Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 700 Theory of National Art

Chapter 700 Theory of National Art

"Young master? How did you get this name?"

The whole audience was shouting the words "young master", which surprised the real masters. In their opinion, Su Yi's martial arts were far from reaching the level of a master.

What is the realm of a master?
It is because flies and insects cannot fall, and a feather does not add to the body.

It's fists with no intention, no intention with no intention, seeing the true meaning unintentionally.

It is a precious garment hanging from Yushu.

It is also a mixture of yin and yang, combining hardness and softness.

The boxing manuals of various sects all have descriptions of the grand master realm of martial arts. Although the descriptions are different and the emphases are different, they are actually similar, and the pursuit is the ultimate control of the human body.As big as the joints of the limbs, as small as the pores of the skin, you can control it as you like.

The ideal state of martial arts is to control the internal organs and the head freely, but this is the state of the gods, it is a fantasy theory, there is no advanced method, and there is no theoretical basis.

Currently, there are only two recognized standards for a martial artist who is regarded as a master. One is the strength of the whole body, which is combined into one;

Generally speaking, if the first of these two standards can be achieved, the second can be achieved, because their principles are interlinked, and both need to practice martial arts to the point where they can be freely used in the inner and outer worlds, in order to achieve hope.

Although Su Yi's kung fu is novel and full of changes, whether he has the charm of winning or not, his use of power has not been integrated into one. Hit to the point of forming a whole.

The flies landed on Su Yi's body, but Su Yi couldn't feel it.

The feather can be stopped when it falls on Su Yi's body.

All of his punches and kicks are done intentionally, not unintentionally.

Su Yi also has only a half-knowledge of the way of yin and yang, hardness and softness.

Of course, whether the realm is high or not is directly proportional to whether you can fight or not.

In terms of realm, Zheng Shanao should be higher than Su Yi, but in terms of combat power 1 Su Yi = 2.5 Zheng Shanao.

"It should be that outsiders didn't know why, so they shouted indiscriminately." Ma Liang said.

"Geng Liangchen wins in a strange word. His martial arts has no tricks, but he has rules." Arm Saint Chuck said slowly, "If you don't understand his rules, ordinary warriors will not be his opponents. But if you say the master — he still has a long way to go.”

"I don't agree with brother Zhang's statement," Li Shuwen shook his head, "I think Geng Liangchen's martial arts focus on the rhythm, not the composition."

"I agree with Brother Tongchen's opinion," Shang Yunxiang said, "In terms of rules and regulations, Geng Liangchen's martial arts is just a pot of stew. I think it is the foundation of Western martial arts. What are the rules of Western martial arts? Foreign devils' martial arts are so superficial. Very, alas, but now, they are ahead of us..."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the grandmasters present were sad.

In their view, Su Yi's martial arts are based on western boxing, so he must have been taught by a foreign martial artist.

Foreigners have found a broad way to integrate martial arts, while Chinese martial artists are still groping desperately in the dark.

"Today, if you still look down on the martial arts of foreigners and feel that their martial arts are superficial and not worth mentioning, then you are a sinner of Chinese martial arts!" Zhang Zimin said solemnly, "We have worked hard for Chinese martial arts for so many years. It is undeniable that we have made great achievements in martial arts. There are some achievements, but the decline of national art has still become a brilliant trend. This is certainly irreversible with the trend of the times, but are we people not responsible?"

"Abandon sectarian views and exchange slogans for so many years, but we all close the door and communicate on our own. In the end, Guoshu is still a closed circle, outdated and backward, and I don't know how to adapt. It is still the insider who looks at the doorway, and the layman to watch the excitement. Etc. When the excitement ends, in my opinion, the martial arts will be completely over!"

"The curator is right." Gong Baosen sighed, "We have changed and changed over the years. We say it is communication, but in fact we are still in the same place. Why did Li Yuanqing and Li Chunnian lose? I think it's not just Geng Liangchen's peculiarity, but Is it our national art, or a thing to play with yourself behind closed doors!"

"Bagua, Taiji, and Xingyi are all able to hit you back and forth. This is because what we fight is to receive and dismantle moves. What move do I make, what move do you use to catch it, and how to counterattack. They all know it well. Why is it that Geng Liangchen can't do it? This is because Geng Liangchen is not from our martial arts world, he doesn't have the familiar moves of Li Yuanqing and Li Chunnian, so they can't beat them!"

