Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 711 Don't wait for me

Chapter 711 Don't wait for me
Su Yi's injury did not penetrate the ribs, did not hurt the vital organs, the blood loss was not too much, and there was no tendency to cause a permanent cavity.

Dr. Hengdeli said that as long as debridement and sutures are done well and antibacterial agents are supplied in a timely manner, the wound will heal within four weeks without infection or complications.

Four weeks, a month's time!
During this month, Su Yi must rest and refrain from any strenuous exercise, otherwise the wound will have to be re-sutured once it is torn.

That's all, the key is that if it causes infection, it will be fatal in all likelihood!

In this era, for the wounded, there is nothing more terrifying than infection. As long as the wound is infected, unless a miracle happens, they can only wait for death.

Penicillin will not be put into production and use until ten years later. Fortunately, a sulfonamide drug was just introduced to China at the beginning of this year, and it was called Peridone.The drug was mass-produced as soon as it came out and was widely used, known as the "gold" on the battlefield.

The drug has severe side effects, which can even lead to death in severe cases, but most of the time, it saves lives.

In China, Bailang Duoxi is very precious and rare. If it was not Su Yi who was injured by the gun, but an ordinary person, the French Concession Hospital would never use this precious medicine on a Chinese person.

The faces of the masters were all heavy. Although they didn't know western medicine, if such injuries were treated with traditional Chinese medicine, they had to be experts in Xinglin, supplemented by the above-mentioned good golden sore medicine, and only half of the chance of surviving.

And the recovery period of Chinese medicine will only be longer.

One month!

After a month, Su Yi's wound has healed, so will he be able to go on stage immediately?

Moreover, it is impossible for the Guoshu Elite Tournament to be held for as long as a month. With so many warriors coming from all over the country, they have to wait here for a month to compete?

what do they eatWhat to drink?Where do you live?
That's all, the key is who is willing to wait?
I'm afraid no one wants to waste time here.Most warriors have self-knowledge, knowing that they are just here to join in the fun and gain some knowledge.Is it crazy to wait a month for this goal?

Now there are only two results waiting for this event, one is to persuade Yu Xuezhong to resume the game as soon as possible; the other is to cancel the event, and everything is over.

But no matter how you look at it, no matter whether the game can go on or not, Su Yi will completely insulate and bid farewell to this game.

Regarding this, neither the masters nor Liu Haiqing, Yixiantian and others took it seriously. Although they felt regretful, they thought that the matter had come to an end, and it was useless to think about it.

It's good that people are fine, as long as they are fine, they can participate in the competition next year.

As for the next step, without Geng Liangchen, what should be done in the game will have to be done, and it is impossible to stop here.

Although Gong Baosen's original intention was to hold this event for Su Yi, but the event was held so successfully, he also had more expectations and pursuits for this event.

Now that Su Yi was injured by a gunshot wound, although many of his ideas and plans were affected and had to be postponed or even given up, for Gong Baosen, this was not an unacceptable thing.

So except for Su Yi himself, everyone defaulted that he had bid farewell to this game.

After exchanging greetings, Liao Xianyong wisely went out first.

"Treat your illness with peace of mind, and heal your wounds with peace of mind." Gong Baosen said to Su Yi, "If this Chinese martial arts elite competition can continue, there will definitely be a second and third session in the future. You missed this year, just wait until next year gone."

"You are still young, so there are plenty of opportunities." Yang Chengpu said, "We are very optimistic about you, hope you recover soon, and have the opportunity to demonstrate martial arts together."

"That's right," Chuck nodded, "Brother Geng, your martial arts is the first of its kind in founding a country. We are all very interested in it. I have many questions to ask you. Wait for you to heal your wounds. We will definitely visit again.”

Su Yi hurriedly said: "Senior Zhang, I don't dare to ask for advice, and the word visit makes the younger generation panic. It is my blessing to have the opportunity to discuss martial arts with the seniors."

"Why are you being polite?" Li Shuwen waved his hand, "Kung fu is the first thing to do. We don't know your martial arts. We still want to learn, but we have to ask you for advice. If you are willing to teach, we still have to kneel down and kowtow to our master." !"

"That's the truth, etiquette cannot be abandoned." Yang Chengpu nodded in agreement.

Liu Haiqing and the others on one side were a little surprised that the masters would give Su Yi such high praise.

Su Yi heard the implication in Gong Baosen's previous words, and asked, "Master Gong, did today's events have a bad impact on the competition?"

