Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 631 The first collision with the Zhepen people

Chapter 631 The First Collision with the Zhe Peng People

Seeing Su Yi coming out, Qian Jin immediately greeted him, and said with a smile to Su Yi: "Mr. Geng, I have already brought back all the members of the Baijia Gang. In addition, I have notified the Huajie Police Station to arrest the Baijia Gang with all my strength." But if they escape to the foreign concession, I’m afraid we won’t be able to catch them.”

Su Yi said: "Except for the Japanese Concession, it's useless for these people to go anywhere. If it's not convenient for the authorities to come forward, they can do so on foot."

Qian Jin nodded: "Representative Liu told me that this operation is entirely up to you."

"Don't dare to do it." Su Yi said, "President Qian, at most I have an idea, and it's up to you to decide what to do. Geng is at best a fool in the world, but President Qian represents the law of the country. You can be humble, but I can't be light and heavy."

Qian Jin sighed in his heart, this Mr. Geng really makes people feel like spring breeze.

When people in the system face the reckless rivers and lakes and ordinary people, they will have a sense of superiority in their hearts, and this has been the case in ancient and modern times.Although Qian Jin does not look down on Su Yi, he is an official and Su Yi is a citizen, so he still has a sense of superiority.

Now that Su Yi really carelessly takes over the command to command the soldiers of this battalion and the dozens of spies brought by Qian Jin, although Qian Jin will definitely carry out his orders without any discount, but he will definitely feel unhappy Seed.

Aren't you, Geng Liangchen, a stinky hooligan?If you didn't have a good relationship with Liu Haiqing, who would dare you?

In fact, Su Yi said something, Su Yi is in charge of today's matter, Qian Jin is at most full support and cooperation, this matter is something that Liu Hai explained to Qian Jin early in the morning.

But when Su Yi said this, Qian Jin not only didn't look down on Su Yi, on the contrary, he felt that Su Yi was really extraordinary, no wonder he was able to stand out.

At the same time, the awkwardness he had originally had undoubtedly dissipated a lot.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yi handed over the paper that had copied the address to Qian Jin for him to review, explained his plan in as short a language as possible, and finally asked: "President Qian, if this matter is just for me It doesn't matter if it's rough, but this matter has to create public opinion for Hai Qing, and if I want to have the best of both worlds, I'm at a loss. What do you think should be done about this matter?"

Qian Jin thought about it for a moment, and said, "If this is the case, then we have to put on a play."

"How?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

In fact, how to act, Su Yi is definitely better than Qian Jin, but he just wants Qian Jin to participate instead of just being a tool.

Liu Haiqing's evaluation of Qian Jin is "available and credible, but not to be cited as a confidant".

It means that this person is capable and principled, but ambitious and difficult to control.

Su Yi is not afraid of Qian Jin's ambition, let alone that Qian Jin is not easy to control, so he just needs to trust Qian Jin and let him develop his talents.

Letting an ambitious and capable person only make a tool is definitely overkill, which is against Su Yi's way of employing people.

Qian Jin really showed his talents, and soon he came up with an idea, which was similar to Su Yi's idea, but more suitable for the current situation and official style.

Su Yi appreciated it readily, and further suggested that Qian Jin should completely lead the arrest operation.

Su Yi's limelight only needs to be shown once at the beginning.Being in the limelight repeatedly will not give him a bigger reputation, and the follow-up arrest operation will be more troublesome, and the hatred will be greater. For Su Yi, the "cost-effectiveness" is not very high.

Not so with Qian Jin.Qian Jin was ecstatic in his heart, because Su Yi was giving him credit and prestige.

This made Qian Jin very grateful to Su Yi, and at the same time, another thought in his mind was quietly dismissed by him at this moment.

Liu Haiqing's judgment on Qian Jin was correct. This person is indeed credible, but he cannot rely on it.While Qian Jin agreed to stand on Liu Haiqing's side, Zheng Jiemin was also wooing Qian Jin, but Qian Jin did not completely make Zheng Jiemin give up, he used a very clever way, intending to bet on both sides, and the chips he chose were Su B.

He originally planned to deliberately set up a trick for Su Yi in this operation, and then secretly passed the information to Zheng Jiemin, but he didn't let Zheng Jiemin know who was helping him.

