Chapter 695
The hero of Jinmen, the young master, the unparalleled little Mengchang...

Su Yi stubbornly turned himself into a living signboard with a reputation that spread far and wide.

As soon as the news of Li Dasen's death came out, everyone naturally put the account on Su Yi's head, thinking that killing traitors and enjoying grievances are what Su Yi should do and what Su Yi can do thing.

Li Dasen died on his own bed. He was strangled to death by his housekeeper in his sleep.

The housekeeper ran away overnight and disappeared since then; Li Dasen's body was not found until after nine o'clock the next morning by the servant who woke him up.

Li Dasen has always lived in the Japanese Concession, and because of what happened yesterday, He Zhiyinger was also a little worried that Su Yi would assassinate and kill Li Dasen, so he specially sent special agents to protect him.

It's hard to guard against house thieves. Who would have thought that the housekeeper who had been with Li Dasen for more than [-] years would suddenly kill him?
The people sent by He Zhiying Er were guarding against foreign killers, but they couldn't guard against house thieves.

Even when the butler left, they didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and watched the butler swagger away.

It wasn't until the servant's heart-piercing screams alarmed them, and they rushed in to take a look, that they realized that they had protected a lonely place.

After He Zhiyinger arrived, he slapped each of the two spies without saying a word.


The two stood at attention and bowed their heads.

"Idiot, trash, bastard!" He Zhiying Er scolded, "You ruined my big business!"

Li Dasen is the most senior member of the Jinmen Youth Gang. This person's defection to Zhepeng means that the largest gang in Jinmen, which controls tens of thousands of gang members, has been completely reduced to the Zhepeng people's minions since then.

With such a force in He Zhiying's hands, one can imagine how much it will help his spy career.

He Zhiying Er was already preparing to start formulating a series of plans and plans around Li Dasen, but Li Dasen died before he could succeed.

How could he not be furious.

There is nothing suspicious about the cause of Li Dasen's death, he was strangled to death by the butler with a belt.

But the question is, why did the housekeeper who had served Li Dasen for more than [-] years suddenly strangle his boss to death?

"Someone must have forced him to do this!" He Zhiying Er made a conclusion without thinking, "He must have been caught by someone."

"If we investigate the steward's recent whereabouts and the people he has been in contact with, maybe we will gain something." Kameda Ichiro suggested.

"No, it's not necessary." He Zhiyinger sneered, "Li Dasen would be a good dog when he was alive, but when he's dead, he's worthless to us. Why should we investigate the truth about him? Fierce? Is it really important to know who killed him?"

"But Li Dasen is our dog after all. If we don't find out the real murderer and let the murderer be arrogant, will it be too..." Kameda Ichiro didn't finish.

"This is of course a blow to us, both in terms of reputation and in reality." He Zhiying said, "We will undoubtedly be ridiculed, and will make those who might have taken refuge in us, Be more cautious."

"But what does it matter?" He Zhiyinger said contemptuously, "When our heroic Zhe Peng warriors enter this city, everything here will be surrendered under our feet, and everyone's life and death will be taken away by us. Those cowardly people will not resist us at all, and their ridicule today will be meaningless by then!"

Kameda Ichiro was thoughtful.

He Zhiying Er patted him on the shoulder: "When you do anything, you must ask yourself, will this matter affect your goal? If not, then leave it alone, and don't care about how others criticize you. When you When you are successful, everything you do is right. If you fail, no matter how good you are, it is all wrong.”

"I see, Kazuchi-san, thank you for your teaching." Kameda Ichiro said respectfully.

He Zhiying Er nodded happily, and the anger in his heart was also relieved a lot.

He pondered slightly, and said: "Geng Liangchen...Actually, I don't need to check at all, I know that Li Dasen's death is inseparable from him. But it doesn't matter, since he killed Li Dasen, he will take Li Dasen's place. !"

Kameda Ichiro said: "He Zhisang, you told me to check everything about Geng Liangchen before. I found out that his adoptive father Zheng Shanao is assisting Gong Baosen in organizing a martial arts competition."

"Martial arts competition?" He Zhiying raised his eyebrows, "Yes, I almost forgot that Geng Liangchen is an outstanding martial artist. This martial arts competition should be related to the martial arts school that Zheng Shanao will open soon. If I'm not wrong, Geng Liangchen will definitely play."

"What should we do?" Kameda Ichiro asked.

