Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 636 The Six Nations Hotel

Chapter 636 Six Nations Hotel
Su Yi already regretted driving from Jinmen to Peiping by himself.

He originally thought of a journey of more than 1930 kilometers. With the current "65-style" Citroen sedan, with a top speed of [-] kilometers per hour, he could reach Peiping in three hours.

But in fact, the road conditions on this road are too bad, and the average speed can be maintained at about 40 kilometers per hour at most, even if the first-line driving skills are good.

This road is all dirt roads, and very few low-lying roads are paved with gravel or cinders. Not to mention the unevenness of the road, the key is that this road is full of dust, and the car passes by it, just like the Yellow Wind Monster.

Cars of this era have poor shock absorption performance, hard and uncomfortable seats, and the airtightness is not very good. When the car approached Beiping, the two of them were basically disgraced and embarrassed.

No wonder the ancients always said that boats and cars are exhausting, so that's how it came about.

The car did not drive into the city, the two parked the car in an abandoned village in the suburbs, and then walked into the city.

When we arrived in Beiping city, it was completely dark.

Su Yi and the two quickly rushed to the agreed place to meet Liu Haiqing.

The three exchanged simple greetings, and immediately got to the point.

"According to the information I got, Zhang Jingyao is currently hiding in the Liuguo Hotel." Su Yi said directly.

Hearing the name "Zhang Jingyao", Yi Yitian's eyes lit up. Only then did he know the purpose of coming to Peiping.

"Liu Guo Hotel?" Liu Haiqing was stunned, and then suddenly realized, "It makes sense! Why didn't I think of it? He should be hiding in Liu Guo Hotel."

Liuguo Hotel is located in the embassy area of ​​Dongjiaomin Lane in Beiping. It is named Liuguo Hotel because it is a joint venture of the six countries of Britain, France, Amelik, German, Zhepen and Roasin.

The hotel has five floors, more than [-] guest rooms, various western restaurants with exotic flavors, and conference and entertainment function halls for various functions. It is currently the largest and most luxurious hotel in Beiping.This is not only a gathering, entertainment and accommodation place for dignitaries and dignitaries.It is also a refuge for some military and political dignitaries.

Why did Zhang Jingyao choose to hide in this place?
Because this hotel was built in the area of ​​the embassies of the six countries, there are troops from the six countries jointly guarding and patrolling.

Knowing the location, Liu Haiqing not only did not relax, but frowned even tighter.

"This place is not easy to sneak in," he said, "and even if you sneak in, you can't bring weapons. The inside is too big, and we don't even know which room Zhang Jingyao is in. Xiao Geng, this matter still needs to be discussed in the long term."

"Soldiers are precious and fast," Su Yi said, "How to sneak in, you have to figure out a way. How to find Zhang Jingyao and kill him, leave it to me and Yixiantian."

"Will it be too dangerous?" Liu Haiqing was still full of worries. He always felt that since he had found Zhang Jingyao's foothold, he should not be in a hurry.

"It's Zhang Jingyao who is in danger, not us." Su Yi smiled lightly, "I'll do it myself, he has no chance of survival."

There is a strong self-confidence in the words, which is the strong self-confidence given to him by Su Yi all the way through life and death, even if he even listens to Yi Yitian, he can't help admiring him and his blood boils.

"Okay!" After Liu Haiqing was moved, he gritted his teeth and responded, "I have known Wang Tianmu at Beiping Station before, and he is the boss here. I will contact him now and ask him to find a way to get you into the hotel."

"Yiantian and I need two decent outfits, preferably with a suitcase of luggage, so that it looks like we are going to stay in a hotel. I also need some women's makeup, the more complete the better." Su Yi ordered Said, "You send someone to look for it now, I hope that within an hour, the two of us will appear in the building of the Liuguo Hotel."

"You still understand Yi Rong?" Liu Haiqing had a strange expression.

"I understand a little, I understand a little." Su Yi bared his teeth and smiled.

Asia's No. [-] magical make-up in later generations, now, is a proper disguise technique, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Of course Su Yi doesn't know how to make up, but it doesn't matter, he has fans.

Liu Haiqing was very efficient. He quickly contacted Wang Tianmu, the person in charge of the Beiping station of the Fuxing Society, and asked the latter to find a lot of things for women to make up, and brought two fake documents.

"District Chief, I can only prepare so much in a hurry. You can see if there is anything inappropriate, and I will immediately improve my humble position." Wang Tianmu said respectfully to Liu Haiqing.

