Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 760 Enemy Reaction

Chapter 760 Enemy Reaction
The reaction of the Zhe Peng people was really fast. They directly locked Walker and their position, and then immediately bombarded them with grenades.

Walker said that if they took one step late, they would probably have been killed or injured by now.

Su Yi and Yi Yitian, who were prowling in the courtyard, naturally also saw the grenades roaring away with their long tails.But at this moment, they couldn't spare their minds to worry about their companions.

After sneaking into the prison guard's living area, the number of devils suddenly increased.

At this time, nearly 4 minutes had passed since the first shell exploded. The devils, whether they were working or resting, had reacted, and all ran to the open space in the courtyard and dispersed.

There were yells of curses, and shouts of exasperation.

Su Yi and Yixiantian hid in the dark and sneaked around. They saw the group of devils who had passed from the work area before bluffing and shouting in front of the dormitory building, and then walked around the dormitory building to the back.

Su Yi didn't say a word, and then walked quickly through the forest with a ray of sky.

In the living area, the coverage of green plants has increased significantly, especially since there are many evergreen coniferous pine trees here, which provide more convenient cover for Su Yi and Yixiantian's sneaking.

The two moved forward quickly, bypassing the dormitory building through the woods, and then continued following the noisy sound.

The group of devils who came to "rescue him" undoubtedly became the best guide for Su Yi and the others.

Following the dozen or so officers, Su Yi quickly saw a small building surrounded by a group of Zhe Peng soldiers not far away.

This building is located at the end of the forest, quiet and elegant, definitely the best house in this prison.

According to the drawings that Su Yi had obtained before, this place should have been a forest land.

But unfortunately, there is a small building that does not exist on the drawings, and looks very elegant.

Just thinking about it, Su Yi understood what was going on - illegal construction!
This small building that does not exist on the drawings is probably the residence that the warden of this prison secretly built for himself.

As the highest officer of the prison, he didn't want to go to the dormitory with his subordinates, so he simply picked such a place surrounded by forests and built a small villa for himself.Don't do too many things like using power for personal gain these days.

The group of "guides" were stopped outside the small building by Zhe Peng soldiers who were guarding, and they were shouting loudly at the door.

"Is Xi Yi-san alright?"

"Is the general awake?"

Su Yi judged from the occasional few words that Xi Yiyi lived in this small building!

This is really no surprise result!
This small building that does not exist on the drawings is definitely an excellent hiding place, safe and hidden, and unknown to the outside world.

Su Yi looked at the small building not far away, suddenly excited and looking forward to it!

Because he suddenly realized that an unintentional choice he made before provided excellent cover and assistance for today's assassination!
That was his choice to bombard the dormitory building with unconscionable cannons!

In fact, Su Yi did not deliberately bomb the dormitory building. According to Su Yi's own intention, he actually wanted to bomb the work area of ​​the headquarters, because according to his judgment and common sense, the devil's communication equipment, power generation Some important facilities and equipment such as machine guns and arsenals should be set up in the work area.

But Su Yi wanted to sneak into the headquarters from the sewer pipe on the Linghe side, so he naturally chose another direction to bomb to divert the attention of the devils.

I chose the side of the dormitory building only because the terrain there is relatively high, the angle of throwing the explosive package is better, and the most important thing is the downwind.

But now, Su Yi suddenly discovered that his two "precise" cannonballs landed on the dormitory building, maybe this would give the enemy an illusion.

Why is it so accurate?Both cannons were aimed at the dormitory building?

The enemy would definitely not think it was a coincidence, they would think that the target of the attackers was the dormitory building, and their purpose was to kill the sleeping officers of the headquarters.

They would feel that the attackers obtained the map of the headquarters through some channel, so they locked the dormitory building and carried out precise bombing in the dead of night.

Once they have such a judgment, they will directly rule out the option that the attacker knows the "internal structure of the headquarters". Otherwise, the attacker should bomb this most valuable small building, because the middle road The supreme commander, the head of the [-]th division Xi Yiyi lives here!

