Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 775 Exploring the Plan

Chapter 775 Exploring the Plan
In August last year, 64-year-old Yixin Muto succeeded Shigeru Honjo as the commander of the Kwantung Army, concurrently serving as the head of the Kwantung Office and the plenipotentiary ambassador to the Puppet Manchukuo, realizing Zhe Peng's so-called "Trinity" colonial rule in the Puppet Manchukuo area.

Muto Yixin, who was known as "the taciturn general", held three positions, and became the "overlord" of the puppet Manchukuo with his promise and great power.

In the current Zhe Peng military rank system, the highest rank is general, but there is also an honorary rank above general, called marshal.

During the more than 34 years from Zhepeng's founding of the army to its surrender in the future, there were a total of 17 generals in Zhepeng's army, of which only [-] people were appointed marshals.

Among the 17 people, there is Muto Yixin.

It can be seen that this person has a high status in Zhe Peng's army.

But Muto Yixin was also the only Marshal Zhe Peng who died in Huaguo.

According to the original historical trajectory, Muto Yixin will die of illness in Fengtian half a year later.

Of course, there are different opinions about his death and they cannot be unified.

Some people say that he was killed by Hua Guo's agents, some say that he committed suicide by caesarean section, and some say that he died in the Zheng Zhi struggle within the Zhe Peng Army.

In any case, this Field Marshal Zhe Peng, who had just reached the peak of his career, died suddenly and without warning in his mansion, which was full of strangeness.

Even if he did nothing, Muto Yixin would die in half a year.

But dying of illness and being killed are two different things.

If given the chance, Su Yi would never mind sending this ambitious invader to meet Hades six months in advance.

What's more, as the actual commander of the Jehol War, if Muto Yixin can be killed, the impact on this war will be huge.

It was because Su Yi knew that Muto Yixin was far away in Changchun, so he was not listed as a target.

But now that he took the initiative to deliver it to his door, Su Yi would not let him go easily.

That's the case, but how to kill Muto Yixin made Su Yi and his teammates rack their brains and were at a loss.

There is so little known information, and now everyone only knows that Nobuyoshi Muto may appear in the Auditorium Theater, attend a conference, and give a speech at the conference.

The auditorium was already surrounded by a group of guards. At this time, the defense forces were almost deployed, and it was basically impossible to sneak in in broad daylight.

What time does the meeting start?
When will Yixin Muto play?
Where will he stand when he speaks?

Who is in attendance?

How many people?

Who is eligible to attend?

Are you familiar with each other?
Su Yi and the others don't know anything!
It is almost an impossible task to formulate a complete assassination plan with such little knowledge.

So the top priority is to get as much information as possible about this meeting and Yixin Muto.

After a short discussion, Su Yi sent the skilled Yi Yitian and Luo Yu to go out to investigate again.

But the two soon turned back.

"The street of the auditorium is completely under martial law. No one is allowed to approach the auditorium. We have no way to approach the auditorium now." Yi Yitian said, "Xiao Luo and I can only go to the church in the next street and quietly climb to the top of the church to the top of a bell tower. Here, observe the situation from there."

"There is no window at the top of the tower, so we can only remove one brick." Luo Yu continued, "From the crack of this brick, we can only see a small angle, but we can just see the back door of the auditorium. There is also a Zhe They are guarded by Peng soldiers, and their defenses are very strict, Brother Han and I can't find a way to sneak in."

"Since there is no way to sneak in, we can only pretend to be others and sneak in." Hua Kezhi looked at Su Yi, "Master Geng, your fake makeup skills are coming in again."

"But who should we pretend to be?" Sun Fengming spread his hands, "We don't even know who will attend the meeting now."

"If it is an internal meeting of the Zhe Peng people, they will only hold it in the headquarters." Chen Chutai said, "If it is a meeting of high-level puppet regimes, there is a special meeting room in their government office building, so there is no need to hold it. It was performed in a large auditorium where dramas are performed on weekdays."

