Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 724 Kidnapping

Chapter 724 Kidnapping
In the arena, the probability of being stabbed blind by an opponent is too low, but such a low probability happened just like this.

Chang Dongsheng's mournful wailing lasted for a long time, and then gradually disappeared as the event staff carried him away, and Su Yi on the ring had already left——

Why don't you keep it for the New Year?
It can be foreseen that this match will definitely be controversial. The contestants in the ring will be stabbed blind. Is such a cruel match really acceptable to the public?

This incident will definitely have some negative impact on Su Yi, but fortunately, both the event organizers and the media reporters, there are many people who speak for him, to resolve the negative impact of public opinion for him to the greatest extent.

"It's too cruel, it's too cruel. This Geng Liangchen is a butcher at all, a devil! This kind of person must be disqualified from the competition, and he must be held accountable and sent to jail!"

Of course, Ma Liang said this.

Ma Liang roared, looking very angry, but the rest of the masters were not moved at all.

"Ma Liang, don't talk so much." Ma Yingtu became more and more disgusted with his fellow "citizen", "Don't say you don't know what Chang Dongsheng is going to do on stage, he is rushing to kill people , You deserve this fate! I think it’s easy to be blind, and you’re bound by yourself, who’s to blame?”

"If it hadn't been for Geng Liangchen's timely response, the trouble we are facing now would not be about the players being blind, but about the players being beaten to death in the ring!" Li Shuwen snorted coldly, "I don't think this should have happened. Blame Geng Liangchen, he is also a victim!"

"It should be an accident that Geng Liangchen stabbed Chang Dongsheng's eyes blind," Yang Chengpu also said, "We can all see this, so old horse, your apprentice doesn't care about this matter. If it goes on, it will expose his vain intentions on stage." The fact of murder, I'm afraid you will get burned. Geng Liangchen, a hero of Jinmen, is very popular."

Ma Liang's pupils narrowed slightly, and he heard the hidden warning in Yang Cheng's Mandarin words.

"What a hero from Jinmen, hehe, I, Ma Liang, have nothing to say if a strong dragon does not overwhelm a snake!"

Chuck looked at his back in disgust and said: "This matter must have nothing to do with him!"

"If there is no evidence, don't open your mouth." Gong Baosen said, "Let's stop this matter, and when you leave this door, don't say anything to the outside world."

Gong Baosen's intention was also the intention of Zhang Zimin and the Jinmen authorities, try to minimize the adverse impact of this matter, and suppress it.

The first day of the third round is over.

In Group B where Su Yi belongs, Su Yi and Tokusaburo Ota both won two games, accumulating two points and temporarily tied for first place.

Zhu Guofu has one point for each win and one loss, and Chang Dongsheng has one point for each win and one loss. The two are temporarily tied for second place.

Tong Zhongyi and Benny Leonard have two losses in two games, with zero points, ranking last.

Among them, it is very unlikely that Tong Zhongyi and Chang Dongsheng will continue to participate in the competition. The two can basically announce their withdrawal from the competition, but because the schedule has been determined long ago, even if they do not appear on stage, their number of games will still exist, but they will be judged directly. burden.

Benny Leonard lost two games on the first day and was doomed to be eliminated, even though two of his remaining three games were against Tong Zhongyi and Chang Dongsheng, he was destined to score.

Benny Leonard still has another match against Su Yi. Even if he wins Su Yi in this battle, it is only three points and he is destined to be eliminated.

Because whether it is Su Yi or Tokusaburo Ota, in the next three games, there will be a game where the opponent will be directly sentenced to lose and then score. These two are destined to fall into the pocket with three points.

Then the last match between these two people is also destined to produce a winner, at least four points. Benny Leonard only survived to get three points after defeating Su Yi. Obviously, he has completely lost hope of winning and qualifying. .

As for Zhu Guofu, because he lost a game today, his chances of qualifying are already very small, leaving only a theoretical possibility.

If Zhu Guofu wants to qualify, he must win all the next three games, so that he can get four points.

Fortunately, in his next three games, two of them were against Tong Zhongyi and Chang Dongsheng respectively, and he won two points.

So actually he only needs to beat Tokusaburo Ota tomorrow morning to get four points.

But getting four points is just the beginning, and then Zhu Guofu has to hope that Su Yi will lose to Benny Leonard, and then defeat Tokusaburo Ota, and also accumulate four points, so that he can qualify for another play-off with Su Yi , to compete for the final winning spot.

