Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 719 The Master's Hostility

Chapter 719 The Master's Hostility

On the same day, after all the competitions in the third game of the second round, Su Yi, who had a bye in this game, advanced to the third round together with the other [-] victorious warriors, entering the "National Scholars Competition".

The rules of the third round resumed the points system. Eighteen people were divided into three groups, six people in each group, and played against each other in turn. The winner got one point, and the loser got zero points. Play five games.

After five games, the person with the most points in the group advances, and then compares the points with No. 1 in the other two groups. If there is a winner with points, he will directly become the champion.

In case of the same points, there will be an extra match until the champion, runner-up and third place are determined.

The third round of grouping was decided by lottery on the evening of the day when the [-] qualifiers were born.Because Su Yi left directly after the game, after the application, Su Yi's subordinate Brother Kuan had full authority to draw lots on his behalf.

This naturally aroused some criticism and dissatisfaction, especially Ma Liang.

"An unruly person like this should be directly disqualified!" Ma Liang said angrily.

But this is of course impossible. If Su Yi is disqualified at this time, among other things, the spittle stars of all Tianjin can drown Ma Liang.

What's more, Zhang Zimin and the other masters would never agree.

"Geng Liangchen is injured, the situation is special, Master Ma, you know this, please be more considerate." Gong Baosen said.

"You can do whatever you want if you have an injury?" Ma Liang sneered, "He has an injury and he is responsible for it. I didn't blame him for causing our event to be suspended for four days. Instead, he started to specialize first? I really thought there was a Jinmen University With the reputation of being a hero, can you ignore the rules?"

Ma Liang was full of complaints, but in the end, Brother Kuan replaced Su Yi to draw the group lottery for the third round.

Su Yi was assigned to Group B, and his five opponents were——

Chang Dongsheng, Ma Liang's disciple, is a master of Chaquan, and he was born in a family of wrestlers. He is very good at wrestling and is known as the "Northern Wrestling King".

Tong Zhongyi, the descendant of Dai's Xinyi Liuhe Quan in Jin Province, passed all the way through with his ruthless heart and advanced to the third round.

Zhu Guofu, a master of Xingyi Bagua sect, Li Cunyi, a senior brother of Gong Baosen, is a direct descendant of Xingyi boxing, and his kung fu is extremely good.

Benny Leonard, the lighthouse boxer, is 1.8 meters tall and weighs 85 kilograms. He is black and very strong.Fighting all the way, no one can beat the heavy punch.

The last person is an old acquaintance of Su Yi - Tokusaburo Ota, who represented Wudang Taiyi Gate, under the pseudonym of He Ota!
This person performed well in the second round, won three games in a row, advanced to the third round, and was also divided into Group B, becoming Su Yi's opponent.

Starting tomorrow, Su Yi needs to fight these five people in turn, and finally decide the final winner!
Tomorrow and the next day, each player will play two games a day, and the last game will be played in the morning of the third day to complete the third round of the group stage.

The order of the duel was also determined according to the number plate.

In Group B, tomorrow morning, Su Yi’s opponent is Zhu Guofu, a master of Xingyi; in the afternoon, he will face Ma Liang’s disciple, Chang Dongsheng, the king of northern wrestling.

The day after tomorrow, Su Yi will fight Tong Zhongyi of Xinyi Liuhe Boxing and Benny Leonard of Lighthouse Boxing respectively.

In the last game on the morning of the third day, Su Yi will face Tokusaburo Ota.

After the lottery was drawn, Yu Xuezhong, Zhang Zimin and the eight great masters showed up together and awarded a bonus of 18 oceans to [-] people.

Su Yi was absent from the scene, so naturally his subordinate Brother Kuan continued to lead the scene.

This move made Ma Liang even more displeased. When presenting the award, he even satirized Brother Kuan in a strange way, which made Brother Kuan very angry, but he was afraid of causing trouble for Su Yi, so he dared not speak out.

This made Ma Liang feel refreshed, but he soon lost his temper.

In the reporter interview session after the awards, the reporters asked questions related to Geng Liangchen in eight out of ten interviews.

For example, "General Yu, what do you think of Geng Liangchen"?
"Mr. Gong, what do you think of the martial arts of Jinmen heroes?"
"Sharp Spear Li Daxia, what do you think are the chances of Geng Liangchen winning the championship?"
And so on.

When asked about Ma Liang, the reporter asked this question: "Mr. Ma, you are the chief instructor of Zha Quan and wrestling at the Chinese Martial Arts Academy. In recent years, Zha Quan has shined brilliantly in major national martial arts competitions. This time, you have advanced to the third round. Among the [-] masters, five of them practice Chaquan..."

