Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 898 I'm Really Not a Prophet

Chapter 898 I'm Really Not a Prophet

Before the magic started, Guan Gu Miracle directly solved the final answer, how can this be performed?

Maori Xinbei spread his hands to Guangu Miraculously in a speechless way: "So I refused to perform just now, apart from the reason that I want to rush back to watch the Spring Festival Gala with my wife, there is another reason that the mystery of my performance has been revealed! Indeed There's only paint in the black can."

Tang Youyou widened her eyes in surprise, pointed at Guan Gu and said miraculously: "Mind reading skills! It turns out that you are the one who can read minds!"

"It's not me! Brother B told us all these words!" Guan Gu said with a sore face, "We met him at the elevator entrance, and he said that the reason why Mao Lisang knew my name was because he was A fan of "Love Three-legged Cat"."

Tang Youyou and Qin Yumo looked at Maori Xinbei together.

"That's right, I'm indeed a fan of Guan Gu, that's why I only knew his name that time." Maori Xinbei spread his hands.

"He also said that what Mao Lisang wants to do the most is to go home and watch the Spring Festival Gala with his wife!" Guan Gu tremblingly said.

"Yes! I really wanted to watch the Spring Festival Gala with my wife, but Guan Gu dragged me here without saying anything!" Maori recruited Wei.

Tang Youyou and Qin Yumo's eyes widened.

"In the end, Little Brother B also said that there was paint in the black jar." Guan Gu said in surprise and horror, "At that time, Mao Lisang hadn't started performing at all, and even I didn't know what Mao Lisang was going to perform, but he did! All of this was said by Brother B."

"That's why I believe that there are really mind-reading skills in this world!" Maori Xinbingwei said happily, "Your friend must be a real master of mind-reading, otherwise it is impossible that he and I have never met before, but he can say Everything about me! When I go back, I will definitely tell my mother and my wife that there are really mind-reading skills in this world!"

"Bridge bean sack!" Guan Gu's magic became more and more strange as he heard it, "Maori-san, don't you also know mind reading skills?"

"No, mine is just close-up magic, not mind reading." Maori Shinbingwei shook his head, "Come and see..."

He called Guan Gu and the other three to him, and showed them the principle of this close-up magic.

Qin Yumo and Tang Youyou are fine, but Guan Gu Miracle has a sense of collapse as if his world view has been subverted.

Because all along, he thought that Mori Shinbee was a real master of mind reading, but he didn't know until today that this person was just a magic performer.

"Guan Gu-jun, there is a real mind-reading master by your side, maybe you should go to him instead of me." Mori Xinbing comforted him in this way.

"That's right, I'm going to find Little Brother B, I want to ask clearly!" Guan Gu's eyes lit up miraculously, and he rushed out in a hurry.

When Su Yi received the call, he was taking a taxi with Hu Yifei to go back.

"Brother B, where are you? I'm going to see you now!" Guan Gu's voice sounded like a grumpy old man.


"Take a taxi to go back." Su Yi said.

"Then hurry up, because I can't wait to see you!" Guan Gu said miraculously, "If you don't come back, believe it or not, I will commit seppuku in minutes?"

"Come back! I'll be right back!" Su Yi said helplessly.

"Very good, I'll go to the entrance of the community to meet you now!" Guan Gu said magically.

"Wait!" Su Yi thought of something, "If Zi Qiao asks you to help, don't join in the fun!"

"Why?" Guan Gu was taken aback miraculously.

"Just do it!" Su Yi hung up the phone.

Guan Gu miraculously hung up the phone and rushed directly to the gate of the community. Before he could stand still, he heard Dao Ziqiao calling him, "Guan Gu! Guan Gu!"

"Zi Qiao, why are you here?" Guan Gu's eyes widened in horror, "Don't tell me, you want to ask me for help!"

"How do you know that I want to ask you for help? You can read minds?" Lu Ziqiao grinned and punched Guan Gu's magical arm. Where's the phone, you're here!"

Guan Gu was miraculously struck by lightning.

He was dragged away by Lu Ziqiao in a daze, and asked him to be an interpreter for the three Zhe Peng girls.

"Tell them, at twelve o'clock sharp tonight, I will light this super-large firework at the entrance of Jianghu Bar!" Lu Ziqiao pushed an extra-large firework on a small cart, and said with a smile, "I named this firework-Fang Fei Ideal! They can go to Jianghu Bar to watch the ceremony at that time, and their dreams will come true in the coming year. But the premise is that they must wear miniskirts!"

