Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 783 Opening Ceremony

Chapter 783 Opening Ceremony

"Counselor Zhe Pengguo's Consulate General in Jinmen and Mr. Zhiying Er are here!"

With the shout of the ceremonial singer, the people who had just walked into the gate talking and laughing, and preparing for the second part of "Apprentice Ceremony", looked at each other in blank dismay and fell into a deathly silence.

Many people's complexions became strange.

Why did the Zhe Peng people come here?

Since the war in Rehe, anti-Japanese sentiment has been on the rise across the country, and Zhepeng people are now stinky street shit, and anyone who gets a little bit of it will be called a traitor.

But the Zhepeng people have always been arrogant, and the several anti-Japanese demonstrations organized by the people in Jinmen were all destroyed by the Zhepeng people either by exerting pressure on the authorities, or directly taking action.

The authorities are weak, and the people dare not speak out.

But except Geng Liangchen!
Who doesn't know that not long ago, the notorious Yuan Wenhui, Zhepeng's lackey who was full of crimes, kowtowed at the gate of Geng's mansion and begged for mercy, and then disappeared.

And Zhe Peng didn't even say a word afterwards!

In addition to Wu Zantong before, and the assassination of Zhang Jingyao that Su Yi had never admitted, the Jinmen people knew very well that Geng Liangchen and the Zhepeng people were against each other.

So now that the Zhepeng people came suddenly, no one suspected that Su Yi and the Zhepeng people had colluded, but they all thought that the Zhepeng people were here to stir up trouble and sabotage.

All eyes fell on Su Yi's face, waiting to see his reaction.

After all, he is the master here.

"Grandpa Geng, or I'll arrest him..."

Zhao Dezhu was annoyed, but he was stopped by Su Yi's hand when he only spoke halfway.

"The Martial Arts Hall is open today, and I am very happy to open the door." Su Yi said, "The visitor is a guest, there is no reason to drive someone away, go and welcome the guest."

"Yes." Zhao Dezhu hurried away.

Su Yi smiled, turned around and clasped his fists at everyone, looked around Zhou Zhou and said loudly: "Everyone, please come in and take a seat first, forgive Geng for not being able to accompany you. Zhe Peng is here, no matter what, I can't be rude. But he is not so To save face, let all senior friends stay here to welcome them. I will wait here and go in later."

"Boss Geng, didn't you send us away so that you could beat up the little devil?" Someone in the crowd shouted, "Don't dare to be impulsive. Today is a happy day, and it is not appropriate to see blood."

This made everyone laugh out loud.

According to Su Yi's reputation, he turned out to be An Yufeng from the Hong Gang, an old acquaintance.

At this moment, he was winking at Su Yi.

Su Yi couldn't help but laugh, and said: "Don't worry, Geng won't call the guests."

These words made everyone smile knowingly.

Gong Baosen clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Everyone, please come inside!"

Then everyone walked in together.

Su Yi nodded to An Yufeng not far away to express his gratitude.

This person seems to be joking, but he is actually helping Su Yi out.

After all, it was Su Yi who wanted to send the big guys away to get along with the Zhe Peng people alone, so those who are so thoughtful will inevitably feel murmured in their hearts.What An Yufeng did was to dispel everyone's doubts and remind everyone who Geng Liangchen is.

It's not the first time that An Yufeng has helped Su Yi. Su Yi and this person have a tacit understanding like friendship between gentlemen.

After all the guests had entered, Su Yi's smile on his face softened a bit, and he turned his head to look outside the gate.

At the right time, Zhao Dezhu was leading this man in a suit to walk in, wasn't it He Zhiyinger who was it?

The person behind him is his most loyal running dog Kameda Ichiro.

Su Yi watched the two of them approaching indifferently, He Zhiying Er smiled charmingly, stood at attention, bowed slightly, and said loudly: "Geng Sang! Congratulations on the opening of your martial arts school, please accept this little gift..."

When he said this, Kameda Ichiro behind him took a step forward, holding a gift box in both hands and bowing to hand it over.

He Zhiyinger continued: "Geng Sang, I hope you don't mind my coming uninvited, I'm sorry!"

At the end, he bowed again.

Su Yi nodded to Zhao Dezhu, who took a step forward and took the gift from Ichiro Kameda.

Su Yi clasped his fists in a calm manner: "The visitor is a guest, Mr. Hezhi, please come inside."

"Thank you!" He Zhiyinger bowed slightly again, fully showing the craftsman quality of Zhe Peng people.

"Geng Sang, I planned to visit you earlier." When walking forward, He Zhiying Er took the initiative to provoke the topic, "But recently I have been working in Rehe, and I didn't return to Jinmen until yesterday."