In other words, Zhu Guozu's fate is beyond his control. No matter how well he plays next, it depends on Su Yi's situation.

And will Su B lose to Benny Leonard?

The possibility of capsizing in this gutter is very small, so Zhu Guofu was basically eliminated.

In this way, just after the first day of the game ended, the qualifying situation of Su Yi's Group B became much clearer than that of the other two groups.

Among the six, four have fallen behind, and the winners will be born from Tokusaburo Ota and Su Yi.

Compared with Group B, the qualifying situation of other groups is still very vague, and everyone has hope.

Because Su Yi is in Group B, the media reporters are also very concerned about the qualifying situation of Group B. They made various analyzes early on, and the results of the analysis are as above.

Now there is such a newspaper analyzing the situation of Group B in front of Ota Tokusaburo, but this newspaper is in Japanese, so the reporter's position is on Ota Tokusaburo's side, thinking that the result is that Ota Tokusaburo won a complete victory, Overwhelmed the Jinmen heroes to qualify.

The reporter of this newspaper is more optimistic than Tokusaburo Ota.

In fact, Tokusaburo Ota believes that his battle against Zhu Guofu tomorrow will be a hurdle.

Because if Zhu Guofu wants to retain his last hope, he must defeat Tokusaburo Ota, and he has no choice.

It is foreseeable that Zhu Guofu will choose to fight to the death tomorrow morning.

Tokusaburo Ota watched the two matches between Zhu Guofu and Su Yi and Benny Leonard. To be honest, he felt that he and Zhu Guofu were evenly matched.

Who can win depends on who has better luck and who performs better.

Tokusaburo Ota couldn't accept this ambiguous future.

Fortunately, since the grouping ended yesterday, he has been prepared for this situation.

"Mr. Ota, Zhu Guofu has three younger brothers, namely Zhu Guolu, Zhu Guoxiang and Zhu Guozhen. These three people are now running the "Martial Arts Academy" in Shanghai, teaching Xingyiquan and taking in many students. Zhu Guofu's parents were also killed by them. The four brothers took over to Shanghai, and now they live in the public concession of Shanghai."

"Yaoxi!" Tokusaburo Ota became excited, "Then please tell Kazusuke Okamoto of the Black Dragon Association to invite their family to visit Hongkou!"

"Hey! Mr. Ota, in this way, Zhu Guofu will definitely compromise, and this person will no longer be a threat to you. Geng Liangchen is the only real opponent left for you."

Ota Tokusaburo's excitement and excitement disappeared immediately.

He frowned tightly, and sighed a long time: "Geng Liangchen... This is really a very tricky guy. The method I mentioned before..."

"Mr. Ota, we can't find a chance to poison Geng Liangchen at all. He doesn't eat anything from the outside world at all, and all the food and water that enters Geng's mansion are inspected by special personnel every day to prevent others from poisoning. This Geng Liangchen Too cautious, we have absolutely nothing to do."

"Then his family..." Ota Tokusaburo frowned.

"We only know that his parents took his younger sister to Manchuria a few years ago, and then they lost contact. I suspect that his family members are dead."

"So besides his family, who else does he care about most?" asked Tokusaburo Ota.

"According to our investigation, there are three people. The first is Zheng Shanao, who is Geng Liangchen's adoptive father; the second is Chen Shi, who is Geng Liangchen's senior brother; and the third is Gong Ruomei, who is Gong Ruomei. Baosen’s daughter, in the past month or so, the people we sent to monitor Geng’s mansion saw this woman climb over the wall and enter Geng’s mansion several times, and then came out after an hour or two each time.”

"Therefore, we suspect that this woman went to Geng's mansion to have an affair with Geng Liangchen..."

"Cheating?" Tokusaburo Ota interrupted him, "Is this Miya Ruomei married?"

"As far as we know, this woman is engaged."

"Suoga, she's really a slutty woman..." Tokusaburo Ota showed a wretched smile.

But he quickly restrained himself, and said with ruthless eyes: "The match between me and Geng Liangchen will start early in the morning the day after tomorrow! There must be no mistakes in this match. I need you to find a way tonight to give me these three people." Tie it back!"

"Ota-kun, is it too early?"

"No, the sooner the better! This person is very well-informed and very cautious. I'm afraid that if we touch Zhu Guofu's family, he will be cautious too, so the sooner we strike, the better!" Ota Tokusaburo showed a ruthless expression. .

is the day.

The alarm in Chen Shi's mansion suddenly rang loudly, and then there was a mess of gunshots, which made Zhao Guohui tremble.

