Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 704 Difficult to win

Chapter 704 Difficult to win
In modern times, the hottest boxing style is Wing Chun, but in the 30th generation, the hottest boxing style is Chaquan.

Zha Quan was even once as famous as "South Fist and North Kick", and was known as "South Fist and North Kick Huihui Cha".

The reason why it is called Huihuicha is because it is said that Zhaquan was created by Chamil, a Muslim in the late Ming Dynasty.So it is called Chaquan.

Four years ago for the first national examination of Chinese martial arts, the always low-key Zhaquan sect shined brilliantly. Among the top [-] in the national examination, at least seven or eight had practiced Zhaquan, which shows that this style of boxing is very capable.

Zhaquan is a typical foreign boxing, and from the Republic of China to modern times, there have been many masters of Zhaquan. The modern national standard Changquan and student standard routines, from Wubuquan to Changquan, all the way and two ways, are all the foundation of Zhaquan.

It can be seen that this boxing method is not only capable of fighting, but also has tenacious vitality. It has withstood the test of the times and has also been recognized by both the government and the people.

Then why is Chaquan less well-known compared to Taiji, Bagua, Xingyi and other boxing methods?
You must know that this is not a small style of boxing like Wing Chun. Chaquan has always belonged to the big school, with branches all over the country.

This matter is also a mystery, it can only be said that luck is bad.

Furthermore, Zhaquan is more or less related to Islam, and may be influenced by it, so its reputation has not been obvious.

But now, in the circle of martial arts, Zha Quan is definitely a scourge.

Otherwise, how could a martial artist with bad records like Ma Liang be accepted by the martial arts hall and be revered as a master?

After the referee announced the start, Su Yi's expression became a little more serious.

He has heard the name Zhang Songnian before, and he knows that this person is not an ordinary person.

After a few sparring sessions with Gong Er, Su Yi no longer underestimated traditional warriors.

When encountering a warrior who can really fight, the outcome is really not in Su Yi's grasp, but in twos and twos.

A warrior who can really fight has quick adaptability, relying on his own physical quality and reaction, he can largely make up for his lack of knowledge.

And their fighting experience is also very rich, as long as they are careful and not careless, it will not be easy for Su Yi to win.

So Su Yi must forget Ma San, Ma San is a model of true pride and defeat.

In fact, in many cases, a temporary mistake, misjudgment, or even slow reaction in the ring will lead to the loss of the competition.

For example, Su Yi's fifth game against Houerquan Chen Dasheng can be said to be a narrow victory.

The final decisive moment is at that moment. If Su Yi's reaction is a little slower, then he should be on his way home in desperation by now.

No, losing the game is a failure of the mission, and he has no chance to go home.


Following the referee's order, the two began to approach quickly.

Su Yi competed in seven rounds, although only the monkey boxing round showed his full strength, but for Zhang Songnian, it was enough for him to see a lot of things.

He knew very well that Su Yi was a formidable opponent, and he was very afraid of Su Yi's unpredictable rhythm and unconstrained attack methods.

In particular, Su Yi's previous winning trick, Zhang Songnian, who is good at wrestling, was terrified.

He asked himself if he changed places with Chen Dasheng, he couldn't resist this move.

You must not let Geng Liangchen get close!
This is the bottom line that Zhang Songnian has drawn for this competition since he came to power.

Zhaquan is a type of long boxing. The routines of long boxing are relatively simple and simple, but if you want to practice it well, you have relatively high requirements for body coordination, flexibility, speed and strength.

Generally speaking, if you want to achieve something in Changquan, you must practice kung fu from an early age, stretch your muscles and strengthen your bones, in order to achieve something.

Anyone who has become a monk and learned Changquan halfway, there is no need to try it. This person is half-bottled in all likelihood, so it is impossible for him to be very powerful.

The reason for this is that when a person becomes an adult, the bones of the body are fixed, and it is basically impossible to practice the frame suitable for punching.

What is long fist?

To put it simply in four words - put the long shot and hit the long shot.

The movement of Changquan is extended and stretched, and the tendons are straight along the bones. Sometimes when punching, it is combined with twisting the waist and shoulders to lengthen the hitting point, so as to take advantage of "one inch longer and one inch stronger".

Therefore, the movements of Changquan are very big, hitting long, kicking high, and jumping high.

If you move big, you will inevitably sacrifice speed, which is why you must practice Changquan from a young age, because only when you practice from a young age can you take both speed and movement into account when your bones and muscles are not yet mature.

Therefore, the speed of a real master of Changquan is not only not slow, but also "fists like shooting stars, feet like thunder".

Zhang Songnian is such a master of long fist.

When the distance between the two sides was more than two meters, Zhang Songnian made a move.

