Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 768 Spy Yang Songlin

Chapter 768 Spy Yang Songlin

In the end, Su Yi still insisted on going to meet Yang Songlin alone.

Of course it was dangerous for him to do this, because he didn't know this person well, and maybe this would be a trap for him.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Liu Haiqing, but in this case, Liu Haiqing may not realize that he has been cheated.

But this possibility is unlikely, the enemy wants to set a trap, it is impossible to make such a big detour.

And the enemy has already set a trap in Chaoyang, if they still have the IQ to catch another trap in Nanling, then Su Yi really has nothing to play.

Therefore, Su Yi concluded that he was probably safe.

Although Su Yi has been cautious again and again, but in fact, where in this world is there a good thing that you don't have to take any risk?

A lot of success comes from hard work.

Fortunately, Su Yi's judgment was correct, there was no trap in this matter, and there was nothing wrong with Yang Songlin.

Of course, he has no intention of colluding with others to murder Su Yi, but this person's own problems are very serious.

He was a very pale, thin young man with thin lips, high cheekbones, dark circles, and dull eyes.

There is no hysterical madness and perversion in Su Yi's imagination, nor is there that overflowing violence and paranoia.

What Su Yi saw was just a young man who wrapped himself in gloom.

The way the two met was that Su Yi came to the intelligence station specially set up for Yang Songlin, and Yang Songlin's exclusive correspondent got in touch with him.

This is a tavern located in the downtown area of ​​Nanling Town, and the shop is full of the pungent smell of distiller's grains.

This store has been open for decades. In the past few days, the owner's nephew came from Jiamusi to join his cousin and became a handyman in the tavern.

This handyman is naturally a member of the Three Youth League.

The guests followed suit, Su Yi came to the tavern, obeyed the man's arrangement, waited patiently in a room in the backyard for more than half an hour, and then waited for Yang Songlin in Zhepeng's military uniform.

When he was looking at Yang Songlin, Yang Songlin was also looking at him with scrutiny.

"Virgin said, can you help me?" He asked straight to the point, "How do you plan to help?"

As soon as he spoke, it was pure Mandarin.

He didn't ask who Su Yi was, maybe he wasn't interested at all.

Su Yi pointed to his head, and said: "First, use my wisdom, I will give you some guidance and inspiration. For example, you don't need to put a loaded gun on your waist. You will die aggrieved. Your energy should be focused on how to accomplish things, rather than being consumed in doubts and internal conflicts against your own people."

Yang Songlin's expression changed, he looked at Su Yi and said, "I don't believe you."

"Me too." Su Yi smiled, "But I came anyway, and I didn't even bring any weapons to make you feel at ease. Do you know why? Because we have to concentrate and concentrate, and anything that distracts us factors are to be avoided as much as possible.”

Yang Songlin looked at Su Yi steadily for a while, but Su Yi just looked at him with a smile, calm and composed.

Then Yang Songlin pulled out the gun from his back, turned off the safety catch and put it on the table, and asked nonchalantly, "You said number one just now, so there must be number two?"

"Second, I know the information you don't have, and you have some abilities that can help you achieve your goals." Su Yi said, "If you fight alone, the value of your life is at most like a stick of incense. And if you have My help, your value is a deadly shell, and even more."

Yang Songlin couldn't deny it, and asked blankly: "Is there a third?"

"Manpower, the third is manpower." Su Yi said, "A good man with three gangs, single-handedly, even if he can accomplish something, his achievements are limited, but with the help of his companions, the nature will be different immediately. My people are all good hands, believe me , you definitely need professional assistance and guidance.”

Yang Songlin looked at Su Yi, finally nodded slowly, and sat down opposite Su Yi.

Seeing this, Su Yi was relieved.

He knew that this made Yang Songlin initially accept him in his heart.

If this kind of person with a closed heart cannot open a gap in his heart, then he will always be vigilant against you.Because of his excessive negativity, sooner or later this vigilance will turn into suspicion, even hostility.

His hostility towards Liu Haiqing should have come from this.

