Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 674 Fighting Horses 3

Chapter 674
Unexpected early encounter.

A task beyond expectations.

Ma San betrayed his master in the original plot, and even took refuge in the Zhe Peng people. Naturally, this person deserves to die, and Su Yi would never mind killing him.

But not now!

The current Ma San is still a senior disciple of the master of the Xingyi Bagua Sect, the successor of the president of the Chinese Warrior Association, and a well-known "decent young hero" in the entire northern martial arts. In people's eyes, Ma San is still a good man with a bright future, and everyone expects him to take over half of the northern martial arts world in the future.

It is conceivable that if Su Yi kills Ma San now, what a mess it will create.

However, the task requires Su Yi to kill Ma San within three hours.

It is impossible to refuse the task, he must complete this task, otherwise Ma San will not die, he will die!
and so--

Assassination attack?

This was Su Yi's subconscious reaction.

He didn't want to become enemies with Gong Baosen, and he didn't want to be the big devil who killed the "decent young hero". In this way, the only way to go was assassination.

Unknowingly killing Ma San is undoubtedly the best choice, and unless it is absolutely necessary, all Su Yi's plans must be based on this keynote.

But if Ma San is to be solved by assassination, Su Yi will face a problem that must be solved, that is, Ma San and Gong Baosen must be separated within the next three hours.

Otherwise, with Gong Baosen present, it would be basically impossible for Su Yi to complete the task of killing Ma San without using hot weapons and without arousing suspicion or revealing his identity.

Not to mention that Su Yi doubted whether he could beat Gong Baosen, even if he could beat Gong Baosen, he still had to pray that Gong Baosen was blind and couldn't recognize his moves or people.

Otherwise, once Gong Baosen and the others recognized Su Yi—then they would kill him secretly!
In that case, Su Yi's reputation as a hero will be ruined, and with the reputation of being a despicable and shameless big devil, it is basically impossible for him to become a grand master of the generation, and the subsequent performance tasks will also be ruined, and he will still die .

Why don't you just do nothing and kill all four people in front of you?

Hehe, he still has a task to challenge Gong Baosen to complete.

Kill Gong Baosen, this mission will be ruined, and it will be a death.

So, how can Ma San and Gong Baosen be separated as soon as possible?
This has no clue at all!
Su Yi didn't have any reason or motive at all, and he couldn't think of any way to separate Ma San and Gong Baosen.

He can only take one step at a time.

But now, Su Yi is facing the first choice——

Choice [-]: Time is running out, first find an excuse to separate from Gong Baosen and the others, and then hide in the dark before planning.

Option [-]: Talk to them first, and then play it by ear.

On the surface, it seems that the first choice is better - more words can make more mistakes, so don't be verbose, just find a way to kill Ma San quietly.

But what if Ma San and Gong Baosen do not separate?
That is to force Su Yi to take the risk and kill Ma San for the sake of the task, and then he will probably be exposed and blackened...

And pretending to be submissive might actually create an opportunity...

These psychological activities are a long story, but they are actually completed in an instant. Su Yi's mind is turning a thousand times, but he doesn't show anything on the surface. He doesn't even look at Ma San, and just smiles back. Said: "Senior, why don't you sit down and talk slowly?"

He could see that Gong Baosen seemed to be deliberately concealing his identity. Although he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd, Su Yi was happy to pretend to be confused before talking.

Although Gong Er and Lao Jiang had a relationship with Su Yi once, she didn't intend to recognize Su Yi, so Su Yi naturally wouldn't point it out.

Gong Baosen and others naturally did not expect that although they did not reveal their identities, Su Yi already knew their identities clearly.

What they didn't expect was that Su Yi and Ma San would die after just meeting each other like this.

"Okay, please!"

Soon, the four sat down, and Lao Jiang stood beside Gong Er with his arms folded.

After Su Yi greeted the shop waiter to serve tea, he said to Gong Baosen: "Senior, the master is a family of his own, respected by everyone, and a person who can be regarded as a teacher, so he can be called a master. Although Geng Liangchen has some small It’s a small name, but regardless of virtue or ability, you can’t be called a master. So don’t mention the title of young master.”

"There are not many young people who are as humble and polite as you." Gong Baosen said with a smile, "especially young people who have achieved some achievements but are not complacent or complacent."

Saying this, Gong Baosen glanced at Ma San intentionally or unintentionally, and seemed to be pointing at Ma San with these words.

Ma San lowered his head and didn't speak, but felt a little disapproving in his heart.

