Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 616 Expansion of Power

Chapter 616 Expansion of Power
As the old saying goes, crisis is opportunity.

This is true, but many times when people encounter crises, they are already Amitabha Buddha if they can get through safely under panic, and they dare not ask for more.People like Su Yi who deal with it calmly, treat danger as nothing, and quickly find a turning point from it are rare.

This is also what makes Liu Haiqing admire Su Yi the most, he himself does not have such ability.

Another point is that Su Yi treats money like dung.At this point, Liu Haiqing felt that Su Yi was a saint.

In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, it is Liu Haiqing who is taking care of Geng Liangchen, but only he knows in his heart that most of the time, because of Geng Liangchen, he will feel at ease and have confidence in his heart, not to mention that it is Geng Liangchen who is taking care of him in many things. .

Liu Haiqing felt that meeting a confidant and brother like Geng Liangchen was the greatest blessing in his life.

Zhao Dezhu was kidnapped, and Xiao Geng didn't blame him, Liu Haiqing, for not being able to see people. He didn't complain about why Xiao Geng didn't let him kill people to silence him. Everyone didn't say anything, they just thought about how to solve this crisis.

This feeling of brotherhood is something Liu Haiqing has never experienced in his life.

"If you really tell Teng Jie that you have discovered Bayanqing's wealth, then the number mentioned before will not satisfy him." Liu Haiqing said.

"You either don't do anything, or do everything thoroughly." Su Yi said, "This batch of wealth is a windfall. It was obtained by Bayanqing's exploitation of Liba's blood and sweat. We keep it for ourselves, and we don't feel at ease. How about this?" , let’s keep 1 million each for emergencies, there should be more than [-] million left, report them all!”

Liu Haiqing was taken aback: "Is it too much?"

"It takes a lot of money to keep Teng Jie in check and let the upper class impress you deeply." Su Yi smiled, "As long as this money can impress you as a clean and loyal official, then The money was not wasted.”

After a pause, he continued: "No matter how much of this money will fall into personal pockets, some of it will be used for the people, which can be regarded as an atonement for Bayanqing."

"Ba Yanqing has knowledge, and I will definitely not thank you." Liu Haiqing couldn't help laughing.

"It's me who should say thank you." Su Yi said.

Liu Haiqing laughed dumbfounded.

"It's not too late, I'll go back and report to Teng Jie first, and then make the layout." Liu Haiqing said, "You go to take over the site first. If there is any news from my side, I will inform you at any time."

Su Yi nodded, and said with a headache, "Oh, it's still expanding too fast. The seventeen companies are all over the place at once, and the talent pool can't keep up."

Liu Haiqing smiled triumphantly: "Who do you think I caught those more than a hundred big guys?"

Su Yi was startled, and then his eyes lit up.

"It's yours!"

"That's right, don't think that you are the only one planning the strategy, and I am not bad." Liu Haiqing said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, you're smart!" Su Yi said impatiently, "When will you arrange for me to pick someone?"

"You can come at any time." Liu Haiqing said, "I'll sing the black face first when I go back, and then you come to pick someone, so I can show you kindness."

"Just do it!" Su Yi was very happy, "I will take over the site first, and then come to you as soon as possible."

"You still have to pay attention to safety, I will let Yixiantian come to you." Liu Haiqing said.

"Okay!" Su Yi didn't refuse, pulled the door and got out of the car.

Liu Haiqing looked at the back of Su Yi walking towards the pier, smiled knowingly, and then started the car to leave.

"Grandpa Geng is good!"

"Grandpa Geng, are you back?"

"Master Geng, Brother Kuan is inside."

Su Yi walked all the way to his feet, and wherever he passed, the Libas greeted him enthusiastically.

Su Yi also smiled and waved his hands to them and nodded in response.

In Su Yi's own territory, Su Yi's reputation of "benevolence and righteousness" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Not only does he not withhold money from the Libas, but he also tries his best to make the Libas take more money within the framework of the existing rules. It is definitely Liba's favorite to follow.

When they arrived at the foot, Su Yi immediately notified Brother Kuan and asked him to notify everyone, and they would gather immediately within half an hour.

"Master Geng, is there another big move?" Brother Kuan was very excited, "Where are you going to hit this time?"

"Nowhere this time." Su Yi said with a smile, "This time we will take over the Seventeen Foot Trades all at once!"

Seeing Brother Kuan's surprised and doubtful look, Su Yi patiently explained to him a few words, and finally said: "Most of these peddlers are not here, so there can't be any troubles, and it will be easy for us to take over."