Su Yi even noticed that he was vigilant enough to his correspondent.He had to wait until the correspondent went out, or even make sure that the correspondent was not eavesdropping at the door, before he would speak to Su Yi.

Of course, it is impossible for Su Yi's words to make Yang Songlin completely let go of his vigilance against him. He is just showing his value in front of Yang Songlin, making the other party feel that he "can be used".

"Before we officially cooperate, I have to ask you three questions." Su Yi looked at Yang Songlin, "Because I have to confirm whether our mutual goals can reach a high degree of agreement, whether we can eliminate differences and work together. If not , I will turn around and leave, and you will act as if you have never seen me."

Yang Songlin frowned slightly: "Aren't you sent by the Virgo to help me?"

"I'm not sent by him, but invited by him." Su Yi smiled at him, "And I'm not here to help you, but I think we have a basis for cooperation. So I want to ask you a few questions Question, confirm this."

"Why don't I ask you first!" Yang Songlin said.

Su Yi spread out his hands: "Please go ahead."

"Who are you?" Yang Songlin stared at Su Yi.

"Two kicks." Su Yi said relaxedly.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Songlin was shocked!

Almost subconsciously, he raised the gun that had just been placed on the table and aimed it at Su Yi.

Su Yi just took a sip of the water on the table in his spare time, and then said slowly: "You forgot to open the insurance."

There was color in Yang Songlin's eyes for the first time. His expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he said, "Do you know that as long as I hand you over to the higher authorities, no matter if I live or die, I can at least advance three levels in a row and get a lot of money?" reward."

"I know, of course I'm worth the price." Su Yi smiled, "But I think the Zhe Peng people still underestimated my value, otherwise they should let you go to the sky and take whatever you want."

"I somewhat believe that you are the real second kicker!" Yang Songlin said with complicated eyes.

He put down his gun and continued: "You told me your identity so frankly, in order to win my trust?"

"That's right." Su Yi didn't deny this, "We didn't have any feelings when we met for the first time. If we want to cooperate, we must trust each other. I think that honesty is the basis of all trust."

"Frankly..." The corner of Yang Shulin's mouth twitched into sarcasm, "Then please tell me frankly, do you want to use me to want to die to achieve your purpose?"

"This is not what I want to do." Su Yi looked into his eyes, "First of all, I have to make sure that our goals can be the same. After confirming this, I want to see if I can achieve our goal without dying." But if your main purpose is to die, but the goal is incidental, then I must ensure that the value of your death is maximized. Only in this way can I fulfill both you and me.”

"Yang Songlin, remember, I am here for the purpose of win-win cooperation. Our cooperation must be voluntary, equal, and full of trust. If we can't do this, we will just meet today."

Yang Songlin looked at Su Yi in a daze, and suddenly let out a long breath, and said, "Okay, I'll just say this to you, even if I'm being used by you, I'll admit it."

"Then please answer my three questions." Su Yi said with a smile, "First, I know that you want to take revenge on Zhe Peng people, so the target of your revenge can be anyone, or the higher the status, the better. The greater the damage caused by the Zhe Peng, the better?"

"Of course it's the latter!" Yang Songlin said without hesitation, "I hate the Zhe Peng people, I hate this war! What I hate the most is the people who started this war! Why do they dictate our destiny? Why do they force us to do it? make choices we simply don’t want to make?”

At the end of Yang Shulin's speech, his tone was obviously agitated and resentful.

"Second," Su Yi continued to ask unmoved, with no fluctuation in his tone, "can your revenge be planned and measured? In other words, if I create an opportunity for you to take revenge , will you only care about venting yourself, or strictly follow the plan we agreed on and restrain your emotions?"

"Is it important?" Yang Songlin frowned.

"Very important!" Su Yi looked at him, "If you only care about venting your emotions, it means you are an extremely selfish person, then I will not cooperate with you."

"I know what you want to do here!" Yang Songlin sneered, "Your goal is that distinguished guest who lives in the airport, right? If you don't cooperate with me and want to kill him, it's just a dream! So, don't use this Come and threaten me!"

