Chapter 773
"Whether Chifeng will be lost or Rehe will be lost is actually beyond our control." Su Yi said quietly.

Now, in fact, he can see very clearly that under the wheel of history, personal power is insignificant at all.

War is not at all a competition between one army and another, nor a battle between one general and another, but a contest and collision between countries.

Can killing a few generals change a war?

This is impossible.

Nishi Yoshiichi was killed, and Kotaro Nakamura came.

Kotaro Nakamura was killed, and Kumaya Shimomoto came again.

How to do?Are you still going to kill?
If you continue to kill, Zhe Peng will continue to send people.How many can you kill?

Su Yi fought here, but Tang Yulin just couldn't shrink back. The Zhe Peng people's current army talent reserve is still very sufficient. Can Su Yi be able to kill them?

Besides, the Zhe Peng people are not vegetarians, and things like this in Tongliao may happen often in the future.Once they are 100% vigilant against Su Yi, in fact, the probability of Su Yi's assassination success is very low.

Because maybe you worked so hard to get to the headquarters and found that what you killed was just a double.

Su Yi is not the only one who can play the stand-in trick.

"If we forcefully stay in Tongliao, even if we can succeed, we don't know how long it will take." Su Yi said, "Although Sun Laodian's troops can fight, but their supplies and ammunition cannot be replenished in time, how long can they last?" What? If we wait until Chifeng has fallen to find the opportunity, then even if we succeed, it will be too late.”

"Instead of staying to fight for an illusory opportunity, it's better to keep changing the target. Chifeng will not lose, whether Sun Laodian can hold on, don't think about it at all, and it's not our turn to think about it..."

Su Yi looked to the south: "Let's go to the State of Splendid Views and kill Zhang Jinghui, the nominal commander-in-chief of attacking Rehe this time. This trip to Rehe should be over."

Everyone heard the retreat intention in Su Yi's words, and couldn't help but look at each other.

Just because he might be sold out, did Master Geng become so depressed?

shouldn't be...

As if guessing what they were thinking, Su Yi said with a smile: "I'm not retreating, but I know better what we should do and how we should do it."

Even if Su Yi becomes the king of assassinations, even if he becomes a master of a generation, is he considered a big shot?
For those who occupy high positions and hold great power, Su Yi is still a small person.

Little people shouldn't worry about things that big people should worry about.

The direction of the war and the future of the country should not be carried on the shoulders of little people.

Geng Liangchen is nothing more than a common man, what a common man should do is to be happy with kindness and hatred, and blood splatters three feet.

As for acting tasks...

It's just an illusory goal, there's no need to care about it anymore.

"But even though we changed our target, we can't come here in vain!" Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, "At least, if my guess is correct, this ghost who betrayed us must be dug out!"

"How to dig?" Yi Yitian asked.

"Kezhi, you send a message to Haiqing yourself, using the second set of passwords." Su Yi said, "The telegram is only eight characters—the enemy is prepared, so draw it slowly."

"Okay!" Walker responded, and immediately called Chen Chutai to help him turn over the radio station.

"Grandpa Geng, just send a telegram and you can dig out the ghost?" Sun Fengming asked doubtfully.

Su Yi smiled: "Then it depends on the tacit understanding between Haiqing and me."

Everyone was baffled and didn't understand what it meant, but Su Yi didn't explain further.

When Hua Kezhi finished sending out the report, Su Yi had already asked everyone to prepare their horses.

"Let's go to the Splendid State!"

Splendid State is located in the south of Ye Baishou, completely opposite to Tongliao.

The more than [-] kilometers of roads all have to pass through enemy-occupied areas, and the danger is completely predictable.

Everyone knows the difficulty of this, and they all understand that the best time to concentrate on the road is at night.During the journey of two days and two nights, don't even think about sleeping.

But no one complained about it. Following Su Yi's order, everyone rushed into the snow again.


The head of the intelligence station of the Three Youth League received another telegram signed as the second kicker. He didn't dare to neglect, and immediately sent the telegram to Liu Haiqing himself.

"Shall I go with you?" The deputy station master who sent the telegram suggested, "I didn't manage to talk to the office last time. Alas, I missed this opportunity for nothing."

"You boy, you have a lot of ambition!" The station master smiled and pointed at him, "I can't refuse you for the painting you gave me two days ago, all right, come with me!"

