Chapter 853

"Mr. Liangchen, what masterpiece did you write, let us admire it?" Tang Youyou asked curiously.


Su Yi was a little embarrassed: "Okay, you can search for the word Liangchen in Goose Factory News, and you can see what I wrote. But before you read it, I want to explain in advance that I wrote these things just to make some quick money , does not represent my personal character and moral level."

If there is no "explain in advance" later, Hu Yifei and the two may not think too much.

But when Su Yi said this, the eyes of the two of them immediately lit up.

Su Yi drank the last sip of milk in the glass, stood up as if nothing had happened, and said, "I have to leave beforehand, bye!"

After all, he quickened his pace and slipped away.

With the sound of closing the door, Hu Yifei and Tang Youyou looked at each other.

"Something's wrong!" Tang Youyou said.

"It's very wrong!" Hu Yifei said.

"I'm going to get the iPad!" Hu Yifei ran to her room and took out her tablet computer. The two girls immediately put their heads together, opened Goose Factory News, entered the word "good day", and then a series of titles popped up
The titles of a series of poems about tigers and wolves are all suffixed with "good day".


The second daughter's eyes widened, and both of them blushed with embarrassment.

"This is all a mess!" Hu Yifei cried out in embarrassment, with veins popping up on his forehead, "Well, you Su Yi, you look like a dog, and you actually engage in pornography on the Internet!"

"That's right, it's too wretched! It's too obscene! I didn't expect him to be this kind of person!" Tang Youyou clicked on an article while fighting against the enemy.

"You still watch!" Hu Yifei stared.

"I'm looking at it with a critical eye!" Tang Youyou hurriedly said, "It's strange, the Goose Factory is also considered a regular big company, how could such a dirty thing be allowed to exist?"

"What's wrong with the big companies? These big companies are the most unscrupulous companies!" Hu Yifei was furious, "Su Yi, Su Yi, I didn't expect that people who seem to have thick eyebrows and big eyes would actually do such a thing!"

"Ah? How could this happen!" Tang Youyou suddenly called out.

"What's wrong?" The more Hu Yifei thought about it, the more angry she became. She didn't expect that she would recruit a salty roommate.

"It's not a color. It feels good to put it in, but it hurts to pull it out. He went to the young woman's house in his uniform late at night. It turned out that the ring that this woman had worn for three years could not be removed. Please ask the fireman brother to help..." Tang Youyou couldn't laugh or cry and said, "This, this is nothing!"

Hu Yifei was dumbfounded: "This—is it okay? That Bingbing does it twice a day, and the time is not short?"

"Let me see..." Tang Youyou clicked on another news, and when he saw it, he couldn't help laughing, "What! It turns out that Bingbing has to apply the mask twice a day, and it takes more than half an hour each time."

"Damn!" Hu Yifei blushed a little, "What about the young man and woman who didn't get it right in the hot pot restaurant for a long time?"

"This is the first time they ate Shuchuan hot pot. They didn't know how to adjust the oil bowl, but they didn't get it right after several times... Yifei, this is a gourmet article introducing hot pot." Tang Youyou laughed, "This Xiao Yi is very good at making gimmicks, those readers who are attracted by the name, don’t know how they will feel.”

"It's our current mood!" Hu Yifei said angrily, "It's obvious that you can choose a good name, but you have to engage in these crooked ways! And the name is so vulgar, even if you don't engage in color, it is at least rubbing against the color!"

"You don't understand this, right? Sister Fei, this is called eye-catching, eyeball effect!" Tang Youyou said with a smile, "Xiao Yi is penniless, and if he wants to make money quickly, he has to go the wrong way. There is no job that pays so quickly. I was curious about what he was going to do, but now it seems that he is still very capable!"

"I can understand his eagerness to make money, but this is too—wretched, right?" Hu Yifei struggled.

"It's not obscene, it's boring." Tang Youyou pursed her lips and smiled, "I don't know how Xiao Yi's brain grows, it's obviously a normal thing, why is it abnormal when he writes it?"

"No wonder he falters and haws when he mentions it, it's very embarrassing." Hu Yifei was startled suddenly, his eyes lit up again, "Hey? You said, if the whole iPartment knows that Su Yi is a good day, and a good day is Su Yi, What will happen?"