"Chu Tai is right!" Yi Yitian's eyes lit up, "The auditorium is a large auditorium that can accommodate [-] people, they chose to hold a meeting here must be because there are so many participants, other meeting rooms simply cannot accommodate it! "

"600 people... the two plenary meetings of the military and government? Or what kind of meeting?" Hua Kezhi frowned, "If we want to use Geng's imitation makeup skills to mix in, the object of the imitation makeup is also a problem... If you attend the meeting All of them are members of the puppet regime’s military and political internal affairs, so they will be familiar with each other, didn’t Geng said that? Imitation makeup can’t stand up to scrutiny, and we’ll reveal our secrets when we speak...”

"It doesn't necessarily mean that only internal personnel will attend the meeting, right?" Luo Yu said, "Why don't we grab our tongues and ask?"

"Who are you arresting?" Sun Fengming said, "I don't know if I'm arresting the wrong person, but if I'm arresting the right one, I'll scare the snake..."

"So let's go back to the original question, what kind of meeting is this? We need to find out who will attend the meeting!" Chen Chutai said.

At this moment, Yang Songlin who had been silent all this time raised his hand weakly: "I have a guess."

He has been listening to other people's discussions, but he can't participate in it himself. He can't keep up with his thinking about imitation makeup, tongue scratching and so on.

But if you want to talk about things related to the Zhe Peng people, he has the right to speak.

All eyes fell on him in unison.

"That's right, why did you forget about Xiao Yang!" Hua Kezhi said with a smile, "Xiao Yang, tell me!"

"Yes, yes, tell me!" Luo Yu urged.

Yang Songlin said: "I know that some "royalists" in the military are very dissatisfied with Manchukuo's republic system. They think that this country should be on par with Zhe Peng, so that Pu Yi, the head of state, can regain the status of emperor and change the republic into a constitutional monarchy. system."

"This idea has already been implemented. A few months ago in Fengtian, the military and political circles invited local businessmen and gentry to hold a public opinion conference. After the conference was successful, in the past few months, major cities in Manchuria have held public opinion conferences one after another. ..."

"So what kind of bullshit public opinion meeting do you think they held this time?" Sun Fengming couldn't wait to say, "If this is the case, then we have more targets to choose from!"

Speaking of this, Sun Fengming suddenly stopped, and reminded Yang Songlin: "Puppet Manchukuo is not a country, Xiao Yang, you have to change your name."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that!" Yang Songlin's expression changed, and he hurriedly stood up to apologize.

Everyone was taken aback by this reaction, and Sun Fengming was the first to react, he put his arms around his shoulders with a smile and said, "Apologize, I just asked you to change your address next time, how can there be so many things Son?"

Yang Songlin smiled awkwardly, as if he was relieved.

Yi Yitian took over the words: "If it's really a bullshit public opinion meeting, then we can pick a squire to sneak in. And they should invite reporters for this kind of meeting, and we can also pretend to be reporters."

"How the weapons get in is a problem!" Chen Chutai frowned, "I'm worried that the Zhe Peng people will definitely search everyone strictly."

"Don't worry, this is something that will inevitably happen, so how to bring weapons in is a big problem." Walker said, "There is no need to talk about the methods used before. Zhe Peng people are not stupid, and they will definitely not jump into a pit. twice."

Su Yi has never expressed his opinion. He watched his team members discuss enthusiastically, each actively participated, and put forward various constructive opinions. He felt a sense of comfort.

This team was brought out by him, even without him, I believe this team will be a top-notch spy team.

Next, everyone came up with various ways to bring weapons in, even including dismantling a gun into parts, one person "stuffing" a small part into it, and then pulling it out to assemble it...

There are also throwing it in from a distance, or using a series of places where guns can be hidden, such as cameras and shoe soles, to sneak weapons in.

They even considered the possibility of sniping and assassinating outside, but because it was inconvenient to carry, they did not bring long guns in these operations, and everyone used short guns.

The effective range of the short gun is basically within 50 meters, which is not suitable for long-distance sniping, so this solution was eliminated.

In the end, everyone has been discussing and deciding to use imitation makeup to dress up as businessmen and gentry participating in the meeting, or to mix in journalists, and then assassinate Muto Yixin when he came to power.

"Master Geng, what do you think?" Seeing that the discussion was almost over, Hua Kezhi saw that Su Yi had remained silent, so he asked Su Yi's opinion.

After hearing the words, everyone stopped discussing and turned their attention to Su Yi.

