Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 738 Personal grievances

Chapter 738 Personal grievances

It is a Chinese saying that a man has gold under his knees. For foreigners, it is just a gesture, a strange oriental etiquette.

If kneeling and kowtowing can offset one dollar of tuition fees, Bill Underwood can kowtow to Su Yi for change, and he doesn't care about kowtowing at all.

For Bill Underwood, who is dedicated to studying, nothing matters as long as he can learn the skills.

Su Yi's mixed martial arts can attract Bill Underwood, which is almost destined to happen, because Barton Shu was originally the pioneer of mixed martial arts, and it was also the first martial art that integrated Eastern and Western martial arts.

But the Barton technique is just a rough idea, while mixed martial arts is a great achievement.

In particular, Su Yi has now integrated many concepts and moves from Huaguo's traditional martial arts into the mixed martial arts system, making his martial arts richer and more lethal.

For Bill Underwood, Su Yi's martial arts is the future of Barton Technique, which is fatally attractive to him.

But what he didn't know was that his kneeling made the entire audience collectively superb.

Ever since the Allied Forces of the Eight Nations entered the capital, Chinese people have always kneeled down to foreigners, and foreigners kneeled down to Chinese people, especially when kneeling in front of so many people, it was absolutely unprecedented.

There was an uproar in the audience, and everyone watched the scene on the stage excitedly.

The clever reporters rushed to capture this shot, and couldn't contain their excitement.

On the stage, Su Yi was also a little surprised. He looked Bill Underwood up and down, and said, "Tomorrow, you can come to Geng Mansion to find me."

"You promised to teach me? That's great, thank God! Thank you, Master!" Bill Underwood beamed with joy.

Su Yi turned around and walked down the stage.

"Champion! National scholar!"

I don't know who yelled, and immediately the whole audience yelled these two words.

Su Yi had already stepped off the ring, and many people couldn't see him anymore, but everyone still stayed where they were, shouting and cheering excitedly.

The pistol team and the three youth regiment spies escorted Su Yi forward. Yi Yitian took off his coat and put it on Su Yi. He had noticed that there was blood oozing from Su Yi's back. The wound had obviously burst again and needed urgent treatment. .

But at this time, Zhang Zimin came up with the masters.

Su Yi stopped, clasped his fists at the welcoming Zhang Zimin, and said respectfully: "Hello, Director Zhang, and greetings to you, masters and seniors!"

Except for Ma Liang, all the masters smiled and nodded in return.

"Brother Geng, how is your injury?" Zhang Zimin asked with concern, "There will be an awards ceremony later, can you persist?"

Su Yi sighed, turned around and took off the coat he was wearing, and showed them his blood-stained back.

The masters were all moved.

"I'm sorry, Director Zhang, I'm sick, and I really can't insist on participating in the rest of the process." Su Yi turned around and apologized, "I can only let someone else participate on my behalf. If something goes wrong, Wanwang Haihan."

Before Zhang Zimin could speak, Ma Liang sneered: "You can persist in the ring, but you can't persist if you present an award? I think some people just don't know how to respect their seniors, and don't take us old guys in their eyes!"

Su Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, and when he was about to speak, Zhang Zimin glared at Ma Liang, and said first, "Brother Geng, even if you deal with the injury, you must rest well, and don't try to act bravely! You know, your body Not only your own, but also the ardent expectations of us, the older generation, for you, and the future of Guoshu. There must be no mistakes."

"Curator Zhang's words are serious, the younger generation can never afford such high expectations." Su Yi hurriedly said, "It is a great honor for the younger generation to follow the steps of the seniors and contribute some modest efforts to the national art."

"Sycophant!" Ma Liang sneered.

Su Yi frowned.

"Shut up!" Zhang Zimin turned around and scolded him.

Ma Liang just sneered and didn't take it seriously.

Zhang Zimin turned around and continued to say to Su Yi: "You can rest at ease and heal your injuries, and don't worry about anything else. When your health is better, let's sit down and have a good chat."

"Yes, Director Zhang." Su Yi said, hesitating slightly, and asked again: "As far as I know, according to the competition process, there will be an inheritance exhibition competition next..."

"Let's postpone this session until your injury is completely healed." Zhang Zimin said with a smile, "You are injured, we can't force you to perform on stage. As for the No.2 foreigner, what good inheritance do you have with him? No.3's Xiao Xizhi was also injured, so why can't us old fellows go on stage to entertain ourselves?"

"It won't be too late for us to hold this inheritance exhibition match after you have taken care of your body."

