Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 745 2 kicks on the line

Chapter 745 Second kicker goes online

Chifeng is located in the northeast of Rehe Province. It is the economic center and traffic artery of Rehe, and its strategic position is very important.

Therefore, in the Rehe combat plan formulated by the Kwantung Army, the capture of Chifeng was ranked first, and the importance was even before the capture of the summer resort city.

Zhepeng's general headquarters for attacking Rehe was also located in Tongliao City, which is adjacent to Chifeng. Zhepeng's general leader of Zhepeng's attacking Rehe was directly commanding the East Route Army's attack on Chifeng.

These two people are also the most notorious war criminals in later generations.

According to the deployment of the Kwantung Army's attack on Chifeng, Zhepeng planned to outflank Chifeng in two routes from the north and the south. The goal of the campaign was to attract the main force of the Rehe defenders to around Chifeng, and then the Eighth Division would enter from Shanhaiguan to occupy the major fortresses along the Great Wall. At the pass, more than [-] Northeast frontier guards were locked in the territory of Rehe and wiped out.

Therefore, the Battle of Chifeng is related to the success or failure of the entire attack on Jehol, and its importance is self-evident.

Although Tang Yulin seems to be very unbearable, he still has some abilities. When he was young, he was once regarded as an arm by Zhang Dashuai, and he was often praised as "loyalty and brave". His fighting skills are definitely not bad.

It's just that the local emperor of Rehe in these years has been emptied of his mind and body by wine, sex and wealth, and has become the current "Opium General".

But his strategic vision is still there. He can see the strategic intention of the Zhe Peng people at a glance, and realizes the importance of defending Chifeng, so he garrisons heavily on the north and south lines of Chifeng. , specially invited Sun Dianying to help Chifeng.

Sun Dianying's ability is not bad, and he has seen the wolf ambition of the Zhe Peng people. At the same time, he does not believe in Tang Yulin's men, nor does he believe in the combat effectiveness and character of the Volunteer Army. Standing on the ground, the glory can only depend on oneself.

So he kept three brigades and deployed them on the paddock, Lingyuan and Wudan front lines as backup and support, thus leaving a retreat for himself.

Thanks to his action, he did not die in Chifeng city in the original history.

Chifeng's original defenders were in a terrible state, because they were afraid of Zhe Peng's plane bombing, they abandoned the city early and fled and hid.Fortunately, the Chifeng officials and people did not have the same popular support as the people in Beipiao. Instead, they went to welcome the Zhepeng people. They basically welcomed Sun Dianying's arrival.

The magistrate of Chifeng even led representatives from all walks of life, gentry, merchants, and elementary and middle school students to line up outside the west gate to welcome the anti-Japanese troops.

Almost at Suyi, they split into two groups, and one hour after setting off from the summer resort city, Sun Dianying also arrived at Chifeng City in one step with the grain transport troops.

Accompanied by him are Liu Haiqing and the special task force under Liu Haiqing's command.

"The hearts of the people are available, and the hearts of the people are available!" Sun Dianying was very happy to see the crowd of civilians at the gate of the city. "Come, get my military uniform and badge, and I want to talk to the villagers!"


Just as his subordinates were about to do so, they were stopped by Liu Haiqing who accompanied him.

"General Sun, the people at the gate of the city are chaotic and there are too many security risks. You should not show up in public!" He persuaded, "The battle between the enemy and us is in full swing, and the Japanese invaders have always been despicable and shameless. , carry out the assassination. The humble official believes that the general's safety is more important than Mount Tai, so we must guard against it!"

"How can this be done?" Sun Dianying frowned, "I can't keep silent because I'm afraid of death, can I? The soldiers and civilians must be united in things like war. I have to stand up to boost morale and win the people to stand with us. !"

Liu Haiqing said: "Then why don't we go into the city first, I'll find a safe place, set up defenses, and then invite officials and representatives of the people to enter the arena, and let you mobilize before the battle? In this way, we can kill two birds with one stone."

"Alright, then you should let more people in. There are too few people, and the scene is not good and boring." Sun Dianying said.

"Don't worry, General." Liu Haiqing smiled.

At present, a group of people continued to dress up as soldiers escorting food and grass, and went into the city in a cart pulling horse grass.

There were people arranged by Liu Haiqing in the city to respond, and immediately he did it himself, setting up the venue for the pre-war mobilization meeting for Sun Dianying.

At noon, his subordinates rushed to report with a telegram: "President, Ye Baishou is calling."

"Ye Baishou? Is something wrong with the 53rd Army?" Liu Haiqing asked casually while busy.

