Chapter 692
It's hard to find three-legged toads, but there aren't many people with two legs, right?
With a foot of more than [-] liba, these two hundred people can't even splash the water.Since someone mixed sand among them, it's over without any need.

Even if more than a hundred clean ones are picked out in the end, so what?

Oh, congratulations to Lord Geng for gaining more than a hundred clean bars!

That's it, does it make sense?
Therefore, there is no need to knock it over with one shot, it is the simplest and saves trouble.

Now you all know how unjust, false and wrongly decided cases came about, right?

Some of these two hundred people must have been wronged, but the cost of screening them is too high and the benefits are too low, so wronged people are wronged.

It's just that Mr. Geng still has a conscience for the face of the Jinmen heroes, so he gave them a thousand oceans.If someone else was ruthless, all these two hundred people would have sunk into the sea.

This matter is left to Brother Kuan, so Su Yi doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

It has to be said that following a big boss like Su Yi, the people under him have become more particular and open-minded in handling things. Everything that can be solved with money is solved with money, and few mothers-in-law and mothers care about it.Moreover, the vast majority of people also consciously safeguard the reputation and reputation of Jinmen heroes, and rarely do things to recruit Su Yi.

As the lower class, it is very shameful for them to live in this world, but from now on, Su Yi will be their face.

In the Japanese Concession, He Zhiying Er appreciated Su Yi's reaction very much.

"As expected of Geng Sang, as worthy of being a hero of Jinmen." He Zhiying Er laughed and said, "This man is too capable and smart, if he can really be persuaded to work for the Great Zhe Peng Empire, then How wonderful would it be?"

"Hezhi Taijun, my beloved disciple is dead, he was killed by Geng Liangchen!" Li Dasen shouted with tears.

He Zhiying Er smiled and looked at him: "Li Sang, I understand your mood at the moment, but it might be a good thing for you."

"The most filial apprentice to me died, and so many lands were lost, you still say this is a good thing?" Li Dasen was filled with grief and indignation.

"Don't be angry, maybe I should make it clearer." He Zhiying Er smiled patiently, "Now you have no other choice but to serve the great philosopher Peng Huangjun, so I decided to give you more Trust. Didn’t you always want the smokehouses on Futian Street? Oh yes, when Wu Sang was alive, he also wanted them, but he never got what he wanted. Now, they are yours.”

Li Dasen was stunned for a while, wiped away his tears, and bowed his head respectfully: "Thank you, Taijun, for your cultivation!"

Early the next morning, Su Yi received good news that Chen Shi recovered well after the re-operation and was ready to be discharged from the hospital.

Su Yi was very happy and rejected Yixiantian's proposal to drive back.

"You don't move, I'll ask Haiqing to arrange a special military train for you!" Su Yi said, "There are military trains going to and from Pingjin every day, Haiqing is currently inspecting the 51st Army, and it's just a matter of saying to him to put two people in the car. Don't underestimate the Zhe Peng people, they may not give up. So we still have to be careful in everything, and I can rest assured that you will come back under the escort of the army."

"Master Geng, you can protect Master Chen for a while, but you can't protect him forever?" Yi Yitian said, "What should we do when we get to Jinmen? As long as the Zhe Peng people still want to do something, they have plenty of opportunities."

Su Yi's smile was slightly restrained, but he quickly smiled and said: "I'm not a vegetarian, don't worry, I'll take care of my brother and sister-in-law, and the Zhe Peng people have nothing to do with them."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi called Liu Haiqing again, and after talking about it, Liu Haiqing naturally agreed.

"Hey, such a precious golden Buddha, why did you give me the pillar like a cake?" Liu Haiqing said with a smile, "If it is placed in someone else's house, it will be a family heirloom."

"Then be your old Liu family's heirloom." Su Yi joked, "But the premise is that you have to have a son. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, you don't even have a wife..."

"Do you have it?" Liu Haiqing raised his voice, "You don't have it either! Are you still talking about me?"

"I'm still young, I'm not in a hurry." Su Yi said with a smile.

Liu Haiqing said: "I know you treat money like dung, but you still scare me. This golden Buddha is hot for me to hold."

"Then give it away and change into an official hat." Su Yi smiled, "If you like, you can also inlay a jade seat on the Golden Buddha, and give me a Steepunk."

"Why?" Of course Liu Haiqing didn't understand the stalk, and felt inexplicable.

"Grandpa Geng, someone is visiting, this is a greeting card."

