Chapter 658

Entering through the back door through a long narrow corridor, the first thing you see is the kitchen.

Su Yi sneaked in quietly, and the people eating in the restaurant were still laughing and laughing, without noticing it.

Su Yi rushed into the kitchen, and saw an old lady wearing an apron cooking soup by the stove.

Su Yi's eyes flashed and he quickly approached.

It just so happened that the old lady turned around after finishing the work in her hands, and when she turned her head, she saw Su Yi approaching her quickly. This person's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately grabbed the knife on one side of the chopping board, and slashed at Su Yi viciously. !
This is not at all like the reaction of an old lady who cooks!

Su Yi wasn't surprised, he had expected this a long time ago, he dodged like a ghost, and bullied himself in front of him, he already had a butterfly knife in his hand, and the blade flashed across, wiping off the old lady's face. throat.

The two passed by.

The old woman remained frozen in place, but Su Yi quickly turned around from behind and covered her mouth, then stabbed the knife into her heart fiercely with the other hand, and then backed away, causing her body to lie flat on the ground.

The old lady convulsed a few times and then died, Su Yi got up and left the kitchen.


At this moment, the glass in the front hall shattered, and a ray of sky invaded like the wind, and they went straight to the dining table.

There were two men and two women dining at the table, two men and one woman seemed to be in their forties, only one woman was young and beautiful, only in her early twenties, with a sweet smile on her face.

The first time Yiyitian broke through the window, the four people at the dining table were startled, and immediately stopped joking and looked around, but Yiyitian was less than three meters away from them!

The young woman was the first to react, and when her face changed drastically, she picked up a plate of food on the table and threw it towards Yi Yitian, then got up and stepped back while drawing a gun from her back.

Yi Yitian didn't have time to dodge, and stretched out his hand to push the dish aside, but his body and face were covered with vegetable soup.

Even after such a delay, the other two men also reacted, one shouted angrily and rushed towards Yixiantian, while the other turned pale in shock and fled.

Yi Yitian suddenly yelled violently, and slammed his elbows on the chest of the rushing man.

Hearing a loud "boom", the man's chest collapsed, and his whole body was smashed to the ground, his body collided with the floor, making a loud noise.

Without stopping, Yi Yitian picked up a chair and threw it at the young woman who had already drawn out her gun.

The woman dodged it nimbly, but the next moment Yi Yitian had come to her side, grabbed her hand holding the gun, and at the same time punched her abdomen hard with the other hand.

The woman turned sideways in embarrassment, Yi Yitian's punch hit her under her left rib, the woman snorted, but immediately turned her palm into a knife at a tricky angle, and stabbed Yi Yitian's throat quietly and silently, obviously she had martial arts.

If it is an ordinary person, she must be recruited, but what she is facing is a ray of sky!

Yi Yitian just dodged the fatal blow by leaning back, and at the same time twisted hard with one hand, only hearing a "crack", he directly twisted off the woman's hand.

The other hand slashed at his neck with a palm knife without mercy.


The woman fell heavily to the ground and passed out.

"Ah..." Another woman who had been stunned by fright from the beginning to the end suddenly let out a terrified scream.

Yi Yitian rushed over one by one, and hit his temple with an elbow, knocking him out.

When he finished these tasks and turned around, he found that the escaped man had already run out of the restaurant and was about to run towards the back door.

But he met Su Yi face to face, and they hit it off.

This person's complexion changed drastically, as if he was going to shout something, but Su Yi didn't give him a chance, and punched him hard in the abdomen, forcing him to swallow the words that came to his mouth, which turned into a painful moan, and then Su Yi punched him on the other side. Left neck, knock him out.

The ground floor has been "cleaned".

"You go upstairs!" Su Yi ordered, and then immediately searched around.

Yi Yitian didn't ask much, and ran upstairs in three steps.

After a while, there was a loud crash of the door being broken upstairs, accompanied by a desperate exclamation that stopped abruptly. It was obvious that Yi Yitian had taken care of another one.

And Su Yi downstairs was not idle, he searched around, lifted all the carpets on the ground, and moved all suspicious furniture.

Finally he found a secret passage behind the wine cabinet, leading directly to the ground.

Su Yi raised his vigilance and stepped down the stairs carefully.

