Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 633 Public Opinion Hype

Chapter 633 Public Opinion Hype
While Su Yi was talking, Sanye Baiji and Ota Tokusaburo were planning to slip away quietly.

But how could Su Yi allow these two to leave like this?

If they left like this, today's scene would hardly be complete.

Su Yi immediately stopped them in front of the reporters.

Su Yi stopped in front of the two, smiled and said to the reporters: "You may not know who these two are, let me introduce you solemnly, this is Mr. Sanye Baiji, he is the person in charge of the Sanye Consortium in Jinmen. People, absolute big shots."

clack clack...

The shutter of the camera rang.

Sanye Baiji waved to the reporters like a spring breeze.

"My friends in the press, hello, I'm Baiji Sanno, please take care of me." Baiji Sanno bowed humbly.

But the reporters all knew what kind of guy this person was, and they fell silent for a while.

It took a while before the reporter asked Su Yi: "Mr. Geng, you and Mr. Sanye are it because your revelation today is related to Sanye Company?"

"That's a good question." Su Yi praised, "But before answering your question, I need to confirm one more question with Mr. Sanye."

Su Yi smiled and looked at Sanye Baiji: "Mr. Sanye, just before these journalist friends came, I just asked you a question about that ship, the Sanye."

Su Yi pointed to the huge cargo ship moored not far away: "I asked you if that ship belongs to you? Does the cargo on the ship belong to you? Your answer to me at that time was—of course. Then Now I want to confirm again in front of all the reporters and friends, does the Sanye belong to your ship? Does the cargo on the ship also belong to you?"

Sanye Baiji smiled calmly and said: "Liangchen-kun, you remember wrongly. I didn't give you any answer when you asked this question just now. The one who answered you was Tokusaburo Ota by my side, and his answer was not Doesn't mean what I mean."

Tokusaburo Ota's expression changed, and he hurriedly said: "That's right, the previous answer was just my opinion, and it has nothing to do with Sanye-kun!"

Su Yi smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll ask again, and I ask Mr. Sanye to answer my question."

"My answer is, I have already rented out this boat." Baiji Sanno said with a smile, "Just a week ago, I rented this boat to a Chinese surnamed Zhai, so this boat The right to use the ship does not belong to me at present, and the cargo on the ship has nothing to do with me at all."

"So that's how it is." Su Yi looked stunned.

He was not surprised by Sanye Baiji's answer. Su Yi did not hide his purpose. He deliberately let Sanye Baiji see that he wanted the cargo ship Sanye to make a fuss. He just wanted Sanye Baiji to "dock its tail and escape" , so as to "let go" this Zhe Peng man.

The reason why he did this was because it was not the time when he and Baiji Sanno had a complete quarrel, and there was room for maneuver by saving a little face.

The second is because Sanye Baiji's appearance here was unexpected for Su Yi. His main purpose today is to make a name for himself, not to stigmatize Sanye Baiji.

"In this case, it means that Mr. Sanye, you don't know about a batch of special cargo that is about to be shipped to the northeast on the Sanye?" Su Yi asked.

"I don't know at all." Sanye Baiji smiled, looking at Su Yi with deep eyes.

Only then did Su Yi look at these reporters: "It turns out that the crimes on the Sanye have nothing to do with Mr. Sanye. It seems that I wrongly blamed Mr. Sanye."

"Everyone, now that things have come to an end, I'm not going to be a fool. Please come and see with me, what kind of cargo is on board this ship Sanye!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yi waved his hand forward violently.

"Board the boat!" the horse yelled loudly, leading more than [-] people under his command and walked towards the boat in a mighty manner.

"Sanye-kun! On board..." Ota Tokusaburo's complexion changed drastically, and he called out hastily.

But at the next moment, Sanye Baiji stared at him with ferocious eyes like a cannibal, causing Ota Tokusaburo to quietly swallow back the words that came to his lips.

After Sanno Baiji looked away from his face, he returned to his gentle smile, as if nothing had happened.

Soon, the crying women rushed out of the cabin of the Sanye one by one!
At this time, not only the reporters, but also those Westerners who hadn't left before were also shocked to see this scene.

"The Zhepeng people are going to be in trouble!" Someone exclaimed, "This young mafia leader wants to use the power of public opinion to embarrass the Zhepeng people!"

