Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 716 The game restarts

Chapter 716 The game restarts
Three days passed by in a hurry, and this morning, Li Shuwen, who was [-] meters tall, finished teaching Su Yi the last lesson, and suddenly said with some melancholy: "Liang Chen, you have a very high understanding and a broad-minded mind. What's rare is that my master The tempers of the two are also suitable. It's a pity, we only have fate for these three days."

Su Yi was startled when he heard the words, and immediately realized that Li Shuwen was leaving.

For a time, there were a hundred feelings in my heart.

To be honest, during these three days, Su Yi and Li Shuwen didn't communicate a single word except about martial arts.

Most of the time, Li Shuwen was talking and Su Yi was listening.

This old man who is nearly [-] years old but still energetic is rehearsing moves over and over again as he narrates. Although because of Su Yi's injury, it can only be a force-feeding education, but he has really managed to put what he has learned all his life into practice. All the private possessions were passed on to Su Yi.

It even includes several ultimate moves of Bajiquan, as well as the untold secret and application skills of the big pole.

The so-called trick is that if you don't point it out, you will get it through.

This is the most valuable and precious thing, but Li Shuwen said it without hesitation and told Su Yi.

For the past three days, it seemed that Su Yi had been listening, but in fact, in the stream-of-consciousness teaching space, Su Yi had fought dozens of rounds with Ye Wen with the Bajiquan and big poles he had learned so far.

Of course, Su Yi never won a game.

Ye Wen, the master of the martial arts stage, is so strong that he has no friends.

It is precisely because of this that Su Yi's comprehension of Bajiquan is amazing in the teaching of listening and actual combat, so that he can draw inferences from one instance and make Li Shuwen amazed by Su Yi's "talent".

"Master Li, why not..." Su Yi was in a complicated mood and wanted to keep Li Shuwen.

But Li Shuwen smiled and waved his hands and said: "I also want to continue teaching you, but there is really nothing to teach, except to keep you by my side every year and take good care of you. But in this way, your aura will be restrained. not good."

Su Yi sighed, and said: "The kindness of passing on art, good days will never be forgotten. No matter what Master Li thinks, Liang Chen will definitely call himself a member of your sect. If you meet brothers and sisters of the same sect, you will definitely treat them as brothers and give them three points of courtesy!"

"That's not necessary. I have a lot of apprentices, and I have a lot of incompetent ones. You also treat those who become traitors as brothers?" Li Shuwen waved his hand. Clean up the door, and I also want to thank you."

"Okay, I've done everything I need to do, and I should go. Take care of your injuries. As for whether you will be on stage...the rematch will be tomorrow, and the first round will be over in nine days. Will your injuries heal by then? ? You have a good idea, think about it yourself. You are still young, are you really in a hurry for this moment?"

Su Yi said slowly: "Master Li has worked so hard for my own good, I know. But I have made up my mind about going on stage."

Li Shuwen sighed, shook his head, turned and left.

"Master Li, it's almost noon, it's not too late to leave after dinner!" Su Yi shouted hastily.

Li Shuwen waved his hands without looking back: "Someone will take care of the meal at noon today, so don't worry about it."

Su Yi looked at the back of the old man leaving, and smiled.

If only I could be as chic as him when I was old.

After Master Li left, Chen Shicai came out.

"How's the harvest in these three days?" Chen Shi asked.

"I don't dare to say everything about the true biography of the old man, but [-]% of it is there." Su Yi said.

Chen Shi showed a sincere smile on his face: "That's already a lot, junior brother, this is your chance. Many people want to ask a famous teacher for advice, but you let a generation of masters teach them by word of mouth for three days. How many people are killed."

After a pause, Chen Shi asked doubtfully, "I never had time to ask you. Master Li said he was entrusted by someone to teach you. Do you know who it is? Zheng Shanao? He doesn't have such a big face, does he?"

The appearance of Gong Baosen appeared in Su Yi's mind, with a somewhat complicated expression.

"I know who it is." He said, "He won't help me this time."

Gong Er passed on Su Yi's 63 moves, and he was short of teaching Ye Di Zanghua. Su Yi already guessed that this must be Gong Baosen's instruction.

Now that Gong Baosen entrusts Li Shuwen to pass on his martial arts, this old master, what is he thinking?

In fact, Su Yi could clearly feel that Gong Baosen felt alienated and rejected him.