Just as he was about to turn out of the stairs, he heard the sound of rapid breathing coming from the basement. He suddenly understood, and said in a deep voice: "Listen, people inside, come out by yourself, I won't kill you! We are only seeking money, Don't want to hurt people's lives."

While talking, Su Yi took out a throwing knife and quietly bent down and squatted down.

A few seconds after his words fell, a man's blunt accent came from inside: "Leave, otherwise, I will shoot..."

Su Yi didn't wait for him to finish speaking, his eyes lit up, and he sprang out like a civet cat. Seeing a man pointing his gun at this side and speaking, he threw a knife out of his hand.

The flying knife went straight into the man's eyebrows, and Su Yi rushed over immediately after hitting the wall, grabbed the gun from the man's hand before he could react, then strangled his throat, and squeezed hard.

Bang, his throat bone was shattered, and he fell down without a word.

Su Yi quickly checked the surrounding environment and found that it was a secret room that was not too big.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs. In the secret room, there are beds, tables and chairs, a radio station, and a set of monitoring equipment.

There are miscellaneous daily necessities piled up on the ground on the other side, and it seems that there have always been people living here.And there was a pen and paper on the table, half a page was written on the paper, all in Japanese.

Su Yi checked quickly for a week, then took the half-written paper out of the basement secret room, and returned to the first floor.

When he returned to the first floor, he happened to see Yi Yitian walking down the stairs with a faint young man in one hand and a photo frame in the other.

"My place is clean." Su Yi announced the situation while casting a questioning look at Yixiantian.

"My place is also clean." Yixiantian walked down the stairs while talking, threw the person he was carrying on the ground, and then handed the photo frame to Su Yi.

Su Yi took a look, and it was obvious that the framed photo was a group photo of a family of three.

Yi Yitian carried him down from the second floor. This one seemed to be his son, and there was a couple. The man was the one who wanted to escape but was knocked out by Su Yi. The woman in the photo was not in this house.

There were a total of eight people in the room, Su Yi killed three, Yixiantian killed one, and the remaining four were all knocked out and gathered in the dining room.

"I'll search you, you kidnap me!" Su Yi looked around and immediately gave another order.

Yi Yitian heard the words and went to find the rope without saying a word.

Su Yi began to search one by one.

He searched very carefully, not missing a single detail, especially the young and beautiful woman in whose mouth he found a false tooth with a wax pellet hidden in it.

What wax pills are is self-explanatory.

Nothing of value was found.

After Yi Yitian tied up the four living people one by one, except for the middle-aged woman, Su Yi woke up the remaining three people.

The three of them turned out to be different after waking up.

The middle-aged man was terrified. After realizing his current situation, he trembled with fright, and a large area of ​​his crotch was wet on the spot.

The young woman calmed down quickly after waking up, but when she realized that her "false teeth" were gone, her face immediately became ugly.

The young man who Yi Yitian carried down from upstairs woke up with a demented look, and he didn't know whether he was pretending or frightened.

"You, who are you?" The middle-aged man boldly asked Su Yi in a trembling voice, "Do you know who I am?"

"Huang Jun, right?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Great talent, the confidential secretary of the Executive Yuan, and the celebrity around Chang and Wang. This should be your son Huang Sheng, right? Why does he look so stupid? Could it be a guy?" Retarded?"

Huang Jun showed fear, trembling even more, said: "This man, if you ask for money, please don't hurt our lives, I can give you money, you tell me how much..."

Su Yi stretched out his hand to stop him from continuing, and said with a smile: "Ming people don't say dark words, I'm here for you, not for your money. Mr. Huang, you've got something wrong."

"I, I don't understand what you're talking about..." Huang Jun said in horror.

Su Yi smiled and picked up the half piece of paper that he took out in the basement before, and said with a smile: "It's meaningless to pretend to be confused at this time."

He looked at the piece of paper and read out the text on it: "The truth about Dai's wanted Liu Haiqing..."

"You're the one who plans to send this information to Jinmen, right?" Su Yi looked at the ashen-faced Huang Jun with a half-smile, and then at the young woman who was also in despair. on Huang Sheng.

"Since he's a fool, it's useless." He said flatly, "Kill him!"

Yi Yitian grinned grimly, and came forward with a knife.

Huang Sheng suddenly showed a look of extreme horror, and howled like a pig: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! It has nothing to do with me, I don't know anything, I am wronged..."

