Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 841 new journey

Chapter 841 new journey
"Republic of China" performance statement:

Actor: Su Yi

Performance status: Forty performance tasks have been completed.

Performance evaluation: amazing nine times, excellent 31 times.The four performance unit stages were rated excellent four times.

Cumulative harvest from the performance: 1150 director points.

Additional rewards for the performance: You have received three amazing evaluations in this performance, and you will get three additional lucky draw opportunities in the actor mall.

Remuneration: The signing fee is 1294 million yuan, and the film remuneration is 1150 million yuan.

The crew of "The Rivers and Lakes of the Republic of China". "

""Actor Name: Su Yi
Current level: professional actor (can be promoted)
Current stage name: Brother Shit

Director points: 2444 points

Fan value: 0
Actor's permanent props: Gentleman strives for self-improvement, auspicious man has his own heaven
Actor's Temporary Props: Actor's Exemption Card (1 piece)
Permanent Auxiliary Tool: 15% more chance of winning
Temporary Aids: None
Others: 4 lucky draw chances in the mall"

"Would you like to activate the permanent prop Gentleman's self-improvement and spend 200 director's points to save your physical condition on the set?"

The man in the mirror had a red body, covered with horrific scars, and in some places, blood and flesh were rolled up, and pus had already leaked from the wounds.

His hair was matted in strands like felt, his beard was stubbled, and his face was muddy.

His face was pale and bloodless, his lips were chapped and black and blue.

His eyeballs were bloodshot, and his eyes were filled with fatigue.

Su Yi looked at himself in the mirror dumbly, he couldn't recognize himself.

He still remembers the radiant Su Yi, but it's definitely not the tired soul in the mirror.

At some point, No. 032 came behind Su Yi, holding clean clothes in his hands.

Su Yi came back to his senses, and with a thought, the wound on his body healed quickly.

But the wound has fully recovered, and some scars and scars are still left on the body. These are injuries caused in the world of the Republic of China.

Su Yi spent 200 director points and used the prop "Gentlemen to strive for self-improvement" to keep his physical condition in the state before he went to Zhe Pengxing in the last world to stab the sky.

That was the peak of his body.

Feeling the power that refilled every inch of his body, Su Yi's numb eyes finally regained some vitality.

Only then did he remember that he was still naked in front of Director No. 032.

"Hello director."

Su Yi turned around calmly and took the new clothes from her hand, "How can I bother you to come and deliver the clothes to me in person?"

No. 032 looked at Su Yi's eyes with emotion, a little complicated, and said with a smile: "You are my hero, so what's the point of giving you clothes? You won't be shy, will you?"

"Of course not, you haven't seen what I look like, director?" Su Yi said slowly while putting on clothes on himself, "I also want to thank the director for saving my life."

Even though he was rescued by Yi Yitian, Su Yi could not escape death in the end.

When escaping from Zhepen Island, he was unfortunately discovered by the enemy again, was besieged and seriously injured, and finally had to jump into the sea to save his life.

He drifted at sea for four days with a piece of driftwood in his arms, and finally gave up again.

As he was dying, Su Yi received a notice to end the performance and return to reality.

No. 032 told Su Yi before Su Yi entered the death scene that she would not let Su Yi die.

She kept her promise and pulled Su Yi back in advance when Su Yi was on the verge of death.

"What I promised you, I will definitely do it." No. 032 frowned, "Your mental state is not right, you need to buy an advanced mental card to sort out your own mental state."

"There is no fan value." Su Yi shook his head and said expressionlessly, "In order to complete the task, all my fan points have been used up."

No. 032 was silent, sighed and said, "You have completed all forty death missions. Su Yi, you are the most talented and capable actor I have ever seen."

"What's the use of that?" Su Yi shook his head, "Isn't it because the director saved your life to survive? Actually, I should have died on this set."

"Su Yi, cheer up." No. 032 said seriously, "Forget about this studio world, you will never go back!"

"I know." Su Yi looked at him.

