Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 640 The Road to Escape

Chapter 640 The Road to Escape
Wang Tianmu asked the two guards: "Does District Chief Liu have anything else to say to me?"

"No, but the two of us can't leave Beiping City for the time being," said the two guards. "Please trouble Station Master Wang to arrange a safe place for us. We can leave only after the limelight passes."

"Limelight? What limelight?" Wang Tianmu was puzzled. At this moment, he saw his subordinates winking at him, and immediately turned his anger on him.

"Those who talk and wink are all from our own people, are you shameless?"

The subordinate said depressedly: "Station Master, there are two things. One is that the two Zhe Peng ID cards issued by Director Ma have been stormed, and Zhe Peng military police are now arresting people with these two identities all over the street. Zhang Jingyao is dead."

Wang Tianmu and Ma Hanshan looked at each other, both of them were stunned, and they remained silent for a long time, obviously shocked.

Both of them are people with clear minds, and they quickly figured out the twists and turns.

Then he no longer had any grudges against Liu Haiqing's vigilance and caution towards them.

This is a terrible thing!
It's for their own good not to let them know. If you don't know, you don't have to take responsibility.

Wang Tianmu looked at the two guards with piercing eyes: "I faintly heard District Chief Liu talking to a person before. Is that person the hero who assassinated Zhang Jingyao?"

A guard smiled wryly, "Station Master Wang, you know the rules, I can't say anything."

"Understand, understand." Wang Tianmu sighed deeply, "It's a lifelong regret that such a strong man passed me by, but he couldn't get to know him!"

"Peking, the sky is about to change!" Ma Hanshan said quietly.

Peking is indeed about to change.

The death of Zhang Jingyao made the Zhepeng people angry and searched for the murderer all over the city.

But the current Beiping City was not decided by the Zhe Peng people. Yu Xuezhong's army was stationed in the city. After receiving Chang Kaishen's signal, Yu Xuezhong quickly sent troops to stop the Zhe Peng people from searching.The two sides confronted each other in many places, and some conflicts even occurred.

Yu Xuezhong urgently contacted Ambassador Zhe Peng to express his serious protest against his behavior of disrupting public order and creating riots.

But the other party was arrogant and accused Yu Xuezhong of covering up the murderer who committed the terrorist murder in the Liuguo Hotel, and said that Xuezhong should bear all the consequences arising therefrom.

The Japanese went their own way, and Yu Xuezhong ordered his men to defend passively and not to shoot provocatively. Many soldiers were injured.

At the same time, Jinling urgently contacted the embassies of various countries in Peiping, hoping that they would come forward to mediate.

But this time the assassination took place at the Liuguo Hotel, which was under the jurisdiction of the embassies of various countries. This time they firmly sided with the Zhepeng people and asked the Guojun to cooperate with the Zhepeng people to find the murderer.

Unable to withstand the pressure, Chang Kaishen ordered Yu Xuezhong to withdraw his troops, and allowed the Zhe Peng people to search the city of Beiping, but on the condition that they would not harass the people too much.

These two words are too expressive.

So the Zhepeng people shot and killed more than [-] civilians, including more than a dozen children, and kidnapped more than [-] women and burned more than [-] houses in one night. A Yanda professor was also killed in the riot that night.

Later, the Western powers felt that the Zhepeng people were going too far, so they called Ambassador Zhepeng, and the Zhepeng people restrained themselves.When it was almost dawn, Zhe Peng's soldiers, who had nothing to gain, brought a huge "trophy".Angrily returned to their barracks.

And early the next morning, when Yu Xuezhong reported last night's "tragedy" to Chang Kaishen in a sad and indignant tone, Chang Kaishen just said lightly "Got it" and didn't continue.

To him, what is the death of dozens of ass people?Compared with Zhang Jingyao's death, paying such a small price is simply insignificant.

And it just happens that the deaths of these assholes can be used again to win some sympathy from the international community.

Time goes back to last night.

Su Yi and the other three left the city safely and got on the bus back to Jinmen.

Along the way, the nerves of the three of them were tense, for fear that the Zhe Peng people would catch up.

At first, Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian didn't take it seriously, but Su Yi's words changed their expressions drastically.

"Do you know what Zhang Jingyao asked me before he died?" Su Yi said lightly, "He asked me, did Liu Haiqing send you here?"

Liu Haiqing said in horror: "This is impossible! How could he know my name? He also knows that I want to kill him?"