Yixiantian glanced at Su Yi and found that Su Yi didn't respond, so he immediately understood what he meant, so he stepped forward and wiped Huang Sheng's neck with a knife without saying a word.

"My son!" Huang Jun screamed, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

Su Yi ignored him, sighed and said: "An old traitor, a small traitor, he has done all the treasonous things, so why call him injustice?"

"Are you right? Miss?" Su Yi smiled and looked at the young woman, "Have you asked Miss's name yet?"

"I am a student of Jinling Girls Middle School, Liao Yaquan, 19 years old this year." The woman smiled miserably with tears in her eyes, "Kill me, since the day Huang threatened me, I knew I would have today It's the end!"

"You mean that Huang Jun threatened you?" Su Yi had a half-smile, "The fangs in your mouth were also made by him?"

"He threatened me with my parents' life and death. He didn't trust me, so he put his fangs on me and told me to commit suicide at any time in case of danger, so as not to implicate him..." The woman broke down in tears, "I know I deserve what I deserve today, even though I Didn't do anything...but I'm already on the traitor's side after all."

Su Yi turned his head and glanced at Yixiantian, seeing the pity in his eyes, he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Miss Nanzao Yunzi, you really deserve your reputation as the flower of the empire." Su Yi directly identified her, "My friends believe what you say."

Yi Yitian was startled and stunned.

But Nan Zao Yunzi showed doubts on his face, and said pitifully: "This strong man, you must have made a mistake. I am not the person you said. I am a native of the country. Allah is like Sang Haining..."

She also uttered a word in the devil's language.

Su Yi looked at her calmly and said, "Nan Zao Yunzi, if I hadn't been [-]% sure of your identity and the identity of Huang Jun and his son, my friends and I would not have appeared in front of you."

"Let's skip the step of denying it, and let's talk about something more practical. Besides Huang Jun and his son, who else have you developed in the high-level Guofu?"

Nan Zao Yunzi understood at this time that Su Yi was really sure of her identity.

So she was very puzzled, her identity was the top secret even in Zhepeng's military headquarters, even many Zhepeng generals only knew her code name, but not her real name, but how did this Chinese man in front of him know?

"Who are you?" She asked her doubts.

"Anti-Japanese." Su Yi smiled, "Miss Yunzi, would you answer my question?"

Nan Zao Yunzi was silent and asked, "Will I survive?"

"Sorry, I can't." Su Yi smiled, "I don't have the habit of lying to women, even a woman like you."

Nan Zao Yunzi's eyes were very strange: "I know many secrets, and these secrets can even influence the war between the two countries."

"So I'm trying to find out these secrets." Su Yi shrugged, "But I never force women, it doesn't matter if you don't want to tell, your secrets just happen to be buried with you."

"Who are you?" Nanzao Yunzi couldn't help asking again, "From the Fuxing Society? Or from the Lijin Society? Or from the underground party?"

Su Yi thought for a while, and said: "Well, let's play a game, we answer each other's questions, and guarantee that we are telling the truth. The rules of the game are - if I find that you are lying to me, I will immediately How about killing you and never giving you a chance to tell it again?"

"Since you didn't intend to let me live, why should I play this game with you?" Nanzo Yunzi gritted his teeth, "You can just give me a good time and let me be loyal to the emperor as soon as possible!"

"Alright." Su Yi waved his hand at Yi Yitian, "Kill her!"

Yi Yitian stepped forward with a knife on his expressionless face.

"Wait!" Nanzao Yunzi yelled suddenly, "I want to see your superior! I have important information!"

Yi Yitian looked back at Su Yi.

Su Yi stared at Nanzao Yunzi for a while, then shook his head and sighed: "I can see that you are going to lie to me, you should break it for your emperor."

Nan Zao Yunzi's complexion changed again and again, and finally his eyes showed resentment: "To that person, you will definitely get retribution! Long live the emperor! Great Zhe Peng Empire..."

Yi Yitian stabbed her heart with a knife.

Nan Zao Yunzi was unwilling to fall into a pool of blood. The notorious Zhe Peng legendary female spy in the future died like this before she was able to complete her mission.

"Master Geng, are all women so good at deceiving people?" Yi Yitian asked in a muffled voice.

"Yes, the more beautiful you are, the more you will deceive people!" Su Yi solemnly warned him, "In the future, when looking for a wife, you must never look for a beautiful one, understand?"

"Understood." Yixiantian nodded solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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