"Geng Liangchen is really your own son..." Ma Liang interjected in a strange way.

This time Su Yi stared into his eyes and couldn't bear it anymore.

"The person who spoke must be Master Ma Liangma, right?" Su Yi asked.

"It's me!" Ma Liang sneered, "Why? You were threatening to assassinate me in the newspaper a few days ago, and now you pretend you don't know me? The title of hero is really useful. Whoever disagrees can throw dirty water on others at will and get rid of this person. It's a pity, this old man really can't learn the trick of phishing for fame, and I'm afraid I won't be able to be a hero in this life."

As soon as these words came out, the people present changed their colors one after another.

"Ma Liang, to be an elder, you have to act like an elder!" Zhang Zimin scolded with a dark face, "Speak carefully!"

In front of Su Yi, Yixiantian and others, he still saved some face for Ma Liang, and only wanted to calm things down quickly and let this embarrassing situation pass.

But that's just wishful thinking on his part.

Not to mention that Ma Liang seemed eager to give it a try, and wanted to say a few more disgusting words to Su Yi, even Su Yi didn't intend to bear it any longer.

"Everything can be done over and over again, not over and over again." Su Yi looked at Ma Liang, "Since Master Ma has repeatedly made sarcastic remarks, he must be complaining to Mr. Geng? It just so happens that Mr. Geng also has something to say, and he wants to show it in front of him." In front of all seniors, ask Master Ma."

He stepped forward, stared into Ma Liang's eyes, and suddenly asked sharply, "Let me ask you, did you instigate your apprentice Chang Dongsheng to kill me in the ring?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expression changed, showing surprise.

"Nonsense, it's bloody!" Ma Liang reacted very quickly and immediately denied it. He looked insulted and looked very angry, "Geng Liangchen, don't pour dirty water on me. You have opinions on me. Let’s discuss the matter as it stands, and stop messing around with accusations!”

"Oh? Master Ma doesn't admit it?" Su Yi stared at him and said slowly, "After Chang Dongsheng hurt his eyes, I thought that even though there were no eyes in the ring, we both signed life and death certificates, but in the end it was Geng People hurt others by mistake, so they entrust their confidantes to send some love as compensation. Who would have thought that they could see the scene where Chang Dongsheng was almost kicked out because he had no money for medical treatment!"

"Master Ma, you don't care about your apprentice when you run out of master, isn't it a bit too cold-blooded? Since you don't admit that you ordered Chang Dongsheng, why don't I call him here and confront you on the spot?"

At the end of the story, Su Yi's expression was gloomy, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Su Yi was never polite to those who wanted to kill him.

The reason why he forbeared before was because he hadn't won the championship yet, so he killed Ma Liang, lest something would happen.

But now, he has no scruples!
I was thinking about how to take care of this guy later, but I didn't expect this guy to be unwilling to be lonely and jumped out on his own initiative.

In fact, the reason why Ma Liang dared to face Su Yi's cynicism and ridicule was because of his own little thoughts.

This man is scheming, and loves to plan people's hearts the most.He originally thought that Geng Liangchen, who had achieved great ambitions at a young age, won the name of a hero, and he must also cherish feathers very much.And it must be extremely good-faced, unable to bear the excitement of words.

Therefore, he deliberately provoked Su Yi at this time, just to anger Su Yi, and then said something such as "Isn't it just an assassination?" , I'm not afraid of you" and other ironic words, which stimulated Su Yi to express his position in public, and would never poke at Ma Liang secretly.

Why did Ma Liang do this?
Because he is afraid!

He is very afraid of death, and Su Yi's previous warning from the distance really frightened him, because speaking of it, the "Jinan murder" that shocked the whole country that he concocted in the first few years was indeed enough to die. The crime of the world.

Once Su Yi really killed him, it is estimated that the people of the whole country will applaud and no one will blame him.

So Su Yi's assassination warning can't scare others, but a person like Ma Liang who has shit under his ass is almost scared to death. It is precisely because of this that he turned evil and bewitched Chang Dongsheng to kill Su Yi .

But he didn't expect Chang Dongsheng to fail.

Why didn't he go to see Chang Dongsheng?
It was also because he was afraid that Su Yi would "misunderstand" that he and Chang Dongsheng had a good relationship, and suspected that he was the mastermind behind the scenes, so he wanted to clear up the suspicion in this way.

Quite an ostrich mentality.

In short, everything he is doing now is to keep Su Yi from killing him.

But this wave of reverse operations...

I'm fascinated.