He felt a tingling sensation in his scalp, and the previous excitement and agitation disappeared in an instant, and now he only felt terrified.

This was unbelievable. He only reported to Chang Kaishen about the assassination of Zhang Jingyao in the afternoon. Only Teng Jie, Dai Chunfeng, Chang Kaishen and his personal secretary knew about it.

Other than that, no one knows about it!
But how did Zhang Jingyao know?
"Obviously someone told him." Su Yi said, "Zhang Jingyao is not so capable yet, it must be someone from Zhe Peng who told him."

"I can assure you that the news never leaked from me!" Liu Haiqing said solemnly, "Only the chairman and his personal secretary, as well as Dai Chunfeng and Teng Jie, know about this matter. It is impossible for them to leak the secret. Bar?"

"Chang Kaishen must be surrounded by spies from the Zhe Peng people." Su Yi said in an affirmative tone, "but this is not something we should worry about now. What we should worry about most now is that since Zhang Jingyao called out your name Nine out of ten Zhepeng people would have guessed that we would forget the direction of Jinmen and escape. Maybe the Zhepeng garrison in Jinmen has already set out here to intercept us."

"And behind us, there may be Zhe Peng pursuers."

Both Yixiantian and Liu Haiqing became nervous. They realized the seriousness of the matter and knew that the real danger was not completely over.

"A detour?" Liu Haiqing made a suggestion, "There should be enough gasoline in the trunk of the car, right? Let's not take the shortcut of Corridor Fang, and instead take a detour from Gaobeidian and Bazhou to Jinmen."

"In this case, it will take more than four hours to walk. When we reach Jinmen, it will almost be dawn tomorrow morning." Yi Yitian said.

"No detour." Su Yi shook his head and vetoed, "The night is full of dreams, and we don't even know if the Zhe Peng people have sent troops to block the intersections. This is something that may happen."

"Master Geng, what do you think we should do?" Yi Yitian asked.

"Go this way! But drive faster!" Su Yi said, "If Zhe Peng soldiers really blocked us along this road, as long as we drive faster, the pursuers from Peiping will definitely not be able to catch up with us, because Nine times out of ten they are driving troop trucks, which are not as fast as our little cars."

"As for Jinmen, the Zhepeng people who blocked us would at least respond after we set off, starting from Jinmen to block us. So we can drive forward as soon as possible, and the closer we drive to Jinmen, the better. We You should abandon your car before meeting them, and walk back to Jinmen by taking a small path."

"In this way, our chances of reaching Jinmen safely will be much higher."

"Sure!" Liu Haiqing gave Su Yi a thumbs up, "Okay, I will do as you say!"

Su Yi's method seems simple, but it requires a strong heart.Because no one has the courage to "run like hell" along the original road when he knows that there is an interception before and there will be chasing soldiers.

But this seemingly risky plan is actually much safer and safer than the detour method proposed by Liu Haiqing.

After confirming the plan, Su Yi called the car to stop, asked Yixiantian to withdraw, and drove by himself.

Driving in a first-line sky is just good at driving, and the driving skills are not good at all, and it can even be said to be rough.On the way here, Su Yi was almost bumped to death by this car, and the riding experience was extremely poor.

Moreover, the average speed of Yixiantian can run up to about 45 kilometers per hour, and now it is driving late at night, I am afraid that this speed will be reduced.

Now they are racing against time, and there is no delay for even one minute. As a stepbrother and a scumbag who used to drive extreme speed on the streets of Hong Kong Island, of course he will do his part to drive.

It's a pity that the road conditions on this section of the road are indeed too bad, and the top speed of this car is 68 kilometers per hour, which cannot be higher.

The so-called drag racing, in the eyes of Su Yi, is also slow as a snail.

Yixiantian and Liu Haiqing didn't believe how good Su Yi's driving skills were at the beginning. After all, Su Yi spent the first half of his life carrying heavy burdens. He knew how to pull a car, but driving a car...

But when Su Yi really kicked the accelerator to the end and flew forward along this bumpy road, the hearts of both of them almost jumped out.

"Xiao Geng! Drive slowly, drive slowly!" Liu Haiqing held the back of the front seat firmly, and shouted in horror, "We still have to focus on safety, otherwise if the car overturns, the loss outweighs the gain!"

"Brake! Brake! Step on the brake, Lord Geng!" Yi Yitian also yelled in horror.

