Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 846 Who is Wu Li

Chapter 846 Who is Wu Li
Su Yi finally embarked on the journey of finding a job.

The spring rain is continuous and refreshing.

If you are walking in the rain, such weather will naturally make you feel refreshed.

But if you have to travel outside in order to survive, such rainy days are really annoying.

Su Yi was walking on the sidewalk with an umbrella in his hand. He had already walked seven streets, and his pants and shoes were already covered with muddy water.

An hour and a half of brisk walking is not even a warm-up event for Su Yi, but for the three followers behind him...

That would be fatal.

Except for Hu Yifei who is in good physical condition and can hold on, the other two people's legs are not their own.

"No! I really can't walk anymore! I won't follow, even if I'm killed!" Tang Youyou was panting, sweating profusely from exhaustion, "Seven streets! Seven streets! Could he Don’t you know there’s something called a taxi in this world!”

"Even if you don't take a taxi, you can use a bus or underground transportation! Even I, a Zhepeng person, knows something. Why does he walk so far on two legs?" Guan Gu also looked devastated, " The distance I traveled last year is not as much as today!"

"I don't usually exercise much when I'm young, so I can't cry for my father and mother when I walk two steps now? What if the motherland needs you someday, what will you do?" Hu Yifei scolded. In fact, she was also very tired, but Didn't show up.

"I can treason!" Guan Gu raised his hands miraculously.

"If the motherland needs it, I would rather be a martyr!" Tang Youyou cried with a mournful face, "Anyway, I will never leave!"

"You don't need to leave, here, he stopped." Hu Yifei pouted forward.

"Huh? Who is he waving at?" Tang Youyou looked around strangely, "There is no one else on this street except us."

"He won't find us, will he?" Hu Yifei said in horror.

Guan Gu rolled his eyes miraculously and said: "Three people held an umbrella and followed him for seven streets! If he was not blind, wouldn't it be natural for him to find us?"

"Damn! Didn't you say it earlier?" Hu Yifei exclaimed, "Then we're so far away from him for nothing?"

"When I was on the second street, I suggested that we could track in sections and keep a distance from Su Yi." Guan Gu sneered, "But if you say it alone, the three of us can still talk when we walk together, so we won't be lonely ;The other said, following me is a professional, Guan Gu, don’t come up with bad ideas! Now, blame me for not saying it earlier?”

Guan Gu deliberately pinched his throat to imitate them, and the two girls looked embarrassed.

"Huh? The scenery here is pretty good." Hu Yifei changed the subject as if nothing had happened.

"Yes! It's so beautiful, Sister Yifei, we should come here with a camera." Tang Youyou responded with an exaggerated expression.

"Okay!" Guan Gu rolled his eyes miraculously, "Su Yi is obviously waving to us, should we go over?"

"Just go!" Hu Yifei gritted her teeth, "Hmph, he found us tomorrow morning, and he pretended not to know that he caused us to go so far. We haven't settled with him yet!"

"That's right, it's all Su Yi's fault!" Tang Youyou immediately agreed.

"Woman, woman..." Guan Gu shook his head miraculously and sighed.

Su Yi waited for a while, and the three of them finally came to the front.

"Aren't you tired after following me for seven streets?" Su Yi asked helplessly.

He really didn't understand what the three of them were thinking.

Why is it?
"Who is with you?" Hu Yifei was still stubborn, "The three of us just made an appointment to take a walk in the rain. Don't be sentimental, why would we follow you?"

"Yes, yes, hee hee, Xiao Yi, what a coincidence, I actually met you here." Tang Youyou waved to Su Yi with a smile, "Hi!"

Guan Gu smiled awkwardly at Su Yi: "I'm just -- make soy sauce."

"Hehe, I understand." Su Yi smiled helplessly.

What else can he do?
"I'm here." Su Yi pointed to the building behind him, which is a talent exchange center.

"Do you want to go in with me?" Su Yi asked.

"No..." Guan Gu and Tang Youyou were about to refuse, but were immediately interrupted by Hu Yifei.

"Okay!" Hu Yifei said with a dry smile, "I've grown up so much, I've never been to the talent exchange center. Since you invited us so sincerely, why don't we respectfully obey your orders? Guan Gu, Yoyo, let's go in and have a look around ? Think of it as a tourist attraction?”

