Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 828 2 into 6

Chapter 828
In addition to them, a beauty that Bill Underwood knew was also targeted by the Zhepen people. This is a Francie woman who is currently in Shanghai. The Zhepen people have been staring at her, but they have not done anything.

The members of the Three Youth League acted to explain the general situation of the matter to the woman, and then sent the woman directly to the Francis embassy, ​​which was considered to be out of the crisis.

Rong Canghai's family members were also being targeted, and the Zhe Peng people hadn't attacked yet, so Su Yi made a decisive move to save his family members.

The people of Zhe Peng are already desperate to win this game.

But they were not completely unscrupulous. The reason why they kept their eyes on Rong Canghai and Bill Underwood's family was because they were not sure whether they would meet these two opponents.

If not, then they probably never would have done it, after all, if he did, the thing would leave marks and stink.

No matter how secretive they are, they will leave clues.

They are here to make a name for themselves, to be upright conquerors, but if the outside world knows that they still won by despicable means, then their success will be greatly reduced.

That night, Su Yi informed the grandmasters and relevant contestants of all the circumstances he investigated.

The masters were very relieved, because in this way, all the despicable tricks from the Zhe Peng people were resolved.

Su Yi's move did not disappoint them.

But Su Yi didn't see it that way.

"We still can't take it lightly." Su Yi looked serious, "I don't think the Zhe Peng people will let it go, and their methods will only be more subtle and despicable."

"What else can they do?" Ma Yingtu said disdainfully, "As long as we strictly guard against death, they can't even do a fart."

"Poison!" Su Yi said solemnly, "Don't forget how Huo Daxia died back then."

The four masters looked at each other.

"They—they shouldn't have the chance to poison them, right?" Yang Chengpu said, "As long as we are careful and don't eat or drink any unknown water, how can they poison them?"

"Take a silver needle with you, and try it on any imported things first." Ma Yingtu said.

"Your method is old-fashioned, and you can't try the silver needle for poisoning now." Gong Baosen said, "And now you don't have to poison the food, there are poisonous gas, bacteria, poisoning Poison is invisible, if you accidentally get a little bit of it, it's over."

"Is it so mysterious?" Ma Yingtu asked suspiciously.

"Poisonous gas and bacteria are available, but the devils dare not use them here." Su Yi took over the words, "They can't control this thing after it's released. Now that this game is attracting worldwide attention, if they dare to do it, the loss outweighs the gain."

"However, poisonous needles, injections, or things that can be poisoned by contact are not impossible." Su Yi pondered slightly, "Seniors, I have decided that from now on, all contestants who will participate in the competition tomorrow will eat and live together, except for competitions. Run out of the house!"

"All our food is ready from now on. Bring your own dry food and water bag. The dry food in the water bag will never leave your body, and you will never let outsiders touch it. In addition, prepare some detoxification drugs in advance, and prepare salt water for gastric lavage. and soapy water, just in case..."

Su Yi considered the problem very carefully, and basically all the loopholes were prevented by him.

"In addition to us, there are four of you seniors. You should also pay attention. It's best to be like us, strictly guard against death, never contact with the outside world, and don't use water and food from the outside world." Su Yi looked at the four masters and said, "Little devil is at the end of his rope. Under the circumstances, it may not be possible to threaten us with the life and death of the four seniors, seniors must take care."

All four nodded, Li Shuwen smiled and said: "We will be careful, but if something like this really happens, Liangchen, remember, you must win and leave us alone! We would rather die than see you fight for us! Admit defeat. We are old and value reputation more than life!"

"That's right, what Brother Tongchen means is also what I mean." Gong Baosen said seriously, "No matter what happens, you are not allowed to show mercy to Zhe Peng!"

"Yes! That's what I mean too!" Ma Yingtu nodded in agreement, "This competition is unprecedentedly grand, and it will definitely be recorded in the annals of history. For martial arts, there is no better opportunity to carry forward than this time! If even this If you can't seize this opportunity, even I think that Guoshu may really be hopeless! Liangchen, don't give up the game because of anything! This is not just a victory or defeat, but a gamble where the winner takes all and the loser gets nothing You are smart, you should know that I am not alarmist."