"How dare he? What the hell is he going to do?"

"Fortunately, he didn't dare to offend us, so he let us leave. You must know that our ship also..."

"That's enough! Don't watch the excitement, our boat is not clean, it's dangerous to stop here at any time, hurry up, lift the anchor immediately, and sail! Get out of here!"

After the Westerners were briefly shocked, they immediately fled here in a panic.At this time, Brownie was afraid for a while. He was glad that he and Su Yi had reached an agreement before the reporter came, otherwise he would be the one who was publicly executed now.

"Quick, set sail, get out of here!" He yelled hastily, and ran back into the cabin again.

Su Yi naturally also noticed the movement of other ships. He knew very well that the cabins of these ships were probably full of arrested and trafficked women, children, and young laborers.

But he can't do anything, otherwise the person will be rescued by him, and he will be cut off from Jinmen from then on.

He has not yet realized the awareness of sacrificing his life for righteousness and sacrificing himself for others. He can only watch the compatriots in the boat rush towards their own miserable ending.

Soon, the women who ran out of Sanye's cabin filled the entire deck, and as far as the eye could see, it was densely packed with darkness.

These women who survived the catastrophe cried into a ball, but fortunately, the horse took control of the situation and did not let them run away in panic, and no accident happened.

Soon, a few more Baijia Gang disciples who had been beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces were pulled out by the Libas, and they walked down the boat with pushes and shoves.

The reporters here were already in an uproar, and the shutter sound kept ringing, taking pictures of this scene that filled every Chinese present with righteous indignation.

Needless to say, everyone knows what's going on.

"Mr. Geng! May I ask what happened to these women? Who locked them up on the Sanye? Where were they supposed to be taken?"

"Mr. Geng, is the purpose of your coming to the Volunteer Wharf today to rescue these poor women?"

The reporters were in a mess, throwing out all kinds of questions excitedly.

Su Yi paused for a moment, then pressed his palms to signal them to be quiet.

"Everyone, I came to the Volunteer Wharf today to rescue these poor female compatriots!" Su Yi said with a serious face, "I got the news that Zhai Lili, the leader of the Baijia Gang, has been robbing and trafficking people in Jinmen for a long time. Young and middle-aged laborers, He won't spare women or children!"

"Where will these people be sold? Young and middle-aged laborers are sold to the West to do hard work and become slaves! Women are sold to brothels, and children are all sold to remote places, where they are forced to be separated from their parents! More than a hundred female compatriots are going to be sold to the Northeast and ravaged by alien races!"

"The things done by the Baijia Gang are devoid of conscience, but anyone with humanity will hate this kind of crime!" Su Yiyi said indignantly, "Although I, Geng Liangchen, came from a reckless background, I also know the word benevolence and righteousness! How can I stand idly by when people and gods are indignant?"

"So from the moment I learned about this, I vowed to eradicate this malignant tumor of the Baijia Gang!"

A reporter immediately exclaimed: "It turns out that Mr. Geng, you did not fight the Baijia Gang to fight for territory, but to save people!"

The reporters were all well-informed, and they fought in chaos. Everyone present knew the news of Geng Liangchen's raid on the Baijia Gang.If there were no accidents, this matter would have appeared in the newspapers this afternoon.

But now Su Yi said that he did not fight the Baijia Gang to fight for territory.

Although he said that, except for the reporter who exclaimed just now and a few, most reporters did not believe it and were skeptical.

Su Yi quickly turned their suspicion into admiration.

"Warehouse No. 27 of Haihe Wharf, No. 13 Dongguaibang Hutong, No. 256 Warehouse of Pier No. [-], the basement of No. [-] John Road, and the church on Bishop Fan Road in the French Concession..." Su Yi said a series of serious words Address, "Everyone, the addresses I mentioned are all the places where the Baijia Gang imprisoned meat tickets!"

"While the female compatriots of the Sanye were rescued, the meat tickets that were locked up and waited to be sold in these places are also being rescued!"

Facing the reporters in an uproar, Su Yi went on to say: "This time to smash the Baijia Gang and rescue the compatriots who were imprisoned and trafficked, it is not only me who is acting alone, but a joint action between me and the Loyalty Society! The soldiers of the 51st Army cooperated in a unified action! Therefore, the destruction of the Baijia Gang was not caused by me alone, Geng Liangchen, but a joint operation dedicated to saving compatriots and fighting crime!"

