Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 785 The first transaction

Chapter 785 The first transaction
After the October incident, although due to some complicated reasons, the members of the Sakura Club were not severely punished, even their leader, Hashimoto Kingoro, was only released after more than [-] days of confinement.

But the Ying Society has become a taboo in Zhe Peng's country, especially in the military, and everyone is afraid to avoid it.

Because of his special status as a special agent, when Kingoro Hashimoto recruited him into the company, he secretly developed him and did not disclose it to the public.

His Sakura Club background is definitely his biggest secret. He originally thought that no one in this world would know except Hashimoto Shingoro.

But now, his biggest secret was revealed by Su Yi!
How could this not make him terrified?
"Why do you know this? Who are you?" He Zhiying's heart rang out.

He was overwhelmed by Su Yi's words, so much so that he asked this out of standard question.

As soon as he said this, it meant that he himself admitted everything Su Yi said.

"You shouldn't ask this question, but you should ask, what do I want to do?" At this time, Su Yi has completely turned against the customer and seized the initiative.

He succeeded in making He Zhiyinger feel that his threat would at most make Su Yi lose his status and wealth, and turn from above ground to underground activities.In this way, not only did Su Yi's danger not decrease, but it became even higher because there were no loopholes.

In contrast, He Zhiying Er felt that he was deeply threatened by Su Yi.

Whether it's his life, or the background of Sakura Club that is unknown to outsiders.

It was only today that he found out that on the day his predecessor Matsushiro Takara died, Nakamura Kotaro shaved his hair not because he voluntarily, but because Geng Liangchen shaved it off!

How terrible is it to sneak into the headquarters of the First Army and shave off the commander-in-chief's hair?

There was also the death of Matsumuro Takayoshi. At that time, he personally inspected the scene and determined that it was an accident. He repeatedly confirmed that there was no trace of man-made incident.

But now, he found out that he was wrong!
Matsushiro Kora was probably killed by Geng Liangchen!
Geng Liangchen was able to kill Matsushiro Takara in the heavily guarded headquarters, pretending to be an accident that no one could see; and he was able to quietly shave the head of Commander-in-Chief Kotaro Nakamura...

Is there anything he can't do?
If Geng Liangchen is really the second kicker, then the degree of terror of this person is probably far beyond his cognition!

He Zhiying Er felt as if his soul was trembling.

He regretted a little, why did he have to deal with such a dangerous person?
Originally, he was full of superiority in front of Su Yi, and he felt that he was sure of Su Yi, no matter in terms of IQ or strength, he completely crushed him.

But now, he felt that in front of Su Yi, he was just a simple child.

He wanted to give up, but now he was stuck.

Moreover, he is no longer a banker.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Hezhi Yinger looked at Su Yi warily, and now he finally understood why Nakamura Kotaro had always avoided the name Geng Liangchen and this person like a snake after he took office.

"Of course it's a cooperation." Su Yi smiled and looked at Hezhi Yinger, "Mr. Hezhi, don't you think we are natural partners?"

"I know your contradictions and conflicts with conservatives, especially your current Prime Minister Minoru Saito, who is a veritable conservative. It may be unbearable for you if he stays in office for one more day, right? "Su Yi laughed, "Of course, Saito is still far away from you."

"But Kenji Dohi is not far away from you, right?" Su Yi smiled, "There are also Wanji Ishihara, Seishiro Itagaki, Akira Muto, Shinichi Tanaka... these conservative and old people are in high positions, you must Don't you like it?"

"You want to use me?" He Zhiying Er looked at Su Yi angrily, his face flushed, "You want us to kill each other?"

"Even if I don't want to, don't you guys won't?" Su Yi spread his hands, "In fact, we are using each other, Mr. He Zhi, now we have some tricks in each other's hands, don't you think that in such a situation, Can we both reassure each other more?"

"You Sakura Club will never be willing to be lonely, and it is inevitable to act again." Su Yi said with a smile, "And I happen to know a little bit of the inside story, for example, the list of all of you, and some of your plans..."

"This is impossible!" He Zhiying Er interrupted Su Yi angrily.

"Then consider it impossible." Su Yiruo smiled deeply, "Mr. Hezhi, just think about it. I'm very patient. I'm waiting for your reply, but I hope it won't be too long."

He Zhiying's expression was uncertain, and he said quietly: "Mr. Liangchen, are you not afraid that I will die with you?"

