Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 894 Boss Su

Chapter 894 Boss Su
Su Yi said inexplicably: "I mean, this friend of his is not good enough, he should be a vegetarian. Eat something light and refreshing, why am I messing with it? Where are you thinking?"

Everyone is starting to think about life. Could it be that we are actually the ones who are making color?
Su Yi smiled and looked around for a week, and finally fixed his eyes on Hu Yifei's face, and asked, "Yifei, what do you think is going on?"

Hu Yifei was stunned for a long time, and forced to be serious: "Hey! I thought, thought, I thought it was none of your business!"

Hu Yifei turned his face decisively.

Su Yi laughed and shook his head, looking away.

Shen Linfeng didn't dare to talk to Su Yi anymore.

He figured it out, don't talk to Su Yi when talking to anyone, this person is evil.

So, Su Yi was free.

After eating and drinking for a while, Shen Linfeng handed his camera to the waitress again, asking her to take some photos for everyone.

When handing back the camera, the two obviously touched their hands and scratched their palms.Seeing Guan Gu Mimi and Qin Yumo's teeth itching with anger.

"Clothed like a beast, sanctimonious, bold, colorful!" Guan Gu miraculously gritted his teeth and competed with the beef on the plate.

"Hey, you're using idioms indiscriminately again!" Lu Ziqiao squinted at him.

"If I go up and chop him with a knife, you have to stop me!" Guan Gu roared in a low voice.

"Hehe, calm down." Lu Ziqiao said with a smile, "I have a hunch that tonight's show will be extraordinarily exciting!"

"Including the slap you received?" Zhang Wei approached with a smile and asked.

Lu Ziqiao's expression froze, and he snorted coldly, "It was just an accident!"

"I can't take it anymore!" Qin Yumo, who had been struggling all this time, suddenly yelled and stood up, "Yifei, come with me, I have something to tell you!"

"Can't you say something here?" Hu Yifei asked strangely.

"No!" Qin Yumo gave Shen Linfeng a hard look, "For your sake, I'll save some face for someone."

"So...whose face is it?" Hu Yifei looked confused, and followed Qin Yumo to the side.

As soon as the two of them left, Tang Youyou approached Shen Linfeng and asked eagerly: "Mr. Shen, what are you and Yifei going to announce? It's already at this time, don't you need to hide it anymore? Why don't you secretly Tell me? I promise not to tell!"

Shen Linfeng was a little embarrassed, and said, "Let's wait for Yifei to come back. I'm just helping her."

"Please tell me, what is the announcement?"

"What!" At this moment, Qin Yumo's exclamation came from the other side, and soon Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo came back one after the other, Qin Yumo looked a little lost.

Guan Gu touched her shoulder miraculously, and asked, "How's it going? Have you talked to Yifei?"

"Say it." Qin Yumo nodded blankly.

"Is Yifei very angry?" Guan Gu said excitedly.

"Do you think she looks angry?" Qin Yumo said with tears, "This is miserable, the last obstacle is gone."

"What obstacle?" Guan Gu asked suspiciously.


Hu Yifei suddenly tapped the cup with a spoon, smiled and stood up.

"Everyone, in addition to inviting everyone to dinner today, there is actually another news to announce to everyone." She looked around, her eyes especially staying at Su Yi's place for a moment, and said with a smile, "Linfeng, why don't you tell everyone?"

"Okay, then I will..." Shen Linfeng smiled and stood up.

"Wait!" Tang Youyou suddenly raised his hand and shouted.

She said with grief and indignation: "Could you tell me this secret a second before you are about to announce it? Even if you know it a second earlier, it would be good."

"Linfeng, you continue." Hu Yifei said.

"Actually, Yifei and I broke up three months ago." Shen Linfeng smiled and announced the answer.

( ̄口 ̄)!!
Except for Su Yi and Qin Yumo, everyone's eyes widened.

"Pfft!" Tang Youyou pretended to vomit blood, "Why? Why did you do this to me?"

"Linfeng is the closest to you. In theory, his voice will reach your ears first, so you should know first." Hu Yifei patted Tang Youyou on the shoulder.

"Do you think I'll feel better if you say that?" Tang Youyou said sadly.

"Then I can't help it." Hu Yifei shrugged and secretly observed Su Yi's expression.

