Chapter 665

Zheng Yaoquan quietly looked at the men who were eager to catch Geng Liangchen, wishing he could draw his gun and kill this blind man.

Zheng Yaoquan is also someone from above. There are too many strange things happened in Jinling, but most people want to see the current result, which is why things will have such a result now.

However, can anyone explain when Liu Haiqing went to Jinling?
Can anyone explain why the car that kidnapped Sanye Baiji belonged to Fuxingsha?Why is Yixiantian opened?Why was it thrown away in Liang Yanqing's nephew's house?
There are many things that I cannot think about carefully, and I am extremely afraid of thinking carefully.

Zheng Yaoquan couldn't fully figure out the key points, but he at least knew one thing, that is, whether it was Liu Haiqing or Geng Liangchen, the affairs of these two people were too deep for him to offend.

What he regrets most now is why he listened to Dai Chunfeng's words and returned to Jinmen even though he had already left.

It doesn't matter if you come back, why do you have to be so impulsive, search for Geng Liangchen everywhere, and even arrest his brother and torture him, completely offending Geng Liangchen to death.

In fact, after Zheng Yaoquan's incident in Jinling happened, he already wanted to leave Jinmen, go to southern Jiangxi, and seek refuge with He Yingqin.

It's just that before he left, he wanted to make a lot of money by selling off all the belongings of the Fuxing Club in Jinmen, and ran away after taking the money, which has delayed him until now.

With Chang gone, there is no need for the Fuxing Society, an organization that is only loyal to Chang, to exist. The Fuxing Society in Pingjin has the largest stalls and the most industries, but now, Zheng Yaoquan has the final say.

With such a large property and wealth in his hands, it is no wonder that Zheng Yaoquan is not tempted.

During this period of time, he has been selling various properties, such as shops, shares in various companies, real estate, goods, and even arms.

He is selling everything, including the footholds, but whether it is the Qinghong Gang or the Santonghui, they are all old foxes. They guessed that he was destined to run away, and he didn't want his territory at all, let alone giving money. Do not want any.

Anyway, once you, Zheng Yaoquan, leave, these sites are destined to fall into our pockets, why should we discuss this deal with you?

For free?

You don't want to give it for free, you give it for nothing, we can't recognize your favor?Favor is the most expensive thing.

Besides, if you say it's free, who knows what kind of unresolved bad debts will become in the future?These days, the hearts of most officials are dirty.

In addition to walking, there are many industries, and Zheng Yaoquan is also facing a similar situation.

No one is a fool, Zheng Yaoquan is planning to sell the party property and run away, but everyone is also thinking about waiting for him to go whoring for nothing.

So in the recent period, Zheng Yaoquan has been coercing and luring, even kidnapping and extorting to buy and sell by force. After ten days of hard work, he only managed hundreds of thousands of oceans.

His original goal was to use this opportunity to achieve financial freedom for three generations, but the current figures are far from his goal. Of course he is not satisfied, so he has repeatedly delayed the evacuation day. Procrastinate and procrastinate until today, until Geng Liangchen returns.

Zheng Yaoquan felt very uneasy.

He thought of Zhang Jingyao's death, the dozens of Zhe Peng soldiers in Shuangmen Town, and what happened in Jinling.

His heart was filled with dread, and the more he thought about it, the more fearful he became.

"No, I have to leave immediately!" Zheng Yaoquan gritted his teeth and looked at his subordinates, "Is the car and gasoline I told you ready?"

"Ready." The man replied.

"Notify those who are willing to come with me, get ready to go, leave Jinmen!" Zheng Yaoquan said, "Three 10 minutes, we will set off in three 10 minutes, you tell them, what should be prepared, hurry up and get ready when the time comes." Let's go, whoever can't catch up, don't care!"

"Yes!" The subordinate responded solemnly, and asked again: "What about Duan Rui? His entry procedures have not yet been completed. Strictly speaking, he is not one of us."

"Take it," Zheng Yaoquan said, "This is a villain, sometimes they have to do many things."

His subordinates led away, Zheng Yao looked dignified, turned around and entered the back room, opened the safe, and began to store the gold and silver treasures he had searched in the past ten days.

Before Su Yi had time to find Zheng Yaoquan, he was just about to leave the Liang Mansion when someone came to him again.

"Master Geng, our president wants to see you, and he is in the car outside the door." A young man in a tunic suit stood respectfully in front of Su Yi, "He should have visited in person, but he is injured, so it is inconvenient to mess around with you." verb: move……"

Fearing that Su Yi might not recognize this person, Yixiantian whispered in his ear, "It's from the Zhongyi Society, Qian Jin's subordinate."