"I haven't officially taken office yet, so you don't have to call me that." Liu Haiqing looked at the two fake documents and frowned, "What is Zhe Peng's identity?"

"Dongjiaomin Lane is the embassy area, and the interrogation of Chinese people is very strict," Wang Tianmu explained. "Only by mixing in as a foreigner can we not receive targeted special treatment and avoid a lot of trouble. The appearance of our Chinese people will definitely not be used. As for the identity of a Westerner, you can only use the identity of a Kelin or a Zhepen.”

"The identity documents we prepared can withstand interrogation, and they cannot be traced afterwards. Generally, most of them are the identities of the Kolin people. The false identities of the Zhepen people are very difficult to obtain, and there are only these two."

Liu Haiqing nodded, and then asked: "Is the person who handled this matter reliable?"

"Very reliable." Wang Tianmu nodded, "You also know this person. Last time I went to Jinmen to do business, the little horse I brought, and the documents were all handled by him himself. Don't worry, I guarantee everything will be safe."

"Ma Hanshan?" Liu Haiqing quickly had an image in his mind, "He is a capable young man, I remember him."

"It's his honor to be remembered by you." Wang Tianmu smiled apologetically, "He's in the car outside now, because you promised to keep it absolutely confidential, so only he and I know about your visit."

"Tell him to come in." Liu Hai said calmly, "Station Master Wang, today's action is of great importance, and it is a task assigned by the chairman himself. I can't make any omissions. All the people who handle it must strictly abide by the principle of confidentiality. It's a success." Before, neither you nor he could leave this room, if I offend you, I will apologize to you first."

"What is District Chief Liu talking about? This is the duty of a humble official," Wang Tianmu hurriedly said, "I only hate my humble official for being dull, and I can't share your worries for District Chief."

"You have already shared my worries," Liu Haiqing said with a smile, "I owe you a favor for this incident."

Wang Tianmu quickly called Ma Hanshan in, and Liu Haiqing exchanged greetings with them before going out.

The two guards at the gate were his confidantes, and they followed him from Jinmen to Jinling, and then from Jinling to Peiping, they were absolutely trustworthy.

"Keep an eye on them, if there is any change..." Liu Haiqing's eyes showed ruthlessness, and he made a shooting gesture.

When it comes to the assassination of Zhang Jingyao, one cannot be too careful.He would rather kill a mistake, he couldn't let this matter go wrong.

He quickly came to another room, where Su Yi and Yixian Tianzao were waiting for him.

"Everything you want is here." Liu Haiqing handed the box in his hand to Su Yi, and handed it to Su Yi together with two documents.

Su Yi took the certificate box, opened the certificate and looked at it twice, his eyes lit up: "Zhe Peng's identity? Well, it's better to act with this identity. Whether the certificate is authentic or not?"

"I've checked it again and again, and compared it with the real certificate, which is enough to distinguish the real one from the real one." Liu Haiqing said, "I have temporarily locked up all the people who handled it."

Su Yi nodded: "Okay, you watch them here and wait for our good news."

"What else do I need to do?" Liu Haiqing asked worriedly.

"No need." Su Yi shook his head.

"Xiao Geng, you two must be careful. If you can't do something, don't try to be brave!" Liu Haiqing said solemnly, "I would rather fail than have an accident happen to you two."

"It's so nasty, do you want to impress Huaguo?" Su Yi joked, "Go quickly, don't waste our time, I still want to go back to Jinmen for supper."

Liu Haiqing sighed and said: "It's easy for you to say, but how can I not know the danger in it? Seriously, I really feel ashamed to put you two in danger for my affairs this time. "

Su Yi said sternly: "You are very wrong if you think so! Zhang Jingyao is a traitor, and if he is a Chinese, he should be regarded as an enemy. The two of us killed him not for you, but for the country!"

"Master Geng is right." Yi Yitian grinned, "Representative Liu, if it was for you, I would not have come."

"It's your fault that you can't be an official in this life." Liu Haiqing pointed to Yixiantian, and cursed.

"So I follow Lord Geng," Yi Yitian said, "This kind of happy and enmity, and the days of licking blood on the knife edge are still the most suitable for me."

"Okay, let's not talk anymore." Su Yi said, "If we have something to say, let's save it when we return to Jinmen."

"I'll go and see them myself." Liu Haiqing nodded, turned and walked out.