No. 032 said: "You have gained a lot this time. There are two lucky draw opportunities, and the director's points will be more than [-] points. This film has the potential to be a big hit, and your future benefits will also be astronomical. And if there are no accidents , you will definitely be nominated for Best Actor this time, and you have a great hope of winning the award, and you will be directly promoted to the first line."

Even such good news did not make Su Yi's mood fluctuate in the slightest.

"Director, I just want to go back and have a good sleep now." He said.

"No, your condition is too bad. The way you look are not interested in anything, how can this work? You have to take care of yourself." No. 032 frowned, "Since you don't have fans, it's worth buying a premium Mental combing card... Well, I have a way to heal you, and that is to continue to the next set, a set that can heal you."

"Can I refuse?" Su Yi asked calmly.

No. 032 sighed, she stepped forward, patted Su Yi on the shoulder, and said sincerely to him: "Of course you can refuse, you have the right, but Su Yi, to put it heart-to-heart, I don't want you Reject, you have to believe me, whether it is public or private, I am the last person who does not want you to have problems. If you go back, you will definitely go crazy!"

"You are still Geng Liangchen, you have not returned to Su Yi's identity at all! If you don't have a good counseling, your spirit will collapse."

"Actually, I can also give you an advanced mental card, but believe me, Su Yi, the method I use is much better than the mental card, and there are absolutely no side effects or sequelae!"

Su Yi looked at No. 032 for a long time, and finally nodded slowly.

No. 032 smiled happily and said: "It's not too late, go early and return early. When you come out, I have a big surprise for you. Your performance this time has helped me a lot. It can even be said that we have made each other a success. So I want to give you a gift that will satisfy you absolutely."

"Thank you director." Su Yi said.

No. 032 looked at him and said, "I won't give you any tasks when you leave the set this time. But in order to achieve the purpose of healing you, let me set two bottom lines for you."

Su Yi was silent.

"First, no matter what the situation, you are not allowed to lie." No. 032 said to Su Yi, "Second, no matter what time, you cannot refuse other people's reasonable requests."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows: "Can't refuse others? What if it's from the enemy?"

"No enemy!" No. 032 looked at Su Yi, "In this studio world, no one will be your enemy, relax, Su Yi."

"What if I can't do it?" Su Yi asked.

"No." No. 032 shook his head. "If you fail to do it once, you will declare the performance a failure. When you come back from this studio world, you won't lose anything except the chance to heal yourself."

Su Yi was slightly silent, and nodded slowly.

"Su Yi, don't give up on yourself, okay?" No. 032 looked at Su Yi and asked seriously.

"I won't, director."

Su Yi, who had just returned to the real world, entered the set again.

This time, director No. 032 personally sent Su Yi in.

She and Su Yi walked side by side in a tree-lined path in a neighborhood, chatting and laughing with Su Yi about other actors' interesting stories along the way.

When she reached the downstairs of an apartment building, she stopped suddenly, pointed to the four large characters on the door of the apartment building, and asked with a smile, "Seeing these four characters, where are you?"

"Ipartment?" Su Yi was startled, subconsciously repelling it.

"Don't like it?" No. 032 was keenly aware of Su Yi's little emotions.

Before Su Yi could speak, No. 032 pointed at him and said with a smile: "This is already a set, remember two principles, first, don't lie, and second, don't refuse!"

"I don't like it, it's too noisy." So Su Yi, who originally wanted to be more tactful, said calmly, "Now I want to live a life like a hermit, don't disturb others, and others don't bother me."

"But you can't do that. On your own, you can't get out of the previous role." No. 032 said, "You have paid too much for the role of Geng Liangchen, and you even lived yourself as Geng Liangchen. Now you I would rather be Geng Liangchen than Su Yi, right?"

Su Yi hesitated slightly.

"Don't lie!" No. 032 reminded again.

Then she thought of something, and said: "No, I have to set a reminder for you... I can't keep reminding you about lying, and I can't tell if you have a lie unless I know you well. Lying. But I can’t refuse this matter, I can give you a reminder, when you hear the prompt sound on the terminal, it means that someone has made a reasonable request to you, and you can’t refuse.”

"Okay, back to the topic just now, Su Yi, who do you think you are now?"