Brother Kuan said ecstatically: "Master Geng, this time you are truly the overlord of the footsteps! How do you say the old saying? You can be regarded as the king after ceding the land! Haha, congratulations to Mr. Geng and Mr. Geng!"

"Ceding the land to be king?" Su Yi couldn't help but laugh, "Hurry up and gather people! Tell the brothers, the old rules!"

"Hey!" Brother Kuan rushed away excitedly.

As the saying goes, one person gains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, the more Su Yi rises, the people under him will also enjoy the dividends brought about by Su Yi's status promotion. The more this is the case, the more everyone will support him.

As soon as he heard that Mr. Geng was going to gather people to take over the pier again, the Liba under Su Yi's hands could be said to be scrambling to go.

According to Su Yi's rules, as long as you go, you will get a big prize if you don't do anything.The Libas worked hard for a day, and in the end they didn't have a piece of ocean in their hands, so why didn't they go?
Under Su Yi's hands, there is such a spectacle. In other walks, it is necessary to draw lots to decide who will follow the leader to fight for the pier. Here, Su Yi has to draw lots to decide who will not go.

But for any lottery that can't be drawn, it makes one beat his chest and feel annoyed.

But all the Libas who were able to go were elated and very happy.

Because they knew that Mr. Geng couldn't treat them badly.

This is indeed the case. Su Yi has been working step by step for the welfare of these Liba people. Although he has the intention of buying people's hearts, why doesn't he want these poor people who have been exploited layer by layer to have a better life?
When nearly a thousand people gathered together, Su Yi came to the stage and announced with a smile: "I have discussed with the bosses of the Qinghong Gang, the Loyalty Society, and the Wuxing. This time we will take over the seventeen feet at once Row."

As soon as the voice fell, astonishing cheers erupted immediately below.

Su Yi pressed his hands together, the cheers stopped, and then he said loudly: "Grandpa Geng is happy today! Brothers who are present today, in addition to the rewards in the rules, each person will be rewarded with two more oceans! Everyone in charge An extra five dollars!"

There was a brief silence, and the next moment the audience erupted into unparalleled excited cheers.

The atmosphere immediately exploded.

Everyone was cheering excitedly. In the end, I don't know who took the lead. Everyone shouted together: "Grandpa Geng is mighty! Master Geng is mighty! Master Geng is mighty..."

Su Yi laughed and let them shout for a while, then pressed his hands again, and then said: "This time we will divide into seventeen groups, Brother Kuan, you will arrange the division, and in the end we will leave a hundred people to follow here Me, as a mobile backup. Divide into a group and set off immediately! After successfully taking over the footsteps, I immediately sent someone to report. If I encountered trouble, I immediately came here for help..."

Following Su Yi's order, the Libas began to move in an orderly manner. Teams of Libas took weapons and set off to each step.

Seventeen stores are all in the vicinity, and the nearest store can be seen even from here, on the street below the pier.

Then something magical happened.

As soon as Su Yi's people arrived there, they said they were going to take over. Instead of being downcast, the little bosses and Liba who stayed behind happily moved out of the way and let the people sent by Su Yi take over. What's more, there were helpers. Let the people sent by Su Yi smash their own feet together!
"Looking at the people under Mr. Geng's hands, I've been envious for a long time. You give out money today, tomorrow, and go to Dengyinglou for dinner. Where do we have this opportunity?"

"That's right, now that Lord Geng favors us, we're too happy to be in time. How can we stop them? Come on, hit hard! If you need an ax and hammer, tell me, and I'll find it for you!"

Hey, haha, lively, it doesn't seem like they are fighting for the pier, but rather like visiting during the Chinese New Year.

Of course, not all walks are like this, and there are also those left behind who are stubbornly resisting.

As a result, the squad that didn't need to go at all came back to ask for help, and the people who asked for help ran halfway, and then met brothers who successfully took over other footsteps.

Hearing that he was ignorant of current affairs and dared to resist, he immediately raised his arms and shouted: "Don't you dare to show face to Mr. Geng? Hit him!"

In an instant, there was a cloud of responders, and a group of people followed to help.

Use one word to describe the current situation - devastated!
The mobile backup troops prepared by Su Yi were useless at all, they stayed where they were, and from time to time they heard the Baba come back happily to report the good news, saying that the footsteps of such and such had been obtained.

In less than an hour, all the seventeen houses changed hands and officially belonged to Su Yi's subordinates.

Even Su Yi hadn't thought of this efficiency before.

"Congratulations to Lord Geng, congratulations to Lord Geng!" Li Yukun, who was summoned by Su Yi, cupped his hands happily, "This is your prestige in the industry, Lord Geng. Everyone knows your benevolence and righteousness, and you pay attention to the people under your opponents." , righteousness, so they are all willing to follow you, that's why it's so smooth!"