When the reporter asked about this, everything was normal, and Ma Liang had a bright face, looking very useful.

But immediately afterwards, the reporter changed the subject: "But both of your disciples were defeated by Geng Liangchen in this competition. Do you think it is possible for Geng Liangchen to become the nemesis of Chaquan?"

"Keta is numb!"

Ma Liang was furious, and turned on the case, pointing at the reporter who asked the question and yelling: "Can you speak? What kind of thing is Geng Liangchen? Are you still looking for a boxing nemesis? If someone took extra care of Geng Liangchen, he wouldn't even be able to do it in the third round." If you can't get in, do you really think how powerful he is? It's ridiculous that there are no heroes at the time, so that Zhuzi became famous!"

As soon as these words came out, all the grandmasters and officials on the stage changed color, and the reporters and audience in the audience were also in an uproar.

Zhang Zimin's face turned black, and he glared at Ma Liang and shouted: "Old Ma, be careful! Do you know that you are responsible for every word you say! Groundless guesses are for spreading rumors! You said that someone took extra care of Geng Liangchen , Do you have any evidence? As long as you show evidence, I will expel this person from the Chinese Martial Arts Institute right now! But if you don’t have evidence, you must apologize to everyone now and take back what you just said in public!”

Ma Liang was angry and slipped his words, originally he was a little annoyed.But after hearing what Zhang Zimin said, he went all out.

Immediately sneered and said: "Evidence? If I can produce evidence, I still need you, Zhang Zimin, to come forward? But if there is no evidence, does it mean that it does not exist? Geng Liangchen was shot, the bullet hit the chest, and injured the bone. Such an injury, If he is not good, he will die tragically, but what about now? This Geng Liangchen is still alive and kicking to compete on stage, isn't this a big joke?"

As soon as this remark came out, the scene was once again in an uproar.

Because this is the first time someone has confirmed Su Yi's injury in public.

Before that, even if the reporter asked Su Yi himself, he got a vague statement that "the injury is not serious".

But now, Ma Liang clearly told the reporters that Su Yi's injury was very serious, even life-threatening!

"Mr. Ma, are you sure that Geng Liangchen is so seriously injured?" A reporter immediately questioned, "But Geng Liangchen also played two games after being shot, and won easily. look."

"He finished all the games in the first round on the first day. How many days did he rest in a row?" Ma Liang said, "Thirteen days! Originally, he could only rest for nine days at most, but what happened? The game was delayed for four days." Genius restarts, these four days are the time some people have specially bought for Geng Liangchen to recover from his injuries!"

"Ma Liang, if you talk nonsense again, get out!" Zhang Zimin was extremely angry, and the faces of the other masters were also very embarrassed.

But Ma Liang has completely let go of himself. He sneered and said, "Why? Since you can do it, why are you afraid of people talking about it?"

"Look at the two matches played by Geng Liangchen. In the first match, No. 37 vs. No. [-], such a lottery result is a rare event in a hundred years, but it happened that Geng Liangchen met him! After taking the stage, the two had a tacit understanding After passing the trick, Geng Liangchen won! It's unbelievable..."

"Beat that foreigner in the second round, hehe, you may not know that the foundation of Geng Liangchen's martial arts is the martial arts of foreigners, not Chinese martial arts at all! Who knows if that foreigner is his senior brother..."

The noise at the scene has become louder and louder, and everyone is very excited, because what Ma Liang said is so exciting!
"Get him out!" Zhang Zimin was strangely angry.

As for the remaining seven masters, they have all left the meeting to express their protest.

"No, I'll go on my own!" Ma Liang got up and sneered, "If you have the ability, don't play tricks in the next game, and see if Geng Liangchen will show his true colors? His chest injury has only lasted for more than ten days, and he will move a little more Injuries will crack and worsen..."

"Shut up!" Zhang Zimin was so angry that he pointed at his nose and yelled, "Ma Liang, if you announce Geng Liangchen's injury in public, it means telling everyone his weakness. Why are you so worried?"

"I have a public heart!" Ma Liang was also angry, and slapped the table, "I'm like this. If Director Zhang doesn't like me and wants to be jealous and eliminate dissidents, he can expel me, hmph!"

After all, Ma Liang walked away.

"You bastard!" Zhang Zimin finally couldn't hold back his curse words.

Ma Liang's words caused an uproar. Although most of the newspapers were speaking for Su Yi when they published the newspapers, they satirized Ma Liang secretly and secretly speculating about others without evidence.