"Three months ago? Why did you break up?" Lu Ziqiao asked.

Shen Linfeng sighed: "Once again I discussed with her which movie was the worst recently, she said it was stabbing, I said it was three shots, so we used more than [-] methods ranging from rock-paper-scissors to arm wrestling and so on. There are different competition methods to resolve conflicts, but she won every one, she is too strong!"

"But I still insisted on my opinion, so the two of us broke up peacefully."

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard it. It's been a long time since they saw each other. There is another wonderful reason to break up in this world.

"But, it's been three months since you both broke up, why didn't Yifei even show any signs of being unhappy?" Zeng Xiaoxian questioned.

"Why are you unhappy?" Hu Yifei sneered, "It is said that we broke up peacefully, and we can still be friends if we have different political views. Besides, someone admits that I am better than him, and I am too late to be happy."

"What a tough logic!" Lu Ziqiao said dully.

Shen Linfeng looked at Su Yi with a smile: "Mr. Su, if, I mean, if, if you were Yifei's boyfriend, what would you do in this situation?"


Su Yi looked at Yifei and said, "If it were me, we would never have encountered such a situation."

"Why?" Shen Linfeng looked puzzled, "Are you trying to say that you will let her go? But if you let her do everything, wouldn't it appear that you have no idea?"

"No, what I mean is that there will be no debate at all." Su Yi said with a smile, "Because I am better than her, in everything."

Shen Linfeng wanted to slap himself again, didn't he say he didn't want to talk to this guy, why couldn't he remember?

"Hehe, Yifei will definitely not agree to this." He wanted to try his best to make up for some face, "Isn't it Yifei?"

Unexpectedly, Hu Yifei's performance surprised him.

"Don't be crazy! I will always find something better than you!" Hu Yifei yelled guiltily.

Shen Linfeng was stunned, he couldn't believe that this was the Hu Yifei who never gave up and would never admit defeat.

The following meal entered garbage time, Shen Linfeng was a little out of his mind, and everyone was also a little absent-minded. Finally, as Hu Yifei suggested that the meal be over, everyone felt a sense of relief that "it's finally over".

Before Shen Linfeng left, he deliberately came over to shake hands with Su Yi, and said meaningfully: "Mr. Su, the biggest reward of coming here is getting to know you. I hope we can visit each other often in the future. I have a hunch that we will meet again soon. of."

"Not necessarily." Su Yi said with a smile.

After everyone watched Shen Linfeng go away, Zeng Xiaoxian said sourly: "Brother Yi, Mr. Shen only looked at you highly, do you feel honored?"

"Are you stupid?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Do I really need him to take a high look?"

"That's right, Xiaoyi's success doesn't need other people's approval!" Tang Youyou said, "But what did he mean by that last sentence? Why did he say that you will meet again soon?"

"It's just self-promotion." Su Yi shook his head, seeing this clearly, "He thinks that I am the person among us who is most likely to enter the so-called high society. This sentence means that he is waiting for me in the high society."

The crowd suddenly stunned.

Hu Yifei couldn't help but said: "Linfeng has a good impression of you, but it seems that you don't like him very much. From what I know about Linfeng, he really wants to make you a friend."

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "If you don't pretend to be aggressive, you can still be friends."




Everyone gasped.

Hu Yifei said angrily: "You are bad! I have found out that you are the most sloppy and stinky person!"

Su Yi laughed and said: "You say yes, everyone, it's rare for me to go out and go to the bar later. All the consumption will be paid by Mr. Su. If you don't get drunk, you won't return!"

"Oh oh oh!" Everyone cheered excitedly.

Hu Yifei looked at Su Yi and couldn't help laughing.

It was night, a big drunk.

In the following days, Su Yi went step by step, because "The Return of the God of War" had already been written, so he only needed to publish it regularly, and he began to relax every day.

He started going to the gym, spent a lot of money, won a separate space for himself in the gym, purchased some professional training equipment, and then began to do some adaptive training.

Su Yi could see that both Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei were interested in him. He originally thought that he would definitely have a headache, but to his surprise, the two of them did not start a violent fight with him as he imagined. Offensive, or for him to fight hard.

The two still maintain the previous way of getting along, but they really started to spend more time on their own dressing.