"I don't doubt that you have the courage to break jade." Su Yi said lightly, "But is it necessary?"

"Compared to the ruling faction, I think you are the most terrible enemy of the empire!" He Zhiying said.

"I will never touch Zheng Zhi in my life." Su Yi said with a smile, "I'm just a patriotic guy."

"Actually, you are right to say that we are enemies." Su Yi changed the subject, "But until you and I completely go to the opposite side, I don't mind dancing with wolves. Mr. Hezhi, what about you? You have such courage and courage ?"

He Zhiying Er stood up, looked deeply at Su Yi, and said: "Mr. Liangchen, you are really a devil. But I am honored to know such an excellent person as you. I have benefited a lot from Mr. Liangchen today, and I need to go back and have a good time. Think about it. I'll come back to you sometime for advice."

As he said that, he bowed: "I bid farewell to Mr. Liangchen first, I'm sorry!"

After speaking, he took two steps back before turning around and leaving.

The corners of Su Yi's mouth curled up, and he watched him walk out of the lobby before turning his eyes away.

On the stage, the play was singing until Cao Cao persuaded Chen Gong with rhetoric and untied him

Cao Cao: Duo Meng is released, and he will report it again in the future!

Chen Gong: I have heard for a long time that Duke Ming presented his sword in the name of assassinating Dong Zhuo.God does not follow, where do you want to go now?

Cao Cao: I intend to travel to the ends of the world, to award the princes of the five routes, and to destroy Dong Zhuo.

Chen Gong: The next official wants to follow Ming Gong and travel around the world, but I don't know what to do next?

Cao Cao: It would be great if we can go with Gongtai...

There was applause from the audience.

"It's really a good show..." Su Yi couldn't help but praise.

Yi Yitian walked up to him just in time, leaned close to him and asked in a low voice, "Master Geng, what's the matter?"

"If there is no accident, our first peripheral member is ready." Su Yi said.

Yi Yitian was dumbfounded.

That's the case, but Su Yi knows that this matter is not the time to take it lightly, and the monitoring of the movements of He Zhiyinger and Zhe Peng cannot be relaxed.

Moreover, even if you want to cooperate, you can use it with Zhiying Er, but you must guard against it.He had a long time to match wits with this man.

The opening ceremony of Kyushu Mixed Martial Arts Gym was very successful.

Although there was an episode of "friendly exchange" between Su Yi and the Zhe Peng people, this did not prevent the Kyushu MMA from becoming famous all over the country.

One has to be responsible for accepting apprentices. In the next month, Su Yi settled down and began to teach disciples.

He didn't hold back and spared no effort.

The thirty disciples who learned martial arts from him all learned Su Yi's true skills.

But how much you can get depends on your own efforts and luck.

Except for Bill Underwood, the other 29 disciples were basically a blank sheet of paper, allowing Su Yi to smear at will.

Su Yi is not short of money, so the disciples who learn martial arts from him don't have to worry about food and clothing. They live in the martial arts hall, which has a special dormitory for disciples.

Su Yi's only requirement for them is to learn martial arts well.

The biggest constraint on them is that they signed an agreement from the moment they started, requiring them to teach in the school after the opening of the martial arts school in the near future.

Of course, there is a salary, which can be regarded as a graduation package distribution.

Gong Baosen left after staying in Jinmen for a week. In addition to teaching his disciples, Su Yi also began to reserve administrative talents for the martial arts school.

As Su Yi's injury gradually recovered, Su Yi also began to resume daily martial arts exercises.

For Su Yi himself, teaching apprentices is also a kind of summary and sorting out of his own martial arts, and it also has a role in promoting his martial arts path.

Su Yi became obsessed with the use of equipment. Knives, guns, and throwing knives were all his favorite weapons.

During this period, Hua Kezhi and the others left Jinmen and did a mission.

This time their target was in Beiping. Sasaki Kira, the chief of staff of the Sixth Division, came to Peking Tongren Hospital for an operation due to illness. After getting the news, Hua Kezhi and the others planned for [-] days, and finally instigated a nurse and used a scalpel , the result of this heinous war criminal.

The paramedics successfully retreated under the cover of Walker and them, and later became peripheral members of the Second Kicker Organization.

At the scene where Sasaki Kira was killed, a second kicker was left behind.

Although the Zhe Peng people tried their best to block the leak of the news, they failed in the end.

