Chapter 677
In the car at the gate of Zheng's mansion, Gong Baosen was telling the story of the past that had been dusty for 27 years.

His eyes were full of memories.

"At that time, I was supposed to deal with this Bo Wugui, but my master brother Ding Lianshan, who is also your master uncle, stopped me."

"I remember very clearly that it was snowing heavily outside at that time, and my elder brother and I were sitting around the stove, warming wine, saying our final farewell..." Gong Baosen's eyes were moist.

Thinking back, time passed, he seemed to smell the smell of wine by the fire again, the master brother Ding Lianshan stopped him who was about to go all out, and asked him a word with a smile.

"Haneda, who is easier to kill and escape punishment, or who is murdered to die, and who supports and manages a family with her husband? Which is more difficult?" Ding Lianshan asked.

"Of course it's easy to kill and be killed; it's hard to support and manage a sect." He replied, "I'm going to either die or kill. gone."

"You bastard!" Ding Lianshan scolded, "The elder brother is not dead, so it's your turn to be the big one?"

Then he said to him earnestly: "Haneda, people who practice martial arts should have a clear mind, and they should not be contaminated by anything, not to mention forming gangs with people indiscriminately? Our martial arts are the enemy of one man, and you are going to do something that is the enemy of thousands of people. Son, you've hurt the sect, and you've hurt yourself."

"I don't know what an alliance is, and I don't know what a revolution is, but I know one thing, people, what kind of river to cross, what kind of shoes to take off, and what kind of pants to wear as big ass. Chickens don't pee, they are different Each has its own way, and everything cannot be messed up."

"You, even if you mess up too much, it becomes a mess. Can you figure it out? The more you involve people, the more scruples you have. Whether you are alive or dead, it is difficult to separate the relationship with the people you mess with. Unlike me, who walks alone and has nothing to do with it, I have to handle this matter."

"But big brother..."

"If you call me Master Brother, there is no problem. Just now you also said that it is easy for me to do this, but it is difficult for you to do. Don't talk about it, pour the wine for Senior Brother..."

With a pot of warm wine in his belly, Ding Lian went away from the top of the mountain in the wind and snow, grabbed Bo Wugui and killed him with his palm.

From then on, there is no more gossip master in the world, only the Ghost of the East, Ding Lianshan.

Two lines of hot tears flowed down slowly, and Gong Baosen said slowly: "Master brother has offended both the Zhe Peng people and Zhang Yuting. There is no place for him to settle down in the three northeastern provinces, so he can only go. This trip will be 27 year..."

"It was the day when the elder brother left, I took Ma San as my apprentice. He was only eight years old at the time, thin and small, and he was no taller than a handlebar." He continued, "Ma San is my elder brother's apprentice. My nephew, the elder master has no heirs, so I always treat him like my own son. I took Ma San as my apprentice, and kept him at home like a son."

"Because I always feel indebted to the elder brother in my heart, it is inevitable that I will be tolerant and pampering Ma San, which has caused him to be domineering, selfish and self-respecting. I originally wanted to take him by my side and grind him hard, but I Before I start grinding him, I will have no chance..."

"It's the fault of the son not teaching his father, the teacher's laziness for not being strict in teaching, and not teaching Ma San well. This is the one thing I regret most in my life."

"Uncle, San'er's death is not your fault." Zheng Shanao couldn't help but said in a deep voice, "This was an accident, I guarantee with my reputation in my life, Geng Liangchen will never do such a thing! He is not a villain who must take revenge!"

"I don't think it's him, and I don't want it to be him." Gong Baosen said, "He really has no reason to kill Ma San, but what happened today, there is something wrong in his bones."

"Master, what do you think is wrong?" Zheng Shanao frowned, "I can call Geng Liangchen and ask him to give you an explanation. I can guarantee that as long as you are not satisfied with his explanation, I will definitely ask him to give you an explanation." Explain until you are satisfied!"

"Sounds like a good boy." Gong Baosen smiled.

He changed the subject abruptly: "I've seen his martial arts. Shan Ao, let me ask you something, don't lie, answer me honestly."

He turned his head and stared into Zheng Shanao's eyes: "Did you create this new concept of martial arts, or did Geng Liangchen create it?"

Zheng Shanao was stunned, and said: "Master, it is true that I created it, but Geng Liangchen also contributed a lot..."