Tang Youyou put his hand on his forehead: "Oh my god, I walked seven streets just to travel to the talent market? I must be crazy."

Guan Gu's miraculously smiled: "I want to commit seppuku every minute now!"

The four of them filled out the registration form at the door, and Su Yi also filled in an additional unified resume, and then entered the talent exchange center.

There are many people here, and there are many booths where companies recruit.

And then... nothing else.

"Ah, the scenery here is beautiful! It's really——the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers!" Hu Yifei started talking nonsense with her eyes open again.

"Yes, I've never seen such a scene before, I'm so excited. Is it Mr. Guan Gu?" Tang Youyou also lost his conscience.

Guan Gu miraculously squeezed out a smile: "Yes, all kinds of people, fat, thin, old, small, male, female, I have never seen them before!"

Su Yi didn't bother to guess what the hell they were doing.

It's not from the same channel, you can't figure it out even if you guess dead.

"I'm applying for a job, do you want to follow?" He asked.

"No, no, you are busy with your work, don't worry about us!" Hu Yifei smiled and waved at him vigorously, "Hurry up and apply for the job, I wish you success!"


Su Yi smiled politely at her, turned around and left.

All three breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister Yifei, I feel like the three of us are doing something stupid." Tang Youyou said with a bitter face.

"It's not the three of us, but I'm going to accompany you two to do stupid things!" Guan Gu complained miraculously, "Obviously, Su Yi is here to find a job!"

"Then how do I explain what I heard him say in the bathroom in the morning?" Hu Yifei said, "And then he beat himself crazily in his room, how do we explain it?"

"Maybe it's just him venting his emotions." Guan Gu wondered.

"There is another possibility!" Tang Youyou stretched out a finger, with a wise light shining in his eyes.

"What?" the other two asked in unison.

"Maybe, this Wu Li is here!" Tang Youyou said quietly.

Hu Yifei and Guan Gu's eyes widened instantly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and find Su Yi, don't let him do something stupid!" Hu Yifei said nervously.

"He's going that way!" Guan Gu miraculously pointed in one direction.

The three hurriedly chased over here.

"Sorry, you don't meet our requirements."

A recruiting point, the HR of the company said to Su Yi with a strange face.

"Okay, thank you." Su Yi stood up with a smile, full of helplessness.

You can't tell lies when applying for a job, it's strange to be hired.

For example, someone just asked him: "Have you had any experience in a management position before?"

Su Yi said honestly: "I have managed two gangs with tens of thousands of people, led a commando team of dozens of people, and led an assassination group."

People can only pass him.

Su Yi began to realize that his trip should be in vain.

If there is no accident, he should not be able to find any work here.

However, he did not give up and continued to look around.

Suddenly, he saw the job title of a booth recruiting, his eyes lit up, and he hurried over.

This time he didn't take out his resume, but chatted with the young female HR at the booth.

At this moment, Hu Yifei and the other three also saw Su Yi.

"Look, he's there, talking to a woman!" Tang Youyou said excitedly, "Could that woman be Wu Li?"

"Very likely!" Hu Yifei also became nervous, "Look, that woman looks very excited!"

"Yeah, it's really suspicious." Guan Gu Miqi also felt that the woman dancing around was very strange.

"Come on, come closer, let's listen to what they are saying!" Hu Yifei took a deep breath and said, "If you want to do something later, I will be in charge of controlling Su Yi. Turn around, did you hear me?"

"Okay!" Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou nodded nervously.

"Listen, this is not a drill, this is not a drill! gogogo!" Hu Yifei waved excitedly, and the three of them immediately walked over there quickly.

As soon as the three of them arrived, they saw Su Yi standing up and reaching out to the woman.

Only a harsh sound was heard, but the woman sitting opposite Su Yi also stood up and knocked down the chair behind her.

The expressions of the three of them changed at the same time!
There was a sudden change, but Hu Yifei had the air of a general, calm in the face of danger, shouted "do it", and the three of them rushed forward together.

Su Yi turned around in surprise, and saw Hu Yifei had already rushed towards him and slapped him on the shoulder.

"Su Yi, don't be impulsive! There are still many choices in life!" Hu Yifei yelled while using his grasping hand.

Su Yi froze all over, but soon relaxed again, allowing the woman to restrain herself with the grasping hand.

"Alas..." He sighed deeply.

