Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 792 Afraid of You Scolding Me

Chapter 792 Afraid of You Scolding Me
Su Yi really went to the gate to greet the middle-aged man himself.

Su Yi was a little surprised when he saw Ma Jue, but at this moment Su Yi was all focused on the middle-aged man, so he quickly looked away from Ma Jue.

The little girl just smiled and was about to say hello to Su Yi, when she saw Su Yi clasped her hands and said to her husband, "Your Majesty, come and shine! Mr. Zhou, I am Geng Liangchen, and Mr. Jiana has gone to the lobby to wait. I'll take you there."

Ma Jue's smile froze, and he withdrew his hand ready to say hello in embarrassment, and swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Mr. Zhou clasped his fists in return, and said, "It's really impolite to interrupt rashly. You..."

"It's okay, sir, please." Su Yi smiled and turned sideways, making a gesture of invitation.

A flash of astonishment flashed in Mr. Zhou's eyes. He hadn't finished speaking yet. Why did this legendary Jinmen hero act like he didn't want him to talk more?

"Hehe, okay, I'm sorry." But he was so polite that Mr. Zhou couldn't find any faults.

So under Su Yi's respectful guidance, Mr. Zhou and Ma Jue, who was a little sullen all the way, went outside the lobby door.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Jiana is inside, so I won't bother you teachers and students to reminisce about the old days." Su Yi stood outside the door and said with a smile, "If you need anything, just tell the brothers outside the door, don't polite."

Mr. Zhou was slightly silent, and said with a smile: "At first, Mr. Geng was thought to be a domineering young man, but he never thought that he would be so humble and gentle. He looks like a scholar."

"Mr. Miao Zan, I'm just a rough man with no culture." Su Yi laughed hurriedly, "You don't have to care about me, just treat yourself as if you are here. Mr. Zhou, I'll take my leave first, you Please come in."

After finishing speaking, Su Yi cupped his fists and bowed slightly, then left in a hurry.

"..." Mr. Zhou looked at Ma Jue with a puzzled face, "Jue'er, do I have any bad reputation outside?"

"Ah?" Ma Jue seemed to be thinking about something, as if waking up from a dream, "No, no, sir."

"Then why do I feel that he avoids me like a snake and a scorpion? He doesn't want to say a word to me, am I that scary?" Mr. Zhou shook his head strangely, "This hero Geng is really..."

Mr. Zhou's purpose in coming to Geng's mansion was to pay a personal visit to the old principal, not to visit Su Yi.

Although the name Geng Liangchen has a good reputation, and his friend's daughter Ma Jue admires and admires him very much, Mr. Zhou doesn't like it.

He knew very well that in such a society, a low-level Liba would have to go through a lot of blood and blood if he wanted to become a Jinmen hero.

So he never believed how bright, great and upright the Jinmen Hero was described in the newspapers.

He believes that behind the hero's name, there must be many bones, many of which are blood, tears and resentment.

So his attitude towards Su Yi is only four words - keep a respectful distance.

If Kano Jigoro hadn't been living in the Geng Mansion all this time, and he was invited by Cai Heqing to go to Jinling as soon as possible to meet George Bernard Shaw who was in China, I'm afraid he would rather wait until Kano Jigoro left the Geng Mansion before he would visit Mr. headmaster.

What makes Mr. Zhou depressed is that it's fine for him to keep Su Yi at arm's length, why is it that the other party treats him with such an attitude of respect at arm's length?

This depression was quickly diluted by the joy of seeing the old principal again.

Although China and Japan are hostile, it does not seem to have affected the friendship between Mr. Zhou and the old principal.

They talked very relaxed and happy, and the laughter was endless.

Kano Jigoro belongs to the kind of extremely lively and wise old man. He seems to have an innate sense of humor and affinity, making everyone who comes into contact with him feel happy and kind.

Eventually, even Ma Jue joined their conversation.

At lunch time, without waiting for their reminder or request, the maid of Geng Mansion came in and informed the distinguished guests that they had carefully prepared lunch and invited them to the restaurant to enjoy it.

"Is there any wine?" Kano Jigoro's eyes lit up.

"The kitchen has prepared chilled plum wine and Shaoxing rice wine." After a pause, the maid glanced at Ma Jue and said, "There is also freshly squeezed grape juice."

"I guess there must be southern dishes and Zhe Peng dishes for lunch?" Kano Jigoro said with a smile.

"Yes, old sir," the servant girl was a little smug, "Master Geng specially invited the best cook in Jinmen..."