"Then can we say that, Li Yuanqing and Li Chunnian are just good at picking up tricks, but they can't actually fight?"

Speaking of this, Gong Baosen paused and looked around.

All the grandmasters looked unhappy, because Gong Baosen's words had torn off the last fig leaf of Chinese martial arts.

"As the old saying goes, the old master can be beaten to death with random punches." Gong Baosen continued, "The old master has practiced boxing all his life, why was he beaten to death by random punches? Because the old master can't actually fight, but he is very good at receiving and dismantling moves. This The reason I discussed with the curator was two years ago."

"Two years ago, the National Martial Art Museum organized a national martial arts visit to Siam to challenge Siamese boxers. The people who went there were all recognized masters in our national martial arts circle. Everyone thought that they were superb in skills, highly respected, and would surely win glory for the country. What happened?" Zhang Zimin Said in a deep voice, "Without a single victory, I came back in a big defeat! Shame, this incident is by far the most embarrassing shame for me, Zhang Zimin!"

In 1930, the Chinese Martial Arts Academy organized martial arts masters to challenge the Siamese martial arts circle. As a result, the masters who were well-known in the martial arts circle in China all turned off their flames and returned in defeat.

Chen Zizheng, a well-known master of eagle claws from all over the country, was fighting against Siamese boxer Naiyang. Naiyang kicked him on the chin in three strokes and passed out.

Hu Sheng, a master who practiced Tai Chi for 15 years, was hit on the temple with a right elbow by Siamese boxer Ba Yue in less than 1 minute, and fell to the ground and passed out...

All kinds of tragedies, the man was silent when he heard it, and the woman shed tears when he heard it, so miserable that he couldn't bear to watch.

At that time, domestic public opinion was in an uproar, denouncing these visiting masters as liars.

But are they really liars?
They're not, it's just that they're masters of takedowns, they're not masters of fighting.

And if you really give them time to understand Siamese boxing, they may not lose, at least not so badly.

It's a pity that if there is no if, how could the masters at that time bother to understand the martial arts of a small state of Quer?

"There is still the first national martial arts examination in Jinling five years ago," Zhang Zimin said, "I wanted to show my national martial arts, but unexpectedly, I lost face!"

That session of the national martial arts test was extremely unsuccessful, and the examinees played tricks after they went on stage, and they played back and forth, which was very exciting.But in the eyes of outsiders, it's just you pushing and jumping around, like a monkey show, which is boring and boring.

Usually a fight lasts for more than ten minutes, or even a few 10 minutes, and there is no winner, and then they shake hands and make peace.

The audience fell asleep watching it, and the masters watched it with gusto.

And after watching these things, the audience was very skeptical, can these jumping things really hit people?
If you can fight, you can fight, but you can only fight people who have learned martial arts, or ordinary people who don't have the value of force. Others, for the time being, cannot fight.

At that time, a warlord surnamed Feng admired martial arts very much, but after watching the national martial arts exam, he almost doubted life.

"Guoshu really broke my fantasy." He commented disappointedly.

It was precisely because of that national martial arts examination that these masters of martial arts learned from the painful experience and decided to find a way out for martial arts.

They have made a lot of efforts, such as promoting martial arts exchanges, holding various competitions, letting martial arts enter the army, and so on.

But in fact, the root of Chinese martial arts has not changed, it is still the same old routine.

Of course, we can't blame all the ancient martial arts.

No matter how old the martial arts are, the existence of masters like Gong Baosen and Li Shuwen also proves the value of martial arts.

Besides the masters, there are also many masters who can fight in the martial arts world, but these masters are only a minority after all, most of them are "masters" who see their tricks, and they are self-proclaimed masters in the circle.

Why is this happening?

There are many reasons, but the most important one is the word "lazy".

Of all the warriors who can fight, which one doesn't practice diligently and never be lazy, practicing during the summer and winter?
Li Shuwen practiced martial arts when he was young, and every day in the middle of the night he would go all the way to the boxing ring with his elbows on horseback, and then fight back home from the boxing ring after practicing boxing.It takes more than ten kilometers to go back and forth, and I have to do farm work after practicing boxing.

Gong Baosen spends at least six hours on it every day standing and punching. It has been uninterrupted for decades.

Even the most famous Bruce Lee in later generations, in order to develop his astonishing grip strength, he held some crushed newspapers in his hands all the time.

