Chapter 645

Su Yi's sleep quality has always been good.

A good meaning is that when he falls asleep, unless he makes a loud noise, he cannot be woken up.

Such a situation is called a blessing in peaceful times; but it is undoubtedly very dangerous in the precarious world of studios, especially in the world of death studios.

Su Yi never wants to have his head cut off in his sleep!
Therefore, knowing his sleep problems, he deliberately started to cultivate the habit of vigilance when he slept a few worlds ago.

Although the habit cannot be achieved overnight, Su Yi has used many small means of external forced awakening. No matter where he lives, he will set up some small traps and mechanisms for his residence to ensure that if there is any trouble, he will be in the first place. Woke up.

So when Chen Gongshu, a member of the Fuxing Society, led the spies into the backyard, one of the spies accidentally stepped into the trap set by Su Yi, and the sole of his foot was torn apart by the traps in the trap, and he let out a miserable scream .

Some of the other spies were riding on the wall, some walked out of the garden, and some were still outside the wall.

This scream shocked them all, and they all froze in place, looking over in unison.

Almost at the same time, a loud bell sounded from the gate of the front yard.

But another spy touched the small mechanism and rang the bell.

"Strong attack!" Chen Gongshu outside the wall cursed with a dark face, and then simply roared and drew out his gun!

In the room, Su Yi, who was sleeping soundly, woke up suddenly when the scream came, and sat up suddenly.

Two seconds later, his mind gradually recovered from the chaos, followed by the ringing of the bell in the front yard.

Only then did he fully react, and his expression changed instantly!
He almost turned over and rolled out of bed, and then ran under the table by the window like a frightened rabbit. With his right hand, he grabbed the Sun Moon Qiankun Knife that had been assembled under the table, and then his left hand followed the trend from the table. He took out a rolled up rucksack belt from the bottom of the bag, unrolled it, and quickly tied it around his waist.

A three-inch-long iron-handled pocket knife was pinned to the belt of the leather satchel. This was Su Yi's secret weapon specially made for himself.

The restriction of not being able to use thermal weapons is equivalent to the loss of the ability to attack from a long range for Su Yi. It is impossible for Su Yi to turn a blind eye to such obvious defects and shortcomings.

The bow and arrow are too big to carry, so he spent a lot of time practicing throwing knives. With his natural talent and hard work, his throwing knives skills can be said to be very effective.

I dare not say that it is a worthy example, but it is quite accurate in pointing out where to hit.

After fastening the belt of the throwing knife bag, Su Yi reached out and took out a crossbow from the other side of the table, held it in his left hand, and watched the door and window vigilantly under the shining moonlight.

The crossbow is also a composite crossbow slightly modified by Su Yi, which is extremely powerful. This is a supplement to Su Yi's long-range attack ability, and it is also his absolute main force to deal with hot weapons.

Things like crossbows, even in modern society, are the standard equipment of special forces in various countries. Naturally, Su Yi will not let go of this powerful long-range cold weapon king.

The crossbow in his hand is three bursts, equipped with nine arrows.He has prepared five such crossbows, except under the table, and four are hidden in various parts of the house, so that he can deal with various emergencies.

When Su Yi finished his preparations, the secret agents from the front and back yards had already rushed to the house.

The door of the room was kicked open, but Su Yi shrank under the table like a sculpture, motionless.

No one came in after the door was wide open!
The agents who kicked open the door stood outside the door and fired a burst of guns inside. At the same time, the windows of the living room and bedroom were broken, and someone was breaking in through the windows.

Su Yi still didn't move!

The gunmen at the door fired dozens of bullets, and then swarmed in.

At this moment, Su Yi's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he pressed the trigger of the crossbow continuously.

Puff puff!
Three arrows were fired in succession, piercing the throats of the two men and hitting the face of one man.

Amidst the screams, Su Yi quickly loaded the arrow.

When the two shot dead fell to the ground, Su Yi had reloaded his arrows and aimed at the three of them with a "puff puff" and fired.

Three arrows and three lives this time!

"Hidden weapon! There is a hidden weapon!" The spy who was hit by the arrow in the face screamed while shooting wildly everywhere, while retreating.And the spies who came in through the window also hurriedly shot around the dark room.

At this time, you can see the benefits of Su Yi hiding under the table all the time. Bullets will not drill into the table at all. There is a hail of bullets outside, and Su Yi hiding under the table is as stable as an old dog.

Seeing that the spy with the arrow in the face was about to step out of the gate, Su Yi put down his crossbow and pulled out a throwing knife, and threw it out with a "swish".