"No! No! I can't help you!" Guan Gu waved his hand in awe, "I still underestimated him, he is not a master of mind reading, he is a prophet!"

"Prophet?" Lu Ziqiao was taken aback, "Who is the prophet? If you reveal your identity in front of a werewolf like me, aren't you afraid that I will kill him?"

"It's Little Brother B! He guessed that you were at the gate of the community, and he also guessed that you would ask me for help!" Guan Gu held his hand in awe, "Zi Qiao, Little Brother B is a prophet!"

"What's the mess?" Lu Ziqiao frowned, "Su Xiaoyi saw me at the gate of the community just now, so it's not surprising that he guessed this. He also said that I will be in trouble tonight, do you think it's possible?"

"Squatting oranges?" Guan Gu was taken aback, subconsciously looking under Lu Ziqiao's buttocks.

"Oh, it's not the orange I ate!" Lu Ziqiao waved his hand angrily, "It's the police station, which means I will be arrested by the police! It's ridiculous! Stop talking nonsense, and translate for me!"

"Why should I translate for you? I don't!" Guan Gu wondered why he was in such a mood.

"Hey, I want to find a reason to let so many girls wear miniskirts around me, do you think it's easy?" Lu Ziqiao dissatisfied.

"So many girls?" Guan Gu's eyes widened miraculously.

"That's right, seventeen girls have signed up just now, and the three Zhe Peng girls are just short of making up the whole number!" Lu Ziqiao said excitedly, "On New Year's Eve, let's create a big scene together! Let's do a flying together!" Ideal young people with aspirations!"

"Are these fireworks all yours?" Guan Gu asked miraculously, pointing at the fireworks stand.

"Of course not, it's Xiao Hei's downstairs." Lu Ziqiao said, "But he has something to leave temporarily, so I will help him look at the booth for the time being."

"I heard that a license is required to sell fireworks. Do these fireworks have a sales license?" Guan Gu asked miraculously.

"This question is also what we want to ask." As soon as Guan Gu finished speaking, he heard someone answering the conversation, and the two turned their heads to see that it was two policemen.

A middle-aged policeman calmed down and said seriously: "This booth is suspected of selling fireworks without a license. You two, please come with us!"

"Where are you going?" Guan Gu miraculously asked subconsciously.

"Of course it's the police station, otherwise where is it?" the policeman said.

Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu looked at each other in horror, and they both yelled: "Squat!"

"It seems that you know what the consequences are, and you know the law and break the law?" The policeman said sternly, "What's wrong with doing something on New Year's Eve? Do you have to do something illegal? Come on, come with us, all the fireworks you operate illegally All firecrackers must be confiscated."

"Bridge bean sack!" Guan Gu suddenly became clever and hurriedly called, "This police officer, I want to make a call! Call our prophet! He must know what we should do next!"

"Prophet?" The two police officers looked at each other, one of them looked closely at Guan Gu's miraculous pupils, and asked suspiciously, "Are you in high spirits?"

"What do you mean?" Guan Gu was puzzled.

But Lu Ziqiao, who has experienced many battles, understood what the police meant, and immediately said righteously: "This police officer, you are an insult to our personality, dignity and strength! I ask you to apologize to us immediately, we are not drug addicts." , we have not violated the law, we are just aspiring young people who are about to fly their ideals on the streets on New Year's Eve!"

The two policemen looked at Lu Ziqiao blankly for a while, and one of them said, "This one is also a little high."

"Okay, if you have something to say, go back to the bureau!" Another policeman waved his hand, "Take it away!"

"Sack of bridge beans! Police officer, this fireworks stand is not ours!" Guan Gu Miraculously explained, "It's us—no, it's him!"

Guan Gu magically pointed at Lu Ziqiao: "He is the one who took care of others temporarily. This fireworks stand has nothing to do with us!"

The policeman sneered: "The New Year's Eve is not at home to celebrate the New Year, and ran to the street to help others watch the fireworks stand? Who are you kidding?"

"It's not easy to see you!" Another policeman scolded.

"We..." Guan Gu Miraculously was about to explain, when Lu Ziqiao on the side proudly said: "Of course we are not simple, because we are—two aspiring young people on the street on New Year's Eve, who are about to let their dreams fly!"

"Shut up, Joe!" Guan Gu's magic was about to collapse, "Officer, we live here, we are all good citizens, very good citizens!"

