Chapter 734
British Concession Hospital.

Old Jiang looked at Gong Baosen who was walking towards him step by step in amazement, and said dumbfounded: "Old, master, you, how did you find it?"

After Gong Er was shot, Lao Jiang and Gong Er came to the British Concession Hospital for treatment.

They didn't tell anyone about Gong Er being shot, including the whereabouts of coming here, and they didn't disclose it to anyone, but Gong Baosen found it by himself.

"How did I find it?" Gong Baosen looked sternly and said in a bad tone, "If I don't find it, when are you going to tell me that my daughter was shot by someone who is a father?"

Old Jiang's face was full of bitterness: "Master, girl, she won't let me..."

"She won't let me? Don't forget, she is the lady and I am the master!" Gong Baosen snorted coldly, "How is it?"

"The foreign doctor just took out the bullet for the girl, and now he is bandaging the wound, so he specially found a female doctor." Lao Jiang hurriedly said, "The doctor said, the bullet missed the vital point, and it didn't hit very deep. The problem is not serious. Big, but we must pay attention to rest and diet, and change the medicine frequently.”

Gong Baosen's expression softened slightly, he sighed a long time, and sat down on the bench by the corridor.

He didn't speak, and Old Jiang stood by the side like a child who had done something wrong.

After a long time, the door of the office rang, and a female doctor and several female nurses came out.

Old Jiang rushed to greet him: "Doctor, how is it?"

The female doctor put her hands in her pockets and said, "There is nothing wrong with suturing and debridement, it depends on the recovery. For these three days, it is best to drink only some porridge and plain water, and do not eat anything else. Change the medicine twice a day. If it is convenient, it is best to stay in bed." Here, it is convenient to observe at any time."

"It's convenient, it's convenient, so I will trouble you, doctor. I am causing you trouble." Old Jiang bowed again and again.

"Okay, you're welcome." The female doctor smiled, "They are all parents, and I understand how you feel about being a father."

"Uh, you, you misunderstood." Lao Jiang stepped aside, revealing Gong Baosen behind him, "This is the girl's father, and I am an old servant."

The female doctor was stunned for a moment, and said with a faint smile: "This father is not like a father, and the servant is not like a servant... Tsk!"

Shaking his head and leaving.

"Master, I..." Old Jiang was about to explain, but Gong Baosen waved his hand.

"My father is indeed incompetent." He sighed and stepped into the ward.

Gong Er sat on the hospital bed, looking at the door.

Seeing his father coming in, he pursed his lips and smiled a little embarrassedly, and said: "It sounds like you are talking outside the door, Dad, I have made you worry again."

"But shouldn't it be right for the car owner to worry about his daughter?" Gong Baosen smiled gently and sat by the bed.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

Gong Er shook his head and smiled without speaking.

Looking at his daughter's pale face, Gong Baosen couldn't help but reached out and stroked her hair and said: "If you really like him, dad will go and cancel that marriage, Geng Liangchen..."

"Nothing," Gong Er suddenly interrupted his father, "Father, there is no such thing."

"If you don't like it, why would you block the bullet for him?" Gong Baosen said.

"I'm stunned." Gong Er laughed at himself, "but now he's awake."

She looked at her father: "Father, once the marriage is promised, you can't go back on your word. Our palace family can't make an exception because of me."

"For my daughter, so what if I go back on my word?" Gong Baosen said.

"That can't be done, then you are making me unfilial." Gong Er smiled, "Father, don't worry, I know it well. When the injury is healed, I will go to Jinling to study medicine as I said before. I won't bother with anything about martial arts."

"This shot, is it for nothing?" Gong Baosen said quietly.

"Take it as a dream." Gong Er looked out the window.

Outside the window, there are several plum blossoms in the corner, and Ling Han blooms alone.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the final of the Guoshu Elite Tournament began.

Jinmen hero Geng Liangchen, Heihu Zhaquan Xiao Xizhi, Button Shu Bill Underwood!

The three warriors who have won all the way will fight in circles to decide the final top three rankings!

According to the rules, the top three winners will receive three medals handcrafted by the Central Martial Arts Academy, engraved with the titles of National Scholar, Knight and Samurai respectively.

In addition, the top three also received additional bonuses of [-], [-], and [-] oceans, sponsored by Liu Haiqing, secretary general of the Three Youth League.

Although there was another shooting incident in the morning, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of the citizens of Jinmen.At the final scene in the afternoon, there were still huge crowds of people who came to watch the game.