But there are also some public opinions that are very unfavorable to Su Yi, and they began to question whether Su Yi really played fake matches and received unfair special treatment for others as Ma Liang said.

Some newspapers publicized Su Yi's injury with malicious intent, and "called" on Su Yi's opponents to take advantage of Su Yi's injury to defeat him, eloquently advocating the benefits of defeating Su Yi.

The third type of argument is mainly from Zhe Peng newspaper reports, needless to say, it must have been done by Tokusaburo Ota.

Tokusaburo Ota is not doing very well recently, because his identity as a "fake master" was dismantled by Kazutakaji, and Kameda Ichiro, Kamedajiro's loyal dog, told Ota Tokusaburo without concealment that if this time In the national martial arts elite competition, if Tokusaburo Ota could not win the championship, he would only die.

It would be a lie to say that he has no regrets and no fear, Tokusaburo Ota complained unbearably. He is one of the few people in Zhe Peng who understands the martial arts circle of Huaguo. He knows very well that there are many masters in the martial arts circle of Huaguo. Tokusaburo threw it in, but he couldn't even hit a float.

Therefore, he has always been very greedy for the unique knowledge of various sects and sects in Huaguo, and has been trying his best to steal and plunder, and he must learn it by any means.

His goal in the competition was to win the top ten. He didn't even think about being the champion, he knew very well that it was impossible with his martial arts.

But he didn't expect that He Zhiying Er would force him to die, making him have to complete this impossible goal.

Tokusaburo Ota even knelt down and begged Ichiro Kameda to let him go.

But all he got was two hard slaps.

Kameda Ichiro's cruel eyes told Ota Tokusaburo that if he couldn't do it, he would really die.

So he could only do his best, and he had to do whatever he could.

In the first round of competition for the champion, Tokusaburo Ota basically relied on bribery and coercion to pass all the way and won ten consecutive victories.

In the second round, Tokusaburo Ota couldn't cheat because he had to temporarily draw out his opponents. He was cornered, so he could only do his best.

Unexpectedly, he actually won three games in a row!
This made Ota Tokusaburo's confidence soar.

But the surge is a surge, but against Su Yi, he has no confidence at all.

He still remembers very clearly that he couldn't even defeat Su Yi's bodyguards in Dengying Tower.

Moreover, the scene where Su Yi threw a knife on the first floor to the third floor and killed Hu Desheng with one knife is still engraved in his heart, and it also makes him very terrified of Su Yi.

Not to mention, this person is used to unscrupulous means, it is impossible to expect him to be aboveboard, honest and not engage in petty tricks.

So after he heard Ma Liang firing a cannon at the lottery scene, he decided to use public opinion to guide Su Yi's opponents to attack Su Yi's weaknesses.

He is Su Yi's last opponent, and before meeting him, Su Yi has four more games to play.

He did this in the hope that his four previous opponents would be able to make Su Yi's injury relapse, and it would be best if he could retire with a serious injury.

In this way, he would not have to face the terrifying Geng Liangchen.

In addition to dealing with Su Yi, Tokusaburo Ota must also ensure that he can win.

He Zhiying Er's guillotine hangs over his head, once he loses a game, it will fall down, leaving him decapitated, so he can't lose, and dare not lose!

After the draw, Tokusaburo Ota immediately went to collect information on the four opponents except Su Yi, trying to find out their weaknesses and see if he could deal with the opponents off the court.

As a result, he soon discovered something.

He found out that Benny Leonard was a gambler and was very greedy for money, so he immediately tried to contact this person, trying to bribe him to play fake games.

Benny Leonard opened his mouth and offered a price of [-] U.S. dollars. In the end, Tokusaburo Ota bargained and settled the deal at [-] U.S. dollars.

"If you can cause harm to Geng Liangchen in the match with Geng Liangchen, then I will give you a huge bonus." After the deal was concluded, Tokusaburo Ota spoke to Benny Leonard in a bewitching tone. Said so.

The greedy black boxer's eyes lit up immediately.

The lighthouse boxer was easily dealt with, but the remaining three samurai directly rejected his offer after Tokusaburo Ota revealed his intentions.

Chang Dongsheng told Ota Tokusaburo to wait to die; Tong Zhongyi said to treat him as farting and let him go; as for Zhu Guofu, he directly told Gong Baosen about it, and Gong Baosen severely reprimanded the master of Taiyimen , He also said that if there is a recurrence, Tokusaburo Ota will be directly disqualified from the competition.

(End of this chapter)

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