"Really?" Su Yi smiled slightly, without showing any extra expressions or eyes, "I said why Mr. Hezhi has not been in the Hezhi Mansion, not even the Yingzi Tavern and the Changping Club, which he loves most. "

These words made He Zhiying'er's footsteps stop suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he turned around suddenly to look at Su Yi, his eyes brightened.

It is true that he has not been in the Hezhi mansion during this time, but he has not gone to Rehe either.

He was afraid that Su Yi would take the risk and wanted to catch him or kill him, so he had been hiding quietly in the izakaya opened by his lover - Yingzi Tavern.

But from time to time, he would also go to another secret stronghold of his, the Changping Club, to live for a few days.He also intentionally made his whereabouts irregular.

And Su Yi just mentioned these two places!

What does this mean?
It shows that Su Yi has actually been keeping track of He Zhiyinger's whereabouts all along!
After thinking this through, Zhiying and Zhiying both felt chills in their hearts.

Thinking of the safety he thought he had been doing all these days, but actually being stared at by the god of death all the time, walking on the verge of death, he felt a creepy fear.

"Don't be nervous." Su Yi smiled and said to He Zhiying Er, "Mr. He Zhi, don't you think that I did nothing, which is also a kind of goodwill?"

He Zhiying Er's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he suddenly smiled: "It is indeed an expression of kindness, I was rude."

He bowed slightly to Su Yi again.

"Geng Sang, can I call you Lord Liangchen?" He Zhiyinger asked.

"The name is just a code name, you can do whatever you want." Su Yi smiled.

"Then please don't be so polite, you can call me Yinger or Hezhi." He Zhiyinger said, "Also, Mr. Liangchen, please rest assured that I am here today just to congratulate you. No other intention, I will never do things that embarrass or embarrass my friends."

"Based on the current confrontation between our two countries, you have made me very embarrassed and embarrassed by coming here openly." Su Yi said lightly.

He Zhiying Er was not only not angry, but smiled: "Oh? Mr. Liangchen felt embarrassed by this? That means, you also regard me as a friend."

"Maybe." Su Yiruo smiled at him meaningfully, "Please, Mr. Hezhi?"

"Thank you!" He Zhiyinger bowed.

When Su Yi walked into the martial arts hall with He Zhiying Er, the noisy scene that had been buzzing suddenly became completely silent.

Everyone paid attention and looked at the four people who walked in.

Both Su Yi and He Zhiying Er had normal expressions.

On the contrary, Zhao Dezhu and Kameda Ichiro behind him both felt quite uncomfortable.

Su Yi led He Zhiyinger to one of the front tables, which were all representatives of the industrial bureaus of various concessions.

"Mr. Hezhi, can you sit here?" Su Yi said.

He Zhiying Er looked around, and his eyes fell on another table.

At that table sat the representatives of Gong Baosen, Shang Yunxiang, Yu Xuezhong, Chen Shi, Yixiantian, Guo Changsheng and Hong Gang An Yufeng.

"Mr. Liangchen, today I am here as a friend, not as a public official." He Zhiyinger said to Su Yi, "So, can I sit over there?"

"Sorry, the seats over there are already full!" Su Yi didn't answer, Zhao Dezhu responded coldly first.

He Zhiyinger looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi was silent.

He Zhiying Er smiled: "What if I insist on sitting?"

"You..." Zhao Dezhu's expression changed.

"Zhuzi, go, arrange tables and chairs, and attend alone for Mr. Hezhi!" Su Yi smiled and said to Zhao Dezhu, "Mr. Hezhi is a distinguished guest, and he needs to be treated specially to show respect, understand?"

Zhao Dezhu grinned: "Understood! Let's do it now."

Su Yi watched Zhao Dezhu turn and leave, then turned his head and smiled at He Zhiyinger and said, "Mr. He Zhi, the apprenticeship ceremony is about to begin, I need to stay with you less, I don't take good care of you, Han Han Hai Han."

"Mr. Liangchen can do as he pleases, don't worry about me." He Zhiying Er said with a smile.

Su Yi nodded slightly to He Zhiying Er, then turned and went to the stage.

Kameda Ichiro was about to step forward to hold Su Yi with angry eyes, but He Zhiying Er stretched out his hand to stop him.

"He Zhisang, you..."

"It's up to the host." He Zhiying said with a smile, as if he didn't care at all.

Soon Zhao Dezhu moved tables and chairs for He Zhiyinger alone, and let him sit in the aisle.

In the empty aisle, there was only such a table, and only He Zhiyinger was seated.

Kameda Ichiro stood behind Kazutakaji, his face livid.

I don't know whether Zhao Dezhu did it on purpose or if he forgot about him, but he didn't move the chair for him.

The special nature here attracted the attention of the guests.

Feeling the strange eyes of everyone, He Zhiying Er remained calm, as if he had never seen him.

But Kameda Ichiro couldn't take it anymore, he stared viciously at everyone who looked at him, stared back at them, and looked like a vicious dog protecting his master.