At this time, unless a normal warrior intends to use flying feet, he will definitely continue to approach, and then make a move when the distance between the two sides is about 1.5 meters.Because 1.5 meters is the "attack distance" that can attack the opponent further.

But Long Fist is not.

When Zhang Songnian was at a distance of more than two meters between the two sides, he suddenly made a lunge and punched upwards. The next moment, Su Yi's fist zoomed in quickly, and he was already in front of him!
This is Su Yi's first fight with a Changquan player. To be honest, just this punch made Su Yi feel very uncomfortable, because this punch felt very abrupt and came in front of Su Yi. Su Yi had no time to dodge, so he could only fight block.

And because the opponent is far away, if Su Yi wants to fight back, he has to move forward. One more step will slow down the speed and delay the rhythm.

Sure enough, Su Yi blocked from sideways and then stepped forward, intending to start a rhythm with a right swing, but Zhang Songnian was very fast, raising his knees and retreating to let Su Yi go into the air, and then attacked back with Xu Bu and bright palms.

Su Yi didn't have time to dodge, so he could only block again, and then continued to advance and attack.

Zhang Songnian moved forward and retreated freely, and did not give Su Yi a chance to get close at all. He stretched his body and kept attacking, and retreated while fighting, constantly changing directions.

Soon, the two sides fought back and forth for a dozen rounds.

On the surface, it seems that Su Yi has been chasing Zhang Songnian to fight, but in fact, it is Zhang Songnian who is "slipping" Su Yi. He is leading Su Yi to beat him continuously, but he just can't hit him.

But when he attacked Su Yi, Su Yi could only defend and couldn't hide.

Both sides did not use their legs. Su Yi was not good at leg skills and was more used to using upper body and sleeping skills to solve battles; while Zhang Songnian didn't use legs because his legs were slower than his hands.

He can only beat Su Yi with his hands, but if he uses his legs, he may be taught by Su Yi to be a man in minutes.

But if the situation continues like this, the loser is likely to be Su Yi.

Because if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

Su Yi has been passively defending, but has never even had a chance to counterattack. How can he not lose?

That is to say, from the previous battle with Chen Dasheng, Su Yi gained valuable experience in keeping calm and being patient, otherwise he might involuntarily develop impetuous emotions at this time.

Su Yi tried to suddenly accelerate and hit several times, but they were all resolved by the opponent.

Zhang Songnian played very cautiously, not leaving any chance for Su Yi.

But likewise, being overly cautious leads to his lack of attack methods, so his winning rate is high and limited.

The standing skill was restrained by the opponent's long fist, Su Yi immediately changed his mind and decided to work directly on the sleeping skill.

At a certain moment, the opponent attacked with a forward step, Su Yi did not use combined boxing skills, but used the Tiger Leaping in the Eight Diagrams Palm to attack, supplemented by the lazy dragon leaning on the pillow, which is very similar to the stretching of the long fist , and immediately attacked Zhang Songnian.

Zhang Songnian did not accept the move at all as before, and retreated quickly, intending to distance himself from Su Yi again.

But Su Yi's lazy dragon leaning on the pillow was a false move, so he pounced on the ground, and then rolled quickly. By the time Zhang Songnian realized it, Su Yi had already reached his feet!
It's hard to guard against!

If you stay for a long time, you will lose, it is Su Yi, but why not Zhang Songnian?
It's just that what Su Yi has been guarding for a long time is Zhang Songnian's move, but Zhang Songnian has been guarding Su Yi's "close body" for a long time.

Which is easier and which is more difficult?Naturally, it is easy to get close, but difficult to move in!
Fortunately, Su Yi was lying down, while Zhang Songnian was standing. Although Su Yi's move was close to his body, it was also very dangerous. It was tantamount to putting his entire body within the attack range of Zhang Songnian's feet.

Zhang Songnian was taken aback by Su Yi's close approach, but this time he didn't dodge again. One was that it was too late to dodge, and the other was that Su Yi's lying posture was too upright, which made him want to kick him.

Zhang Songnian's leg skills are also very good. With one strike and two kicks, the shadows of his legs are flying. Even if he kicks with both feet in front of Su Yi, Su Yi can only passively parry.

But Zhang Songnian's attack could only go so far.
At the next moment, Su Yi used his strength to spin, and then his legs flew up into the air and clamped Zhang Songnian's waist, and then twisted his waist with his hands and turned around.

Zhang Songnian was pinned to the waist by Su Yi and couldn't break free, and was immediately pinched to the ground.

He tried his best to hold on to the ground with his hands so as not to completely lie down, but the next moment he felt that his left leg was tightly clamped by Su Yi's legs.

Zhang Songnian's heart skipped a beat!
The scene of Chen Dasheng being twisted and broken by Su Yi instantly appeared in his mind.