"Do you think I'm threatening you?" Su Yi laughed dumbly, "Since you've heard my name, you should know what I've done."

"I can go in and out of the heavily guarded headquarters. What can I do to this small airport?" Su Yi leaned forward suddenly, stared into Yang Songlin's eyes and said, "Don't take yourself too seriously! Before you So it's important because we haven't given up on you, understand?"

Yang Songlin's face was moved by these words, and he turned his head in a gaffe.

It took him more than ten seconds to collect his emotions before he said: "I can assure you that I will strictly implement our plan and will never do unnecessary actions, let alone vent my hatred. bad thing."

Su Yi smiled: "Okay, then the last question, is your revenge to end your own life, or to make your enemy pay the price?"

Yang Songlin looked at Su Yi and said, "Your question seems to be just to dig out my inner thoughts. Do you want to understand me?"

"Even couples who have known each other for ten years may not be able to understand what the other is thinking, let alone you and I are just strangers who meet for the first time?" Su Yi smiled, "Yang Songlin, the reason why I asked the third question is actually Told you before."

"If you want your enemies to die, then I want to see if you can kill more enemies; but if your main purpose is to destroy your own life, just before you die, you want to pull a back, or If you want to die with vigor and vigor, then this time, I will make your wish come true."

Yang Songling looked at Su Yi with strange eyes: "You are very different from others. When others know that I want to die, they either persuade me hypocritically or scold me to die quickly. But only you are seriously discussing with me. A matter of death."

"Death is a serious matter and deserves to be taken seriously." Su Yi said.

"People die every day in this world. I'm just the most insignificant one, so I should be serious?" Yang Songlin laughed at himself.

"At least I think it's worth it." Su Yi said.

"Actually, you don't want me to die. You want me to continue to lurk and use me to do things for you, right?" Yang Songlin asked.

"If you don't want to die, you can come with me." Su Yi smiled, "Er Tijiao Assassination Group is very suitable for you, maybe follow me, you can find your own value."

Yang Songlin's eyes flickered: "I'll go with you? If I'm not a Zhe Peng soldier, am I still valuable to you?"

"In your state, you will self-destruct sooner or later if you stay in Zhe Peng's army." Su Yi said lightly, "If you continue to lurk, you will lose all your value."

Yang Songlin looked at Su Yi for a long time, and then said: "I will answer your third question now, I want to take revenge on the Zhepeng people! I want more Zhepeng people to die! The reason why I want to die is because I think that only with My life can be exchanged for the lives of more Zhe Peng people! Only when I die can I play my greatest role!"

Su Yi smiled.

"I am very satisfied with your answer." He said, "If you have no comments, I think we can cooperate."

Yang Songlin couldn't help but said, "Did you really kill Xi Yiyi?"

"And his 37 subordinates." Su Yi added.

"As long as I can kill a commander, I will be satisfied." Yang Songlin's eyes showed envy.

"What if it's a lieutenant general?" Su Yi said leisurely.

"How can it be..." Yang Songlin was about to deny it, but suddenly understood the meaning of Su Yi's words, couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise, and said in disbelief: "You, you mean..."

"Have you seen that distinguished guest at the airport?" Su Yi asked.

"I, I met once!" Yang Songlin's voice trembled.

"What are his characteristics?" Su Yi asked.

"The eyebrows are short, and he has a civilized beard..." Yang Songlin quickly described the man's appearance.

After listening to Su Yi, he was actually nine points certain in his heart.

"Is his hair short?" Su Yi asked.

"How do you know?" Yang Songlin asked in surprise, he had never mentioned the hairstyle of this "distinguished guest".

"Of course I know," Su Yi smiled, "because I shaved his hair myself."

"Who is he?" Yang Songlin hurriedly asked with shock and excitement on his face.

"The former commander of the North China Garrison, now transferred to the commander of the Eighth Division of the Kwantung Army." Su Yi looked at Yang Songlin and said the man's name, "Kotaro Nakamura!"

(End of this chapter)

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