"Liangchen, we people have spent our entire lives on promoting the national art." Yang Chengpu smiled and looked at Su Yi, "Do you think life is more important to us, or things are more important? If it really comes As a last resort, even if you take all four of us, you still have to win!"

Su Yi was a little moved, and looked at the four seniors, unable to speak for a long time.

After bidding farewell to the four masters, Su Yi first went to tell Zhu Jin, Gu Zhe and Peng the good news that his family had been safely transferred just to scare him.

Zhu Jingu was furious when he heard the words.

His martial arts are good, even compared to Ye Wen, he doesn't give in too much, but he was scared by the little devil and gave up. Now that he found out the facts, Zhu Jingu was ashamed and annoyed.

"Master Zhu, don't be upset. In fact, if you really don't admit defeat, then the devil will definitely attack your family in the next step, so you can save your family from danger by doing this." Su Yi comforted him, "But although it is dangerous now Temporary release, Master Zhu, I still suggest that you transfer your wife and children. It is best to move your family and hide your name for a period of time, just in case. People in Zhe Peng know your abilities, and now they also know where your weaknesses are. If They once again have the idea of ​​wanting to use you, I'm afraid..."

Zhu Jingu's face turned green and then red, and finally bowed deeply to Su Yi: "Great Xia Geng, you saved the lives of my whole family! I don't want to thank you for your kindness, but in the future, if you have to go through fire and water, if Zhu dares to refuse, Teach me to cut off my sons and grandchildren, pigs and dogs are worse!"

"Master Zhu doesn't have to be like this!" Su Yi was taken aback, "I didn't save you because of..."

"I know, how can I not know who you are, Geng Daxia?" Zhu Jingu said emotionally, "I have never admired anyone in my life, Geng Daxia, you are the first one! I am willing to do something with you. I Knowing that after this competition, I will go to the north to pass on the arts, Geng Daxia, after I settle down with my family, I will go to you, you must not be disgusted..."

Doing good deeds does not necessarily bring good rewards, but if there are good rewards, it is a very gratifying thing.

There are too many ugly things in the world, so beautiful things are even more precious.

Su Yi then called the other three advanced contestants and informed them of his decision.

He also told Rong Canghai and Bill Underwood that their families and loved ones were being targeted by the Zhe Peng.

Both of them were very indignant, and they were very grateful to Su Yi for his righteous act of saving people.

The three of them had no objection to Su Yi's arrangement and completely obeyed.

"Cang Hai, you and Bill will face off for the first time tomorrow, how is your injury?" Su Yi asked.

Rong Canghai smiled wryly and shook his head: "If the opponent is from Zhe Peng, I will go up and fight even if my injury worsens, but with Brother Bi... there is no need for that."

Brother Bi... this title.

"I will admit defeat directly, Master Geng." Rong Canghai said.

"Alright." Su Yi nodded. "According to my estimation, this fighting competition will definitely be held again next year or the year after. If you lose this time, you will come back next time."

Rong Canghai nodded and said, "Don't worry, Master Geng, I can think about it."

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, the third round of the twelve-to-six competition officially began.

The first match between Bill Underwood and Rong Canghai was a civil war in China. Rong Canghai conceded directly, and Bill Underwood secured a promotion seat.

The second game is Zhe Peng Civil War, Konishi Yasuhiro and Iwata Fumio duel.

Like Huaguo, there was no competition in this game. Yasuhiro Konishi conceded directly, and Fumio Iwata advanced.

There was no fight for two consecutive games, which made the audience below boo a little.

But immediately afterwards, the crowd cheered and screamed.

The third match - Geng Liangchen vs Siamese master Naipong!
This is a heavyweight match, which is also called the "Battle of Revenge" by the media and the general public.

Because in yesterday's game, Su Yi's big apprentice Jiang Tieshan was defeated by Naipeng when he had the upper hand and was eliminated.

In the end, Naipeng defeated the apprentice, and today it was the turn of the master.

When Su Yi came on stage, he had a whim, could it be that Naipeng got the protagonist template?
Hit the young ones and come the old ones, isn't this the treatment only the protagonist has?
If he could win a game against himself, the "No.

