Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 836 Freshmen

Chapter 836 Freshmen
The parting of life and death is the pain of life and fate, which cannot be reversed and cannot be redeemed.

Gong Baosen died, but in fact he didn't die.

His will is still hidden in that fist.

His spirit is engraved in the flickering scenery along the way.

Indelible and eternal.


Heartily grieve.

Su Yi had a hard time convincing himself not to feel sad or cry.

He has a heart, he has a liver, and he is also a human being.

Ding Lianshan hugged Gong Baosen's body and carefully placed him on the bed.

"When the leaves fall back to their roots, he has to go back to the northeast and be buried between black mountains and white waters." He said sadly.

"I'll arrange it." Su Yi said in a low voice.

"Thank you." Ding Lianshan did not refuse.

The scene fell into silence, and everyone was immersed in great grief and couldn't extricate themselves.

After a long time, Li Shuwen was the first to pull himself together.

"Liangchen, you have to go out!" Li Shuwen said, "The banquet downstairs is for you, hundreds of people are here for you, you are the protagonist, you cannot be absent."

"Congratulatory banquet?" Su Yi shook his head, "Master Gong just left, what kind of congratulatory banquet should I attend? I won't attend!"

"No! You have to go!" Ma Yingtu said seriously, "If you don't go, others will know that something happened! Brother Haneda's death is still not known to outsiders. Once the cause of his death is announced, the public will be furious. The next game, is it better?"

"At that time, there will be riots and protests, disrupting the competition! This competition, which could have ended successfully, will be completely ruined! It was originally a good thing for us to become famous, but it will also become a tragedy and a joke!"

"That's right, this is definitely not what Baosen wants to see." Yang Chengpu sighed, "Xiao Geng, the reason why Baosen was poisoned was kept secret. Of course, he was afraid that you would be distracted and cause trouble. But he Why don't you want to make this event a farce?"

"Since the establishment of the Chinese Samurai Association, it has been 21 years. In the past 21 years, Baosen has worked hard for the national art, but he has watched the prosperity of the national art decline. Our generation is not up to date. We have fallen, but we have been powerless.”

"In the past 20 years, we have been to Siam three times, the World Championships twice, and the Martial Art Competition twice. We have failed! We have been defeated again and again. Self-aware."

"Last time in Jinmen, the Guoshu Elite Tournament was the most successful event that Baosen has organized in the past few years. Because of you, Geng Liangchen, and the brand-new competition system, that event attracted national attention and set off a national martial art competition. upsurge."

"Little Geng, you don't know how happy and excited Baosen is. This is a career he has worked hard for all his life, and he finally sees a little hope. How can he not be ecstatic?"

"Later, there was a conflict between the Jingwu Association in the capital city and the foreigners, and Baosen went to mediate the conflict. The matter could have been calmed down, but foreign language newspapers published bullshit articles that insulted the martial arts and insulted the people of the country! Baosen was not a reckless person at all. , but that time it was uncharacteristically, fighting with foreigners in the newspaper, why?"

"He's building momentum! He wants to strike while the iron is hot. Before the craze of Chinese martial arts cools down, he will make waves again and hold a tournament of all nations to completely justify the name of Chinese martial arts and make them worthy of their name!"

"At that time, we all felt that what he did was too radical and too risky. Because once we lost, it would be shameful, and we would be thrown into the [-]th level of hell, with no possibility of recovery! Baosen Thoughts, it’s really a thought of life, a thought of death! Of course we disagree, but do you know what he said to us old guys at that time?"

Yang Chengpu looked at Su Yi: "He said, with Geng Liangchen here, we can't lose this game! Xiao Geng, Master Gong has so much confidence in you and trusts you that he is willing to bet his whole life's thoughts on you!" On you..."

"You didn't let him down, you won the unarmed championship, but the match is not over yet, it's only halfway through."

"There is still an equipment competition, and there are dozens of games to be played! Xiao Geng, at this time, we must not mess up!"

"Once it is messed up, this event will become a farce, and your authority as the champion will be greatly reduced. And if this event ends without a problem, it will be meaningless for you to win the championship, because others have not learned from it, and they don't know you. How important is the weight of the championship, it is obviously a great thing to be famous all over the world, but in the end it becomes a mess, is this what you want to see? Is this what Baosen wants to see?"

"So this game must not be chaotic! At this time, Baosen's death must be kept secret and cannot be known to outsiders. Otherwise, if there is chaos and public opinion boils, who can restrain it?"