The devils would think that the attackers didn't know that Xi Yiyi lived here, or even the existence of this small building, and thus judged that the attackers could only carry out long-range attacks outside the headquarters, and would never appear inside the headquarters.

The devils will never let the raiders go, they will definitely send troops to hunt down the raiders.

But the Eighth Division's troops are basically on the front line. The reason why they set up their headquarters here is because they feel that this is the rear area and very safe.

So there is only one guard regiment remaining here.

In addition to the reconnaissance battalion and patrol team scattered on the periphery, this guard group also sent out 300 people to guard Beipiao County.

There are only four 500 people left in the headquarters.

There are a total of twelve sentry posts on the four high walls, and each sentry post must be equipped with at least one standard combat team. In this way, only the sentry posts on the high walls need about 20 people.

Two gates at the front and back, each stationed with a company, and then removed 200 people.

The remaining one or two hundred people are the troops on duty at various positions within the headquarters, as well as the soldiers in rotation.

If the devils sent people to chase the attackers, how many people should they send out?
At least one company must be sent out.

Where will they send people to pursue?

The first choice must be the soldiers on rotation. If the number is not enough, the soldiers who are on duty in the compound and in non-essential positions will be given priority.

But they will definitely not withdraw the sentry posts on the high wall and the troops guarding the two gates, because the enemy comes from outside, and these troops must always guard against attacks from outside!
Because of their previous misjudgment, they must boldly mobilize the guards in the courtyard to chase after the attackers.

In this way, the happiest person will only be Su Yi!
With so many Zhe Peng soldiers guarding everywhere in the courtyard, Su Yi was very afraid and had a headache.

But if his guess is correct, then the pressure Su Yi will face will definitely be greatly reduced, and his chances of success in assassinating Xi Yiyi will also be greatly increased.

The small building in front of me was surrounded by soldiers with guns, as well as those officers who came to "escort".

Su Yi, who originally planned to make a quick decision, suddenly changed his mind at this moment.

He decided to wait and see what happened.

It is undoubtedly a risky decision to make, because although Su Yi and Yixiantian have been careful enough, it is inevitable that traces will still be left.These traces are likely to be discovered by the Zhepen people.

Once discovered, the Zhe Peng people will definitely block the entire headquarters, and then start a carpet search.At that time, even if Su Yi and Yixiantian have great abilities, they may not be able to escape.

That is to say, every second Su Yi stayed in the headquarters would increase the risk of exposure.

Although he had to take such a huge risk, Su Yi still decided to wait patiently, he believed in his own judgment!
At the same time, in the small building opposite Su Yi.

Xi Yiyi, who was still in his pajamas, frowned, and was listening to his subordinates' report on the attack on the headquarters.

"The first explosive fell into one of the rooms on the second floor of the dormitory building. The explosion caused four staff officers in the room to be smashed on the spot. In addition, the explosion also caused a partial wall collapse, and at least thirteen officers were trapped in the collapsed In his room, his life and death are currently unknown."

"The second explosive fell on the corridor on the third floor of the dormitory building. The explosion time was about 3 minutes after the first explosion. At this time, the officers were all awakened and had already withdrawn from the dormitory building to the yard, so the second explosion The explosion caused only one nearby officer to be affected and slightly injured."

"The damage caused by the two explosions is as above, and there are no other casualties or losses."

"The explosives were launched from the slope in the north. During the second launch, the flames exposed the traces of the gangsters. The first class Umegawa Uchiku, who was on duty at the No. [-] sentry box in the north, immediately counterattacked with a howitzer after locking the target. After a round of counterattacks, the enemy remained silent."

"Currently, the guard regiment has sent a reconnaissance combat team to investigate the site where the explosives were launched, but the specific situation has not been reported back. The above is the detailed process of the whole incident, Xi Yisang!"

Xi Yiyi said coldly: "From the same direction, two explosives that looked like explosives were fired instead of shells. What does this mean?"

The subordinate said: "It means that they have mastered a device that is unknown to us and can launch explosives."