Su Yi opened the box and looked at the boxes full of bottles and cans.

He doesn't even know a few modern cosmetics, let alone rouge powder at this time.

Su Yi rubbed his hands, opened the mall and bought a makeup copy, and smiled at Yi Yitian: "It's time to show your real skills!"

Half an hour later, two familiar and unfamiliar faces appeared in front of Liu Haiqing. Liu Haiqing looked at them in horror and hesitated, "Are you sure you're not wearing a human skin mask?"

If the two people in front of them were not people who knew them very well, they would definitely not be able to bear the fact that they were Su Yi and Yixiantian.

But make-up is not a real disguise after all, the eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to their true colors.

People who really know them can still recognize them if they get close to them and identify them carefully.

"Grandpa Geng's unique skill, absolutely perfect." Yi Yitian said with emotion.

"Someday you must teach me well!" Liu Haiqing said, "With this skill alone, it will be no problem for you to become a teacher in Huangpu."

Su Yi is also very satisfied with his craftsmanship. Copying this thing is just a terminal teaching, and he still does it himself.

And after teaching this once, he really has an understanding and experience in makeup.Next time if there is simple makeup, he doesn't need to buy a copy, and he can do what he is today.

"There is one last question." Liu Haiqing looked at Su Yi, "Do you speak Japanese?"

"Flax falls, one warehouse and one warehouse."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"Hehe, that means, I understand a little bit." Su Yi smiled and snapped his fingers, "Let's go!"

After 10 minutes, both of them were dressed in suits, and they passed the checks smoothly, and came to the lobby of the Liuguo Hotel.

Su Yi spoke fluent Japanese and communicated with the woman in kimono at the front desk about checking into the room. Although Yi Yitian was expressionless, his surprise and shock couldn't be added.

He felt that Su Yi was a magical existence. How could Liba, who had been carrying bags on the pier, suddenly become a monster who "understood everything"?
It doesn't make sense...

The Liuguo Hotel is really big, just the lobby on the first floor is comparable to the lobby of any star-rated hotel in the future.

The room arranged by the front desk for Su Yi was on the third floor. When he got the key to the door, Su Yi suddenly asked in Japanese: "Is there no one who lives in this floor? I don't like talking with these filthy stupid pigs." Live on one floor! If so, it would be an offense for me, understand?"

The front desk immediately panicked and said, "I'm sorry, Long Chuan-sang, I'll change you to another floor right now."

"Baga!" Su Yi immediately flew into a rage, "Could it be that you really put me on the same floor as the filthy Zhina? You hateful woman, are you insulting me? You bastard!"

The more he spoke, the angrier he got, and he slapped the woman at the front desk on the face.

With a crisp sound, the receptionist Zhe Peng fell to the ground.

"Bastard, call your manager here! You are insulting a pure Kanto nobleman, and you are offending my dignity!" Su Yi was still furious, patting the front desk and shouting.

Everyone in the lobby looked this way, and several security guards with real guns and ammunition quickly ran over here.

Yi Yitian's heart was pounding, his heart was collapsing and roaring.

Do you know what assassination is, Lord Geng!

How much effort did we spend sneaking in quietly? You made such a fuss that everyone noticed us. How can we assassinate?

But the matter has come to this point, he has no choice but to pretend to be angry and follow Su Yi closely.

He is ready, if the situation gets out of control, he will immediately find a way to grab the gun and escape with the protection of Su Yi.

The security guards of the Liuguo Hotel rushed over quickly, and the leader was a Westerner, who asked seriously in English, "Sir, do you know what you are doing?"

"Do you know what you are doing?" Su Yi also switched his language to English. He glared at the leading security captain, and pointed to the terrified Zhepeng female receptionist covering her face and crying, "She actually put me and It is an insult to me to arrange dirty Chinese people on the same floor! It is a trample on my dignity!"

Damn extreme racists!
Captain Xiyang cursed inwardly, but still said seriously: "No matter what the reason is, you can't justify beating someone, especially hitting a lady. It's not a gentleman to do so!"

"Have you figured out the situation?" Su Yi not only didn't restrain himself, but even more arrogantly stepped forward and poked the Xiyang captain's chest with his fingers, "The problem now is that you offended me!"

Captain Xiyang wanted to speak, but a voice came from behind him: "John, step back, let me communicate with this gentleman."

A man from Zhe Peng walked over from not far away with a smile and said.

(End of this chapter)

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