Chapter 789
Some people say that Zheng Zhi is the art of struggle and compromise. This sentence is definitely a fucking golden rule.

Liu Haiqing doesn't like these carnivores who are in the midst of the national crisis but only care about power and profit, but now he can only choose one to take refuge in, and he must find a way to gain the trust of the other party, and desperately kill the other two to show his loyalty to the new owner.

This is very helpless.

Can Liu Haiqing choose no one and remain neutral?
You need to know who has played balance and neutrality on Zheng Zhi since ancient times.

Either a high-ranking emperor, or a big man who holds a heavy army, or has power in the court, or is famous all over the world, and whoever is in the top position has to be wooed.

Without this condition, if you dare to play neutral, when the time comes, chickens will hate dogs, and you will definitely die worse than Zhao Sier's father.

"I see." Regarding Su Yi's suggestion, Liu Haiqing has always been very considerate, "When I go to Jinling, I will contact Brother Jiu as soon as possible."

Su Yi hesitated slightly, and said: "To say something that shouldn't be said, let Brother Jiu rush ahead in everything, he is destined not to be reused by the authorities, so he doesn't have to worry about any eyes. But you are different, you have to beware of showing your sharpness and causing trouble. People are afraid."

Liu Haiqing couldn't help smiling at Su Yi.

Su Yi's selfishness at this time not only did not destroy his image in Liu Haiqing's heart, but made Liu Haiqing rely on and trust him more.

Liu Haiqing knew that he was treating him as a real brother, so he said such things to him.

"Low-key, I understand." Liu Haiqing said with a smile.

"If you really understand, you won't stay in Chifeng forever." Su Yi sighed and shook his head.

The current Liu Haiqing is naturally not the robed gangster that Su Yi just met him at the beginning, he is passionate, confident and straightforward.After experiencing so many things, he also sharpened some cities.Moreover, being in a high position has also cultivated some majesty and the habit of thinking about problems.

But in his heart, he is still the passionate young man who pursues to defend his family and country.

When he saw Chifeng's soldiers throwing their heads and blood, he couldn't help but want to do more for them, even asking Hu Zhantang and Zhang Shaoshuai for weapons and food in various ways.

He is a spy chief, so close to a powerful warlord like Sun Laodian, how can he not arouse suspicion?
So for a while, Hu Zhantang began to alienate him, and even prepared to find someone to replace him.

If Hu Zhantang hadn't been threatened by Li Delin and Wang Zhaoming this time, he would be at his wit's end. I'm afraid he might not be able to use Liu Haiqing again.

Liu Haiqing only stayed in Jinmen for two days, and he has been living in Geng's mansion for these two days.

I don't know what kind of style it is, so I insist on pestering Su Yi to ask Su Yi to teach him martial arts.

"You can pull up the switch, you're playing with your brain, and it's not your turn to compete with others in martial arts." Su Yi said, "Besides, what can you learn in two days?"

"I don't want to become a master," Liu Haiqing said, "I just want to learn some life-saving skills at critical times, so that I won't be in a hurry when something happens."

"Why, did you encounter danger in Chifeng this time?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"It's quite embarrassing to say." Liu Haiqing sighed, "Do you still remember the leak of your whereabouts? After you sent me a telegram, I found this person. It is Zhang Lie, the deputy station chief of Chifeng Station."

"But at that time, I guessed what you meant by sending the message. In order to hold him back, I used a flower gun to attract his attention to Tongliao. You can succeed in Jinzhou, and the devil's attention can also be focused on Tongliao." relation."

Su Yi nodded: "Is the boat overturned in the gutter?"

"It turned over." Liu Haiqing was a little embarrassed, "I don't know how it happened. He found out the clue and knew that we were setting him up. Zhang Lie is also a smart man. After discovering this, he realized that he could not escape, so he pretended to met me, and held me at gunpoint."

"At that fact, I had a chance to resist, but he restrained me with one move, and the gun was put on my forehead."

Time went back to Chifeng more than three months ago.

Zhang Lie pretended to be normal and came to Liu Haiqing's office, and said mysteriously to Liu Haiqing: "President, I discovered a big secret of Commander Sun, and this secret is related to the safety of the entire Chifeng!"

Liu Haiqing knew that Zhang Lie was a traitor, but he wanted to know what Zhang Lie was up to, so he gave Zhang Lie a chance to speak.

But Zhang Lie seemed to be very taboo, afraid that others would hear him, he leaned in front of Liu Haiqing, and seemed to be planning to lower his voice.