"Look at what you said, it's you who took care of me." The deputy stationmaster hurriedly stepped forward to help the stationmaster get the bag, seemingly inadvertently said, "Actually, if the password book is with you, there is no need for you to make a trip , all you need to do is call and tell the office.”

"Er Tijiao is not one of us, he only recognizes one seat!" The station master said as he walked out, "Besides, these days, it's not bad to be cautious when you know people and face them."

"That's right." The deputy head of the station said as he followed in small steps, "Speaking of which, we really have a lot of friends, even desperadoes like Er Tijiao..."

"Not necessarily," the webmaster shook his head, "Er Tijiao and Virgo may not necessarily know each other. Maybe it's just because of Virgo's status that he contacts Virgo."

"That's right." The deputy station chief opened the car door for the station chief, "but the chief is both civil and military, so it's hard to say that he really recognizes Er Tijiao. When I went to him the other day, I saw two books on his desk. , he is really motivated, no wonder he can be a seat..."

The webmaster smiled, "It's arty, it's just a show."

The deputy station master started the car and continued: "I don't think it's an act. The book is quite old. It should be flipping through it all the time. Virgo should really love reading."

After a pause, he said jokingly: "What book is it? I'll buy a copy some other day and look through it, and I'll chat with Virgos later."

"You? Forget it! How many characters do you know?" The station master laughed and turned his head away, but his eyes showed a bit of suspicion.

The deputy station master didn't continue this topic, the two laughed and chatted about other things, and soon arrived at the place.

When the two of them were about to go in, the stationmaster suddenly seemed to have just remembered, and said to the deputy stationmaster: "Made, look at my memory, in the morning the chief was talking to me about the old local sword he smokes. With a choked throat, I said I would bring him the Three Forts, but I forgot."

The deputy station master was taken aback, and said, "'s all here..."

"Thank you for your hard work, go back and pick it up!" The station master smiled and pushed the deputy station master into the car, "Ask Secretary Sun for two, and keep one for yourself! Go and come back quickly, I'm here Waiting for you here!"

He couldn't help saying the order, took his bag from the deputy station master, turned around and walked to the door.

"Hey..." The deputy stationmaster wanted to stop the stationmaster, but the latter had already entered the door.

"Am I running errands for you? Grandson!" The deputy station master cursed angrily, but he had no choice but to start the car and did as he was told.

After Liu Haiqing received the telegram, he asked the station master to go out and wait, but the station master stood still.

"Is there anything else?" Liu Haiqing asked suspiciously.

"Virgin, there is something that I think is a little suspicious." The station master said, "The two times I came to send you a telegram, Zhang Lie offered to accompany me. On the car that came just now, He even asked around the bush to find out what book was on your desk in the morning..."

Liu Haiqing's pupils shrank immediately when he heard the words.

He remembered that after receiving the news of Kotaro Nakamura's leadership in the morning, he was so happy that he didn't put away the code book and let his two subordinates in.

Fortunately, although he didn't put the book away, he put the book cover upside down, so the two subordinates definitely couldn't see the title of the book.

Liu Haiqing was secretly vigilant, and warned himself that there should be no negligence in espionage work.

"Virgin, you also know that in our business, everything that involves words is very sensitive... Doesn't he, Zhang Lie, know this?" The station master said, "Plus this kid took the initiative to Follow me, so I think he's suspicious."

Liu Haiqing's heart was full of alarm bells, but on the surface he said calmly: "You doubt him? He has shown filial piety to you a lot. You are turning your face and refusing to recognize anyone."

"Hey, Virgo, if you look at me like that, I will be wronged even more than Dou E!" , Principles are principles, I can tell the difference.”

"It's good to be able to tell the difference!" Liu Haiqing said, "As you said, Zhang Lie also came out of the same special training class as you. How can he not understand the things you know? He asked you about the book. Could it be that he I don't know that this issue is very sensitive? Or does he really believe that you will not doubt him?"

"He's definitely treating him like a dead man." The station master laughed at himself, "You know me, Virgo, I've always kept a low profile..."

"You're pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!" Liu Haiqing couldn't help interrupting him when he thought of Su Yi's evaluation of this kind of person.

The station master thought for a while, and smiled "hehe": "Vivid! Virgo, these four words are quite wonderful, and this will be my motto from now on."