Li Yukun actually regretted it very much. When Su Yi first expanded, he felt that Su Yi was too ambitious and lost his head. Sooner or later he would suffer, so he chose to back down.

But unexpectedly, not only did Su Yi not suffer, but the sesame seeds blossomed steadily, and now, he has become the kind of big shot that Li Yukun couldn't even curry favor with.

Brother Kuan, who was under Li Yukun back then, has become a powerful figure now, but he, who met Su Yi at the end of Qingping, is still standing still. How can this make him not regret his youth?

Fortunately, Su Yi didn't care about these, or Su Yi is extremely short of talents, so this time he invited Li Yukun to help, which can be regarded as renewing this relationship.

"Yukun, how many strengths does the Seventeenth Family have, how many businesses do you take care of, all of these are registered by you." Su Yi ordered, "This matter should be done as soon as possible, if there are not enough people, you can recruit people, don't be afraid to spend money .”

"Master Geng, don't worry, I promise to handle this matter properly for you." Li Yukun patted his shoulders and promised that he wanted Su Yi to see his ability to handle affairs.

Su Yi nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile, "What's the relationship between us? Don't I know you're doing something? Go ahead, I'll leave it to you."

"Hey!" Li Yukun left happily.

Su Yi toured around his newly established territory with great interest, and cheers erupted wherever he passed.Especially when Su Yi promised that Liba, who was formerly in the industry, would re-enter the industry and waive the car rental fee, the atmosphere on the street became extremely lively.

Meanwhile, the other side.

As soon as Liu Haiqing went back, he saw Yixiantian standing at the gate of the courtyard, as if waiting for someone.

Liu Haiqing stopped the car and rolled down the window, and asked, "Why are you standing here?"

Yi Yitian saluted Liu Haiqing and said, "Representative, I have something to report to you, I wonder if you can spare some time?"

"Get in the car, I'll give you 10 minutes." Liu Haiqing said.


Yi Yitian trotted around to the passenger seat and got into the car. The car restarted and drove towards the compound.

"Let's talk." Liu Haiqing said.

Yi Yitian said: "Representative, in front of everyone in the headquarters building today, I denied that I am a member of the Loyalty Club, saying that I am a member of Lord Geng. Although the situation is special, but in this case, I will be Don't you need to continue to disguise yourself with this identity?"

Liu Haiqing's expression flickered, he had some guesses in his heart, but he asked calmly: "If you have something to say, it's cloudy and foggy, so don't go around it, this is not your character."

Yixiantian smiled shyly, and said: "Okay, then I will speak directly. I want to continue to serve as a foreign agent and work under Mr. Geng. On behalf of you, can you tell Deputy Director Zheng, and then second me ?”

"How long do you want to be seconded?" Liu Haiqing asked.

"One year?" Yi Yitian said, "If it really doesn't work, half a year will do."

"One year..." Liu Haiqing smiled, parked the car in the parking space, and then looked back at the sky, "One year in the field, no credit for anything, your colleagues are all promoted and rich, and you will still be the same when you go back a year later." Are you willing to step on the ground?"

"It doesn't matter." Yi Yitian said, "Anyway, Deputy Director Zheng doesn't like me."

"Do you know where your problem is?" Liu Haiqing said, "The problem lies in your Deputy Chief Zheng. If you remove that subtitle, you will die?"

"I did it on purpose." Yi Yitian said, "The deputy is the deputy, usurping power and taking the position, and still acting like a sanctimonious person, it looks disgusting."

"I didn't realize before that you are so supportive of Director Dai." Liu Haiqing said, "You still feel wronged for him when he left."

"Although Dai Chunfeng is insidious and suspicious, at least three of them belong to the public." Yi Yitian sneered, "But Zheng Jiemin, this person only cares about money and power. As a boss, he doesn't deserve the respect of his subordinates at all."

Liu Haiqing sighed: "Just tell me what you said, but if it reaches Zheng Jiemin's ears, you will not be able to be reused in this life."

"He has already heard, otherwise why would he hate me so much?" Yi Yitian said.

"You are really not suitable for messing around in the officialdom." Liu Haiqing said.

"If there are people like Representative Liu in the officialdom, I'm quite suitable." Yi Yitian said.

"Like following Xiao Geng?" Liu Haiqing asked.

Yi Yitian hesitated slightly, and said: "Yes, I don't know why, I always feel that the life in the rivers and lakes like Master Geng is the most suitable for me."

(End of this chapter)

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