This news immediately made the reporters all excited, because according to Su Yi, the rescue of the meat ticket this time is a righteous act that does not involve any interests!It is a model event of the government, the military and the gangs working together to maintain law and order!
Once this matter is reported, it is destined to cause a sensation all over the country!
He even thought that Sanye Company was involved, maybe this matter will spread all over the world!
Before the reporters could continue to ask questions, Su Yi took the initiative to continue: "This time the Baijia Gang was destroyed, except for the gang leader Zhai Lili who was at large, the rest of the main backbones were all captured alive. I have already handed over more than a hundred members of the Baijia Gang Give it to the military, and those who wait for these devoid of conscience will be severely punished by the law!"

"it is good!"

"Human traffickers deserve to die!"

"Mr. Geng's move is really gratifying!"

The reporters applauded excitedly and even applauded.

"In this unified rescue operation, besides myself, Qian Jin, the president of the Loyalty Society, also actively participated. The plan for the operation was jointly formulated by the two of us." Su Yi went on to introduce.

"Chairman Qian is personally leading a team to rescue compatriots in other places. After all the operations are over, we will put all the compatriots who have been successfully rescued in a centralized place, secretly photographing their temporary board and lodging until their relatives come to claim them and leave. until."

"Mr. Geng, you are truly a bodhisattva!"

"That's right, Mr. Geng, you saved so many lives this time, please allow me to express my highest respect to you on behalf of all the staff of Jinmen Evening News."

"Yes, yes, and our Ta Kung Pao, Mr. Geng, I will definitely report this matter well and let your name spread throughout Jinmen!"

The reporters praised excitedly and spared no expense in rhetoric.

Su Yi said humbly: "Everyone, I didn't call you here to let you promote me, but to ask you to do two favors."

"First, there are too many women and children who have been trafficked. My subordinates are rough men. It is inappropriate and inconvenient to send them to resettle. I hope to use the influence of the majority of journalists to call on the people in Jinmen Women volunteer to help these poor people, arrange and manage their temporary food, clothing and shelter."

"Mr. Geng, you are too thoughtful, don't worry, we will definitely help with this!"

"That's right, we'll send out the number when we get back!"

"Mr. Geng, tell me the second thing!"

The reporters responded eagerly, Su Yi cupped his hands again and again, and continued: "Second thing, I hope that the journalist friends call on the general public to expose and report the fish that slipped through the Baijia Gang. These people are all blood-stained compatriots. Executioners, they are inhuman beasts! Good and evil will be rewarded, I don't want these beasts to escape the law and live in this world in style!"

"That's right, the traffickers must pay the price!"

"Shoot them! They all deserve to die!"

Reporters responded excitedly.

"Mr. Sanye, do you really know nothing about these poor women imprisoned on your ship?" A reporter suddenly asked Baiji Sanno rudely.

Sanye Baiji said solemnly: "I solemnly declare here that I have no knowledge of these things! This is your own business in Huaguo. You are shameful criminals who have deceived my trust and used our cargo ships to engage in illegal activities. Activities. In this matter, our Sansanye Company is also a victim!"

The reporters were disgusted by the high-sounding words.

They knew that Sanye Baiji was lying, and Sanye Baiji knew that everyone knew that he was lying, but he was still lying.

Although the reporters are known as the uncrowned kings, they are not desperate Saburo. They dare not speak out against Sanye Baiji's shamelessness.

"Mr. Geng, do you believe what Mr. Sanye said?" a reporter asked.

You are such a clever little ghost...

Su Yi looked at him and said: "I never comment on things that I can't verify. Whether what Mr. Sanye said is true or not requires you reporters to discover the truth."

Then the subject changed: "Friends from the press, you can now interview those poor female compatriots, but I hope you will do so as soon as possible. In addition, it is best not to take pictures of them, and not to mention their real names in the report."

"After your interviews are over, I will immediately organize people to send them to Jingang Girls' School. I have already contacted the principal Zhang there, and she expressed her willingness to release some vacant student dormitories to temporarily accommodate these trafficked students. Women..."

(End of this chapter)

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