"Stop talking nonsense and get down to business!" Liu Haiqing said.

"Yes!" The station master stood at attention, "I usually hide my clumsiness, I like to pretend to be confused, and I tend to do nothing. I can see that Zhang Lie doesn't think highly of me. He must think that I will only Flattering, prejudiced against me, so despise me, that's why he thinks I won't doubt him."

Liu Haiqing nodded expressionlessly: "Go to the door and wait."

"Yes!" The station master turned around and left.

Liu Haiqing waited for him to close the door, and immediately took out the "Zhu Zi's Family Instructions" from the drawer, and tried to translate the telegram.

But after only translating two words, he frowned.

Because these two words have nothing to do with each other, they obviously shouldn't be next to each other.

"The second set of passwords?" Liu Haiqing murmured, his expression becoming serious.

According to the agreement he and Su Yi had made long ago, the second set of passwords will be activated only if one party feels that there is a possibility of leaking secrets in the communication between the two parties, or in an emergency that cannot be explained clearly.

For example, the master copy of the first set of ciphers was leaked.

For another example, one party was arrested and had to contact the other party under the persecution of the enemy. In this case, the second set of passwords was activated, which was regarded as a cryptic call for help.

Liu Haiqing directly ruled out the second case.

Because Su Yi said in the early morning that he was going to Tongliao.There was no way he would be arrested so soon.

Moreover, Liu Haiqing didn't believe that Su Yi was the kind of person who would be quietly arrested by the enemy.

In his impression of Su Yi, if the world is turned upside down, the devils will never catch him.

Therefore, the high probability is the first case.

He thought that in the early morning, because he was so happy, he directly read the eight words on the telegram in front of his two subordinates.

He also thought of the suspicious situation reported to him by the station master just now.

In addition, Su Yi suddenly activated the second set of telegrams...

Liu Haiqing's expression darkened, and murderous intent shot out from his eyes.

Although there is no proof yet, he is almost certain that there is a leak!
The source of the leak is most likely the deputy webmaster Zhang Lie!

He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, took out a copy of "Zengguang Xianwen" from the locked drawer, and began to translate the telegram.

This vernacular annotated version of "Zengguang Xianwen" printed by Beiping Publishing Company in the eighth year of the Republic of China is the mother copy of the second set of ciphers.

Soon, the telegram was translated—"The enemy is prepared, so take it slowly."

This is completely certain that a leak has indeed occurred!

Liu Haiqing let out a long breath.

The words "the enemy is prepared" means that Su Yi told Liu Haiqing that the enemy already knew about his going to Tongliao. The reason why he sent a message to tell Liu Haiqing about this was because he suspected that someone on Liu Haiqing's side had leaked the secret.

Liu Haiqing could completely imagine that these three simple words meant that Su Yi and the others had already experienced the danger of almost being exposed!
Only Liu Haiqing can understand the meaning of the sentence "When you draw it slowly".

If someone else intercepts this telegram, even if they get the mother copy and successfully translate this sentence, they will only think that Su Yi means "the enemy is on guard so I have to plan slowly."

But in fact, this sentence means "There may be a traitor on your side, but you have to calmly and slowly arrest him, don't worry."

Liu Haiqing's expression was uncertain, he thought for a moment, found a piece of paper, and wrote this sentence on it-"The enemy is prepared, and the internal response is requested to support."

He thought for a while, nodded in satisfaction, and then his eyes fell on the two books "Zhu Zi's Family Instructions" and "Zeng Guang Xian Wen".

"I can't keep this book." He scratched his head with some headaches, and muttered helplessly, "I still have to memorize it..."

Then he put away the two books, called the station master in, and gave some orders.

When Zhang Lie, the deputy head of the station, got a cigarette in a hurry and rushed back, when he entered Liu Haiqing's office, he saw his two bosses talking and laughing happily in the office.

"President, station master!" Zhang Lie stood at attention and saluted with a very respectful attitude.

His eyes swept across the desk. There was a folder in the middle of the desk. The word "Top Secret" was written on the folder. It seemed that there were only a few sheets of paper in it.

Zhang Lie pretended not to look sideways, but his heart was pounding. He guessed that this folder should contain the translated content of the telegram just now!
If only I could get my hands on it...

Definitely another great achievement!
(End of this chapter)

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