Gong Baosen's face was slightly heavy, and he said: "Due to the stampede, 26 people died, and another 43 people were injured and sent to the hospital. For such a tragedy, those of us who organize the event cannot absolve ourselves of the responsibility."

Su Yi said: "No one wants to see such a thing. If it is true, it is all because of me. Master Gong, you don't have to blame yourself."

"I have arranged for people to contact the victims and the injured. The injured will receive free treatment and compensation, and the family members of the deceased will also receive some death compensation. Although money cannot bring the dead back to life or allow the injured to heal themselves, at least it can Let the living be more comforted."

The four masters were in awe when they heard this.

"It is said that you are a hero of Jinmen, with unparalleled benevolence and righteousness. It seems that you are right!" Li Shuwen gave Su Yi a thumbs up, his eyes full of admiration, "Little brother, I admire you!"

Although the other three masters did not speak, they all expressed their appreciation.

Su Yi sighed and said, "Actually, I just did what I should do."

"That's the most rare thing." Gong Baosen said, "There are people in this world who don't do what they should do, and do a lot of things they shouldn't do. That's why it's so chaotic."

"Master Gong is right." Su Yi nodded.

"Because of this tragedy, the commander was so angry that he stopped the competition." Gong Baosen continued, "Although we cannot escape the blame for this incident, holding this competition has taken a lot of effort and cost a lot. It’s easy to take shape and achieve results, so it’s a pity that it’s a one-size-fits-all approach.”

"There is such a thing?" Su Yi was surprised and looked at Liu Haiqing.

Liu Haiqing pondered slightly, nodded and said: "It's not a big problem. I will mention this to Commander Yu later. He should sell my face, but you may be required to come up with a rectification plan and a promise of responsibility."

"Master Gong, what do you think?" Su Yi turned his head and asked.

The four masters were all overjoyed, they didn't expect that the matter that made them helpless could be solved so easily.

Gong Baosen hastily clasped his hands in thanks and said: "I am really grateful to Mr. Liu. On behalf of all the colleagues in the Guoshu Academy, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Liu."

Liu Haiqing smiled and said: "Master Gong, you don't have to be polite, Xiao Geng and I are as close as brothers, his business is my business. In fact, I don't know anything about Chinese martial arts, and I do all this for Xiao Geng's face. Master Gong would rather thank you As a person who handles things like me, I might as well thank Xiao Geng."

"Thank you." Gong Baosen said seriously, "No matter why Mr. Liu helped or supported us, we will always keep this feeling in our hearts."

Liu Hai smiled lightly and didn't answer.

Su Yi killed Ma San, and Liu Haiqing was naturally wary of Gong Baosen, thinking that sooner or later this person would be detrimental to Su Yi. He loved Wu Jiwu, hated Wu Jiwu, and had a natural rejection of Gong Baosen.

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat cold, Su Yi broke the embarrassment.

"Seniors, I have an unfeeling request, and I hope all seniors will fulfill it."

Gong Baosen and others looked at Su Yi.

"Just say it." Gong Baosen said.

"According to the competition system, it will take ten days to complete the first stage of the Master Challenge." Su Yi said, "Due to the large number of participants, this time may be extended to twelve or three days."

"If the competition can resume tomorrow, that is to say, I can continue to practice for more than ten days. In the second round, the competition will not be so intense. I think I can continue to participate..."


Before the words fell, Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian's expressions changed in unison, and they almost stopped drinking in unison.

"Don't act recklessly! Don't say more than ten days, you don't want to do anything in these three months!" Liu Haiqing yelled with a dark face, "Wound infection is a fatal thing, and you can't let it go!"

"Master Geng, [-]% of the soldiers who were shot on the battlefield died not from gunshot wounds, but from infection and complications during the recovery period." Yi Yitian said, "We can't listen to you about this matter. You must not continue to participate in the competition."

Having said that, the four masters also reacted.

"Xiao Geng, Mr. Liu is right about this matter, you can't let your temper go." Gong Baosen said, "You are still young, so don't be in a hurry."

"It's just a group arena match. If you don't fight, don't fight. Why take it to heart?" Li Shuwen also persuaded, "Little brother, it is the most important thing for you to recover from your injuries. As long as you are fine, everything will be fine." Possibly. Once your injury is wrong, it will be too late for you to regret it.”

"That's right, we will never agree to this matter." Yang Chengpu said.