Su Yi took it in surprise, these days, is there still someone posting and visiting?
But he was not surprised to see the beautiful words on the greeting card - Gong Ruomei.

This woman has a bad temper, so Su Yi doesn't think it's unusual for anything to happen.

"I'm here to stop, let's not talk about it." Su Yi said.

"Who did you learn Northeast dialect from?" Liu Haiqing complained speechlessly, "Commander Yu praised you yesterday, saying that you did a good job in this matter. I think he admires you very much."

"Then thank him for me." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Don't worry about Senior Brother Chen's affairs, you can do your work first." Liu Haiqing finally said.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi opened the greeting card and read it.

Written in a succinct manner, to the effect that he apologized to Su Yi and wanted to pay a visit, the writing was very sincere and sincere, and the length of the essay was enough for a college entrance examination composition.

This woman is quite educated, anyway, Su Yi couldn't write the content of this post.

With such a sincere attitude, Su Yi had no reason to refuse, so he asked his subordinates to invite people in.

Gong Er wore neat trousers and an embroidered blouse today, showing off his tall figure.

Seeing Su Yi, he cupped his fists and bowed: "Mr. Geng, Gong Ruomei can't pay you! I really shouldn't have come yesterday. I was confused for a while. You are a lot of adults. Don't be like a little girl who doesn't know the general care about."

"It's okay, girl, you don't need to be too polite." Su Yixu helped, "Actually, if you don't tell me, I don't care about it at all."

"That's your Mr. Geng with the bright moon in his arms, and the sky is on the ground," Gong Er said seriously, "but a mistake is a mistake, and I know it's a mistake but I don't admit it. It's a mistake. I don't want my husband to underestimate me and underestimate me." Palace family."

"It's too serious," Su Yi said, "I have always respected your father and the Gong family."

"Mr. Geng, besides apologizing, you should have guessed my reason for coming." Gong Er looked at Su Yi and said, "Brother's defeat is due to underestimation of the enemy and ignorance. It's not that he is inferior to others. Unfortunately, he failed to prove himself. It's a misfortune. As a junior sister, I have never done anything for him, so I want to make up for the regret of losing to you, Mr. Geng."

"What if you lose too?" Su Yi asked, "Wouldn't it be regrettable?"

"If it's true that my skills are inferior to others, there is nothing to say." Gong Er said, "Mr. Geng, don't worry about me pestering me endlessly. I can't do such a thing, and the Gong family doesn't produce such a person."

Su Yi looked at Gong Er, he heard absolute confidence from Gong Er's words.

She is confident that she can beat Su Yi.

And of course self-confidence.

It seemed that defeating Su Yi was just a fact that hadn't happened yet.

To be honest, this made Su Yi a little uncomfortable and unconvinced.

Domineering, self-centered, victorious...

These labels can definitely be attached to Gong Er's body.

Su Yi pondered slightly, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll fight with you."

As a martial arts practitioner, Su Yi is not a coward.He is also very curious, where does Gong Er's confidence come from, and how good is Gong Er's martial arts.

Gong Er's tone was much lighter: "Mr. Geng, the time and place are up to you."

"It's better to hit the sun than choose the day. Let's go to the yard now." Su Yi stood up, "Miss, please wait in the yard, let me go upstairs and change my clothes."

"Mr. Geng, please go ahead!"

Su Yi changed into looser practice clothes, and then came to the yard.

He was a little solemn in his heart.

Although he has great confidence in himself, to be honest, he is not sure whether he will win or lose this battle.

Just like Gong Er didn't understand his martial arts, he also didn't know anything about Gong Er's martial arts.

Zheng Shanao doesn't know the Gong family's 64 moves.

Moreover, when fighting Gong Er, Su Yi still has a big restriction-all his ground sleeping skills cannot be used.

Although the atmosphere has begun to open up these days, and Gong Ruomei is a martial arts practitioner, she doesn't care about trivial matters.

But if she and Su Yi were to writhe on the ground like two worms—

Gong Baosen was already on his way with a machete.

Get rid of sleeping skills, not to mention that Su Yi has lost half of his strength, but at least one third of his strength has been lost.

Then, during the beating, Su Yi couldn't greet others' chests, buttocks, or crotch, which was also restricted.

To put it bluntly, Su Yi only used [-]% of his strength to fight Gong Er.

The two clasped fists in salute, Gong Er crossed his arms in front of his chest, pointed his left foot forward, and made a gesture of raising his hands.

Su Yi clenched his fists, shook his body, and began to approach.