The extreme danger made Zhang Songnian's hairs stand up all over his body, and he suddenly trembled crazily like a frightened wild donkey.

This move worked very well, and immediately broke free from Su Yi's arms, Zhang Songnian got up like crazy and was about to run away.

But since Su Yi has seized the opportunity, how can he let him break free?
Before taking two steps, he was hooked by Su Yi's legs again. This time, Su Yi threw his whole body and pressed him. Zhang Songnian is also a very good wrestler. He is very experienced in dealing with Su Yi's pounce. Grasping firmly, he suddenly bowed up and leaned back, trying to use his own body weight to fall back and push Su Yi to the ground.

Normally speaking, if the fall was real, Su Yi would be stunned immediately, lose his strength and let go.

But Su Yi is not normal, he has received special training in this area, and knows how to land to maintain his combat power!

The moment he fell to the ground, Su Yi completed the naked twist, but Zhang Songnian had no time to react this time.

After falling to the ground, Su Yi's naked twisting movements were fully mature.

Zhang Songnian suffocated in an instant, his brain stopped feeding, and his whole face was bulging with veins, twisted ferociously, and appeared in extreme pain.

A second later, he went into shock and lost consciousness.

Su Yi overturned him and got up, jumped up and moved his hands and feet, and opened the distance.

Glancing at the dumbfounded referee, Su Yi frowned and shook his head. The referee just woke up from a dream and hurried forward to check.

"Zhang Songnian, Zhang Songnian, can you still get up? Can you still fight?"

The referee shook Zhang Songnian vigorously, and actually woke him up.

Su Yi looked helpless for a while.

If it was on the stage of MMA, the referee would have judged Zhang Songnian to lose when the naked choke was formed.

Because as long as Su Yi wanted to, he could directly strangle Zhang Songnian to death.

He took the initiative to let go, so that Zhang Songnian was only temporarily in shock, and he maintained his combat power.

Sure enough, Zhang Songnian stood up staggeringly quickly, shook his head vigorously, and signaled that he could still fight.

"The game continues!" The referee signaled.

Su Yi sorted out his mood and continued to participate in the game.

Improving the rules of the game is a matter for the future, and the top priority is to win the game.

One shock will definitely have an impact on Zhang Songnian, and Zhang Songnian's reaction speed has obviously slowed down.

But this guy is really smart, he played more cautiously, and this time he alternated long and short punches, making it harder for Su Yi to get close.

The two sides fought back and forth for a long time before Su Yi seized the second chance.

This time Su Yi used a guillotine to lift Zhang Songnian high and fall backwards.

If this is true, Zhang Songnian will be completely useless if he is not dead!
This brutal scene caused a burst of exclamation from the audience.

Even people who don't know kungfu can see that Zhang Songnian is doomed to die.

Could it be that the first warrior to die in the ring is about to appear?

There are timid audiences who can't even bear to stare and cover their eyes.

"Dog thief dare!" On the other side, Ma Liang's eyes were about to burst, he roared furiously, and was about to rush to the stage.

But almost at the same time he yelled that voice, Su Yi stopped his movements and threw Zhang Songnian out instead.

Zhang Songnian fell heavily to the ground. Although he fell badly, he saved his life.

Ma Liang stopped in his tracks, his face was gloomy, and his eyes were fiercely staring at Su Yi on the stage.

Su Yi seemed to have sensed something, glanced this way, raised his eyebrows, and quickly looked away.

Zhang Songnian got up quickly, retreated vigilantly, and distanced himself from Su Yi again, his eyes were full of fear at this moment, and he made a cautious posture.

Su Yi looked at him, frowned and said, "You still don't admit defeat?"

In fact, if Zhang Songnian wanted face, he should have surrendered the first time he was stunned by Su Yi, because others didn't know, how could he not know that Su Yi was showing mercy?
But he didn't, he stood up and continued to fight.

This time Su Yi spared him, but he still refused to admit defeat, which is shameless.

Zhang Songnian hesitated, but quickly gritted his teeth and said, "Admit defeat? It's not certain who will lose!"

Su Yi's expression turned cold: "If you fight again, I will never show mercy!"

All warriors signed life and death certificates before going on stage, that is to say, even if Su Yi killed Zhang Songnian, he would be exempted from responsibility, but Su Yi's reputation would definitely be affected in this way, after all, he had a life in his hands.

Zhang Songnian's heart trembled when he heard the words, and fear welled up in his eyes. Seeing Su Yi walking forward with a blank face, his fear finally defeated his luck.

"I surrender!" he yelled.

Su Yi paused, took a deep look at him, and looked away.

"Geng Liangchen wins!" the referee roared excitedly.

The sound waves on the scene suddenly broke through the sky!

Eight consecutive victories, but Su Yi was not happy in his heart, because his physical strength was exhausted in this fight.

(End of this chapter)

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