Because this section is a steep downhill road in the middle of the mountain, there is a sharp turn of nearly 60 degrees ahead.

But Su Yi didn't intend to let go of the gas pedal at all, and rushed over straight, as if he hadn't heard Yixiantian's terrified screams.

"Ah ah ah..."

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the corner, both of them screamed in terror.

Su Yi turned the steering wheel with his feet on the brakes, a drifting car turned steadily, and then tapped the accelerator, and the car roared again and sped out.

"Stop shouting, you're like a bitch." Su Yi continued driving calmly, and then continued to drive through two sharp turns without slowing down, "It's only over [-] mph, so where is it going?"

The speed of highways in later generations is more than [-] yards per hour. If there is no speed measurement, it can run to [-]. For Su Yi, the speed of more than [-] yards per hour is really just a turtle speed.

Of course, the road conditions are a bit poor, and such poor road conditions still place high technical requirements on drivers.

And after running this road, the four tires of the car must be lost.

But Yi Yitian and Liu Haiqing were still very frightened. They had never run so fast on the flat and straight road in Jinmen City, let alone the mountain road with such a sharp turn and continuous downhill?
Seeing that Su Yi seemed to have forgotten where the brake was, and passed one corner after another without letting go of the accelerator, their hearts were always in their throats.

They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the car passed through the extremely poor mountain road and reached the plain area.

"Master Geng, your driving is really exciting!" Yi Yitian said with a wry smile, "I'm a martial arts practitioner, and now I feel a little dizzy and nauseous."


Before the words fell, Liu Haiqing couldn't wait to roll down the car window and vomited.

Yi Yitian's face changed drastically, he retched a few times, and hurriedly rolled down the car window, throwing up.

Su Yi shook his head, held the steering wheel with one hand, pinched his nose with the other, and drove.

The car drove all the way to Shuangmen Town, which was only more than [-] kilometers away from Jinmen, before stopping.

"We can't go any further." Su Yi said, "We have already ventured here, and we may encounter Zhe Pengbing at any time."

Yixiantian and Liu Haiqing jumped out of the car almost as if they were fleeing.

"Come on, let's walk back to Jinmen!" Liu Haiqing gritted his teeth, "The surname is Geng, if I ride in your car again in the future, I will take your surname!"

Su Yi chuckled: "Geng Haiqing, do we want to cause some trouble for the Zhe Peng people? Set a trap on the car?"

Yi Yitian said solemnly: "Representative Geng, I think Lord Geng's proposal is very good."

Liu Haiqing's face darkened: "You two bastards, I am also an official, can you respect me a little?"

"You respect him, I'll make a car bomb." Su Yi pointed to the sky, and then opened the trunk to get gasoline.

Liu Haiqing's eyes fell on Yi Yitian, his eyes were faint.

Yixiantian sighed: "When I think that you just vomited on the car and almost sprayed on me, I can't respect you anymore. Next time, next time I will respect you."


Su Yi quickly made a simple car bomb. As long as someone tried to open any door, the car would quickly catch fire and explode.

"Fine, you can even do this?" Liu Haiqing looked at Su Yi in surprise, "Where did you learn this?"

"Such a simple thing, isn't it enough to have hands?" Su Yi looked at him strangely, "Why don't you know how?"

Liu Haiqing's face twitched a few times, and he let out a long breath: "Just pretend I didn't ask."

"Master Geng, what if someone pulls the car door and accidentally injures an innocent person?" Yi Yitian asked.

"It's past one o'clock in the morning. There are no villages or shops here, and the nearest Shuangmen Town is six or seven kilometers away." Su Yi said, "What do you think is the probability of accidentally injuring civilians?"

"Well, pretend I didn't ask." Yixiantian stopped talking.

"Go, withdraw!" Su Yi snapped his fingers, and the three of them quickly disappeared into the vast night.

Less than 10 minutes after they left here, a convoy came from the direction of Jinmen.There are two troop transport trucks at the front and back, and a black car in the middle.

The car stopped not far in front of the abandoned car, and soon the Zhe Peng soldiers on the two personnel carriers jumped out of the car and came to encircle them. There were about 50 people.

When the soldiers surrounded the abandoned car, on the other side, Sanye Baiji also got off the car.

The soldiers surrounded the car, and the leading officer took a look inside the car with a flashlight. After confirming that there was no one there, he immediately turned his head and shouted at Sanye Baiji: "Sanye-san, there is no one in the car."

(End of this chapter)

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