Seeing Su Yi approaching, Gong Er remained motionless, she was very calm, and seemed determined to strike later.

So Su Yi was impolite.

While shaking tactically, he played a sharp combination.

Compared with before, Su Yi's kung fu is more varied and flexible, and full of charm.

Maybe he didn't even realize it, but his composition has the sharpness and simplicity of Wing Chun, and also the softness and complexity of gossip.

This kind of integration is definitely not the forced combination of Zheng Shanao, but a kind of "use".

This change is of course positive. In the short term, Su Yi's combat power will not be significantly improved, but it will definitely enrich his attack methods and martial arts background, laying the foundation for his future.

The last time he fought Ma San, Su Yi used Baguazhang to fight him in the early stage, until the end he used the sleeping technique of cross solid, and the winner was determined by one move.

So Su Yi's combined punch is definitely something that Gong Er has never seen before.

Gong Er thought that Su Yi's "Xin Wu" was like Zheng Shanao's, but now she knew right away after she actually got started that Zheng Shan'ao's "Xin Wu" was nothing more than a picture of a cat and a tiger, the two are not the same.

Su Yi's combination is changeable, fierce and fast, much stronger than Zheng Shan'ao.

This kind of fighting method that Gong Er was completely unfamiliar with made it very difficult for her to defend.

Unlike other traditional martial arts, someone taught her moves since she was a child, such as Xingyi, Taiji, Baji, Yanqing, Tongbei...

Gong Er has basically seen and experienced martial arts of all schools and sects, so when her opponent raises her hand, sometimes even with a glance, Gong Er knows what move the opponent is going to make, and then at the same time the opponent makes the move , Even before the opponent makes a move, completely block the opponent.

This is the ability of Gong Er, it cannot be said that it is always the same, but it is almost inseparable, so she can always win.

But now, what is Su Yi's move?
No trick.

Nowhere to be found.

Because Su Yi's fight is not a move, but a rhythm, an irregular rhythm, and belongs to Su Yi's own unique and changeable rhythm.

As long as Gong Er can't keep up with Su Yi's rhythm and can't figure out the characteristics of Su Yi's rhythm, she must be beaten passively.

Therefore, Gong Er may be able to fight Zheng Shanao vigorously without losing the wind, but against Su Yi, she only has the power to parry, and she is gradually exhausted.

Because Su Yi's attacks are like rain hitting plantains, getting faster and more varied, fast, slow, and stop, there is no rule at all. He was beaten hard several times.

This is because Su Yi has already avoided Gong Er's privacy and vital points, otherwise Gong Er would already be lying on the ground at this moment.

But does this mean that Su Yi has won?
Of course not, because Gong Er still has combat power.

Gong Er was clearly aware of her passivity, she suddenly jumped back like a fish, and immediately got out of Su Yi's attack range.

Su Yi chased after him without hesitation, but this chase disrupted Su Yi's rhythm. Seeing that Su Yi was about to catch up, Gong Er in front suddenly stopped and took a step back.

This is a rare and fierce move in Baguazhang, Gong Er played it extremely decisively, leaving no room for it.

This move was extremely abrupt and fast. One second before, Su Yi was still chasing, but the next second the attack was in front of him. Su Yi had no choice but to defend passively.

Knowing the ferocity of this move, Su Yi didn't dare to be negligent, his arms crossed and the chassis sank, almost going all out to catch this move.

But the next moment-

Seeing that the arms of the two were about to collide, Gong Er's aura like a domineering king instantly turned into a breeze, and he swung his hands and swung the lotus straight at Su Yi's eyes.

This change of rigidity and softness was extremely abrupt, like a big truck that was about to hit him, and suddenly turned into a "daddy's daddy is grandpa" rocking car at the entrance of the supermarket!
This extreme sense of gap made Su Yi's internal organs seem to be twisted together, making him extremely uncomfortable.

But he is a master after all, and he reacted instantly and retreated tactically.

Su Yi has always been cautious, just in case, he simply fell backwards.

Almost in the next second, a palm was silently imprinted on Su Yi's chest.

Su Yi's internal organs shook, and he was beaten until he sat on the ground.

Hidden flowers at the bottom of the leaves!

Su Yi was completely defenseless against this move!

He didn't see Gong Er's move at all!
If he hadn't leaned back cautiously and struck straight, he would have been strong one by one with this palm!
If that was the case, Su Yi would have lost his fighting power at that time and was KO'd!
But Su Yi's caution saved him, and this battle will continue!

(End of this chapter)

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