A policeman said curiously, "Your accent doesn't sound like a local."

"I'm from Zhe Peng, and I'm from Yokohama!" Guan Gu explained magically.

"Hehe." The policeman had a half-smile, "Don't do anything bad, and leave it all to Zhe Peng, okay?"


"But I'm really from Zhe Peng!" Guan Gu was about to cry miraculously, "I should have believed in Brother Yi long ago, I shouldn't have come to help!"

"You say you are from Zhepeng, or you are from Zhepeng?" The policeman sneered.

"I really am, if you don't believe me ask him!" Guan Gu pointed at Lu Ziqiao miraculously.

"He is indeed from Zhe Peng." Lu Ziqiao said seriously, "But I am an aspiring young man who is about to let go of his ideals on the streets on New Year's Eve!"

"You're never finished!" Guan Gu Miracle was about to go crazy!
"Let's go! Let's talk about it in the bureau. If we don't leave, we will resort to coercive measures!" A policeman warned.

"I want to make a phone call! Please, police officer, let me make one phone call, just one!" Guan Gu Miraculously shouted anxiously, "We don't want to be trapped, the only person who can help us is our prophet! "

"The only thing that can help you is to be lenient when you confess!" A policeman said angrily, "Let's go!"

"Wait a minute, call him and ask him to call." Another policeman gave his companion a wink, telling him to leave it alone and see if he could catch another fish.

"Thank you, thank you sir!" Guan Gu Miracle was ecstatic and thanked repeatedly.

He hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Su Yi. After the call was connected, Guan Gu Miracle almost couldn't wait to yell: "Little Brother Yi, help! We don't want to get stuck!"

There was a slight silence on the other end of the phone, and Su Yi's helpless voice came: "Where are you now?"

"At the gate of the community, the police officer wants to take us to the police station!" Guan Gu said in horror.

"Let Zi Qiao call Xiao Hei immediately, and if you don't want to miss the Jianghu bar carnival night, tell him to stop talking nonsense like letting go of his ideals. I'll be there in two or three minutes at most."

"Okay! Okay!" Guan Gu said happily, "I knew it, you will save us!"

After hanging up the phone, Guan Gu Miraculously warned Lu Ziqiao righteously: "Brother Xiao Yi said, I want you to call Xiao Hei immediately, otherwise, you will miss the New Year's Eve Carnival at Jianghu Bar tonight!"

Lu Ziqiao's eyes widened immediately: "Don't! Can I beat you?"

When Su Yi and Hu Yifei arrived, the misunderstanding had almost been explained.

Xiao Hei is a loyal person. He confessed everything to the police, and said that he would immediately surrender to the police station in his jurisdiction, and put aside the mysterious relationship between Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu.

But the police still wondered if Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu Miracle were on high, otherwise they would be talking nonsense.

When Su Yi arrived, he first showed his ID card, then revealed his and Hu Yifei's identities, and then talked with the two policemen in a reasonable way, finally dispelling all their doubts.

All the fireworks were confiscated, and Lu Ziqiao's ambition to let go of his dreams was completely shattered.

After being able to handle everything, Guan Gu said to Su Yi in a miraculous manner: "Brother Yi, you really knew all this would happen, right?"


"Yes." Su Yi nodded and said with a smile, "It's actually a good reasoning. The police are absolutely impossible to just sit idly by so blatantly selling fireworks at the gate of the community."

"Inference? You say this is inference?" Guan Gu Miracle didn't believe it at all, "This can't be inference, it must be prophecy, right?"


"No." Su Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know how to predict."

"No, I don't believe it!" Guan Gu miraculously said paranoidly, "Tell me, what are Yumo and Yoyo doing now? You have to answer!"


Su Yi said helplessly: "Okay, the people upstairs are playing Scottish bagpipes, making them almost collapse."


The three of them showed expressions of horror.

Guan Gu miraculously took out his mobile phone and called Tang Youyou, then put on the speakerphone.

As soon as the call was connected, I heard the loud Scottish bagpipe music coming from the phone!
The three of them widened their eyes in horror again.

"Hello? Guan Gu! Guan Gu! Can you hear me?" Tang Youyou yelled on the phone, "The people upstairs are playing Scottish bagpipes, making us almost collapse!"

The three of them took a step back in unison, a few steps away from Su Yi.

Guan Gu hung up the phone and shouted excitedly: "You still say you are not a prophet!"

"I'm really not." Su Yi shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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