"Idiot!" Xi Yiyi scolded mercilessly, "This shows that the attackers were not many in number, and they didn't have heavy weapons, so they used some tricky method."

"Hi! I'm the one who is stupid, Xi Yisang!" The subordinate hastily said respectfully.

Xi Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued: "The attackers have accurately targeted the dormitory building in the two bombings. Their target is very clear, and they have mastered the terrain information here in advance. This is definitely a premeditated attack. But if it is Premeditated actions, and there are some contradictions in it, do you know what it is?

The subordinate thought for a while, and said cautiously: "They should bomb the computer room and the communication department. They just killed a few staff officers, and it won't affect anything."

"Idiot! The most valuable person in this headquarters is me! Shouldn't they target me first?" Xi Yiyi said angrily, "Blowing up the computer room and communication equipment will only cause us a little damage at most." Trouble, because we have spare equipment, as long as you are not a fool, you will not think of it."

"Killing a few combat staff officers, as you said, has nothing to do with the overall situation. Only by killing me can the outcome of this war be rewritten." Xi Yiyi said coldly, "At least, it will completely change the situation in the middle lane. But they didn't do that, they didn't bomb this small building at all, they meant to kill me, why?"

"Because they are afraid of Xi Yisang and dare not attack you!" the subordinate said.

"Idiot! Big idiot!" Xi Yi cursed angrily, "It means that they don't know where I am at all! They don't even know the existence of this small building!"

"In other words, their information is not that accurate and thorough, otherwise, they should bomb here!"

Speaking of this, Xi Yiyi sneered: "That's all they plan, these are just some gophers in the gutter, they only dare to hide in the dark and dirty sewers, steal some food when the master is not looking, Bit something bad. Being able to accurately locate the dormitory building and carry out precise bombing is already the limit of what they can do. They even only have two chances to project explosives. Once our Huang Jun fights back, they immediately seem to have met They fled in embarrassment like a cat, not daring to make any counterattacks."

The subordinate hurriedly said: "Maybe they have already died in the counterattack just now."

"It's not impossible." Xi Yi nodded.

At this moment, a guard came in to report that the soldiers who had gone out to carry out the reconnaissance mission had news back.

Xi Yi waved his hand to let the reporter in.

"General, we found traces left by the attackers on the northern slope. We found a gasoline barrel half buried in the ground. According to our guess, this is the device they used to launch the explosive package."

"Gasoline barrels..." Xi Yiyi smiled disdainfully, "This further supports my speculation that they are just a bunch of self-righteous thieves!"

"That's right, they are not worth mentioning!" The subordinates echoed.

"But these thieves have caused us casualties!" Xi Yiyi said seriously, "It will take at least three years to train a qualified combat staff officer. How much manpower, material and financial resources will it cost? Rats, you must pay the price for the losses they caused to the empire!"

"Xi Yisang, please order!" The subordinate hurriedly said.

"Before dawn tomorrow, I want to see these daring thieves. Their bodies are all hung on the city wall of Beipiao!" You have to pay the price for this! The warriors of the empire must not sacrifice in vain, the blood debt must be paid with blood!"


The subordinate shouted loudly, paused, and then said: "The officers are very concerned about your safety, Xi Yisang. After the explosion, the officers from the staff department rushed over, and now they are all gathered outside the door, wanting to see it for themselves. They will be relieved to see that you are safe and sound."

A smile could not help appearing on Xi Yiyi's face: "Since they are all here, let's move forward the routine meeting of the staff department tomorrow morning. Please come in, I will hold today's staff meeting in the living room on the first floor. "


The men took orders and left.

After a while, the officers around the door filed in and asked Xi Yi one after another, needless to say.

On the other side, when the subordinates went out, they immediately put on a capable look, issued orders in an orderly manner, and arranged troops to chase the attackers.

Just as Su Yi expected, except for the soldiers on rotation, he dispatched all the soldiers from some less important positions in the courtyard, and the guarding force of the entire courtyard suddenly became lax.

(End of this chapter)

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