Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 905 Wonderful index 5 stars

Chapter 905 Wonderful index five stars

"The eighteen bends of the mountain road of Philosophy! The wine party of Philosophy's waterway! The handsome men of Philosophy line up, and the beauties of Philosophy line up..."

Su Yi hung a hook, except for Zhang Wei, three women and one man started the chorus mode of the concert, and each of them swayed to their heart's content, enjoying it too much.

Su Yi couldn't figure it out, they were singing and dancing, why was he the one who was embarrassed?
"Thank you little brother Yi, after listening to your words, my mind is much clearer!" Tang Youyou smiled and patted Su Yi on the shoulder, "You are indeed the bosom sister of our love apartment!"

"It's brother-in-law!" Su Yi corrected.

"Yuyou, can I have half of the military medal?"

"It's all there!" Tang Youyou smiled, "Thank you for enlightening me, I'm resurrected with full blood! I'll go to the director early tomorrow morning!"

"come on!"

Everyone congratulated her one after another.

"Zhang Wei, what do you want from me?" Su Yi looked at Zhang Wei, "Wouldn't your matter have something to do with Zeng Xiaoxian?"

"Hehe... That's not true. My business is only related to you." Zhang Wei smiled coyly, looked left and right, "I'm sorry, can everyone avoid it for a while?"

When everyone heard the words, they immediately looked around.

"Hey Yumo, don't you think this chandelier is a bit ugly?"

"It's really Yifei, what do you think, Yoyo?"

"It's okay at first glance, so let's not stare at it all the time, just look at it once in a while, and it's not ugly. What do you think, Mr. Zeng?"

"Wow Yoyo, your idea has opened up a new world for me! I think many things in my room don't need to be thrown away and replaced."

"No teacher, the ugliness of those things in your room is not something that can be solved at first glance..."





Zhang Wei spread his hands in embarrassment: "Well, we are all friends, let you know, it's no big deal."

"That's right, Zhang Wei, hurry up and talk!" Hu Yifei's eyes flickered with gossip, and he patted Zhang Wei's shoulder with great joy.

"I have two things for Little Brother B. The first thing is to borrow money." Zhang Wei rubbed his hands together, "Just in case of urgency, I will pay you back next month's salary."

Zhang Wei has borrowed money from Su Yi several times, but unlike Lu Ziqiao, Zhang Wei's credit is still very good.

And it's not that Zhang Wei is so poor that he has no money, but that the money in the bank card is dead and cannot be withdrawn.

In addition, he kept too little for his monthly living expenses, and he would not accept any accidents, so he would ask Su Yi to borrow money.

"How much to borrow?" Su Yi didn't talk nonsense.

"Eight hundred and two!" Zhang Wei broke out a number, "800 yuan to pay the fine, 20 yuan to my living expenses for this week. I can report the more than [-] yuan I spent on my business trip to Pudong next week. Now, I will have money by then, hee hee."

"800 yuan ticket!" Hu Yifei, Tang Youyou and Zeng Xiaoxian all widened their eyes.

"Zhang Wei, what did you do to be fined so much?" Tang Youyou asked in disbelief.

"Could it be that you are going to wash your feet and find that kind of woman by the way?" Zeng Xiaoxian showed disgust.

"How come! I'm paying a traffic violation ticket." Zhang Wei explained.

Hu Yifei's expression was blank, and he said, "You—crazily took advantage of the red light to cross the road back and forth?"

Everyone imagined the scene of Zhang Wei running around on the sidewalk while the light was red, and they burst out laughing.

"Okay, let me explain for Zhang Wei." Qin Yumo smiled and explained about Zhang Wei.

"That's how it happened. In order to get close to that policewoman Moran, he lost all his living expenses for a month." Qin Yumo said helplessly, "The magic power of love is really great, even Zhang Wei is crazy about it gone."

These words are secretly poked, and seem to point to something...

Hu Yifei glanced at Qin Yumo, and said, "He's acting out of lust at best, and he's still far away from love!"

"No! In fact, we are already in love!" Zhang Wei showed an obscene look of intoxication on his face, "I have already fallen in love."

"Huh—" Everyone made disgusted voices, and goosebumps fell all over the floor.

"Don't worry about eight hundred and two, I'll lend you one thousand and two, so be prepared." Su Yi considered Zhang Wei's financial situation and gave a reasonable and not wasteful figure.

"That's right, eight hundred and two?" Hu Yifei said speechlessly, "20 yuan is enough to eat a meal now, what can you do with it?"

"I don't know the sufferings of the world!" Zhang Wei shook his head and sighed, "I can buy [-] packs of Baixiang instant noodles for one five packs, and I can buy a pack of pickled mustard for the remaining fifty cents. I eat two packs of instant noodles every day from Monday to Saturday. Six sticks of pickled mustard; on Sunday, when there is less activity, there will be eight sticks of pickled mustard left in a pack of noodles. It can be regarded as a good extra meal.”

Zhang Wei smiled and said, "This is just a conservative estimate. In fact, I can afford two or three meals a week for you, and I can save the uneatable instant noodles for next week."


"This poor child!" Hu Yifei shook her head, her eyes full of pity, "Oh, 80 yuan a month for food expenses, this 800 yuan can last for ten months, Zhang Wei, you use ten months of food expenses to pay the fine, After such a calculation, the price is really not small, is it worth it?"

A sacred look appeared on Zhang Wei's face: "For love, I am willing to be fine..."

"Huh?" The three women stared together and made voices from their nasal cavity.

