that both grievances and grievances will be resolved!"

If Bayanqing is not dead, this must be a history that is destined to be buried in the dust and will not be known.

Because Bayanqing, who has a great reputation, took the initiative to subdue Wang Yaqiao, which is not an honorable thing, and he betrayed Wang Yaoqiao and then tipped her off. It is also a shameful act of both sides.

As for Wang Yaqiao, who had received the money, of course he would not take the initiative to say these things.

So if Liu Deshan didn't say anything, no one would know about it.

Everyone was in an uproar again.

Liu Deshan went on to say: "Wang Yaqiao is a man of his word, and everyone knows it. Since he took the money and settled his grievances, he will never attack Uncle Ba again. Therefore, the person who killed Uncle Ba must not have been sent by Wang Yaqiao." killer!"

"So I was thinking, who would kill Uncle Ba?" Liu Deshan sneered, "Later I heard that the murderer sneaked in from the back yard and took a rickshaw in the back alley of the Ba mansion. I thought of someone!"

"This man waited for Uncle Ba yesterday in the backyard of the Ba Mansion for five or six hours before Uncle Ba saw him, so he knows the environment in the backyard very well."

Having said that, Liu Deshan looked at Su Yi with an unabashed sneer.

Su Yi just looked at him calmly.

At this time, the four people sent by Liu Deshan with a signal had all reached two meters around Su Yi, each of them stretched their hands into their waists, staring at Su Yi vigilantly.

"Because he killed Uncle Ba's brother, Uncle Ba punished him to kneel at the gate of Ba's mansion for three days!" Liu Deshan stared at Su Yi and then sneered.

"Geng Liangchen!" Someone had already guessed who Liu Deshan was talking about, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Almost everyone looked at Su Yi in surprise.

The four people around Su Yi all raised their guns and pointed their guns at Su Yi.

And Su Yi was still expressionless, as if he didn't realize it, but looked at Liu Deshan on the stage with a kind of indifferent eyes.

"When this man left that day, he took a rickshaw." Liu Deshan stared at Su Yi, and continued, "Not long after he left, Uncle Ba had an accident! Tell me, where in the world is there such a coincidence?" matter?"

As soon as these words came out, there was already an uproar around.

Everyone discussed it intensely, some were stunned, some didn't believe it.

At the Loyalty Society, Qian Jin's face became ugly, and he lowered his voice to the subordinates around him and said: "Call Representative Liu immediately, report the situation to him, and ask him to give further instructions, hurry up!"


The hand ran out in a hurry.

Qian Jin took a deep breath, glanced at Su Yi, then at Liu Deshan on the stage, and told his subordinates again: "Listen to my orders later, and immediately fire the guns of those four people first, and save Geng Liangchen." Say it again!"


For Qian Jin, no matter whether Su Yi was the murderer of Bayanqing or not, he could not let this person who had a close relationship with Liu Haiqing die under his nose.

On the stage, Liu Deshan simply sneered at Su Yi and said, "Geng Liangchen, you are really calm, I thought you couldn't help but want to run."

(End of this chapter)

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