He even always suspected that Gong Baosen seemed to be sure that Ma San's death had something to do with him.

But if this is the case, why did Gong Baosen spare no effort to enhance his strength?

Su Yi was also puzzled by this.

"Tomorrow, the rematch of the Guoshu Elite Tournament." Chen Shidao, "Just now Liu Haiqing called and said that he knows that you must care about the event. He will let you rest assured and heal your injury. He will send you the daily battle report."

Su Yi nodded, indicating that he understood.

Liu Haiqing called Su Yi about the rematch last night.

According to Liu Haiqing's idea, it is best to delay him for another ten days or eight days. The later the rematch is, the better it will be for Su Yi.

But I can't wait any longer.

Several masters on Ma Liang's side bypassed Gong Baosen and the others, and directly exerted pressure from Jinling's side. Yu Xuezhong compromised on the second day of the suspension.

There was supposed to be a rematch the day before yesterday, but Liu Haiqing dragged it off for another three days in the name of investigating the underground party.

It was Hu Zhantang who personally asked about this matter today, so Liu Haiqing had no choice but to let go, and the rematch will be tomorrow.

A small martial arts competition can actually be "listened to the heavens". I have to say that this is also a strange thing.

Of course, Su Yi also hopes that the time for the rematch can be delayed, but since this is the final result, he can only accept it.

For the next period of time, Su Yi has been using the Wing Chun master-level stream-of-consciousness teaching space to conduct actual combat with Ye Wen.

He no longer sticks to improving the realm of Wing Chun, because he has completely determined that he is not the kind of person who studies martial arts to the end.

He is a utilitarian through and through, and a very shameful "usage doctrine". Whether it is Wing Chun, Bagua or Baji, he will use whatever is powerful and useful.

If he was defeated by Ye Wen's move, he would die at it. If Wing Chun couldn't solve it, he would use Bagua. If he couldn't solve Bagua, he would use Baji.

He used such a stupid method to decipher Ye Wen's martial arts one by one.No matter how strong Ye Wen is, he can't stand Su Yi doing this.

So on the seventh day, Su Yi defeated Ye Wen for the first time.

"Finally, you are a teacher." In the stream-of-consciousness space, Ye Wen, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, said with emotion, "I am very pleased that you can be better than blue..."

"No, no, master Ye, I'm cheating, playing dirty, I'm still early..." Su Yi, who realized what was about to happen, panicked, and hurriedly explained.

"The future of Wing Chun depends on you." Ye Wen said to himself.

"Master Ye, I'm still a long way off, don't go..." Su Yi greeted Ye Wen as he spoke.

If Ye Wen was destined to leave, he hoped he was beaten away by himself.

Ip Man, who was exchanged for 1 million fan points, burns Su Yi's expenses every second of his existence.

"Goodbye, my disciple!" Ye Wen smiled and waved his hand, Su Yi punched nothing.


The next moment, the stream of consciousness teaching space shattered and collapsed, completely disappearing.

Su Yi, who returned to reality, tried to enter again, but to no avail.

He regretted a little, he knew that as long as he defeated Ye Wen, he would be a teacher, and the teaching space would collapse, so he would deliberately let Ye Wen say anything.

1 million fans are worth it, so it's gone...

In fact, what he is distressed about is not the 1 million fan value, but the opportunity obtained at such an expensive price, but he has not exploited this opportunity to the extreme.

Without the space for stream-of-consciousness teaching, Su Yi had no chance to hone himself in actual combat, and the speed of his progress suddenly plummeted.

At this time, the outside world's Challenger Challenge is in full swing. Although there is no "top hotspot" like Su Yi, the competition has already become popular. Without Su Yi, it is still an event that the whole people pays attention to.

In order to expand the influence of this event, Zhang Zimin even found radio stations in major cities to broadcast and explain the event, and major newspapers across the country also broadcast the progress of this event every day.

Not only that, but this event also attracted the attention of foreign media. Some mainstream media in the West reported the situation of this "Oriental High-Level Fighting Competition", especially for Geng Liangchen who had won ten consecutive victories. .

Su Yi's reputation has spread abroad, but the attention it has attracted is still not enough, and there are no waves.

But a British filmmaker saw a business opportunity. After obtaining the consent of Zhang Zimin, he decided to record the whole event with a video camera, and later made it into a video tape for sale.