"I think I'm Su Yi, but I'm Geng Liangchen." Su Yi sighed, "In that world... there are too many people and things that I can't let go of."

"But you have to let it go!" No. 032 said solemnly, "You must clearly realize that you are Su Yi, and Geng Liangchen is just a code name for a part of your long life. Geng Liangchen is a part of you, but not all of you !"

Su Yi nodded silently.

"Humans are social animals. Only in human society can you find your own position and understand your own value." No. 032 continued, "If you live alone—whether you are Su Yi or not, it doesn't matter at all. So Su Yi B, in order for Su Yi to be Su Yi, you must integrate into the society and the crowd."

"Do you think it's noisy? The world is full of excitement, so it's right to be noisy!"

"You're only in your twenties, and you're not dying. Where do you live in hiding? You should like the excitement now, pursue all the beautiful things, and love all the things you like! Indulge, wanton, and unrestrained!"

"Don't think that you see through the world of mortals. To be honest, Su Yi, I am nine years older than you, and I have seen more worlds than you, but I still haven't seen through many things in this world. If you don't talk about it, just say it Have you seen through the identity of our director and actor? Do you know what's going on?"

Su Yi was slightly moved.

His originally dull pupils finally regained some agility.

No. 032 smiled: "So, enjoy your time in this world. If you can, treat this as your piece of pure land."

"Thank you director." Su Yi said to her sincerely.

"There is no need to say thank you between us." No. 032 laughed.

She looked up at the apartment in front of her and said, "Move in, 3601 or 3602, you can live anywhere, but you have to live forever."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, and was about to refuse, because he actually didn't want to live with those noisy people, and he felt that the two sides were not the same at all.

But at this moment-

The prompt from the terminal told him that he could not refuse this request.

"Is this the beginning?" Su Yi was a little helpless.

No. 032 smiled and looked at him: "This is the studio."

"Okay, I will find a way to live in it." Su Yi said, "But can you give me some starting capital? My pocket is cleaner than my face now."

"Except for the legal documents, I won't even give you a hair." No. 032 said with a smile, "Other matters have to be resolved by yourself. But you must not break the law in this world."

"..." Su Yi forced a smile on No. 032.

"Although the smile is quite fake, but this is the first smile you showed after you came out of the last set." No. 032 looked at Su Yi, "Su Yi, you have to smile more."

Su Yi was slightly silent, and nodded to No. 032 with a smile.

This smile is much more sincere.

"I'll wait for your return." No. 032 said to Su Yi, "Remember, we are partners."

After all, No. 032 waved his hand and gradually disappeared in place.

Looking at the place where No. 032 disappeared, the smile on Su Yi's face gradually faded.

In fact, he himself knew that something must have happened to him.

He was not willing to come back, he wanted to stay on that set.

His career, his friends, and his family are all in the Republic of China world.

Everything he fought for, was there.

How could he bear to just walk away like this?
As Su Yi, he has never done a good job and formed a family.

But as Geng Liangchen, he did it.

So should he be Su Yi or Geng Liangchen?
In fact, Su Yi thinks he is Geng Liangchen, but more so.

Su Yi now finally understands how those people who returned to the real world went crazy.

No. 032 is right, if Su Yi is allowed to return to the real world like this, he will really go crazy due to cognitive confusion.

Even if he doesn't go crazy, his spirit will definitely be tortured.

Therefore, he really needs to channel his spirit, he needs to save himself.

He needs to get out of the role of Geng Liangchen.

No matter how reluctant you are, no matter how much you feel—it’s hard to get over it.

If he doesn't want to ruin himself, he has to pick himself up and let himself out.

Director No. 032 said that he hopes he can treat this world as a paradise.

"Love apartment? Paradise and pure land?" Su Yi looked at the apartment building in front of him and muttered to himself.

He couldn't believe what kind of paradise this was.

It's not that he doubts this world, he suspects that he might merge into this world "incompatibility".

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't like that kind of rowdy person.

But the protagonists of this world... are really hard to describe.

How to do?
Brace yourselves, let's go...

(End of this chapter)

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