In this way, if Liu Haiqing takes over in the future, Liu Haiqing will not know that Qian Jin has done something wrong to him.

And if Zheng Jiemin came to power, as long as he reveals this at that time, Zheng Jiemin will definitely not regard him as a "remaining poison" and exclude him after he suddenly realizes.

In this way, no matter what, he will not be affected too badly in this power struggle.

It has to be said that Qian Jin's little calculation was done very well, but Su Yi gave both credit and fame, so that all of Qian Jin's little things were vetoed by himself.

Now he and Su Yi are both prosperous and harmless. Not only will he not harm Su Yi, but he will protect Su Yi from being dragged into a trap by Zheng Jiemin.

Volunteer Pier.

The Zhigong Wharf has a special geographical location. It is located at the junction of the Chinese Concession, the British Concession and the Japanese Concession, and is not far from the French Concession.Although this place is under the jurisdiction of the Chinese community, the police in the Chinese community have no law enforcement power here.

Because this is the headquarters of the Baijia Gang, all the meat tickets that Zhai Li kidnapped and sold from various places were "sold out" from this pier.

This is a paradise for human traffickers, and a place where foreign devils hide their crimes.Whether it is Chinese laborers shipped to the West, or women and children abducted and trafficked to various places, they will be openly sold here.

This is the most chaotic and disorderly place in Jinmen except the Japanese Concession.

Su Yi's subordinates robbed all the sites of the Baijia Gang, but they only "surrounded but did not attack" the Zhigong Wharf.

Just because the situation here is too complicated, foreign devils from all walks of life are here to support and have spokespersons, and do shady things for them.Although these people deserved to die ten thousand times, Su Yi couldn't let his subordinates mess around, because he hadn't grown up to the point where he felt that he could offend all the foreign devils.

When Su Yi arrived with his men, the people sent by Su Yi were confronting a group of blond and blue-eyed foreigners.

Su Yi sent about [-] people here, led by a big man surnamed Ma who fought fiercely for the pier last time. So he was "entrusted with a heavy responsibility" by Su Yi and sent here.

As soon as Ma Tou came to the Volunteer Wharf, he immediately drove away all the mobs here, and then led people to block the only passage in and out of the wharf.

As a result, all the ships on the pier could not leave.

Some members of the Baijia Gang didn't have time to escape, so they ran to the foreigner's boat. Su Yi had already ordered Su Yi not to board the foreigner's boat, and not to conflict with the foreigner, and insisted on coming to him.

Facts have proved that Su Yi did not choose the wrong person. This horse has been able to deal with a group of aggressive foreigners until now and persist until Su Yi's arrival. He is definitely capable.

But with the passage of time, the situation still has a tendency to get out of control. After all, no matter how smart the horse is, the foreigners are not fools.

"You bastard, you bloody pig, you've been lying to us, you're draining our patience! Get out of here now, or I'll make you look good!" A tall foreigner angrily pointed at the nose of the horse's head and cursed road.

He was clearly facing hundreds of Liba holding sticks, but he turned a blind eye, with a bad and arrogant attitude.

He was sure that these fighters would not dare to hurt him, a foreign master.

The same was true for the other dozen or so foreigners. They stood opposite these hundreds of Liba, but pointed at these hundreds of people, their expressions of disgust and contempt were not concealed at all.

Among them, two people with yellow skin and black eyes also stood out among these foreigners, looking particularly conspicuous.

But these two people are not Chinese, but from Zhe Peng, and one of them is an old acquaintance of Su Yi-Tokusaburo Ota.

These two Zhe Peng people seemed to be very low-key, just watching the fun from the sidelines, and did not participate in the discussions with other foreigners.

"I don't care what territory you bloody bastards are fighting for, my ship is leaving the port, and you have to arrange for someone to carry the supplies for me!"

"That's right, you'd better get out of the way now, otherwise, I'll shoot you in the head!"

"I don't need a porter, I just want you to get out of the way immediately, I want to go there with my crew, and drive away my ship!"

"You bloody yellow-skinned monkeys have no right to block the pier!"

The foreigners were cursing, and some even took out their guns and continued to gesticulate maliciously on the horse's head.

The Libas were nervously confronting these foreigners with their sticks. The scene was extremely tense, as if there was a slight spark and they would completely lose control.