"You lied to ghosts!" Gong Baosen suddenly became furious, "If you live three lifetimes longer, you will not be able to create a new martial art based on Western martial arts! If you want to play the trick of deceiving the world, you are not afraid of being exposed. Is it a bad smell for thousands of years?"

Zheng Shanao's face turns blue and purple: "Master, I'm not..."

"It's not what? Do you think it's your business alone? It's the reputation of a sect! It's even the reputation of Huaguo Wushu!" Gong Baosen sternly shouted, "Those who are obsessed with ghosts dare to covet any fame and fortune! A lot of age, still as ignorant as a child! Do you think others can’t see what I can see at a glance? Wait until things get out of hand and others will expose you. I see you old thing Step down! If you die, you will be stabbed in the back! Shame!"

Zheng Shanao was dripping with cold sweat, his face was pale, he gritted his teeth and couldn't speak a word.

Gong Baosen's tone was a little slow: "Creating a new martial arts is not an easy task. It needs years of accumulation and continuous improvement. It is called new from the root and from the bone. And I saw your new martial arts. Learning is to take the essence of various martial arts, take western boxing and oriental jujitsu as the core, mix them together, combine and melt them together according to your own characteristics and preferences, and form your own unique style. This is a kind of martial arts The concept of martial arts, a concept of martial arts that can surprise the whole world."

"Your stuff, ten thousand warriors learn it in ten thousand ways, and only warriors who play their own style can be regarded as masters."

"Geng Liangchen has his own stuff. I only saw him make two or three tricks, but he seems to be very handy in swaying at will."

"As for you, you seem to combine Baguazhang and new gadgets, but in fact it is just a blunt patchwork. You fight Ma San three times, and maybe he is not your opponent three times, but he can easily beat you the fourth time. Down! Why? Because you have too many flaws! According to your set of concepts, you haven’t even reached the level of becoming a teacher. You are simply following Geng Liangchen’s imitation of cats and tigers, copying rote, and you still have the foundation of Baguazhang in your bones. You created this set of things?"

Zheng Shanao wiped off his sweat, his face flushed red, he was so ashamed that he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

"Uncle, I was wrong!" He tremblingly cried.

Gong Baosen sighed, put his hands on Zheng Shanao's shoulders and said: "Shanao, our school can't stand the toss. I understand your desire to become famous, but the truth can't be fake, the fake is real No way. You can’t even fool me, how could you fool masters of all schools? How could you fool the world? And how could you fool Zhao Zhaotian, Iron Pen Spring and Autumn?”

"When you demonstrated it to me during the day, I felt something was wrong, so I went to see Geng Liangchen. I wanted to see both his martial arts and his character. I didn't expect such a tragedy to happen..."

Zheng Shanao said sadly: "I'm the one who killed San'er!"

"I don't blame you for saying this." Gong Baosen shook his head, Xiao Suo said: "I, Gong Haneda, never bother to blame others. Shanao, if you really want to leave a name in history, be a highly respected and escorting escort Daoist, that is enough."

"Master brother has a saying, the words are rough and the rationale are not rough. Today, I also give it to you. Cross any river, take off your shoes, and wear as many pants as you have! Do you understand, Shanao?"

"Master, I understand!" Zheng Shanao let out a long breath, as if he had let go of his burden, "I'm so dazed, I always feel that I have been doing nothing all my life, and when I get old, I just want to put an end to myself I should never, never should, try to use other people's achievements to take my own tail."

"Fame and fortune are tempting, but if this matter is done well, as long as you can gain fame and fortune, don't be greedy." Gong Baosen said, "I can probably guess why Geng Liangchen gave up his fame to you, because he is too young , He is not qualified enough to handle this matter well. He can't push this brilliant trend, so he uses you as a shield. However, he is very courageous if he is willing to part with such a great reputation."

"Master's eyes are as bright as a torch," Zheng Shanao laughed at himself, "Geng Liangchen and I talked about this matter, and his original words are indeed similar to what you just said."

"That's right." Gong Baosen said, "I took over the class of the Chinese Warrior Association from senior brother Li Cunyi, and I have always been committed to breaking the barriers of sects and carrying forward Chinese martial arts. I see direction and hope."

"If this set of things is really thought up by Geng Liangchen, then this person must be a great talent! But whether he can carry the hope and future of the warriors of the entire Hua Kingdom remains to be investigated."

"How does Uncle Master plan to investigate him?" Zheng Shanao asked.