However, the security was obviously strengthened at the scene. The audience was divided into six areas by the soldiers, and they had to rely on tickets and certificates to enter and exit, and strict body search security was implemented.

When the lottery began, Liu Haiqing rushed over.

He came from out of town, and he looked for Su Yi first.

"How is the injury? Can you go on stage?" He asked with concern.

"It's the last two games. If you can't play, you have to." Su Yi smiled, "I know you are very busy in Rehe, so you don't have to rush back."

"I'm really devastated. Apart from helping you out, I'm here to supervise the delivery of supplies. I have to leave tomorrow morning." Liu Haiqing said, "Zhe Peng is planning to march into Rehe. Tang Yulin caused anger and resentment in Rehe, and the hearts of the people Deviation, the army wants to change, and he himself has the tendency to surrender... Alas, the situation is irreversible, and war is inevitable."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere around Su Yi suddenly became solemn.

After passing Rehe, it is Pingjin.

"Forget it, let's talk about something happy." Liu Haiqing smiled at Su Yi, "You don't have to worry about the Zheng family. They will never dare to attack you again in the future! They bought Wang Tianmu before, and still This time, I bribed a man named Chen Qing from your pistol team, and I have already solved the mastermind behind the two shootings. I have left their family alive and will go abroad in the near future.”

"I can sleep soundly." Su Yi smiled at him.

Liu Haiqing said: "The matter of Mr. Zheng... Sigh!"

Liu Haiqing didn't know how to comfort him anymore.

"I'm the adopted son. According to the rules, I need to guard the spirit." Su Yi looked towards the ring, "After the game, I will go to Zheng's house."

"Okay, I'll pay my respects to the old man too." Liu Haiqing said.

On the stage, the referee drew lots and drew out the order of the competition.

The first game is Su Yi vs. Bill Underwood, the loser between the two, rest for 10 minutes, and then go directly to the second duel, against Xiao Xizhi.

In the first match between the loser and Xiao Xizhi, if the loser wins the first match, the winner of the first match will directly become the champion, and the loser of the first match will become No.2, and lose to Xiao Xizhi, who was the loser of the first match. Xizhi doesn't need to face off against the winner of the first match, and will automatically become No.3.

But if the first match between the loser and Xiao Xizhi is Xiao Xi's victory, then the first loser will directly become No.3 because of two consecutive losses.

And Xiao Xizhi needs to fight again with the winner of the first game to decide No.1 and No.2.

Although such game rules ensure fairness to a great extent, in general, the winner of the first game has the most advantage.

Because after the winner of the first game wins, it is very likely that he will directly become the champion after only playing this game.

But the loser of the first game will directly lose the qualification to compete for the championship, and will have to play the second game in a row. If he wins, he can only become No.2.

Xiao Xizhi, who played last, is also at a disadvantage, because as long as he loses a game, he will directly become No.3, and he is not even qualified to be the winner of the first game.

If he wins, he will continue to play the second round and compete for the final championship with the winner of the first round of "waiting for work".

Therefore, as soon as the result of such a lottery came out, Ma Liang was immediately unhappy.

He believes that Su Yi has received "special care" again.

"In the second round, he had a bye in one game and drew the worst opponent in one game. You guys know best if there is anything wrong with it! But after the matter is over, I don't care about it. Now it's time to come again, right?" Ma Liang was very upset. He yelled, "Why did Geng Liangchen fight first? Who can guarantee the fairness of your lottery? Who can guarantee that there is no trick in it?"

"Ma Liang, if you have evidence, you can show it. If you don't have evidence, you can stop spraying shit here!" No matter how good Gong Baosen's temper was, his anger was aroused, and he couldn't help but swear.

"Evidence?" Ma Liang sneered, "Geng Liangchen's preferential treatment over and over again is the greatest evidence! What evidence do you want me to show? The lottery is not fair! I want a new draw, and I have to do it myself! I can't believe it." you!"

"Bastard!" Gong Baosen jumped at the table, "Even if today's competition is no match, it's not your turn, Ma Liang, to come on stage and draw the lottery!"

"Hmph, Gong Houzi, are you too domineering?" Ma Liang said angrily, "Why, you can't allow others to question you? You become angry when you talk about it? Are you being poked at the heart by me?"


"Haneda! Calm down, calm down..."

Everyone hastily pulled Gong Haneda away.