Now the team has reached a consensus, that is, for all the team's action plans, the final decision must be Su Yi.

Su Yi has used successful assassinations time after time to completely consolidate the identity of the leader, making everyone convinced of him.

Su Yi also placed himself more and more in the position of a leader, and he even began to intentionally train the team to operate independently without him.

That's why he didn't participate in the whole discussion just now, and didn't express any opinions, but just watched the discussion come to a result.

He didn't speak in a hurry until Walker's question came to his head.

"Have you ever thought about a question?" Su Yi said, "If the assassination is successful, how can we withdraw safely? You have only formulated an assassination plan, but not an evacuation plan. Your action plan is incomplete."

Everyone fell silent after hearing the words.

Hua Kezhi smiled and said: "Master Geng, we people have long put life and death aside. As long as we can kill the old thief Wu Teng Yixin, even if we die here, we are worth it! This operation only needs a gunshot , People who go in have no chance of coming out, so - we don't need a retreat plan!"

"That's right!" Sun Fengming said solemnly, "Master Geng, we are all ready to die! As long as we succeed in our actions, we will kill ourselves immediately and never leave ourselves to the devils!"

These words moved Yi Yitian, Luo Yu and the newcomer Yang Songlin.

But Su Yi shook his head slowly, and said solemnly: "Let me reiterate the purpose of our team - people-oriented! The lives of each of us are extremely precious! In my opinion, the lives of each of you must at least Change the lives of ten devil generals! If you don’t get it back, it’s a loss!”

"We can't do business that loses money! Therefore, before killing enough devils and generals, the most important thing in every operation is to put people first! That is to say, all action plans , the most important thing is to have a safe evacuation plan! We must ensure to the greatest extent that each of us can escape unscathed after the action!"

Su Yi's words made everyone feel warm in their hearts, and some of the sentimental ones even had red eyes, very moved.

In this bloody age that pays attention to sacrifice and dedication, when encountering a "people-oriented" superior like Su Yi, how can we not let them have the urge to die for their confidants?
If you treat me like a gentleman, I will repay you!

After being silent for a while, Hua Kezhi suppressed his boiling thoughts, and said, "Grandpa, I know you love us and value us, but we are going to work hard, how can there be no reason not to sacrifice? The best way to kill Muto Yixin It's just sneaking into the meeting place to assassinate. But the guards of the Devils are not vegetarians. They have surrounded the auditorium tightly. Once we act, we will immediately alarm them! There is no chance for us to evacuate safely. So sacrifice, It is inevitable..."

"This is lazy thinking!" Su Yi shook his head, interrupted him unceremoniously, and emphasized his tone.

"You think so because you finally came up with a plan that has a chance of success in the assassination. You are constantly convincing yourself that this is the best way, so you don't want to think about whether there is a better way!"

This made Walker a little unconvinced, and frowned, as if he wanted to refute.

But Su Yi didn't give him a chance to refute, and continued: "To kill Muto Yixin, must we enter the auditorium? Can't we be outside the auditorium? Why must we go to the battlefield restricted by the enemy? Can't we choose the battlefield ourselves? ?"

Hua Kezhi was startled, and said: "You mean to intercept and kill halfway? But when a high-ranking official like Muto Yixin travels, at least one guard battalion will follow him anytime and anywhere, and police forces will be deployed in advance along the way to temporarily martial law the way."

"If we want to kill Li Shoushan with a bomb like the assassination, it is impossible to achieve, because we have no chance to bury the explosives; but if we fight to stop him on the way, I think it is no different from sending him to death."

"Is there no other way than burying explosives?" Su Yi said, "And, did you forget someone? We just came to the Splendid State, but we didn't know that Muto Yixin was also here. We came to kill Zhang Jinghui. "

"What? Now that you have Muto Yixin, you don't like Zhang Jinghui anymore?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Master Geng, with Muto Yixin, of course we will give priority to killing this old thief! Compared with him, Zhang Jinghui is the difference between the King of Hades and the little ghost!" Sun Fengming said, "It is difficult for us to kill either of these two people. Maybe kill both of them together?"

"It's really necessary to kill both of them!" Su Yi said.

(End of this chapter)

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