Well, the other shoe finally landed.


Let's explode.

On the other side, Tang Youyou and Guan Gu miraculously rushed to the female HR, and left without saying a word, carrying the woman on their side.

"Hey... what are you doing? What are you doing? Help! Help..." The female HR struggled desperately and screamed in horror.

"Shut up! We are here to save you!" Guan Gu said in a low voice.

"Wu Li, stop barking!" Tang Youyou hurriedly said.

"Who is Wu Li? My name is not Wu Li... Who are you and what are you doing?" the female HR yelled angrily.

Guan Gu and Tang Youyou froze at the same time, looked at each other, and saw the bewilderment in each other's eyes.

And Hu Yifei here was also stunned.

"Isn't she Wu Li?" Hu Yifei asked in surprise.

"Who is Wu Li?" Su Yi asked calmly.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Hu Yifei was even more confused, "Who is Wu Li, shouldn't you ask yourself?"

"But I don't know this person at all, and I have never heard of this name." Su Yi was expressionless.

"How is it possible!" Hu Yifei widened her eyes and raised her voice, "You were in the bathroom in the morning, and you were talking about Wu Li!"

"Alas..." Su Yi looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Speak, why are you sighing?" Hu Yifei asked anxiously.

Su Yi took a deep breath.

Don't hit women, don't hit women, don't hit women...

He smiled politely at Hu Yifei: "I think this must be a misunderstanding, why don't we clean up this mess together first, and then I will explain to you?"

Sorry, let's go.

When we arrived outside the talent exchange center, the rain had stopped.

Hu Yifei and the three stood in front of Su Yi disheveledly, all with embarrassing expressions on their faces.

"So, what's going on with Wu Li?" Su Yi smiled kindly at the three of them.

"It's Sister Yifei!" Tang Youyou decisively betrayed her teammates, "She was the one who overheard you talking to yourself in the bathroom in the morning, and heard this name! We are just accomplices, and she is the mastermind!"

"I'm not even an accomplice, at most I'm a melon eater who doesn't know the truth!" Guan Gu said hastily.

After a pause, he laughed again: "Of course, the distance for me to eat melons is a little closer..."

"Hey, you two are too disrespectful!" Hu Yifei was so angry that her brows stood on end.

"Father and mother marry, one person cares about one's own..." Tang Youyou muttered.

"What is righteousness? Is it colorless and odorless, or is it colored and smelly?" Guan Gu Miraculously pretended to be confused.

"Okay, okay! A good man should act like a good man, I really initiated this matter, I admit it!" Hu Yifei smashed the can, dodging Su Yi's gaze, "It seems...should... Maybe, there is a little misunderstanding in it."

"So, what did you hear?" Su Yi asked with a sigh.

"I heard you waking up in the morning, so I woke up. I wanted to tell you that the milk in the refrigerator was expired and you can't drink it. Who knows, I heard you talking to yourself in the bathroom." Hu Yifei said, " I was a little curious, so I moved closer to hear what you had to say, but I heard you say something terrible."

"What are you talking about?" Su Yi has prepared himself mentally, no matter what happens, he can't hit a woman.

"I heard you say, Wu Li, I wish I could kill you!" Hu Yifei said seriously.


Silence is wordless sorrow.

"Your eyeballs were red when you came out, and it was very scary, so I was overthinking it, and I was afraid that you would go to extremes." Hu Yifei said, "Then you went back to the bedroom and beat yourself crazily, which made me even more suspicious. I'm worried..."

"Sister Yifei is also out of concern..." Tang Youyou laughed and defended Hu Yifei.

"Anyway, that's the way it is!" Hu Yifei said, "So what you're talking about is Wu Li, do you want to kill you?"

Su Yi smiled.

He was suddenly not angry again.

"No," he said, "actually what I said was, work hard, work hard, come on."

The three of them stared wide-eyed.

"Then your eyes are red..." Hu Yifei asked tremblingly.

"I suffered from insomnia last night, and I didn't close my eyes very much." Su Yi said.

"Then you go back to the bedroom and beat yourself up like crazy?" Hu Yifei didn't dare to ask anymore.

"I did two sets of exercises, the purpose of which is to expend energy and make me feel tired so that I can fall asleep." Su Yi looked at her pitifully.

"Shit!" Hu Yifei had nothing to love.

(End of this chapter)

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