For these senior masters who really love martial arts, the happiest thing every day is practicing boxing. They are practicing martial arts in everything they do, walking, sweeping the floor, doing work, and they are all trying to practice martial arts. Even modern professional boxers are very familiar with this. Difficult to do.

So can these masters not be great?
But how many martial artists are there who love martial arts so much and can endure loneliness?

Most warriors are eager for quick success and instant benefit, and they can't calm down when they stand still. After practicing the routines, they are eager to fight. When they learn to accept and dismantle moves, they feel that they can fight.

They can also fight with someone who also knows how to make moves. If the other party doesn't move, they will be caught blind.

They will never know that "masters" of their level will basically enter the entertainment circle in later generations, and those who do not will become Ma Baoguo.

But for such a situation, can all the faults be blamed on these half-bottled warriors?
Really can't, it's not their fault, it's the masters like Gong Baosen, the fault is those officials who proposed to carry forward the national art and save the country with the national art.

The biggest mistake of Guoshu is that it shouldn't be so prosperous, it shouldn't be so prosperous.

Because martial arts, especially traditional martial arts, should be a niche thing and should not become the mainstream of the public.

Warriors spend at least four or five hours a day practicing martial arts. In this era when ordinary people can't get enough to eat, who can spend so much time practicing martial arts every day?

If you want to achieve success in traditional martial arts, it takes at least three to five years to start. There is even a saying that "Tai Chi does not go out for ten years".

Who can afford this time?
Everyone wants to eat and make money. In order to practice martial arts, it consumes energy, manpower and financial resources. I practice for four or five hours a day, and then study for three to five years or even ten years. With this time and energy, can I earn more money?Am I not spending my time on more meaningful things?
Besides, what can I do if I have learned martial arts?
Be someone else's bodyguard?To join the army?Or become a martial arts master?
Are these three prospects really worth paying so much for?

So why learn martial arts?

The only reason is "powerful country and strong species".

The young people who rushed into the martial arts for the sake of strengthening the country had their blood and passion wiped out in the boring process of stance and body polishing, and then forced by realistic factors, they finally had to follow the trend and take a shortcut, becoming the so-called The "Master Master".

In order to prove their worth, masters and masters began to promote each other in business, and began to trick leeks into entering the arena.

As a result, martial arts became more prosperous, but there were still only a few people who could really fight, and nothing changed.

If there are too many fake masters, it is inevitable that people will expose them, so they found an excuse - the national art is the art of killing, only killing people, not performing.Because you can't kill people, you can only demonstrate how to practice, not how to fight.

This is a good excuse, but here comes the question - how many dead heads are in your sauce tank?

Otherwise, if you don't kill a few people, how did you practice the killing style?

According to what they said, all the masters who claim that Chinese martial arts only kill people will have to be arrested for homicide.

But the fact is that none of the fake masters will be arrested for killing people because of their practice, but real fighters who can really fight are sometimes wanted for killing people.

This is the status quo of the martial arts circle in the Republic of China.

Although the masters are committed to reform, if they really want to reform, the first thing they want to reform is to revolutionize the fate of the country itself, revolutionize the theory of inheritance, overthrow most of the theoretical systems passed down by the ancestors, and fundamentally deny Inheritance theories of various sects.

All the yin and yang, five elements, eight trigrams, and golden pills must be cleared up. Before telling the world, I was just talking nonsense. In fact, martial arts are not so mysterious.

All the patriarchs of Yue Fei, Li Kui and the Yang family will be thrown away, and tell everyone that his martial arts have nothing to do with these historical celebrities. They used to put money on their faces...

After the death of the ancestors, the life of Wu Xing was changed.

One is to disband most of the martial arts gyms, and tell the world that the martial arts gyms are opened to cheat money. I really want to keep fit, so I don’t need to practice martial arts, just work hard to make money and eat and drink well.

The second is to tell the world that there are not so many people who practice martial arts, because most people cannot practice martial arts.There are only two or three true disciples of each sect, and the rest of the disciples are raised for money.

Who has the courage?
Faced with such a huge vested interest group, even the masters themselves are vested interests, can they really change it?Are they really capable of ruining the jobs of so many people?
So they chanted their slogans loudly, and they changed their martial arts, but they were still standing still, and their situation was getting worse and worse.

The root of it is that today's martial arts has been made into a business, and it is still a sunset industry.

(End of this chapter)

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