"If you want to conquer a person, you have to hit him in all directions to make him feel desperate." He Zhiying said, "And then when he is most desperate, give him a way out, and then he will worship you as a god! "

"Since it's a martial arts competition, how could it be without the participation of our Zhe Peng martial artist?" He Zhiying said with a smile, "Didn't Ota Tokusaburo always want to see me? Let him come."


Ota Tokusaburo was overjoyed when he learned that Kazutakaji had summoned him.

Since the death of Sanye Baiji, Tokusaburo Ota has lost his backer, and he desperately needs a backer to realize his ambitions and desires.

Matsushiro Takara ignored him, but fortunately Matsushiro Takara died soon.

So after Kazutakaji took office, Tokusaburo Ota immediately followed him again.

The two had known each other before, and their relationship was not bad, which made Tokusaburo Ota feel that he was about to develop again.

After meeting Wachi Takaji, Tokusaburo Ota was eager to express himself, demonstrate his martial arts, and show his advantages.

In order to achieve the "shocking" effect, Tokusaburo Ota also invited "actors" to practice with him. The two sides fought in a dazzling and dangerous manner. In the end, Tokusaburo Ota won with the cool and shocking "Saito One Sword Style" .

As we all know, itchi-ryu is a kind of swordsmanship.

He Zhiyinger is a layman in martial arts, and he can't see any traces of rehearsal between the two sides. He really thought that he had met an expert in the martial arts world, and he was immediately shocked by Tokusaburo Ota, which attracted a lot of attention.

In order to further consolidate his personality as a martial arts master, Ota Tokusaburo did not hesitate to brag about his status in the martial arts world, and bragged about how good his Shinto Wunian school of swordsmanship is. He is also proficient in various Huaguo martial arts. Sun Ruilin learned the Wudang School's peerless sword technique "Taiyi Xuanmen Sword", among which the unique move of "Hanmei Spitting Jade" can kill people invisible, and no one in the world can stop them.

Seeing that Wachitakaji was not convinced, Tokusaburo Ota demonstrated on the spot and asked Kazutakaji to be the referee. While Kameda Ichiro drew his gun, he drew his sword.

When the two sides were fighting, Ota Tokusaburo deliberately turned his back to Ichiro Kameda, and asked Ichiro Kameda to place two thick books on his chest.

When He Zhiying counted from two to three, Kameda Ichiro just put his hand into the holster when he heard a "Cang Clank", followed by a flash of cold light, Kameda Ichiro staggered back a few steps, and when he regained consciousness, The tip of Ota Tokusaburo's sword was already pointing at Kameda Ichiro's neck.

On Kameda Ichiro's chest, two sword marks were particularly obvious.

At that moment just now, Kameda Ichiro hadn't drawn out his spear, but Ota Tokusaburo had already unleashed three swords.

The speed is so fast that it is difficult for the naked eye to catch it.

If Su Yi had been present, he would have noticed that Tokusaburo Ota's martial arts had improved a lot compared to when he ascended the Yinglou that day.

The reason is that this person not only learned Wudang Taiyimen's secret school, but also learned a lot of martial arts.

Under the guise of making friends with martial arts in the Japanese Concession, he seduced many well-known warriors with opium and beauties, and then stole and plundered them, obtaining their martial arts and unique skills, and made rapid progress.

Moreover, his own swordsmanship is also of a certain level, which is why he was able to display three points of power in just over ten days.

Yes, if this move is practiced to a great degree, it will cover the opponent's seven vital points in an instant, and the person who is hit by the sword will die ten times and there will be no life, and the gods will not be able to save them.

And Ota Tokusaburo stabs at most three swords, strictly speaking, it is actually "two and a half swords".

But it's enough to shock the layman.

He deliberately asked Kameda Ichiro to draw his gun while he was making a move, creating a scene of "swords are faster than guns", forming a shocking contrast of cold weapons defeating hot weapons, which shocked Kazutakaji.

But in fact, it is not such an exaggeration at all. If Kameda Ichiro retreated another two meters just now, unless Ota Tokusaburo "flying sword", he would definitely lose.

Tokusaburo Ota, a kendo master, was established, and Kazutakaji looked at him, and suddenly had a better idea.

A few days later, Zhao Dezhu brought a person.

This is a young man whose figure and appearance are somewhat similar to Su Yi's. He has a slightly melancholy demeanor and doesn't seem very talkative.

"Master Geng, this is Wang Erniu, and also our brothers."