"Please forgive me for being rude. Senior and I have lived a normal life, and I don't think it's worth being visited by others," Su Yi continued, "So I guess, you must go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, right? We martial arts practitioners If there is one thing to say, it is better for the old senior to speak directly, if someone Geng can help, he will do his best."

"Mr. Geng speaks quickly..." Gong Baosen praised, "Okay, then I won't hide it anymore."

He pointed to Ma San behind him, and said: "My apprentice, who has practiced martial arts for 23 years, has made some achievements now. In recent years, he has moved to the north and south, and he will be a master in the world for a while."

"Although the young man has skills, his heart is lacking. He doesn't know that there are people outside of others, and there is a truth beyond the sky. I want to sharpen him, but until today I can't find a young man of the same generation who can convince him."

"No, ever since I heard about Mr. Geng, you are a young hero, I feel that I have met someone who can convince my apprentice." Gong Baosen said with a smile, "If Mr. Geng thinks highly of our master and apprentice, I asked Geng to join hands with my apprentice, as a lesson for him."

"This request is a little presumptuous, but we are all martial arts practitioners, and you are a rare young master. You should also know the truth of Lie Xin's joy and difficulty in restraining yourself. Please, Mr. Geng, don't refuse. Just like today, we will make friends through martial arts. How about not knowing?"

As soon as Gong Baosen finished speaking, Ma San stood up, squinted his eyes slightly, cupped his fists at Su Yi, and said proudly: "Mr. Geng, it's a dragon or a worm, let's see the truth, please!"

Su Yi looked at Ma San expressionlessly for a while, then turned his gaze to Gong Baosen again, and said, "Old man, today's tea is my treat. Mr. Geng has something else to do, so I won't accompany you."

After all, he stood up and clasped his fists, making a gesture to leave.

Gong Baosen didn't get up, and the smile on his face was still there, but he just said lightly: "Mr. Geng, do you blame the old man for being impolite? This old man is considered a little weak in the Jinmen martial arts. If Mr. Geng blames it, the old man can ask President Zheng to help you." Let me explain one or two, I came here rashly today, just to let the bad guys see Mr. Geng's martial arts, there is absolutely no other intention."

Su Yi paused, seemingly hesitating, but did not speak.

Gong Baosen sighed, stood up and clasped his fists at Su Yi: "Master Geng, please show me some face, this matter is considered my request to you."

The low profile moved everyone present.

You are really willing to let go...

Su Yi rolled his eyes in his heart, if it wasn't for him to have other ulterior motives, even if he didn't know Gong Baosen's real identity, an old senior would say that, and as a junior, he would never refuse again.

But this may also be Gong Baosen's purpose - to test his own heart and character.

According to the normal situation, Su Yi would definitely satisfy him, but now...

"Sorry, I'm leaving." Su Yi smiled, cupped his fists in return to Gong Baosen, turned around and walked out.

Since Gong Baosen concealed his identity and came to meet him, Su Yi didn't believe that such a person would easily give up his ideas and goals just because he refused twice.

Gong Baosen will not give up easily, even if he "misunderstands" himself, I believe it is within his plan.

The big deal is to reveal your identity for the last time, and at most you can lower your profile and apologize. At that time, no matter how much anger and grievance Su Yi had, it will be wiped out.

Godfather's uncle came to inspect you because he valued you, and made a little joke with you. Why are you so angry and wronged?

If you are really angry and wronged, it means you are small-minded and out of character.

So Su Yi played this hard-to-get game with peace of mind, and didn't worry about being caught instead of pretending.

The facts were as he expected, Gong Baosen's posture was so low, but Su Yi didn't give him any face, Ma San and Gong Er quit without him talking.

But compared to Gong Er, Ma San is undoubtedly more restless.

"Geng, don't give me shame!" Ma San shouted in a deep voice, and suddenly pointed at Su Yi's face, "I'm willing to fight you, it's for your face, and if you give you face, you have to follow. Those who don't know how to praise Man, either mud doesn't hold up to the wall, or embroidered pillows don't work, which one are you, huh?"

Ma San's eyes were fierce and aggressive.

Su Yi frowned when he saw this aggressive person.

clap clap!

Suddenly, he clapped his palms.


The doors of boxes in all directions opened instantly, and several young men in tunic suits with guns rushed out of each box.

There were dozens of guns in all directions, all aimed at Ma San and the other four in the field.

Ma San, who was aggressive just now, was stunned, and then he remembered that Su Yi was not an ordinary warrior, he was also the number one mafia boss in Jinmen, with more than [-] people under his command.