"I have to take another look at his martial arts and his character." Gong Baosen narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Let me set up a platform for him, and I will invite experts from various sects to send out masters in Jinmen I will give Geng Liangchen a chance to compete on stage if we hold an elite martial arts competition. It is up to him whether he can stand out or not."

Zheng Shan nodded silently.

Gong Baosen glanced at him and said: "Think about the matter between you and Geng Liangchen. Don't let others underestimate you."

"Although Geng Liangchen is young, he sees things very clearly," Zheng Shanao sighed, "He won't underestimate me."

Gong Baosen was silent for a while, then quietly said: "Since he has seen it so thoroughly, why didn't he see that I was here to investigate him, not to provoke him?"

In the Japanese Concession, the headquarters of Zhe Peng's garrison army in Haiguang Temple.

Kotaro Nakamura looked at Koyoshi Matsumuro in front of him, and smiled sincerely.

"Matsumuro-kun, it's great that you can take the initiative to transfer me from Beiping to help me. Since the death of Mr. Sanye, the espionage work in Jinmen has come to a standstill. Because of that incident, I had to suspend my duties and go to Manchuria to accept the army. Ministry of questioning, did not return to Jinmen until the day before yesterday."

"General Nakamura, I heard that the matter is over, and the military did not blame you. This is really the best result." Takara Matsumuro said respectfully.

"His Majesty the Emperor originally wanted to grant me the Grand Ribbon of the Rising Sun, but now, everything has come to naught." Kotaro Nakamura said quietly, "In this way, I have completely lost my hope of entering the cabinet. Isn't this right? My greatest punishment?"

"..." Takayoshi Matsumuro showed an embarrassed yet polite smile, "This is really the saddest news I've heard."

"Don't talk about these unpleasant things." Kotaro Nakamura waved his hand, "Matsushiro-kun, I heard that you took the initiative to transfer to Tianjin this time to investigate the truth about Zhang Jingyao's assassination case and the assassination case? Doi Yuansang issued a military order, is that right?"

"Yes." Takara Matsumuro said seriously, "The key persons involved in these two cases are Liu Haiqing and Geng Liangchen, both of whom are in Jinmen. It is recognized as the murderer of Zhang Jingyao. The exposure of the mole, and what happened to the jade fragments of Mr. Sanye and Miss Yunzi, I think only these two people will give me the answer."

"What are you going to do?" Nakamura Kotaro asked in a deep voice.

"Liu Haiqing is now the hottest Zheng Zhixin star in Jinling. According to reliable information, he came to Jinmen this time to shoulder the important task of forming a new intelligence department." Matsushiro Takara said, "This person can't easily touch him, especially now. The public opinion environment is very unfriendly to Zhe Peng. Under the situation of huge diplomatic pressure, we can no longer give Jinling an excuse and be caught by them. Therefore, when dealing with this person, my idea is to infiltrate. There is a sound plan, and the first step plan has been perfectly implemented."

"As for Geng Liangchen... If this person is really the murderer who assassinated Zhang Jingyao, then he is a very dangerous person!" Takara Matsumuro took a deep breath, "I will meet him personally for a while to make sure that he is the person recommended by Jinling. He came out under the guise, but he is still the real murderer."

"Oh, by the way," Kotaro Nakamura suddenly remembered, "Matsushiro-kun and the person who killed Zhang Jingyao met and had a conversation."

"Yes, so as long as I see Geng Liangchen, I will be sure of this." Matsushiro Takara said.

"Actually, I'm already arranging to arrest this person secretly." Kotaro Nakamura said, "Maybe you can meet him in the prison of Haiguang Temple tonight."

"It turns out that General Nakamura is already doing this." Matsushiro Takara was a little surprised, "If Geng Liangchen is really the murderer, his background must be unusual, because he can speak pure Kanto dialect."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Kotaro Nakamura was moved, "If this is the case, he must be caught alive. I'm curious, who is this person and what background does he have."

"I don't know how much power General Nakamura used to deal with him?" Takara Matsumuro hesitated slightly, but still raised his own concerns, "This man is an extremely dangerous bandit. I'm afraid it won't be that easy to capture him alive."

"Of course I know, and I know more information than you." Nakamura Kotaro sneered, "To be honest, I have found his weakness, I will not directly arrest him, I will fight with him—be polite before fighting!"

(End of this chapter)

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