"No one can restrain it!"

"At that time, we won't say whether the foreigners and Zhe Peng people will take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble. Those officials who are afraid of trouble above will ban the game. It will be a disaster for us! The hope that Baosen finally saw , that's how it was shattered..."

Yang Chengpu's words can be regarded as earnest and earnest.

Su Yi was speechless, with tears in his eyes.

Ma Yingtu said: "It's just that Brother Haneda is suffering, and he can't be aboveboard when he leaves..."

"This is his fate." Ding Lianshan said suddenly, "He has taken care of the overall situation all his life, and he still has to take care of it after he dies. Fate...I know, you are actually telling me what you said."

All the masters looked at each other, and bowed to Ding Lianshan together: "Master Ding, please help me!"

"Fulfillment? Hahaha... Who will fulfill me..." Ding Lianshan seemed to be crying and laughing, and with trembling hands, he opened the letter left by Gong Baosen.

There were two pieces of paper in the letter. Ding Lianshan opened it up to look at it, and suddenly burst out laughing sadly.

"Hahaha...Bao Sen, Bao Sen, are you so distrustful of your elder brother? You have worked so hard to protect him! Hahaha..."

He laughed, but tears fell down.

"Master Ding..."

"I don't care, I don't care about anything! I can't control it, I can't control anything! I'm a ghost, I shouldn't go back to this world... I shouldn't, I shouldn't... Hahaha..."

Ding Lianshan left the letter paper on Gong Baosen's body, cried and laughed, and left in a frenzy.

"I'll go and have a look!" Yang Chengpu sighed and hurriedly chased him out.

Li Shuwen walked to Gong Baosen's side, picked up the two pieces of letter paper and looked at it, he was stunned.

After a long time, he sighed with a complicated expression: "Haneda, oh Haneda, it's really you...the road in front of you, the body behind you, you understand everything..."

He walked up to Su Yi, handed the two pieces of letter paper to Su Yi with a complicated expression, and said with emotion: "Put it away, this is the last one left to you by Master Gong."

Su Yi took it, and was stunned when he saw it.

Two pieces of letter paper are two documents.

One is an agreement between the two parties to cancel Cheng Wenfan and Gong Ruomei's marriage.

There is also a letter of engagement from Gong Baosen, as Su Yi's master, to the Gong family. The names of the two newcomers are - Geng Liangchen and Gong Ruomei.

Both the male parent's parent and the female parent's parent have signed Gong Baosen's name.

Parents to enrich people.

There is absolutely no possibility of changing this marriage.

The last thing Gong Baosen did was to entrust his daughter to Su Yi.

He is not only entrusting his daughter, but also passing on the mantle.

Although Gong Baosen was poisoned to death by the Zhe Peng people, if Ding Lianshan couldn't let go of Ma San's death, it would definitely be a big trouble for Su Yi if he united with the people of Xingyi Baguamen and Su Yi. If it is not good, it will be ruined.

But now, with this engagement letter, this possibility no longer exists.

Ren Ding's tongue was full of lotus flowers, and no one would believe that the son-in-law that Gong Baosen entrusted before his death would be his enemy.

People's hearts are separated. Although Gong Baosen and Ding Lianshan are brothers and sisters, and their feelings for each other have already surpassed that of brothers, but people's hearts are unpredictable. They haven't seen each other for decades. Gong Baosen is not sure whether Ding Lianshan will be because of nephew Ma San Death and extreme extremes.

So he left this marriage letter.

He should have handed over the marriage letter directly to Su Yi, but he didn't expect Ding Lianshan to get it in the end.

And he also misunderstood Ding Lianshan, Ding Lianshan was still the ghost of Kanto who killed Bo Wugui 20 years ago from the beginning to the end, and he never changed.

Gong Baosen is the master, so why not Ding Lianshan?
Su Yi stared at the two documents in a daze, and then put them in his arms carefully.

He walked up to Gong Baosen, knelt on the ground respectfully and kowtowed three times.

"Master, I understand what you mean! What you haven't finished, I will finish! Once an agreement is made, there will be no obstacles!"

Golden House,

The huge Jinlou has already been buzzing with people.

The protagonist hasn't arrived yet, but the place is already full of people and lively.

The weak state of Hua is inferior to others in everything and in everything. Today, it is even dubbed the "sick man of East Asia" and humiliated wantonly.