"I'll draw lots again!" Zhang Zimin stood up suddenly, and looked at Ma Liang coldly, "This time I'm here to draw lots, and I will do the whole process by myself. If anyone still has doubts, just get away from me." of!"

"Hmph!" Ma Liang couldn't help but stop talking with a dark face.

Soon Zhang Zimin went to the stage, and first announced that there was a problem with the previous lottery procedure. In order to ensure fairness, he decided to draw lots again in person.

The audience has nothing to do, for them it doesn't matter who comes first, as long as they go on stage and fight.

But for Su Yi, who has the most advantage, that's not the case.

"It's just a lottery, what can go wrong with the program?" Liu Haiqing frowned deeply, "What the hell is Zhang Zimin doing?"

Soon a man ran over and whispered something in Liu Haiqing's ear.

Liu Haiqing's face suddenly turned cold.

"It's Ma Liang's fault." He looked at Su Yi, "This old guy questioned Gong Baosen and the others for favoring you, playing tricks on the lottery, so Zhang Zimin decided to go on stage and redraw the lottery in person."

After a pause, Liu Haiqing said in displeasure: "It's just playing with the rules. If someone doubts it, I will draw lots again. Then I will doubt it later! I don't think today's game can be compared. Let's draw lots in the afternoon. !"

"In the end, the game still depends on strength." Su Yi said, "So what if you rely on the rules to take advantage of it? Forget it, let them do it."

As soon as the results of the re-drawing came out, Liu Haiqing was even more upset.

Because the first game drawn this time was Xiao Xizhi's match against Bill Underwood, and Su Yi played in the second game.

Seeing this result, Ma Liang suddenly smiled.

"This is fairness!" He pointed to Zhang Zimin in the field, and smiled at the other masters.

"Hold your wallet!" Ma Yingtu couldn't stand him, "The sun is shining..."

"What did you say!" Ma Liang's eyes widened instantly.

Because this sentence is Hui dialect, the first half of the sentence insults his organs, and the second half greets his mother kindly.

"Zini's grandma!" Ma Yingtu also had a bad temper. While cursing, he threw the tea mug in front of him, and then rushed towards him.

The two were instantly torn together.

This scene stunned the other masters.

Suddenly, Gong Baosen and Li Wenshu looked at each other with strange expressions.

Then the two rushed over together.

"Stop hitting the two of you!"

"Oh, what a shame this is, stop it!"

One of them grabbed Ma Liang's left arm, and the other grabbed Ma Liang's right arm.

Ma Liang's face changed drastically in an instant, before he could break free, Ma Yingtu punched his eyes.

Ma Liang wailed "Aww", the next moment Gong Baosen quietly hit the target with a slapped leg.

At the same time as he shot, Li Shuwen put an elbow on Ma Liang's rib.

Ma Liang fell heavily to the ground.

Li Shuwen and Gong Baosen looked at each other and smiled.

"You two bastards!" Ma Ying scolded, and threw himself at Ma Liang again.

This time the two did not go to "struggle".

But other masters went to pull.

This farce lasted until Zhang Zimin came.

Facing the furious Ma Liang with a bruised nose and a swollen face, Zhang Zimin said lightly, "It's not proper to fight back and forth at a young age? All right, stop making trouble, this matter ends here."

"What the hell!" Ma Liang exploded in anger, "Ma Yingtu, you bastard, we are all Muslims, you are so cruel to me..."

"You are a disgrace to the Hui people!" Ma Yingtu was not used to him at all, and cursed as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry..." Ma Liang was incoherent with anger, and pointed at Gong Baosen and Li Shuwen with trembling fingers, "And you, Gong Houzi, Li Daganzi, how are you, are you bastards? , all bullied me..."

"Don't talk nonsense! The dirty people are innocent!" Li Shuwen raised his neck and snorted.

"That's right, I keep saying things without evidence, and I don't know where the fault comes from." Gong Baosen said to others with an innocent face.

Shang Yunxiang suppressed a smile, sighed and said: "Uncle Shi, it's almost done, and if you get it cheap, you'll be a good boy..."

Gong Baosen glared at him: "You kid thought I didn't see that trick monkey picking peaches just now?"

"Ahem..." Shang Yunxiang immediately coughed violently.

Ma Liang was really furious, but he scolded him like a shrew for a long time. Except for Ma Yingtu scolding him, the others were quite self-satisfied and ignored him at all.

In the end, he stopped making fun of himself, Zhang Zimin gave a pole, he said a few cruel words, and slipped down.

(End of this chapter)

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