Tang Youyou was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help shivering: "Then he probably won't have the face to go out again. Sister Yifei, you won't..."

"Hehe..." Hu Yifei laughed happily, "That's right! That's what you guessed! Our love apartment has finally produced a great writer, how can we not celebrate it? I plan to pull a big banner and make some more For the brochure, it’s best to print Su Yi’s photo on it, and then publicize him in the whole community, so as to increase his popularity! Haha! He will definitely thank me very much!”

Thinking of that scene, Tang Youyou couldn't help mourning for Su Yi: "Sister Yifei, you are so cruel, this is Ling Chi's execution!"

The subject changed: "But it's perverted enough, hehe, I like it!"


The two girls laughed together.

"It's over, after the water monkey, I'm afraid I will lose face again!"

At the same time, Su Yi, who was walking towards the cafe, couldn't help sighing, and mourned for himself for three seconds in his heart.

He had just completely offended Hu Yifei to death, and now Hu Yifei has caught him. Unless he can find Hu Yifei's loophole as soon as possible, otherwise, there will be an uproar.

But from the moment he decided to write this stuff, Su Yi expected that he would die in society one day.

Is there a way to stop Hu Yifei from messing around?
Su Yi thought about it carefully, and found with some helplessness that there really wasn't one.

With Hu Yifei's competitive character of not admitting defeat, she is destined not to hit the south wall and not look back, and not to cry when she sees the coffin.If he wants to convince Hu Yifei, he must have a long way to go, and it is definitely not a goal that can be achieved in a short time.

But if Hu Yifei wants to embarrass him, he can do it at any time.

So he is lost.

Forget it, after all, I earned 10,000 yuan in two days, and this month, I expect to earn a BMW car.

With such a generous reward, it is acceptable to suffer a little "side effects".

Make money, don't be shabby, don't be shabby...

The big deal is to stock up enough rations these days and not go out even if you are killed.

When Su Yi arrived at the cafe, the editor-in-chief had already arrived.

He came with a contract. Su Yi probably looked at it and found that there were no traps or anything like that, and it was almost passable, so he signed it without hesitation.

The friendly handshake and farewell between the two parties did not take even ten minutes.

"Mr. Liangchen, I'm really glad to be able to cooperate with you. Unfortunately, I have eighteen contracts to sign today. The first one is to come to you, and there are seventeen more in the future... So, I don't have time to invite you to lunch gone."

"What's the editor Zhao talking about? Just be busy."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Liangchen, for your size, so I'll take my leave first. I just bought it, and I've just been busy with business. I haven't had a sip of your coffee yet. This coffee tastes good, you might as well try it first taste?"



"Okay, then you stay and say goodbye..."

After the editor-in-chief left, Su Yi sat down again, picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip.

This coffee smells like coffee.

Well, in fact, he has no interest in this thing. What kind of latte American cappuccino, to him, is equivalent to the difference between beef noodles with chili and vinegar.

After tasting the coffee, Su Yi planned to get up and leave.

But at this moment, a person rushed up to Su Yi with a "chuckle".

"Teacher Liangchen, please stop!"

The voice is soft and glutinous, and the fragrance is blowing.

When Su Yi saw who was coming, he was startled.

Light yellow dress, long fluffy hair, exquisite facial features, and a proud figure.

There was that charming and charming smile on his face, but he was a little reserved and alienated.

Qin Yumo?
Su Yi recognized this effervescent woman.

This is one of the protagonists of the iPartment, Hu Yifei's high school classmate, but he has not moved into the iPartment yet.

But it should be soon.

Facing the possible roommate in the future, Su Yi thought about it, but he didn't reject him thousands of miles away.

"Hello, do you know me?" Su Yi pretended to be puzzled.

"Of course I know you, Mr. Liangchen, I am your loyal book fan, hehe, I often read your masterpieces, I really like them, I can hardly put them down, hehehe..." Qin Yumo's face was full Looking up at Su Yi with a look of worship.

Do you often read my masterpiece?Fight back?

There was a strange flash in Su Yi's eyes.

Your acting skills make me doubt that I have really written any great masterpiece...

"You...what can I do for you?" Su Yi skipped the topic and asked straight to the point.