Su Yi nodded, in fact, he also recognized this person.

"lead the way."

Qian Jin looked pale and sat in the car.

The car door was wide open, facing the gate of Liang Mansion.

Seeing Su Yi and Yixian Tian approaching, a smile appeared on his face, he cupped his hands and said, "Master Geng, Xiao Han, we meet again."

"President Qian, what do you want to do?" Su Yi didn't intend to greet him, and asked straight to the point.

He also didn't ask Qian Jin why he knew he was in the Liang Mansion, because he and Yi Yitian had no intention of covering up their whereabouts, and it would not be difficult for anyone who is interested in knowing his whereabouts.

Qian Jin straightened his expression and said, "Master Geng, please forgive me for guessing boldly, do you want to deal with Zheng Yaoquan?"

"How it is, and what it is not."

"If it is, I would like to help you." Qian Jin said with a sincere expression, "If not, Lord Geng, just pretend that I haven't been here today."

"Why help me?" Su Yi asked.

Qian Jin sighed, "Before I was on the wrong team, District Chief Liu repaid him with virtue, and he didn't blame me. There is not much I can do, and I can only do my best to repay him."

Su Yi didn't even raise his eyelids: "Tell the truth! Otherwise, we don't need to talk anymore!"

Qian Jin's expression changed, he looked at the expressionless Su Yi, thought for a moment, saw that Su Yi was impatient, and then said quietly: "An ordinary person like me who comes from a poor family wants to make a difference in the officialdom. , you must seize all means available to climb up. I dare not say that I am noble, but a comment with a conscience is still deserved. To say something disrespectful, if I didn’t feel guilty at the beginning, Liu The district chief has no chance to escape."

"I want District Chief Liu to give me one more chance for Qian Jin's sake, otherwise my life will be over!" Qian Jin said.

"How does President Qian plan to help me?" Su Yi looked at Qian Jin for a while and asked suddenly.

Qian Jin was stunned, and then smiled gratefully at Su Yi, and hurriedly said: "Zheng Yaoquan has been recklessly selling the party's property these days, and even blackmailed and kidnapped some businessmen, causing complaints and public grievances everywhere."

"He didn't know where he had climbed. He was running away with the idea of ​​never returning. He planned to make a fortune and leave. But there are many locals in the Fuxing Club. Zheng Jiemin couldn't take them away, and he never thought about it. Take them away, just plan to share some soup with them, send them away, and then leave the mess and run away."

"These people thought that Zheng Yaoquan's behavior was very dishonest, so they found me...Now Jinmen Fuxing Club, except for the dozen or so confidantes that Zheng Yaoquan is going to take away, the rest are already on my side."

Having said that, Su Yi already understood what Qian Jin could do to help.

I also understand why he wanted to find himself.

I'm afraid Qian Jin has been waiting for him to come back!

Liu Haiqing's evaluation of this person is really accurate. You can definitely use this person boldly, because he is very smart and has great ability to do things.

But you can't trust him easily, because he is too smart and capable of doing things.

Of course, after this accident, whether Liu Haiqing will completely subdue this person and let him return to his heart is not certain.

There was no reason for Su Yi to refuse the help that came to his door, not to mention that in Liu Haiqing's previous phone call, he wanted Su Yi to help him take the lead, to try Qian Jin's attitude.He still wants to use money to get into this person.

"If that's the case, then there's President Laoqian." Su Yi nodded.

Qian Jin was obviously relieved, and the smile on his face was a little more relaxed.

"Grandpa Geng and Xiao Han please get in the car. The matter has dragged on for so long, and it's time to deal with it." Qian Jin said.

"There is a man named Duan Rui..." Su Yi looked at Qian Jin.

"Mr. Geng, don't worry, this person can't escape." Qian Jin was calm and confident.

As soon as I mention this man, you know who he is and what he did...

Su Yi glanced at him, said nothing, and got into the car.

From what Qian Jin said just now, Su Yi can conclude that Qian Jin understands the ins and outs of Chen Shi's trial.

As for Chen Shi's trial, it is absolutely impossible for a "capable person" like Qian Jin to say that there is nothing he can do.

But he didn't take any action, and it's even very possible that he sat back and watched this happen in order to achieve his own goal. The purpose is to achieve his goal by "giving favor" to Su Yi for today.