"This hero Geng really has an exquisite heart." Mr. Zhou said with a smile, "He doesn't look like a warrior, but an official."

Kano Jigoro smiled and said: "You are wrong, I have never seen a more martial artist than him, his study and concentration on martial arts, even I feel ashamed."

"Besides, Mr. Liangchen hates Zheng Zhi very much. He won't do anything to be an official."

Mr. Zhou looked at Jigoro Kano in surprise, but he did not expect the old principal to have such an evaluation of Geng Liangchen.

"Let's go! Let's eat!" Kano Jigoro stood up expectantly, "Yusai-kun, you must try the food here, Liangchen-kun never disappoints you in this regard."

The lunch really deserved the evaluation of Kano Jigoro. The exquisite dishes, delicious food, served with refreshing plum wine and sweet rice wine made the three of them move their index fingers and enjoy eating very much.

During the dinner, Mr. Zhou couldn't hold back his curiosity, and asked about Su Yi again.

"Teacher, in your opinion, what kind of person is the owner here?" Mr. Zhou asked.

"His achievements will not be inferior to mine." Jigoro Kano pondered slightly, speaking surprisingly.

" the praise too high?" Mr. Zhou was surprised. "I don't mean to speak ill of others behind their backs, but he is the leader of the biggest gang in Jinmen. With this background..."

Kano Jigoro smiled and waved his hand, interrupting Mr. Zhou: "What does he do to see the background? He doesn't want to be an official, so what background is important?"

Mr. Zhou was slightly silent, and said in shame: "I am narrow-minded. On this issue, I am a bit rigid."

"I'll tell you a secret." Kano Jigoro looked around with a mysterious look, "Actually, I have a mission to come to China this time."

"What mission?" The impatient Ma Jue asked first.

"The order personally issued by Minister of the Army Sadao Araki asked me to find a way to instigate a person." Kano Jigoro said seriously, "This person is Geng Liangchen!"

The atmosphere seemed to freeze instantly.

"Then, did you succeed?" Ma Jue asked stammeringly, clenching her hands unconsciously.

"How could the old principal agree to such a thing?" Mr. Zhou shook his head angrily, "I'm just surprised that Geng Liangchen, no matter how famous he is, is just the leader of the Jinmen foot trade, and he has earned the name of a Jinmen hero. Boss, Araki Sadao is Zhe Peng's Minister of War, how could he have heard of Geng Liangchen's name? And he also specially invited you to instigate him? Doesn't this mean he takes him too seriously?"

"Then I don't know." Kano Jigoro released the satellite, but continued to drink and eat as if nothing had happened, contentedly, "However, even if I agree to Araki Sadao, I think I am doomed to fail That's it. By the way, what I just said, will you keep it a secret for me? If it is leaked out, I will be in trouble!"


When Mr. Zhou and Ma Jue left, Su Yi, the host, appeared to see him off.

Although Su Yi's etiquette is still rigid, Mr. Zhou feels very awkward.

At the time of parting, he finally couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart.

"Mr. Geng, may I ask you a question?" Mr. Zhou asked.

"Please tell me." Su Yi said hastily.

"I can feel that you seem to repel me, why?" He opened the skylight to speak bluntly.

"It's not about rejection, it's just that I'm a little scared." Su Yi smiled politely and without losing embarrassment.

"Afraid? What are you afraid of?" Mr. Zhou was at a loss.

"I'm afraid you will scold me." Su Yi said honestly, "I often see you scolding people in the newspapers. If you scold me like this once...I can't bear it."

Mr. Zhou was astonished, his eyes were strange, and he laughed out loud.

"Mr. Geng, you are such a wonderful person!" Mr. Zhou laughed heartily. "Thank you for your hospitality today. It's a pleasure meeting you. I hope to have the chance to meet you again. Hahaha..."

Mr. Zhou seemed very happy and left with a big smile.

Ma Jue seemed to want to say something to Su Yi, but in the end he bit his lip and only said "Mr. Geng will meet later".

"There will be a period later." Su Yi smiled at her.

He watched the two go away before shaking his head and returning home.

In my heart, I let out a long sigh of relief.

What he just said was the truth.

He doesn't want to appear as a negative image in the textbooks of this world decades later.

A martial artist kills a man with a knife, and a literati kills a thousand years.

Moreover, there was the shadow of "reciting the full text" and summarizing the central idea since he was a child. Su Yi was terrified of this gentleman in his heart.

Three days after Mr. Zhou's visit, Kano Jigoro completed the agreement with Su Yi and left.