Ma San's face instantly turned pale, and there was a look of incomparable fear in his eyes.

Gong Baosen and the other three also changed their expressions greatly. How could they have expected that Su Yi was just having a meal, why were gunmen ambushed in all directions?

Gong Baosen was just trying to test Su Yi, he didn't want to be Su Yi's dead soul in a daze.

Realizing that the scene was out of his control, Gong Baosen immediately stood up to reveal his identity.

"Mr. Geng, I misunderstood..." Gong Baosen stood up and just said a few words, but was stopped by Su Yi's hand.

"Although Mr. Geng is not a big shot, he is not someone who can say what he wants, and whoever insults him." Su Yi said with a smile, his eyes sharp, "I gave Mayor Song some face to meet you because he said he wanted to see you." My people are highly respected. Forgive my blindness, old senior, I can’t see that the senior who forced people to compete for the first time, how can he be highly respected?”

These words are a bit serious, how could Gong Er tolerate others talking about her father like that, at that moment his face changed and he stood up and said: "Mr. Geng, please retract this sentence, you don't..."

Su Yi smiled and interrupted again: "Okay, I take it back, I apologize, I shouldn't say that I am a father in front of my children."

These words are hidden in the needle, making the father and daughter of the Gong family look bad.

Su Yi stopped looking at them, and said with a cold expression: "Everyone put down their guns and clear a space for me."

He looked at Ma San: "Although you insult me, you are a warrior, so I won't take a gun against you."

He took off his Chinese tunic suit and began to roll up the sleeves of his shirt: "I will fight with you. If you win, I will be scolded for nothing. If you lose, I have to teach you a lesson. Don't worry, I won't kill you."

While Su Yi was speaking, his subordinates had already moved away all the tables and chairs in the arena. Su Yi walked to the middle and waved to Ma San: "Come on!"

He said it to himself, and he could not be questioned or rejected at all, and he was very strong.

Gong Baosen and others finally saw the domineering side of the godfather of the underworld in Jinmen. The humble and polite Geng Liangchen before was just his appearance.

Ma San subconsciously glanced at his master, who nodded slightly to him.

It stands to reason that Gong Baosen's goal has been achieved, but he regrets it a bit and feels that he made a mistake, because in his expectation, the current situation never existed.

He didn't expect that Su Yi would still refuse to compete even though his posture was so low, and he didn't expect the situation to suddenly turn into an embarrassing situation for him.

In fact, this is the result of Su Yi's intentional calculations, and it's not to blame for Gong Baosen's mistake.

However, Gong Baosen's revealing his identity at this moment will undoubtedly make him more embarrassed, so he can only let Ma San fight Su Yi. Regardless of whether Ma San wins or loses this battle, Gong Baosen intends to show his hand in person, so that Su Yi can find out Showing off his identity as a master, and regaining the respect of Su Yi, when the time comes to step down in the Circus, everyone will be happy.

The subordinates cleared the field and immediately retreated to the side, still staring at the field.

Ma San also bit the bullet and walked into the arena, took a deep breath and let it out slowly, to clear his mind.

But he no longer had the unstoppable aura just now.

"Mr. Geng, I've offended you!" Ma San clasped his fists at Su Yi, and took the initiative to make a move. At the beginning, he used an immortal to guide the way, which was regarded as three points of courtesy.

Gong Baosen frowned suddenly, he couldn't see that Ma San had actually lost his fighting spirit because of Su Yi's power.

What made Gong Baosen frown even more was Su Yi's response. Su Yi actually responded with Ma San's move with a wild horse rushing through the trough.

This is a trick in Baguazhang, it is ordinary and has no bright spots at all.

This kind of response did not pose any threat to Ma San. He blocked with his right arm, and his left arm slipped out quietly from under his right armpit, walked in the middle, and went straight to Su Yi's chest.

Su Yi's response was also very simple, one trick was to call Yun Jianri on guard, and the other trick was to counterattack with the white robe cutting grass.

After two rounds, Ma San let go of his courage a little. Facing Su Yi's move, he lightly shouted a move, and the boy worshiped Buddha to shut out Su Yi's attack. Two dragons play with pearls, Beng Quan is powerful and heavy, hitting Su Yi's chest hard.

Su Yi didn't move his feet, but he leaned back suddenly, making Ma San miss.

Ma San's fists sank and hit Su Yi's abdomen. At this time, Su Yi seemed to be inescapable.

(End of this chapter)

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