The mountains and rivers are shattered, and the people are in dire straits. People need a belief and a spiritual pillar too much.

Now, Guoshu is on the rise!

The Chinese martial arts defeated the Western powers, defeated the Siamese Zhe Peng, and stood on the top of the world!

The hero of the Hua Kingdom, the warrior of the Hua Kingdom, Geng Liangchen, overcame all obstacles and obstacles, and finally stood on the top of the world, becoming the best fighter in the world!

This is the pride of martial arts, the pride of Hua Guo warriors, and even the pride of the whole Hua country!

On this day, I don’t know how many people cried and laughed, and I don’t know how many people laughed and cried.

Chinese people are not the sick men of East Asia!
This roar can finally be uttered with confidence.


The heavy door opened slowly, and a figure in a robe appeared at the door with a smile on his face.

All the guests in the hall looked over together, and all their eyes fell on this person.

Geng Liangchen!
Two fireworks exploded, and everyone reacted immediately, cheering and applauding in unison!
From the gate to the middle of the lobby, a path has long been given way.

With a smile, Su Yi cupped his hands and walked into the lobby.

Words of congratulations, smiling and joyful faces, this moment is the beginning of Su Yi's journey to the top.

Thunderous applause, thunderous cheers!


"Self-improvement! Self-improvement! Self-improvement..."

I don't know who yelled, and everyone raised their arms and roared.

Some people burst into tears when they yelled.

This is the moment that belongs to Geng Liangchen, and even more so, the moment that belongs to Hua Guo warriors!

In the age when all horses were silent, Guoshu stood up stubbornly.

Su Yi's eyes were clouded with tears, and he couldn't help but look up.

He seemed to see Gong Baosen with a gratified smile on his face, standing by the fence on the fourth floor, waving to him.

Master, have you seen it?
This is the new life of Guoshu, and it is also the new life of me, Geng Liangchen.

I will keep going.

for sure.

Ding Lianshan left.

Yang Chengpu did not catch up with him, and he left Foshan.

He, the ghost of Kanto, chose to exile himself and wandered again.

Since then, no one has seen him again.

Su Yi contacted Liu Haiqing and asked him to find a plane to transport Gong Baosen's body.

This is not a difficult task for Liu Haiqing.

Through Liu Haiqing's relationship, he got in touch with Gong Er who was studying in Jinling far away.The two talked for ten minutes on the phone.

Gong Er went through the formalities of suspension from school, and when Gong Baosen's body passed by Jinling, she also boarded the plane, guarding her father's coffin, and went north together.

Luo Yu and Hua Kezhi went with Gong Er.

After all, Su Yi was worried about the territory of the Zhe Peng people they were going to.

After the congratulatory banquet that night, Geng Liangchen's name really became popular all over the country, and became famous all over the world.

On the second day, all the newspapers reported the news that Geng Liangchen had become the world's number one master, and the whole country was boiling!

Even Hu Zhantang, Wang Zhaoming and his like have spoken out, saying that Geng Liangchen is the pride of Chinese people.

Soon after, all the videos of Su Yi's martial arts competitions will be drifted to the other side of the ocean, in the lighthouse, and will be widely sought after in Europe.

As an "East Asian Martial Artist", he is bound to become popular both at home and abroad, with countless fans.

When he goes to the West next year to participate in the second World Fighting Championship, he will feel the enthusiasm that foreigners treat their idols.

In Foshan, a peaceful city, the number of people suddenly increased several times.

Because there are still six days of equipment competition to be played, and Su Yi has at least four or five games to play, so the people around Foshan who want to see the real face all rushed here.

The small town was overwhelmed and congested. In the end, Commander Zhuo had to implement the officers and persuade most of the people to leave, so that order could be restored.

Even so, there are still an endless stream of "fans" coming from all over the country, wanting to see the demeanor of the Jinmen hero with their own eyes.

The incident was soon reported by the reporters in the newspapers, and they discouraged the public from coming to Guangdong Province and Foshan.

However, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of the people.

This incident finally alarmed Chen Bonan, the lord of Guangdong Province. He personally talked with Su Yi on the phone. The two agreed that after the game, Su Yi would go to Yangcheng to meet the "fans". .

The equipment competition was in full swing, and the six days passed in a flash.

Not surprisingly, Su Yi relied on the eight swords in his hand to finally defeat Zhe Peng's master swordsman. He passed all the way, thwarted the conspiracy and conspiracy, reached the top again, and won another championship!
(End of this chapter)

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