He planned to go all the way north and then go back to Zhe Peng.

"When I was young, I always wanted to measure the world with my feet, but when I was old, I just wanted the world not to move my feet in any way."

When bidding farewell, Kano Jigoro said to Su Yi with emotion: "Mr. Liangchen, no matter what the future holds, no matter what the outcome of China and Japan will be, I hope our friendship will not be affected."

"To me, you are more like my teacher." Su Yi said.

"We are good teachers to each other." Kano Jigoro said, "Liangchen-kun, I hope you will be happy and healthy in this life."

Su Yi's heart was shaken, and he bowed deeply to Jigoro Kano: "I also wish you a long and healthy life, and keep smiling."

Kano Jigoro smiled happily.

Shortly after Kano Jigoro left, Kazutakaji sent more detailed information on Shigemitsu Aoi, and urged Su Yi to do it as soon as possible.

"This is not a trivial matter. I have to go in person to be more sure of success." Su Yi said seriously to He Zhiyinger, "In two months, I will go to Shanghai by myself to make this matter completely over."

"Two months?" He Zhiyinger frowned, "No, Mr. Liangchen, it's too long!"

"That's how I do things." Su Yi looked at him with a smile, "If you feel slow, why don't you do it yourself?"

"Mr. Liangchen, I fulfilled the promise between us very hard!" He Zhiying Er said with a dark face.

"I'm also working hard to finish it." Su Yi said, "If I remember correctly, we didn't agree on a time for completion, right? Is two months too much time for preparation? Mr. Hezhi, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"I hope Mr. Liangchen can keep his promise!" He Zhiying Er was very displeased.

Su Yi said it was two months, but when he left with Zhiying Eryi, he looked through the document carefully, circled it, and then sent a long telegram to Modu.

The two parties came and went, and sent telegrams for a while. Two days later, the content of the telegram sent by Su Yi to the other side was only two words - action.

On that day, the news that Shigemitsu Aoi was killed by the hero Ichimae caused a sensation all over the country!

After Wang Yaqiao and Er Tijiao, another assassination group successfully became famous at home and abroad.

Senior generals were assassinated one after another, and Zhepeng's army couldn't bear this kind of thing, and became angry from embarrassment, and offered a huge reward to the whole world for news of Er Tijiao, Yizhimei, and Wang Yaqiao.

But there's only so much they can do.Except for Wang Yaqiao, they don't even know who Er Ti Jiao and Yi Zhi Mei are, who they are.

He Zhiyinger was also shocked by the news.

Didn't you mean two months later?
It's only two days!
He understands the truth that soldiers are never tired of deceit, and he also knows that Su Yi will not be at ease with him, but such a high efficiency still makes He Zhiying feel awe-inspiring, and his fear of Su Yi has reached a new level.

"Geng Liangchen is a very dangerous Tao, and Zhijun, I am worried that you will not be able to control him." When talking to the senior management of Yingshe Club, the superior expressed such worries.

He Zhiyinger gritted his teeth and said: "Please rest assured, everything is under my control, this person is destined to be completely used by our Great Zhe Peng Empire!"

He Zhiying came to visit Su Yi the next day with a gift, but was turned away by Su Yi.

"Come back to me in three months, I want to rest." He asked his subordinates to send a message to He Zhiyinger.

He Zhiyinger returns depressed, he has nothing to do with Su Yi's "reservedness".

There are not many constraints between the two parties. He has no reason not to let Su Yi rest for three months, so he can only agree.

More than a month later, the martial arts school held a completion ceremony. Su Yi, Yu Xuezhong, some officials, and people from martial arts all participated in this grand event.

To Su Yi's disappointment, the completion of the school did not cause much trouble. Although the news was published in the newspapers, the public generally had little interest in it.

Moreover, some people published articles in newspapers, expressing their disbelief about the future of this martial arts school.

Some people even sneered, thinking that Wufu running a school is a big joke in the world.

Su Yi ignored all these chaotic and noisy voices.

He did not directly open up the enrollment channels, but continued to buy newspaper front pages for his martial arts school to warm up.

Su Yi, who is well versed in the psychology of advertising, continues to mobilize the public's attention to the martial arts school and maintain the hype of public opinion.

The martial arts school here is still under renovation and has not officially opened yet. He can't wait to announce to the media that he plans to establish a branch school in Wudu.

And he also solemnly sent the "Second Branch School Preparatory Team" to Wudu for investigation, which attracted more people to laugh at him for being so ambitious.

(End of this chapter)

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