"No, someone invented a text using an emergency code, trying to contact our intelligence station in Ye Baishou." The subordinate said, "In addition to the code, there is also a local address and a strange signature."

"What is it?" Liu Haiqing drew attention.

"Two kicks," said the underling.

"What did you say!" Liu Haiqing's eyes widened instantly, and he raised his voice suddenly, "Say it again!"

"Yes, it's Er Tijiao." The subordinate trembled and hurriedly said it again.

"I fuck him..." Liu Haiqing's face flushed instantly, and he almost blurted out a swear word.

Er Tijiao is Su Yi, Su Yi is Er Tijiao!

When Su Yi rescued Wang Yaqiao and left Jinmen, he met Yixiantian for the first time at that time. After hearing the false name of Yixiantian, Su Yi teased himself as Er Tijiao.

Later, Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian teased Su Yi with this past and this name many times, Su Yi didn't think it was disobedient, and he joked with him, saying that sooner or later, the name Er Tijiao would spread across the country.

So when the name Er Kijiao was mentioned, the other party also knew the emergency contact code of the Sanqingtuan. Without thinking about it, Liu Haiqing knew that it was Su Yi who was here.

"I knew it! Damn it, I knew it!" Liu Haiqing yelled, waving his fists in dismay, "Made, can't you stop? Can't you just calm down a little bit! Ahhh..."

Liu Haiqing's gaffe made all the subordinates present look sideways.

But fortunately he calmed down quickly.

Pointing to this subordinate, he ordered: "Call back immediately, ask the brothers in the intelligence station to immediately pick up the person who sent the signal to a safe place, and then call the special line [-] to contact me immediately!"


Liu Haiqing said "immediately" three times in a row, and his subordinates felt awe-inspiring and did not dare to neglect, so they rushed to do it in a hurry.

Liu Haiqing took out his pocket watch and looked at it, then looked at the high platform that had been set up, and the defense and security personnel who were all in place, sighed, and gave up the idea of ​​going to the Chifeng Intelligence Station to wait for the call.

He summoned his subordinates casually, and ordered: "Requisition a nearby telephone, and bring the line to this yard for me! Once Ye Baishou calls the intelligence station, ask them to transfer the line over immediately. I want to receive this call as soon as possible, understand?"


Representatives of Chifeng's political circles, gentry and business circles returned to the city from the west gate soon, and when they arrived here, the courtyard gradually became densely packed with people.

Amid warm applause, Sun Dianying came to the stage and gave an impassioned speech, expressing his determination to fight against Japan with the elders of Chifeng and swear to serve the country to the death.

This man is very gifted in speech. His tone was impassioned, tearful, and touching. When he said that if he spoke insincerely and was greedy for life and fear of death, he would cut off his head to thank Chifeng's father and fellow villagers.

In such an atmosphere, the anxious Liu Haiqing finally waited for Ye Baishou's call.


"Xiao Han? What about others?" Liu Haiqing asked in a very aggressive tone.

"To Lin Dong." Yi Yitian replied.

"Lin Dong? What are you doing in Lin Dong?" Liu Haiqing was astonished.

Lindong is located in the north of Chifeng, where Cui Xingwu and Li Shouxin, who were withdrawn from Kailu, are stationed. The troops and supplies are sufficient. Two hours ago, Cui Xingwu and Li Shouxin assured Sun Dianying that the morale of the soldiers High, ready to fight the enemy to the death.

Moreover, Ye Baishou's General Yu Zhaolin is one of the few troops in Rehe that can fight, so what is Yixiantian doing there?
Liu Haiqing was confused: "What are your plans?"

"My target is Shao Benliang, and I need your intelligence cooperation." Yi Yitian said, "I don't know about his side, but he said that he will contact you through Ye Baishou's transfer, so that you can keep the communication open."

"Lin Dong also has our intelligence station, why doesn't he contact me through there, instead he has to transfer through Ye Baishou?" Liu Haiqing was even more confused when he heard the words.

"I'm not sure about that." Yi Yitian said, "But he said, if you ask this question, I will ask you to think about it."

Liu Haiqing frowned, thoughtful.

"Hai Qing, time is running out. I need information from Shao Benliang, and more importantly, information from the Eighth Division and the command post of the Li Shoushan Department of the puppet army." Yixiantian urged on the other end of the phone.