Ma bang sweated on his forehead, but still tried his best to control it, and said loudly: "Everyone, our boss, Geng Liangchen, will be here soon! Give me a little more time, and we will definitely give you an explanation..."

"Damn Geng Liangchen, I don't care about him, I say it again, I want to sail my boat!"

"Get out of the way! Yellow-skinned monkey!"

"Damn liar, get out of here!"

The foreigners scolded again.

Ma shook his head and gritted his teeth: "I said, our boss will explain to you, but not now!"

Before the words fell, a foreign devil impatiently fired a gun at the sky, then aimed the gun at the head of the horse's head, and said viciously: "You lowly pig dog, listen to me! Now, immediately Get out of here! Or the next bullet will hit your damn, dirty, stupid head!"

The head of the horse was pale, but he forced a smile and said: "How many bullets are in your gun? But we have three hundred people! If you don't shoot, we will never dare to touch half of your hair. But if you shoot and kill me , I promise, my three hundred brothers will tear you to pieces!"

"Bastard, you dare to threaten me!" The foreign devil was even more angry, and he took two steps forward and put the muzzle of the gun directly on the forehead of the horse's head, and his finger was already on the trigger.

"Don't dare, I'm just telling a fact." The horse still gritted his teeth and smiled, but the smile should be as stiff as possible, "This noble gentleman, your life is priceless, but mine is not! You It’s not worth it to trade my life for my life.”

The foreign devil's expression was uncertain, but he refused to put down the gun for a long time.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted in surprise: "Grandpa Geng is here, Master Geng is here!"

Before the words fell, everyone present felt the ground rumbling.

More than a thousand people came to the crowded pier in unison. This scene is very grand.Looking around, I saw a mass of blackness, full of moving human heads and sticks.

Such a battle caused the expressions of the arrogant foreigners to change drastically.

They cursed in a low voice, their faces became serious, and their hearts became tense.

Although they were still sure that no one would dare to hurt them, so many people brought them tremendous pressure.

The horse breathed a sigh of relief, took a step back to let the gun open, smiled at the foreign devil in front of him, and said: "I said, our boss will be there soon! Sir, I will go to meet our boss now, if you still want to shoot ,up to you."

After all, turn around and leave.

This left the foreign devil in place.

The foreign devil was a little embarrassed, but seeing the horse's head getting further and further away, he finally put away his gun and shrugged: "A real gentleman never shoots in the back of others."

"Aw!" Liba cheered for the horse.

Hearing the cheers, although he didn't look back, he guessed the situation behind him. He was relieved, and his eyes were filled with color. He ran in front of Su Yi like a victorious general, and said loudly, "Mr. !"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and talk about the situation!" Su Yi scolded blankly, and kept walking past him, and then walked forward, and more than a thousand people behind him also followed behind him.

Ma's face collapsed, and he hurriedly turned around to catch up with Su Yi, lowering his voice and hurriedly said: "Now there are seven ships parked at the pier, two of Zhe Peng's ships, one of Francie's ships, two of British ships, and one of British ships. A Germain's ship, and a Belgian ship."

"There are more than [-] members of the Baijia Gang, seven of them ran to Zhe Peng's Sanye, and the remaining ten were all on the Francie's boat."

"Now all the foreigners have to leave by boat, let us make way, but you have ordered that no boat is allowed to leave here before you come, so my brothers and I stopped the foreigners and did not dare to let go."

"Mr. Geng is lucky that you are here. If you don't come again, I can't stand it anymore! Have you seen the tallest foreigner? He is from France, and the dozen or so members of the Baijia Gang ran to his boat Go, he drew his gun just now and almost killed me."

After the horse finished speaking these words, Su Yi strode forward and walked up to these foreigners.

The foreigners looked at him with different expressions, some with disdain and contempt, some with serious expressions, or curious and meaningless.

Su Yi looked around and said straight to the point: "Gentlemen from Britain, gentlemen from Germain, and gentlemen from Biguo, I'm sorry for delaying your time and causing trouble to you, you can go to sail your boat now Leaving! If you need to move the goods, you can tell me now, and I will arrange it immediately!"

"Of course, there should be a lot of expenses!"

After a pause, Su Yi looked at the arrogant Francis, and said coldly: "Sir, if I'm not mistaken, you pointed a gun at my man just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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