When Zhao Dezhu turned his head, he saw Wang Erniu still standing there stupidly, and shouted "tsk", "I'm calling you! Why are you standing there?"

"Geng, Lord Geng." Wang Erniu bowed nervously.

Su Yi smiled and waved to him, his gaze fell on Zhao Dezhu.

Zhao Dezhu understood, and introduced: "We are from Jinmen, and our family is in Tongyiyuan. Last year, we just separated from the two old people in the family. There is a younger brother in the family, and there were two younger sisters..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Dezhu paused, glanced at Wang Erniu, and said to Su Yi: "Half a year ago, my eldest sister was kidnapped by the Baijia gang. After you broke the volunteer wharf, Mr. Geng, his eldest sister also came back." It’s gone, but I’m crazy... not long after the eldest sister was taken away, the second sister was taken to the Japanese Concession by Yuan Wenhui’s people, and finally she was told that she entered Li Dasen’s house as a maid, and died not long after.”

Wang Erniu became even more melancholy, and his eyes were moist.

"Grandpa Geng, you killed the Baijia Gang, and now Li Dasen is also dead. You have avenged his two younger sisters," Zhao Dezhu continued, "He regards you as a benefactor. I told him about it, and he is very happy." willing."

Su Yi nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Do you know what you want to do?" Su Yi asked.

"I know, Lord Geng." Wang Erniu said, "Brother Zhuzi said, I came here as your substitute."

"Do you know what a stand-in does?" Su Yi smiled.

Wang Erniu was startled and shook his head.

"Just block the bullet for me," Su Yi said lightly, "If nothing happens, I may raise you for the rest of your life and you will be safe; but if someone wants to kill me, you may die tomorrow."

Not only was Wang Erniu not frightened, but he said firmly, "Master Geng, my life belongs to you!"

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Su Yi asked.

"I'm afraid! But if you die for Lord Geng, you will die! Anyway, there is a younger brother in my family, and our old Wang family is not considered the last generation." Wang Erniu said.

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder: "Good boy, I can't let you die easily if I say this to you. The danger is real, but don't worry, how can I protect me with dozens of guns under my hand? I will protect you no matter what, even if you want to die, it is not so easy."

After a pause, he smiled at Zhao Dezhu again: "Er Niu is not bad, I am very satisfied, so he is the only one."

"It's good if Master Geng likes it." Zhao Dezhu grinned happily, "Er Niu, why don't you thank Master Geng?"

"Thank you, Lord Geng..." Wang Erniu said hastily.

"I'm the one to thank you." Su Yi waved his hand, "Zhuzi, Er Niu's house, you come to settle down, no matter what Er Niu thinks, try to be satisfied, if you find it difficult, just talk to me, but don't refuse directly He. He came to work for me. There is no difficulty in the family, so he will not come out to work. We can help if we can, understand?"

"Understood." Zhao Dezhu nodded.

"Master Geng, I kowtow to you." Wang Erniu burst into tears on the spot.

Without saying a word, he kowtowed three times on his knees.

Su Yi stepped forward to support him, and patted him on the shoulder: "Work hard, and you will be your brother from now on."

"Let's go, Lord Geng still needs to practice martial arts, I'll take you to familiarize yourself with the environment first." Zhao Dezhu pulled Wang Erniu away who was wiping away his tears.

Su Yi withdrew his gaze, his consciousness immersed in his mind.

The terminal sent two messages, one was a reminder that the task was completed, and the other was that a new task had been released.

"Hello, actor Su Yi, the performance task of the first act of the third unit - double has been completed, performance evaluation: excellent; reward: 20 director points."

"Hello actor, the performance of the second act of the third unit "The Assassin King" has been released, and the task of the performance is - the wind rises from Rehe.

Mission statement: You have proven yourself to be a qualified assassin, but is this a path for you?Perhaps it should be confirmed.The Zhepeng people are ready to attack Rehe in an all-round way. You know the outcome of this battle very well. So, can you use the way of an assassin to change the situation of the battle?Mission deadline - before the end of the Battle of Jehol. "

In the way of an assassin, change the outcome of a war?

is it possible?

It might be possible, but the probability is infinitely close to zero.

Among other things, how difficult is it to sneak into the Japanese army headquarters, kill the opponent's commander without using hot weapons, and then retreat completely?

And can killing the commander change the situation of the battle?
I'm afraid not.

(End of this chapter)

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