This knife hit the secret agent's eyebrow, and the secret agent was killed at the time, and fell on his back. The secret agents on both sides outside the door saw a crossbow arrow and a flying knife stuck in his face through the moonlight, and they were all scared out of their wits!
After Su Yi killed the man, he quickly loaded the crossbow arrows again, aimed at the spies who came in from the window on the other side and fired repeatedly. Three crossbow arrows killed three people in a row again!

The three of them didn't even have time to hum, and fell to the ground one after another with a "plop".

In the end, the two remaining two screamed in horror, and shot indiscriminately. Su Yi threw away the crossbow that had exhausted all the arrows and rolled out from under the table, with the Sun Moon Qiankun knife slanting upwards As soon as he sent it, the knife pierced a person's throat and pierced through the back of his head.

Su Yi drew his saber to take advantage of the momentum, and swung the saber obliquely forward.

The last spy who entered the room just heard the movement behind him, and turned his head subconsciously.

Then Su Yi's knife directly cut across his throat, cut off half of his neck, his head was broken directly behind his back, and the blood in his chest gushed out from the broken neck.

After killing this person, Su Yi walked through the bedroom with a cat waist and went straight to the right wing.

Chen Gongshu, who was outside the door, didn't know what was going on inside at the moment, so he shouted in a stern voice, "Geng Liangchen! You've been surrounded, and if you surrender now, I can spare your life! Otherwise..."

Su Yi turned a deaf ear, he made no sound like a civet cat, ran to the right wing room under the cover of darkness, took out a crossbow from the alcove by the window, opened the large wardrobe on one side and went straight in.

Of course he didn't want to hide, but from here he could directly lead to the backyard.

The Cunning Rabbit's Three Caves, Su Yi's preparation for himself, is there more than just the "Three Caves"?
Su Yi got out from behind the cabinet and went into a pile of haystacks in the backyard.

Who would have thought that a pile of haystacks was actually empty?And you can go directly into the house from here?
There were six spies approaching the back door quietly in the backyard, but they didn't break in. Four people were lying in ambush on both sides of the back door. It seemed that they only waited for Su Yi to run out, and immediately restrained Su Yi with guns, and then controlled him.

Two other spies were searching around, and one was near the haystack.

Su Yi glanced through the cracks in the haystack, and quickly worked out a suitable tactic in his mind.

He quietly stretched out his crossbow from the haystack, aimed at the spy who was searching on the other side, and pulled the trigger resolutely when he saw the right moment.

The spy over there fell to the ground.

This movement immediately startled the others, and everyone looked over there.

puff puff!

Su Yi took this opportunity to fire two crossbows in succession, and killed two people outside the back door.

Then he put away the crossbow and squatted on the ground, and began to quickly load the arrows.

bang bang bang...

"Ah ah ah..."

"come out!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! He is here!"

The three surviving agents all collapsed without any accident. In the darkness, the three companions fell and died beside them, while the enemy was like a ghost, hiding in the darkness they couldn't see.

This fear of the unknown, this threat of death at any time, made them unbearable.

The three shot everywhere, hoping to force out Su Yi who was hiding in the dark, but in their panic, they accidentally killed the spy who was searching by the haystack.

But Su Yi squatted in the haystack, even if they shot him, he was unscathed.

Soon Su Yi installed the second round of crossbow arrows, pulled the trigger twice, and easily dealt with the two collapsed enemies.

After finishing these, he immediately withdrew from the haystack to the right wing while loading the third round of crossbow arrows.


Chen Gongshu listened intently after he finished speaking, but there was no sound in the dark room.

They didn't know what was going on in the house, and they didn't dare to shoot rashly, even if they were carrying grenades, they didn't dare to use them rashly, for fear of hurting their own people.

When they were struggling, gunshots from the backyard and the shouts of the spies breaking down came.

Chen Gongshu's face changed drastically, and he shouted hastily: "The backyard! He wants to run, hurry up and rush in!"

After all, he ran to the house first.

Just in case, before he came in, he fired a few shots into the house, quickly swept his eyes, and saw corpses lying all over the house, and it was so dark that he couldn't tell who was who.

Chen Gongshu's eyelids twitched, his scalp felt numb, but he still gritted his teeth and rushed to the backyard.

There were four people behind him, and just as the five passed through the door of the right wing, Su Yi came out like a ghost.

He sent the Sun Moon Qiankun Knife forward in his hand, and immediately cut off the heads of two people.

He leaned forward and slashed with the tip of the knife on the other side, cutting a man's throat again.