There is a kind of restraint and calmness of "if I am in full bloom, the fragrance of flowers will come naturally". It seems that the two beauties are competing to bloom. It depends on which one Su Yi, the flower butterfly, wants to go to to collect honey.

This is very good, Su Yi is happy that everyone can get along like this, without refusing, taking the initiative, and being irresponsible.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Seri didn't last long. After realizing what kind of "goods" her idol was, Seri not only broke up with Zeng Xiaoxian, but also took off her fans directly.

In addition to being broken in love, Zeng Xiaoxian's few fans are -1 again.

Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou still maintain the state of "not yet full lovers", playing a small game that they don't know.

As for Zhang Wei, he failed the judicial examination again, and even though Seri broke up with Zeng Xiaoxian, he didn't think about him, so he was emo, and he was in an extremely depressed state of healing recently.

Lv Ziqiao has been inexplicably unlucky recently. After being slapped by Zhang Wei, he lost a bet with Zeng Xiaoxian and was forced to wash Zeng Xiaoxian's underwear and socks for a week.Then he lost another competition with Guan Gu Miracle, and lost the qualification to borrow money from Guan Gu Miracle.

After that, he lost or lost to Tang Youyou, Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo one after another, and finally realized where the problem was——

A long time ago, he invited Su Yi to the bar for a drink, but he left Su Yi behind and went to drink with Shen Linfeng.

This is the root of all misery!

Lu Ziqiao resolutely raised the white flag high, and took the initiative to pay off all Su Yi's money. His sincerity moved Su Yi, and he resumed a normal life since then.

Time flies, and several months have passed.

With the benefits of "Return of the God of War" blossoming in many ways, Su Yi finally achieved financial freedom and earned hundreds of w.

But the increase in money did not bring about qualitative changes in Su Yi's life. His daily necessities of life remained the same as before, without any change at all, and he didn't even buy a car.

Because he stays at home all day long, and his range of activities is limited to the surrounding area of ​​the love apartment, Su Yi doesn't think he has any need to buy a car.

One of the things he worries about recently is——

How is the money spent?
Can't just leave it in the bank like this?
Investment is impossible to invest, there is no need.

But there is no need to squander, he has no idea what to buy.

Buy a house?

A few million is a bit small, and there is no need to buy a house.

So what is the money for?

Until Niangen was approaching, once in a bar, he heard the bartender Joy complaining that the business was not good and the boss did not pay overtime pay, and he suddenly realized that he could use the money for something.

He sold the bar for more than one million yuan, and then redecorated it after taking over.

The name of the bar is not Lonely Corner anymore, it sounds unlucky and depressing, so Su Yi changed the name himself, two words - Jianghu.

Although he didn't expect the bar to make much money, Su Yi certainly wouldn't be so perverted that he wanted the bar to lose money.

So he hired a professional manager with an annual salary of 600,000 to take care of all the affairs of the bar for him.

From Su Yi's point of view, it is naturally impossible to invite a parallel importer. After this person took office, he talked with Su Yi, and after confirming Su Yi's idea and purpose of opening a bar, he immediately came up with several plans for Su Yi to choose from.

One of the proposals is to turn this river and lake bar into a sacred place for underground music in Shanghai. Different styles of bands are invited to perform here, seven days a week, including folk, R&B, rap, jazz, rock, punk, and DJ. Every day, there are fixed theme nights every day.

The advantage of this is that this style of bar has a good reputation and no worries about customers, but the disadvantage is that the cost is too high, and because of the venue, the profit will not be very high.

If it is not high, it is not high. Why do you need so much profit?

Su Yi has one request for David, the professional manager, to leave an exclusive card table overlooking the audience for the friends in iPartment, and set up an exclusive VIP card for each of them, with 1000 yuan free every month. consumption quota.

For the rest, just go for it!

The reason why Hu Yifei and the others were given a free consumption quota of 1000 yuan per month instead of a lifetime free discount is because Su Yi's consistent principle is to pay attention to propriety in everything.

This kind of discount makes friends happy without feeling hot, and this kind of discount also greatly avoids some bad things that go wrong. Su Yi is happy to give it away, and friends are also happy to receive it.

All are happy.

(End of this chapter)

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