Chen Shi dug out the pistol and grenade that Su Yi had given him, and came to the entrance of the secret passage with Zhao Guohui, ready to evacuate at any time.

But fortunately, the members of the pistol team who were in charge of protecting him came to report after a while.

"Master Chen, two gunmen came in over the wall, but they triggered the siren. They were surrounded by us and killed. They are all right now."

"Do you know who it is?" Chen Shi asked in a deep voice.

"My Ah Hu recognized one of them, it's Zhe Peng Langren from the Japanese Concession..."

"It's Zhe Peng again!" Zhao Guohui gritted her teeth with hatred, "Why are they so haunted?"

Chen Shi's eyes brightened, and he sneered, "In the eyes of the Zhe Peng people, I am nothing. They deal with me, but in the end they are dealing with my junior brother. This is really treating me like a persimmon, time and time again..."

"Master Chen, do you want to call Master Geng?"

Chen Shi shook his head: "Junior brother is injured, and he is still at a critical moment. Don't let him be distracted. Don't tell him about it. Tell the brothers, work hard these few days, be more careful, after this After a period of time, I will discuss it with my junior brother again."

"Yes, Master Chen!"

What happened to Chen Shi, Gong Er also met.

It's just that she was not at home at the time, but on the street.

For the past few days, Gong Er has been bored at home reading a book, not listening to anything outside the window, which made Lao Jiang very worried. After repeated persuasion, Gong Er agreed to go out for a walk.

Who would have thought that this walk would lead to trouble.

When the two were passing through an alley, they were blocked in the middle of the alley by a group of people.

There were about a dozen of them, and the leading ones held guns, and pointed them at Gong Er and Lao Jiang as soon as they came out.

"You two, someone wants to see you, why don't you come with us?" the leader said in a half-baked Mandarin.

As soon as they opened their mouths, Lao Jiang and Gong Er understood the identity of this person—Zhe Peng.

In the Northeast, this kind of Zhe Peng Langren is too common.

"Who wants to see us? Tell us clearly!" Old Jiang snorted coldly.

"I'll understand when I see you!"

The two men with guns took out their handcuffs and approached cautiously. Gong Er and Lao Jiang did not move rashly. They quickly scanned the surroundings, and then met their eyes.

At the moment when the two Zhe Peng people came up and handcuffed one of their hands, Lao Jiang and Gong Er moved together.

The two, one in front of the other, shot at each other and grabbed their guns, and then used the two Zhe Peng people as human shields to shoot at the rest of the people.

bang bang bang...

During the loud gunshots, the Zhe Peng people fought back and fled in a panic, but they were no match for Lao Jiang and Gong Er, and finally left four or five corpses behind and ran away.

Gong Er was about to chase but was stopped by Lao Jiang.

"Stop chasing the girl, go back and find the master immediately, this is a strange thing!" Old Jiang's face was serious, "Why did the Zhe Peng people attack us? Did they come after the master?"

Gong Er said: "Then what should we do here?"

"Don't worry about it, someone will clean it up!"

Soon, the two left the place and returned to Zheng's residence.

Gong Baosen was not at home, but was dealing with today's incident in the Jinmen Martial Art Museum.

The two couldn't get in touch with Gong Baosen, so they asked the housekeeper to contact Zheng Shanao, hoping that Zheng Shanao could go to Gong Baosen and tell them what happened before.

Gong Baosen didn't get along well with the Zhe Peng people in the Northeast. He had already intentionally moved his sect to Shanghai. He was in Shanghai before to investigate the location.

Both Gong Er and Lao Jiang knew about these things, so they subconsciously felt that the Zhe Peng people came for this matter when they encountered Zhe Peng's attack, and they felt that they should tell Gong Baosen about it as soon as possible.

Recently, Zheng Shan'ao has almost been on the construction site of the martial arts school, so the housekeeper found him in no time.

Hearing that Gong Er was attacked, Zheng Shanao was startled.

Although Zheng Shan'ao was very busy, he immediately dropped everything at hand and went to the Martial Art Museum with the butler to find Gong Baosen.

The two went there in a car, but when passing through a woodland, someone suddenly jumped out in front, and the car immediately hit the person.

The housekeeper who was driving hurriedly stopped the car, was stunned for a while, and then hurriedly got out of the car to check.

"Don't get out of the car!" Zheng Shanao realized something was wrong, and hurriedly stopped the housekeeper.

But it was too late at this moment, more than a dozen gunmen rushed out from the forest, and aimed their black muzzles at the two people in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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