"Actually, you have proved yourself." Chuck said, "Ten consecutive victories, including a few fierce battles. Everyone can see your kung fu. If you don't participate in the next games, no one will underestimate you."

"I want to participate in the competition, not for fame and fortune." Su Yi shook his head, "Seniors, I will not joke about my life, to tell the truth, I have ancestral golden sore medicine, which can shorten the healing time of wounds by half, seniors You don't have to worry about me, in short, I must participate in this game, there will be no change!"

Su Yi said the last four words so firmly that the scene was immediately silent.

"Everyone, Dr. Hengdeli is ready for surgery, and we are going to send the patient to the operating room." At this moment, a nurse broke the silence at the door.

Gong Baosen took a deep breath, and said to Su Yi: "Xiao Geng, you might as well wait until the second round to see how your injury recovers before making a decision, and we won't be in a hurry to announce your retirement. What do you think?" ?”

"I couldn't be more grateful!" Su Yi hurriedly cupped his fists.

"Then let's take our leave first. I wish you a successful operation and a speedy recovery."

"Thank you seniors! Xiao Han, send me some seniors."

"No, just stay."

After the masters left, Liu Haiqing said to Su Yi with a dark face: "You don't have any bullshit ancestral gold sore medicine, Geng Liangchen, what the hell are you doing? I really think I've lived too long?"

Su Yi smiled, turned to the nurse and said, "Girl, give us another 5 minutes."

"Okay, then hurry up and don't keep the doctor waiting." The nurses left helplessly.

"Well, should I avoid it?" Luo Yu asked suddenly.

When everyone's eyes fell on him, he smiled awkwardly.

Ever since Su Yi was sent to the hospital, Luo Yu had followed him all the time, but he hadn't said a word except to say hello to the masters.

"Aren't you going to join me?" Su Yi said, "Have you changed your mind?"

"No, how is it possible?" Luo Yu said, "I'm even more determined now, and I must go to you."

After a pause, he pointed to the sky: "He called you Lord Geng? Then I will call you Lord Geng too?"

"Call out and listen." Su Yi said.

"Master Geng!" Luo Yu said with a smile.

"Yeah." Su Yi smiled at him, "From now on, I will be my own."

Luo Yu was startled, a little moved.

Only then did Su Yi look at the dark-faced Liu Haiqing.

"It's true that I don't have an ancestral golden sore medicine, but I have a reason to participate." Su Yi said.

"No matter what reason you have, you can't make fun of your own life!" Liu Haiqing waved his hand, "Let me tell you, Geng Liangchen, if you talk about breaking the sky today, I can't let you go! At worst, I will follow Commander Yu tomorrow." Said, let him not only ban the competition, but also drive all these warriors out of Jinmen! I will give you a bottom-up, I see you as a hammer!"

"Hai Qing, I'm serious." Su Yi said helplessly.

"Seriously taking your life as a joke?" Liu Haiqing sneered, "I don't understand, what can I do if I don't participate in the competition? Are you competing?"

"Haiqing, I have to compare..."

"Usually everything is up to you, Xiao Geng, but this time it won't work!" Liu Haiqing said firmly, "Xiao Han, look at him and don't let him mess around. I'll send you some more people. In short, these few Yue must recuperate honestly, and he cannot do anything!"

"Hai Qing!" Su Yi suddenly raised his voice, "You know what I'm going to do, you should understand why I insist on competing!"

"I understand, but can't you change the time? One year later, you can't wait a year? Why are you in a hurry?" Liu Haiqing said.

"In one year, my martial arts school has already opened, and the first batch of students are about to graduate!" Su Yi said, "One year later, I can be late, but can the current situation allow me to be late?"

"The Zhepeng people have already assembled their forces in Rehe! After passing Rehe, it is Pingjin. Tell me, when will the Zhepeng people come to fight? Can they wait for me for a year? Can they wait for me for two years? By then they will Come to Jinmen, is it possible for my dream to come true?"

"Getting a good ranking in the competition is only the first part of all my plans. There are still many things to do in the future. I have made all the preparations, one after another, and now there is a problem with the first part. Everything will be affected, you have to overturn it and start over!"

"I finally opened up the situation in Jinmen, laid all the foundations, and I am about to succeed. If I really delay the timing and make it irreversible, all my efforts will be in vain!"

"And if the current situation collapses, everything will be hopeless and meaningless!"

"Time doesn't wait for me, Haiqing!"


(End of this chapter)

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