Liu Haiqing was also vigilant, and when he sensed something was wrong, he immediately shot decisively first. Who knew that Zhang Lie stopped him with a single capture, and then put the pistol on Liu Haiqing's forehead.

"Don't move! Don't make a sound!" Zhang Lie warned.

"Come on!" But Liu Haiqing didn't listen to him at all, and yelled directly.

The guard outside the door immediately opened the door and entered, seeing Liu Haiqing being pointed at with a gun, he was shocked.

Zhang Lie didn't expect that Liu Haiqing would not listen to him. It was too late to say anything at this time, so he had to hold Liu Haiqing hostage and confront Liu Haiqing's subordinates.

"I told you to keep quiet, why didn't you listen! Why didn't you listen! Believe it or not, I shot you to death!" Zhang Lie yelled angrily.

Under the threat of gunpoint, Liu Haiqing was unafraid, hehe sneered and ordered: "Brothers, I give the last order now, and that is to shoot me! Even if I die, I will never let this traitor go!"

Liu Haiqing's words moved everyone present.Especially Zhang Lie, who was stunned for a long time, suddenly laughed miserably.

"Good! I, Zhang Lie, have the honor to follow such a person as Virgo, it is really my life's luck!" He said with emotion, "Virgin, do you believe it? If people from Zhe Peng threaten me with my life and make me a traitor, I will be like you, and I will not die!"

"I believe it." Liu Haiqing said slowly, "If you were not such a person, why would I bring you to Chifeng?"

"Thank you Zhang Lie for your trust! With your words, Zhang Lie will die without regret!" Zhang Lie tremblingly said.

"Virgo, the Zhepeng people arrested my parents, wife and children. They forced me to submit. They said that only if I made a great contribution, would their lives be returned. I have no choice, I really have no choice..." Zhang Lie Weeping.

"My parents worked so hard all my life to raise me up, and I didn't have time to be filial to them! My wife took care of the house for me without complaint or regret. I didn't let her live a good life, and I didn't even buy her a new dress... And my son, he's only four years old, he doesn't know anything..."

"But damn devil, cut off his ear for me to see! They cut off the son's ear for father to see... These beasts... Virgo, what would you do if it were you instead? Ah? What would you do? "When Zhang Lie said this, his eyes were tearing apart.

"Defend the family and protect the country, protect the family first, and defend the country behind. I can't even protect my family. What kind of country am I defending?" Zhang Lie burst into tears, "Virgin, I know that I deserve death. Come today! Looking for you, I don't actually want to die with you, I just want to beg you to let me go..."

"Do you think it's possible?" Liu Hai said coldly.

"Yes, it's impossible." Zhang Lie smiled miserably, "How could you let me be a traitor to the devil? But what about my parents? What about my wife and children? Virgo, tell me, what should I do? Ah? Why? I fought desperately with the devils on the front line, but my family members far away in Beiping were captured by the devils! Why? Why!"

At the end, Zhang Lie almost roared out.

Liu Haiqing couldn't answer this question.

Zhang Lie smiled miserably: "I have nothing to say until now. Virgo, I follow you, I don't regret it, I only hate this world, I hate..."

With a gunshot, Zhang Lie fell to the ground.

He eventually killed himself by swallowing a bullet.

After more than three months, Liu Haiqing recounted the past, his voice still trembling, which shows how much this incident had affected him.

"After Zhang Lie died, I immediately sent people to look for his family, and prepared to rescue his parents, wife and children." Liu Haiqing said in a low voice, "More than a month ago, my people found them in a mass grave in Tong County. The corpses of a family of four... After the ghost spies found his parents, wife and children, they killed them all at the same time, and his wife was... well, his son had a mole on one ear, so he was cut off Come down and use it to threaten Zhang Lie. The devil deceived Zhang Lie that his family members are still alive, but in fact..."

Su Yi also felt heavy in his heart.

When he surmised that he was betrayed in Tongliao, he wanted to skin the traitor cramp, but now, he couldn't hate Zhang Lie at all.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to him when someone arrested his parents and sister Su Future and threatened him to do something.

If there is such a situation, he will be the next Zhang Lie, he can be a dog, and he can give up everything.