At this time Su Yi had already walked onto the stage, he glanced at He Zhiying Er who was awkward in the middle of the corridor, and ignored him.

He knew very well that Zhiying Er's purpose was to sit at Gong Baosen's table as his friend, but what would others think when they sat in full view?
What would Gong Baosen think at that table?
Come to watch the ceremony and sit at the same table as the head of Zhe Peng's secret service, don't you feel awkward?

So Su Yi naturally wouldn't let this happen.

He Zhiyinger's request was actually testing Su Yi's bottom line.

Next, he will test Su Yi's bottom line step by step, because he consciously holds Su Yi's handle, and through such step-by-step testing, Su Yi will gradually get used to some of his "arrogant and disrespectful" demands.

It doesn't matter if you refuse once or twice, because this person is really patient and knows how to endure.

Martial arts halls are places where martial arts are taught, so there is a gift of accepting apprentices when they open their doors.

There are a total of 30 people as apprentices, all of whom Su Yi has carefully selected over the past few days.

Among them, two are particularly eye-catching.

One of them was blond and blue-eyed, and he was Bill Underwood, who had won the runner-up in the Guoshu Elite Competition before.

The other person is not a stranger to Jinmen Martial Arts. He was Zheng Shanao's apprentice and the steward of Zheng Shanao Martial Arts Academy - Dong Dayou.

Bill Underwood was wearing an apprentice outfit, standing with the apprentices who were about to apprentice.

However, Dong Dayou presided over the apprenticeship ceremony as the steward of the martial arts hall.

Originally, the ceremony of apprenticeship had to be witnessed by the elders of the master's school, but Su Yi is a new family, so there are no elders of the master's school.

So he sat alone on the grand teacher's chair, waiting for the disciples to come up and offer tea one by one.

Every time a person kneels down, he first announces his name and hometown aloud, and then says something like "I heard that Mr. Geng has both virtue and skill, and I am especially attracted by his name. Please take me in and pass on my skills to my mentor".

At this time, they will serve a cup of tea, which is called apprentice tea.

If Su Yi agreed, he would take the teacup and take a sip.

Dong Dayou, who is hosting next to him, will sing out the name of this person aloud, saying that this person has good character and can be cultivated, and then asks whether he has committed any violations of laws and disciplines, committed crimes, and whether he sincerely worships a teacher and devotes himself to learning art. Come; are you willing to abide by the door rules and respect the teacher.

After the three questions, the disciples will offer the "Teacher Appreciation Ceremony", and then perform the ceremony of kowtow.

After the ceremony is complete, there will be a clerk next to him who records the genealogy, and will record the disciple's name on the genealogy of the martial arts school. This step is called "recording the gate wall".

After completing this step, the master-student relationship is officially established.

Thirty apprentices have to come to apprentice one by one, the steps are very cumbersome.

And there is an order of who comes first.The first person to apprentice to a teacher must be a senior brother, and the people in the back row are all junior students.

This is the rule, and it is also an indispensable ceremony for apprenticeship in martial arts, it is inevitable.Even if Su Yi finds it troublesome, he can't avoid it.

The teacher apprenticeship ceremony for thirty people took at least an hour, and then Su Yi had to announce the school rules, encourage the apprentices a few words, and then thank the guests watching the ceremony, and then entered the next link - the thank you ceremony banquet.

As Su Yi announced the opening of the banquet, the hot and cold dishes that had been prepared earlier began to be served like flowing water.

On the stage, the singing troupe also began to prepare for the warm-up.

The originally solemn atmosphere suddenly became lively, with endless laughter.

At this time, Su Yi, as the master, had to bring his apprentices to the table to toast and say some words of thanks, even He Zhiying Er couldn't let him go.

After a round of drinking and drinking, the stage troupe on the stage is also ready, and a "Catch and Release Cao" is about to be staged.

As soon as Meng Xiaodong, who was dressed as a veteran, made his appearance, he immediately won applause from all the halls.

Just when Su Yi was going to sit at Gong Baosen's table to watch the show with everyone, He Zhiying Er left the table and walked over to Su Yi.

"Mr. Liangchen, if you can, please sit with me." He smiled and said to Su Yi, "I think we should have a good chat. What do you think, Mr. Liangchen?"

Su Yi thought for a while, then smiled and said, "That's fine."

A showdown is a matter of time, and He Zhiying Er wants to use this occasion to negotiate with Su Yi, and obviously has other purposes and thoughts.

But when soldiers come to block, water comes to cover.

What should be faced, will be faced sooner or later, so let's do it now.

On the stage, the pale-faced Cao Cao was wearing shackles and sang: "Jump into the dragon pool and escape from the tiger's lair to avoid disaster, but who knows that Zhongmu County is trapped again, standing angrily by the dripping eaves, and see how Chen Gong will punish me... "

(End of this chapter)

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