This idea inspired Zhang Zimin, and Zhang Zimin even invited a domestic photography company to record the match, so that the match process can be shown in other cities in the future, so that audiences in other cities can also see the final battle of the masters.

To be honest, it is actually very difficult to win ten games and only lose one.More than 90.00% of the thousands of participating warriors were eliminated in the first round, and the elimination rate was very high.

And it's useless just to be strong in martial arts. To advance to the second round, sometimes you need some luck and some strategies.

There are many capable warriors who have won seven or eight consecutive victories, or even promised nine games, but in the end they still lost and were eliminated miserably.

A large part of the reasons are physical problems and injuries.

Not everyone is like Su Yi, who can solve the battle in one round. Most warriors, unless they are ruthless as soon as they come on stage, they all make moves and fight very slowly.

If it weren't for the 5 minutes time limit, most of the games would definitely not be finished in half an hour.

In most games, the players play for 5 minutes, and the referee finally decides the winner based on the advantages of offense and defense. This method is definitely not fair, so it has caused a lot of controversy.

Because of the time limit, for traditional warriors of this era, the competition is "unprecedented" fierce, and it is not a small challenge to their physical strength.

Coupled with such a "intense" challenge, it is inevitable that the intensity will not be contained, so injuries frequently occur.

It is a pity that many warriors with strong strength and potential have won seven or eight games in a row because they don't know how to protect themselves from injury, and finally had to give up the game due to injury.

There are also those who are exhausted after the fight and can't catch up. In the end, the opponent's strength is obviously not as good as their own, and they can only helplessly lose.

Among them was Wan Laisheng, a disciple of Du Xinwu, the hero from the north and south, who was also eliminated in this round due to injury.

Most of the warriors were "taken away by two waves", lost two games in a row, and then lost their qualifications for promotion.

For an ordinary warrior to win one or two games, it is enough to have a good time.

The warriors who can be promoted in the end are those who have overcome many difficulties, are extremely strong, and have excellent luck.

A total of 37 people won [-] victories, defended the ring successfully, and successfully advanced to the second round.

More than [-] warriors, and finally more than [-] people advanced. This is only the first round, and the elimination rate is quite cruel.

But those who advance will have a bonus of [-] oceans, not to mention just this honor, which will make the warriors flock to it.

After the first round of matches was finished, Yu Xuezhong, Liu Haiqing and other official figures arrived at the scene and personally handed out bonuses to the warriors who were promoted to the second round.

Real money, one thousand oceans per person, no discount!

The strength of the bonus caused an unprecedented sensation and made many people envious.

And the more than one hundred challengers who have received awards are extremely proud, even if they won't win a game in the future, these achievements and gains are enough to comfort themselves.

A thousand oceans is not a small amount, because he was worried that such a huge bonus would attract criminals, so Yu Xuezhong specially arranged for them to stay in several hotels and sent troops to protect them. To a certain extent, it deterred some people with evil intentions .

It is worth mentioning that among the more than one hundred people who have advanced, Su Yi's two old opponents are also impressively among them.

One is Su Yi's second opponent, Li Chunnian. After losing one game to Su Yi, the apprentice of the Tai Chi master Yang Chengpu, he won ten games in a row and successfully defended the ring, which proved that he was not in vain.

The second is Ma Liang's apprentice, Zhang Songnian, who narrowly beat his last opponent at the last moment of the first round and advanced by a thrilling margin.

Monkey Fist and Iron Sand Palm were stronger because of their injuries, but they were destined to miss the match.

Tokusaburo Ota, whose alias is "He Ota", also spent three days, winning two three-game winning streaks and one four-game winning streak, and advanced easily.

In addition to the Zhepen, two Britons, a White Russian, a Soviet, a black, and a Siamese also advanced to the second round.

Including Tokusaburo Ota, a total of seven foreigners advanced.

There are about [-] foreigners participating in the competition, and the elimination rate is not high.

On the second day after the bonuses were distributed, the draw ceremony for the second round of the "Championship Contest" began.

According to the original rules, plus Su Yi, a total of 37 challengers will be divided into 34 groups, with four people in each group, each fighting against each other. Each person needs to play three games. A point system is adopted, with one point for a win and zero points for a loss.

The person with the most points in each group advances, and the remaining three are eliminated.

But because the number of people advancing to the second round far exceeded expectations, the original rules were changed.

(End of this chapter)

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