"As far as I know, the command post of the Eighth Division has been transferred to Beipiao, while Li Shoushan's command post is located in Chaoyang." Liu Haiqing said, "As for the traitor Shao Benliang, after he surrendered, he was arranged by the Zhepeng people to take him away." He led his troops to Nanling to repair and reorganize. Now he is in the Nanling barracks and stays at home. If you want to kill him, you must not only go deep into the enemy's rear, cross Chaoyang and Beipiao to Nanling, but also go deep into the enemy camp , This is simply taking food from a tiger's mouth, it is impossible to do it!"

"Whether it can be done is my business. You just need to give me as detailed information as possible." Yi Yitian said, "There is also information about the Eighth Division and Li Shoushan Command Post. I want to be as detailed as possible."

"Actually, the location of these two command posts is not a secret." Liu Haiqing sighed, "But even if we know their exact location and the deployment of troops there, what's the use? We don't have planes and cannons can't hit them." To go so far, the weapons and equipment are poor, and the morale of the troops is low. Even if you know where he is, there is nothing you can do about him."

"Xiao Han, since you are here, it is useless to say anything. I can only fully cooperate with you and provide you with intelligence support." Liu Haiqing said, "Be careful, be careful."

"Don't worry." Yi Yitian said.

"Give the phone to the head of the intelligence station, and I'll tell him." Liu Haiqing said.

When the station master over there picked up the phone, Liu Haiqing immediately ordered him to provide Yixiantian with intelligence, weapons and all the support he could provide at all costs, and fully support their actions.

Although he was very worried about the safety of Su Yi and Yixiantian, Liu Haiqing felt full of expectations in his heart.

In his mind, Su Yi has always been able to create miracles and turn the impossible into the possible.

Although this war has just started, in fact, the fall of Rehe is basically the consensus of the high-level Guofu.

Is it ironic?

But this is the fact.

Whether it is Liu Haiqing or Sun Dianying, in fact, everything they do is in vain, and the ending is already doomed.

But Liu Haiqing was not reconciled, so he tried his best to assist Sun Dianying, hoping to hold Chifeng, reverse the situation, and let the high-level Guofu regain their confidence.

But he himself knew how slim this hope was.

But now, Su Yi's arrival gave him a ray of hope.

Who said martial arts can't save the country?

If Yixiantian can successfully assassinate Shao Benliang, it will definitely be a great encouragement to the soldiers of Rehe.

For those who are vacillating and have the heart to surrender to the enemy, it is also a great deterrent.

After repeatedly exhorting, Liu Haiqing hung up the phone, and only then did he realize that his nerves, which had been tense all the time, had unknowingly relaxed a bit.

But then, he remembered the strangeness of this matter.

Why didn't Su Yi contact Lin Dong's intelligence station of the Three Youth League, instead, he wanted to go far away, contact Ye Baishou's intelligence station, and then contact himself through there?

You must know that adding such a procedure will not only consume three to five times the information communication time, but also increase the risk of information leakage and even exposure.

Why did Su Yi ask for trouble?

Is it because he thinks that there is something wrong with Lin Dong's intelligence station and it is no longer safe?

But Su Yi didn't have any information channels at all, how could he know the situation of Lindong intelligence station?

So he should just be cautious, and feel that contacting the Lindong intelligence station is a certain danger for him——

Where does the danger come from?

Liu Haiqing's eyes widened suddenly, thinking of a possibility.

"No way... If this is the case, Xiao Geng shouldn't know..." He had a troubled look on his face, and still felt that there was some logic in it.

But thinking about it further, there is no other explanation.

So Wei Wei thought about it, and simply called the Lin Dong Intelligence Station.

Fortunately, the telephone line was not disconnected, and communication could still be maintained.

The other end of the phone was quickly connected, and the person who answered the phone was the person in charge of the Lin Dong Intelligence Station.

Liu Haiqing pretended to ask for some intelligence information, and then hung up the phone.

His eyes lit up immediately.

has a problem!
Although the intelligence station master over there answered without any questions, and the whole call process had nothing to do with it, Liu Haiqing noticed the biggest doubt from it.

He knows the personality of this webmaster very well, every time this person talks to Liu Haiqing, he will definitely come to a flattering + credit package.

But this time, the person opposite seemed to have lost interest, and just answered Liu Haiqing's question in a respectful manner, without saying a single word.

If it is said that on weekdays, Liu Haiqing will naturally ignore this trivial problem, after all, who hasn't been in a bad mood?This situation is not even called a so-called suspicious point.

But at this special time, especially with Su Yi's abnormality first, this change in the other party's attitude immediately made Liu Haiqing vigilant.

There must be something wrong with Lin Dong!

(End of this chapter)

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