He was secretly vigilant in his heart, but he remembered that in the original plot, Hu Yifei used Qin Yumo to cruelly tease the trio of Sao Lang and Ji.

He had just "broke" with Hu Yifei before going out, and now Qin Yumo came looking for him.

This kind of "coincidence" made Su Yi have to suspect that there was some conspiracy in it.

"Hee hee, it's a long story, Teacher Liangchen, how about... let's sit down and talk?" Qin Yumo said obediently with a flattering smile.


Well, sit down as you say.

"Teacher Liangchen, my name is... Hu Yifei, you can call me Yifei!" Qin Yumo rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

Su Yi's eyes were slightly strange.

"Okay." He said with a smile, "Just call me Liangchen."

Pretending to be Hu Yifei?
Why did Qin Yumo impersonate Hu Yifei?
He doesn't know himself?

Didn't know he was Hu Yifei's roommate?

What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?

Although Su Yi can't lie or refuse, it doesn't mean he can't pretend to be confused.

So he simply pretended to be confused.

"Mr. Liangchen, I met you so abruptly, it's actually like this..." Qin Yumo blinked, and mist immediately rose in his eyes, "I have a friend, her name is Qin Yumo, and recently her boyfriend Richard Made her angry..."

After Qin Yumo finished telling the story of her friend Qin Yumo, Su Yi finally understood that today's meeting was really a coincidence.

Why did Qin Yumo move into the love apartment?

Because her boyfriend Richard pissed her off, she decided to go missing and let Richard feel anxious.

She wanted to gain a sense of security through Richard's anxious and frantic search for her.

Regardless of how convoluted this brain circuit is, just talk about why she came to Su Yi.

It was a temporary idea for her to find Su Yi.

She was sitting on the sofa next to her just now and heard the conversation between Su Yi and Editor-in-Chief Zhao. From Editor-in-Chief Zhao's compliments, she learned that Su Yi is a writer who can guide public opinion on the Internet. "Laughing and cursing", "wildly swaying", and "eclectic", can be called "contemporary Zhou Shuren".

These words were all said by Editor-in-Chief Zhao.

To be honest, when Editor-in-Chief Zhao said these words, Su Yi was afraid that Zhou Shuren would crawl out of the coffin and whip him.

This is what he said, and Su Yi heard it, whoever believed it was an idiot.

But Qin Yumo believed it.

Qin Yumo was distressed at first because he felt that if he was just playing missing, the punishment for Richard was too light, and he was wondering if there was any other way to increase the punishment for Richard.

Hearing that a contemporary Zhou Shuren was sitting at the next table, she suddenly had an idea and made up her mind.

"Mr. Liangchen, this Li Chade is too much, causing me - my friend Qin Yumo can't sleep at night, and can't eat well. Her miserable experience really makes those who see it cry, and those who hear it are sad, don't you think so? Qin Yumo said that he was moved, and wiped his tears.

"Hehe, but it's not." Su Yi put on a half smile, "So what do you want from me?"

"I know that you have always been a righteous writer, a noble person, a moral person, and a person who has escaped from the vulgar interests. You are cold-hearted, bowing your head and being willing to be a bully. You write with a stylus Spring and Autumn, pointing out the evils of the times, being upright..." Qin Yumo was eloquent.

"Stop..." Su Yi couldn't listen any longer, "Madam, please speak directly, or I will leave!"

"Hey, Teacher Liangchen is quick to talk, so I'll be straight!" Qin Yumo smiled flatteringly, "I think... can you publish an article on the Internet that praises Qin Yumo and condemns Richard ? This can be regarded as promoting a good social atmosphere."



Su Yi sighed: "Okay."

"You... you agree now?"

Su Yi agreed too quickly, but Qin Yumo was a little unresponsive.

"Three conditions!" Su Yi held up three fingers, "As long as you agree, I will write for you."

"Just say it!" Qin Yumo said happily.

"First, I will create a story based on what you just said. The background and plot of the story will be appropriately changed or exaggerated, but the theme will not deviate from the general direction of 'praise Qin Yumo and condemn Richard'. I You can't interfere with the creation for any reason, and once the commission is fulfilled, you can't go back on any excuses, let alone make any changes."

(End of this chapter)

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