Su Yi has a thorough understanding of the world, and understands that even if Qian Jinzhen does this, no matter from a moral or rational point of view, he is not wrong-if there is no benefit, why should he help you?
But to understand is to understand, and only Su Yi knows whether he feels comfortable or not.

Along the way, Qian Jin was always looking for opportunities to get close to Su Yi, and Su Yi responded with a smile, without showing any displeasure.

When he arrived at the place, Yuan Yuan, the gatekeeper, saw the money coming in, and immediately rushed to greet him anxiously. Before the car stopped, he came to the window.

As soon as Qian Jin rolled down the car window, the spy at the door said anxiously: "President, he is looking for you everywhere, he wants to run away!"

Qian Jin's expression changed: "Where is he now?"

"Loading the car in the backyard, all his people have gone!" the spy said.

"Close the net!" Qian Jin ordered decisively.

"Yes!" The spy cheered up and ran out immediately.

Qian Jin turned his head and smiled at Su Yi: "Master Geng, let's wait here for a while, don't worry, he can't run away."

Su Yi smiled and nodded, looking very relieved.

Inside the compound.

Duan Rui was wearing a tunic suit and was packing his things.

Zheng Yaoquan's people have informed him to leave Jinmen together later.

Zheng Yaoquan had promised him that he would have a good future.

"Xiao Duan, you're so lucky," a special agent leaned against the door, looking at Duan Rui sourly, "We local brothers in Jinmen, Director Zheng doesn't take anyone with us, but he just takes you away. It seems that he I really value you."

Duan Rui laughed and said: "I'm just lucky. I was lucky enough to do something for the director. I didn't expect him to value me so much. I really can't repay him..."

"Oh, you'll be fine, follow Director Zheng to eat and drink spicy food, but we brothers are out of luck." The spy's tone became even more sinister, "You have emptied the agency, and even extorted a lot of money." Folks and elders, now that you have patted your ass and ran away, we not only have to guard the mess you left behind, but also bear the sins you made for you, and are scolded behind your back by the folks and elders..."

Duan Rui stopped what he was doing, turned around, looked at the spy coldly, and said, "If you have the ability, you can go with me to Director Zheng and say this again!"

"Yo, then I don't dare." The spy sneered, "We don't have a master who betrays us to please Director Zheng."

Duan Rui's face was livid, and he walked up to this person and said word by word: "You heard me clearly, he is not my master!"

Anyone who has done bad things generally hates others to use the bad things they have done to mock themselves.

Duan Rui hated Chen Shi, because Chen Shi falsely accepted him as his apprentice, but actually treated him like a monkey and wasted his time.

After the opening of the Wing Chun Martial Arts Hall, Chen Shi brought Duan Rui into the door again. Duan Rui originally thought that even if Chen Shi wanted to compensate him, he would give him a true status.

But no, he Duan Rui is not even a first disciple!He went to ask Chen Shi, did he just look down on him so much?

Chen Shi actually humiliated him, saying that he has no talent or virtue...

What Duan Rui especially hates is that he thinks that Geng Liangchen should have given the limelight.

If there is no Geng Liangchen, Chen Shi will teach him sincerely, then he should be the one who kicked the gymnasium, and Duan Rui, who is now famous in Jinmen, should also be Duan Rui!

All of this is because Chen Shi is prejudiced against him, and he sees people as inferior with his dog's eyes!

So when he learned that both black and white were looking for Geng Liangchen and Liu Haiqing, he immediately seized the opportunity and sold Chen Shi decisively.

In fact, he still had the idea of ​​a beautiful wife, but unfortunately, Zhao Guohui was let out as soon as he came in.

Chen Shi's tendons in his hands and feet were broken by Duan Rui himself. When he looked at the ashen-faced Chen Shi, he felt very refreshed and full of distorted pleasure.

It's a pity that Chen Shi still survived and was released in the end, which made Duan Rui feel a little uneasy and fearful.

He always felt that as long as Chen Shi died, the scandalous things he did as a traitor would naturally be covered up and forgotten.

But Chen Shi was alive, and he always felt that his pants would be pulled off at any time, revealing his ugly butt.

Fortunately, everything was over, Zheng Jiemin admired him very much, and decided to take him away from Jinmen, he felt that Zheng Jiemin was really his noble person.

As long as he can leave Jinmen and start over in another place, no one will know about his miserable past.

That's why he reacted so strongly to the spy's sarcasm.

(End of this chapter)

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