Only then did the remaining Chen Gongshu and another spy react.

But without waiting for them to make any moves, Su Yi held the handle of the knife with one hand and slammed forward and slanted upwards. Finally, the spy screamed miserably, his intestines were ripped apart, and the internal organs splattered all over the floor.

In the end, Su Yi cut his throat with a knife, making his screams stop abruptly.

call out!call out!
The crossbow in his hand fired again.This time, Su Yi didn't hit a vital point, and the two crossbow arrows sank into Chen Gongshu's chest, making Chen Gongshu stagger and take two steps back.

Su Yi flipped his wrist and danced with the weapon in his hand, cut off Chen Gongshu's right hand holding the gun with a single knife, and then the tip of the knife on the other side hit Chen Gongshu's throat.

Under the severe pain, Chen Gongshu screamed and was about to fall to the ground and roll over, but was forced by Su Yi's knife tip, the blade was deeply embedded in his jaw, making him dare not dive or make any movements, but the pain was so great His whole body was trembling violently, tears were streaming down his face, and he screamed terribly.

"Shut up if you want to die!" Su Yi sternly shouted.

"Woo... woo..." Chen Gongshu covered his mouth with his good hand, and let out a groan, his eyes widened, full of horror.

Su Yi looked around vigilantly, and finally his eyes fell on Chen Gongshu's face again, and he asked coldly, "Who are you from? What's your name?"

"Chen Gongshu, the leader of the second operation team of the Fuxing Agency's Secret Service!" Chen Gongshu forced himself to reveal his identity while shivering with pain, "I'm sorry, I also followed orders..."

From the Renaissance Society?

Su Yi was stunned.

This answer was beyond his expectation.

He thought it was from the Santong Society, maybe from the Green Gang, and even the Hong Gang had suspicions, but he didn't expect that the person who attacked him at night was actually from the Fuxing Society.

Moreover, he knew the name Chen Gongshu. Without him, this Chen Gongshu, Wang Tianmu and Bai Shixiong from Beiping Station would have gone to the Liuguo Hotel to assassinate Zhang Jingyao half a year later under the command of Zheng Jiemin.

Is it Zheng Jiemin's revenge?
No, probably not, Zheng Jiemin had already failed in this political struggle, there was no need for him to make such a big fuss just to kill Geng Liangchen.

and so--

Is it a higher level of the Fuxing Society?

At this moment, Su Yi's mind was full of thoughts, and his heart gradually became heavy.

He already realized that something must have happened.

"Did Teng Jie send you? Or did Dai Chunfeng send you?" Su Yi looked at Chen Gongshu and continued to ask.

"It's Director Dai!" Chen Gongshu's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his whole body was shaking violently, "Master Geng, we didn't want to kill you, we just wanted to arrest you and force Liu Haiqing to show up!"

There is a lot of information in this sentence!
Su Yi's face changed suddenly, and he asked, "What's wrong with Liu Haiqing?"

"I don't know..." Chen Gongshu gritted his teeth and twisted his face, "Director Dai's order is - handle it in secret!"

Secret deal!

It means that as long as Liu Haiqing is caught, he can be killed directly without trial!
Su Yi's heart was shocked, although he had always been conceited and felt that he was an intelligent player, but at this moment he was still at a loss.

He didn't understand why he had to be dealt with secretly when he woke up after he had made a great contribution to getting promoted and making a fortune?
"Grandpa Geng, I'm dying, send me to the hospital, please, send me to the hospital!" Chen Gongshu pleaded, "I would rather die on the battlefield than at your hands, I am not reconciled... ..."

Su Yi stopped his chaotic thoughts, and his eyes fell on Chen Gongshu who was trembling all over.

He knew that this person made great contributions to the War of Resistance in the future.

Shi Yousan was poisoned, Yin Rugeng was sanctioned, Wang Kemin was attacked, Zhang Xiaolin was shot, Fu Xiaoan was slashed, Akagi Kinzhi was killed, and the assassination of Wang Jingwei in Hanoi was the most talked about.

Chen Gongshu's reputation as the number one killer of the military command is by no means in vain. It can be said that he is a national hero.

But now, his right hand was cut off by Su Yi. Before his blood was spilled on this land, he was about to wither prematurely because of a political conspiracy.

Su Yi hesitated for a moment, but soon his eyes became indifferent.

"Sorry, you messed with the wrong person!"

The tip of the knife sank deep into the flesh, and Chen Gongshu fell into a pool of blood unwillingly.

(End of this chapter)

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