It was still a British newspaper that got the news, and also got the registration records of Sasaki Kira's hospitalization as a testimony, and published the matter.

The war in Rehe has not stopped, and there are two kicks in Beiping!

The illustrious reputation of the second kicker has long spread all over the world, and intelligence organizations and military departments of various countries are studying the feasibility of this new type of elite special forces carrying out the "beheading" operation.So as soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of all parties.

No one is sure who the leader of Er Kijiao is, but the people of Zhe Peng simply issued a reward order this time, as long as anyone who can provide information about Er Kijiao will be rewarded with a reward of 500,000 US dollars.There is a $[-] reward for any member who can help them catch the second kicker.

As soon as the reward order was issued, it attracted many people's hearts, but it didn't matter.

With Su Yi in charge, there is a high probability that something like an oolong capsized in the gutter will not happen.

In the short term, the mystery of the second kicker will continue to be maintained.

On the fourth day after Sasaki Kira was killed, He Zhiying Er came to Geng Mansion to visit Su Yi again.

As Su Yi expected, He Zhiyinger finally chose to cooperate with Su Yi.

His original idea of ​​controlling Su Yi to be his sharp blade was completely shattered, but he was unwilling and did not dare to fight Su Yi to the death, and he did not want to guard such a big secret and resource in vain while he could only watch dryly.

After much deliberation, he still decided to use each other with Su Yi.

This decision also contains He Zhiying Er's attitude of not admitting defeat. Su Yi said that he does not mind "Dancing with Wolves", and He Zhi Ying Er feels that he does not lack the courage and wisdom to "seek skin with tigers".

After thinking about it for more than a month, he adjusted his mentality and decided to fight Su Yi, a "powerful demon".

The two met this time and negotiated the content of the cooperation, which can be roughly divided into three points.

First, the two parties agreed to keep each other's secrets, to get along friendly in Jinmen, and to not interfere with each other's work and plans, and to cooperate based on this premise.

Second, the content of the cooperation is limited to the assassination of the generals or senior officials of the Zhepeng Control Faction designated by Zhiyinger. If the assassination is successful, Hezhiyinger must make a corresponding return.

Third, neither party should force or threaten the other party to do something it does not want to do, let alone spy on the other party's intelligence and identity during cooperation.When one party decides to terminate the cooperation, the other party must be informed in advance, and no malicious concealment is allowed. Brewing a conspiracy is not good for the other party.

To be honest, these contents have no binding force on both parties. If one party does not abide by it, all the other party can do is tear their face apart.

But before both parties are unwilling to pay the price of tearing their faces, such cooperation can be relatively reassuring.

He Zhiyinger is a very ambitious "Imperial Way faction". He is now the rank of Zhongzuo. He has almost no background in the military under the control of the ruling faction. If he wants to go further, he must make great contributions. Row.

He wanted to use Su Yi to make himself climb faster.

At the same time, he wants to use Su Yi to remove some stumbling blocks in front of the Huangdao faction, so that he can gain the attention and appreciation of the behind-the-scenes leaders of the Huangdao faction.

"Liangchen-kun, I hope you can cooperate with me to perform a play and assassinate Umezu Yoshijiro!" Wachitaka Erdao said, "Of course, this is an assassination that I will uncover. Umezu Yoshijiro has his favorite special high-tech agency chief, He has always wanted to kick me out of Jinmen, I need to gain his favor and appreciation."

"This is also good for you. After all, we are a cooperative relationship. I am in Jinmen and not in Jinmen. It is completely different for you."

"Fake assassination?" Su Yi smiled, "Mr. Hezhi, our cooperation has never included acting with you. If it is a real assassination, maybe I will consider it."

"No, no, no, no real assassination!" Kazutakaji was taken aback, "Umezu Yoshijiro is the commander of the North China Garrison, and I am the section chief of the Jinmen Special High-tech Department. If he is assassinated within the scope of my intelligence system , I have to bear the primary responsibility!"

"You have to know Mr. Liangchen, if General Nakamura hadn't died in Rehe, I would have been implicated! If he had died in Jinmen at that time, maybe I would have been transferred to prepare for nutrition for old age by now!"

"So, Umezu Yoshijiro must not die!"

"Sorry, I won't cooperate with you in acting." Su Yi shook his head, "Our cooperation does not include this."

"What if I exchange information?" Hezhiyinger asked.

Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly: "It depends on what kind of information it is."

(End of this chapter)

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