But Nai Peng is destined to be a supporting role.

Although Naipeng was very cautious, he almost played 2 points in the duel with Su Yi, and his strength was also displayed exceptionally, but in the end, he was crushed by Su Yi throughout the whole process, and the game lasted a little more than [-] minutes At that time, Su Yi punched KO.

This kind of ancient Muay Thai that has not been modernized is indeed very lethal, but it has great deficiencies in defense.

Su Yi has also learned Muay Thai, Naipeng's kung fu has many loopholes in Su Yi's eyes.

If it wasn't for the "cheat" that Naipondo used some ultimate moves, he would be able to steal the master, and he could still solve the battle within ten seconds.

Although there is no battle between dragons and tigers as imagined by most audiences, this kind of strong crushing process actually makes everyone more excited.

Su Yi's shot was as stable as ever, and as strong as ever, so strong that the Chinese audience was proud and the opponents were heavy and desperate.

"Geng Liangchen... this person must be defeated! He must not be allowed to win!" Hideo Iwaguro gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly.

"But he's too cautious!" Maeda Mitsuyo said in a deep voice, "He lives with the Hua Guo players who are still participating, and the food and lodging are all prepared in advance, and he never goes out except for the competition. It was all cracked by him, this damn Geng Liangchen, he has such a good relationship with Liu Haiqing, the head of Huaguo's secret service, all the methods we worked so hard to prepare were useless!"

"Now we can't find any chance to attack him, including today's Ye Wen. He is protected too well by Geng Liangchen. We have nothing to do with him. We can only fight him openly in the ring."

"To deal with Ye Wen, Maeda-san should be fine, right?" Hideo Iwaguro said, "He was defeated by Geng Liangchen with three moves, such a person, even if Maeda-san fights him openly, he will not be your opponent. .”

"Of course." Maeda Mitsuyo smiled confidently, "Ip Man, what's the point? The only person I feel threatened in this match is Geng Liangchen!"

"Geng Liangchen..." Hideo Iwaguro narrowed his eyes, "Don't worry Maeda-san, I will do my best to create good competition conditions for you!"

The fourth match was between Lighthouse Black Boxer and Zhe Peng Miyagi Chosun.

The two had just fought yesterday, and the black boxer had learned a lot, whether it was speed, strength or agility, he completely beat Miyagi Chojun.

In this match, Miyagi Chojun obviously got too much advice from an expert, and he developed a very novel style of play, and once posed a threat to Carter, and even caused some minor injuries to the black boxer.

But Carter played very steadily, allowing Chojun Miyagi to change his style, but he remained still and played steadily.

As a result, after Miyagi Chojun's three-axes ended, there was no more tricks to play, and the game began to return to the right track, entering the "Carter" time.

The final winner is still Carter, who won the game and entered the top six.

Since the first two games did not start, this game is the second game held today.

Immediately following the appearance of the two sides are two heavyweight players - Maeda Mitsuyo against Ip Man.

The former is the leader of the Zhe Peng Wushu delegation, and the latter is the representative elected by the Southern Wushu.

Although Ye Wen was once disliked and questioned by the southerners because of his disastrous defeat at the hands of Su Yi, but with the start of the main match, Ye Man regained people's respect and trust with his absolute strength.

As the two contestants came to the stage, the audience in the audience was very excited, shouting Ye Wen's name to cheer him up.

Ye Wen bowed his hands in a very gentle salute, finally stood still in the ring, bowed his hands to Maeda Mitsuyo who was opposite, nodded slightly, and his expression became serious.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, I'm Mitsuyo Maeda!" Mitsuyo Maeda maintained his humility and courtesy as always, bowing slightly, "If I offend you later, please take care of me."

"Take care of each other." Ye Wen smiled.

"The game begins!" With the lighthouse referee's order, the competition officially kicked off.

Whether it was Ye Wen or Maeda Mitsuyo, neither of them was in a hurry to make the first move, but fixed their eyes on each other, and started pacing and circling the ring.

The two consciously adjusted their pace, kept a safe distance, examined each other's movements, and looked for each other's flaws.

A fierce battle is imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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