Even he himself didn't expect that Su Yi would directly clarify the matter and talk about it with Chang Dongsheng.

"Hmph, Chang Dongsheng, that traitor, has bad character and bad morals. I have kicked him out of the school a long time ago!" Ma Liang said with a cold face, "It is very likely that he slandered me because of a grudge. You You are still young and easily bewitched by others, and now you believe people's words and come to question me, do you think you did the right thing?"

Su Yi smiled.

He shook his head, bowed his hands to Zhang Zimin and said: "Director Zhang, no matter what happens in the future, it is my personal grievance with Master Ma. The younger generation will never show any disrespect to Director Zhang, seniors and the martial arts academy. If there is something offending, the junior has no choice but to say goodbye in advance."

Ma Liang was startled when he heard this, panic flashed in his eyes, and he shouted sharply: "Geng Liangchen! What do you mean? Are you threatening me? We are warriors, people who practice martial arts. Don't bring your old habits here. It will hurt you." If you bring down the ethos of the martial arts hall, it will not be good for your future future!"

The grandmasters all had weird faces, and some even held back their laughter.

Zhang Zimin coughed lightly and said, "Brother Geng, this enemy should be solved rather than tied..."

"The enmity between life and death, Director Zhang." Su Yi sighed, "Even if I am generous, can my more than [-] brothers agree? To tell you the truth, the people below know that someone has plotted against me, and they are all filled with righteous indignation. It's not that I've been suppressing the people under my hands... Sigh, it's not easy to convince the crowd if you don't stand up..."

He looked at Ma Liang with a little pity, shook his head and said "tsk" and did not speak again.

Su Yi even said such words as the enmity between life and death, Zhang Zimin couldn't persuade him anymore, and the masters who originally planned to talk about it couldn't talk anymore.

Ma Liang wanted to kill Geng Liangchen, and he had already taken action, but he failed.This is really a life and death enmity, how can they persuade?
I can't open my mouth at all.

"Geng Liangchen!" Ma Liang was completely panicked, and shouted sternly, "I am a high-ranking official in Ludi! I am the confidant of Commander Han! President Wang Jingwei of the Executive Yuan thinks highly of me in every possible way, and has long wanted to entrust me with important responsibilities! You If you dare to harm me, Commander Han will not spare you! Dean Wang will not spare you! No one in the Guo family will spare you!!"

Su Yi looked at him calmly and said, "Do you think I'm scared?"

"..." Ma Liang's eyes gradually showed panic, because he saw the indifference and ruthlessness in Su Yi's eyes.

This man really wanted to kill him!

In Jinmen, Su Yi is an absolute leader, not to mention that Ma Liang is not a strong dragon, even if he is, he can only hang around in front of Su Yi.

Deep regret welled up in his heart, he hated himself for being deceived by lard and offending this person?
But if time goes back, I'm afraid he will still make the same choice.

His three views and character are destined to conflict with Su Yi, and his pursuit of interests is also destined to conflict with Su Yi.

"Curator Zhang, brothers," Ma Liang looked at the others sadly and indignantly, "You just watched me being threatened by Geng Liangchen? He is a younger generation, and he bullied me, an old man who was half buried in the ground, so you just have the heart to watch? "

"Ahem, I'm quite patient," Li Shuwen coughed twice and nodded to Su Yi, "Good day, take care of your wounds, don't mess around anymore!"

"Yes, I wrote it down." Su Yi hurriedly cupped his hands.

"En." Li Shuwen nodded in satisfaction, "Haneda, let's go."

Gong Baosen nodded to Su Yi, then turned to Zhang Zimin and said, "Together with the curator? I need to discuss some matters with you."

"Okay." Zhang Zimin nodded and was about to leave, but Ma Liang was in a hurry.

"Curator, what do you mean? This is a fatal matter, you can't ignore it!" Ma Liang's eyes widened, "You can't use me when you treat me as a lackey, and ignore me if you use me. This is crossing the river and denying your godfather, you..."

"Personal grievances, what do I care about?" Zhang Zimin angrily pushed him away, "Besides, do I care about you old man?"

After saying that, he ignored it and followed Gong Baosen and the others.


"Brother Geng, take care of your wounds."

"I'll go first too..."

Regardless of Ma Liang's obstruction, the masters left one after another, fearing that they would not be able to avoid it.

"Bastard! A bunch of snobs!" Ma Liang trembled angrily.

After regaining his senses, he was shocked to find that there were people around him at some point, all of them looked at him unkindly and stared at him.

(End of this chapter)

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