So, how could Zhang Lie be blamed for something he couldn't do himself?
"Do you know how the information about Zhang Lie's family was exposed?" Liu Haiqing said through gritted teeth, "It's Jinling! I transferred Zhang Lie from the Jinling garrison. Party headquarters filing! I can be sure that the leak must have happened at the Party headquarters! Those officials and lords in Jinling are busy fighting for power and profit, and they don’t even know that the devils have entered the highest archives. What are they doing for food?"

"Zhang Lie's tragedy was caused by them alone! If Zhang Lie's family hadn't been caught by the devils, he must be a strong man! He will even make great contributions to this country in the future! But now, everything has been destroyed! "

Su Yi sighed and said, "This is not the first time this kind of tragedy has happened, nor will it be the last time... As long as this war is not over, the ugliness of this world will be revealed in front of you and me one by one."

"That's why I have never dared to marry a wife, let alone have children." Liu Haiqing said, "One is because I am afraid that my son will blame me, knowing that this world is so miserable, why did I bring him into this world? No one can have weaknesses; third, I don’t trust anyone except you now! If I really marry a wife and have children, I can rest assured that they stay in your house all the time.”

Su Yi smiled: "Then you marry, and give birth as soon as you marry! My sister-in-law and nephew will be raised in my house!"

"You think beautifully!" Liu Haiqing glanced at him, "If you don't marry a wife for a day, do I dare to let you have my future beautiful and beautiful wife?"

"I'll go, you are doubting my character." Su Yi's tone was not kind.

"Nonsense!" Liu Haiqing rolled his eyes, "If I haven't fucked a woman for more than [-] years, you dare to put your wife in my house?"

"Don't dare." Su Yi said.

The two looked at each other and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Come on, don't be inked, and teach me some self-defense skills!" Liu Haiqing said, "Don't make it too complicated, it will be useful at critical moments."

"I think, you might as well practice more with your gun, how to draw your gun as quickly as possible, as long as you keep the gun close to your body, it will be more effective than any martial arts you have learned." Su Yi said.

It's not that he doesn't want to teach Liu Haiqing martial arts, nor is it that he doesn't have such a quick emergency self-defense technique, but that Liu Haiqing's status is basically not there when he is fighting.

Zhang Lie's situation is too rare, maybe Liu Haiqing will never encounter it again in this life.

If you really want Liu Haiqing to die, what's the use of Liu Haiqing learning one trick or two?People will kill him if they meet each other.

Therefore, it is better to learn guns.

As long as the gun is drawn fast enough and the gun is steady enough, it is better than anything else.

"Well, when I was in the training class, I barely passed the shooting and fighting classes." Liu Haiqing scratched his head in distress, "I feel that I really have no talent in this area."

"You can come to me for this matter, I have the most right to speak." Su Yi smiled, "My marksmanship used to be as bad as a piece of shit, but then I gradually mastered the knack and practiced a good ability to shoot through Yang with a hundred steps. "

"You know how to shoot?" Liu Haiqing sneered, "Don't be ridiculous, you are so against hot weapons, do you know how many bullets are in a gun, do you know how to pull the trigger?"

"Give me the gun." Su Yi didn't talk nonsense, and asked him directly for the gun.

"Really?" Liu Haiqing had a strange expression, "Don't be brave, don't blame me for losing face later."

"Hehe, here comes the gun!" Su Yi stretched out his hand.

"Well, it's because you didn't care about it yourself." Liu Haiqing smiled and took off the gun and gave it to Su Yi, "Do you want someone to come and watch our hero Geng's marksmanship?"

"No need." Su Yi said while fastening the holster on his waist, "No one in this world knows about my use of a gun."

Liu Haiqing wanted to tease a few words, but Su Yi looked around a few times, and suddenly raised his head to see a few sparrows flying not far away.

"That's all." Su Yi said.

Liu Haiqing looked up, and saw four sparrows flying towards this side, but they were still far away.

"One, two..." Su Yi suddenly started counting numbers.


When he counted to three, the four sparrows had already reached the heads of Su Yi and Liu Haiqing.

At this moment, Su Yi suddenly drew his gun.

The speed was so fast that Liu Haiqing couldn't see his movements clearly.

Bang bang bang!

With four rapid gunshots like firecrackers ringing in his ears, Liu Haiqing just wanted to look up subconsciously, when he saw that Su Yi had put the gun back into the holster.

He just raised his head and saw four sparrows falling straight down.

clap clap clap...

The sparrow's body fell to the ground.

Su Yi said leisurely: "I don't use a gun, not because I don't know how to do it, but because I'm shooting one shot, and I have no opponent."

Liu Haiqing was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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