Zhang Wei immediately shut up and changed his words: "I'm willing to lose my fortune! I can make more money if I run out of money, but the chance to meet love may only be once in this life, and I can figure it out."

The three women looked at each other, then shook their heads together and sighed.

Su Yi didn't say much, but went directly to his room to withdraw 200 yuan to Zhang Wei.

"Thank you, little brother B." Zhang Wei was very happy, "But I have to call you later for the IOU, because the IOU I typed earlier was for 20 [-] yuan."

"Okay." Su Yi smiled and did not refuse.

He didn't care about IOUs or not, but Zhang Wei attached great importance to this, so he took advantage of the situation to show his seriousness.

We are friends, not a relationship of charity and relief. It is good to be fair.

"Actually, I had 20 yuan in my bank card." Zhang Wei thought of something, and suddenly his face became very painful. "It's all Zi Qiao's fault, which made me lose my food expenses!"

"Zi Qiao? How did he harm you?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked curiously.

"Last month, Ziqiao used my account to recharge the membership of the video website, 18 yuan a month." Zhang Wei explained, "At that time, he gave me 20 yuan in cash and asked me to use online banking to recharge. If I can still earn one yuan and two, I agree."

"And then?" Hu Yifei asked suspiciously.

"I didn't expect that the video site would automatically deduct the fee every month!" Zhang Wei said sadly, "I went to the counter to withdraw money this afternoon. I was just about to withdraw the 20 yuan in the card, but I didn't expect to withdraw the money right after I withdraw it. One second before, a text message came from the bank to debit the money! As a result, I only got one yuan and two!"


Everyone was stunned by thunder.

"Go to the bank counter—to withdraw 20 yuan!" Tang Youyou said in disbelief, "Zhang Wei, do you feel that there is something wrong with the face of the person at the bank counter?"

"Why should I look at him?" Zhang Wei asked inexplicably, "I took my money, and my money is stored in the bank, which is equivalent to the bank being my butler. I am a master, why should I look at the face of the butler?" ?”

The logic—

Everyone gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up.

"I went to ask Zi Qiao to reimburse the bill, but Zi Qiao denied the account, saying that he didn't plan to renew the membership this month, and I have to bear the loss myself." Zhang Wei said with a bitter face, "Oh, it seems I'm going to have to stay up all night watching movies this month."

Qin Yumo was a little dazed: "Stay up late to watch don't have to stay up, is someone forcing you?"

Zhang Wei looked at Qin Yumo like a fool: "If you don't pay enough for the membership, isn't that money wasted?"


Everyone gave Zhang Wei their thumbs up in admiration again.

Brother Wei, cow beep (broken sound)!

"Okay, Zhang Wei, don't you say you have two things to do with me?" Su Yi asked, "What's the other thing?"

"This matter is also related to Zi Qiao." Zhang Wei said with a grin, "Although Zi Qiao is unwilling to compensate me for the loss of 18 yuan, but out of humanitarianism, he helped me get Moran's phone number. So , under his guidance, Moran and I... I chatted with her, I chatted with her all afternoon, oh, I'm so ashamed! Hehehe!"

Zhang Wei slipped shyly into Zeng Xiaoxian's arms.


Everyone got goosebumps all over their bodies.

"Zhang Wei, if you disgust us again, believe it or not, I will let you know why the flowers are so popular!" Hu Yifei gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.

Zhang Wei's expression changed immediately, and he was no longer shy.

"Ahem!" He pretended to cough twice, "In short, in the afternoon, Ziqiao has been guiding me to chat with Moran in the correct way, and she has been replying to me. If she didn't fall in love with me, how could she Keep talking to me? I sent messages to girls before, and almost no one replied to me!"

"Zhang Wei, just talk about things when you talk about them, don't expose your shortcomings." Tang Youyou persuaded her well.

"Where am I short?" Zhang Wei retorted immediately.

But seeing the threatening eyes of the three women, he decisively stopped and changed the subject.

"Okay, let me continue, Moran and I had a good chat, but just an hour ago, Zi Qiao suddenly went out on a date with one of his girlfriends, and I was alone, and the girl and I I don’t have much experience in online chatting. Once Ziqiao left, I didn’t know how to chat! Fortunately, it was late and Moran was going to bed, so she sent me a good night. At this moment, I thought of In the article Xiaoyi wrote before, there is a special way to teach if a girl sends good night, how to reply."

"I've read this article too!" Zeng Xiaoxian immediately said, "Is the name of the article called "Girls send good night to fools to reply good night, high EQ replies to warm her all night"?"

"That's right, that's the article!" Zhang Wei said excitedly, his eyes lit up.

"Brother Yi's method in this article is very good." Zeng Xiaoxian raised his eyebrows at Zhang Wei, and said with a smile, "How is it? Has Moran been warmed by you?"

"No!" Zhang Wei's face darkened, "As soon as I replied, Moran scolded me."

"How is it possible?" Su Yi frowned this time, "Even if you follow the method in my article mechanically, at most it will be a little embarrassing, and you won't be scolded, right?"

"I've also read this article, and I think the method in it is quite good." Qin Yumo said, "If someone posts it to me like this, even if I don't have any feelings for this person, I will still smile. I don’t think you will be scolded, right?”

"Did you not reply according to Xiaoyi's method?" Hu Yifei asked, "What did you reply to her?"

Everyone is very curious.

With a sad face, Zhang Wei stretched out his palm: "I replied five words to her."

"Which five words?" Everyone asked curiously.

"Warm her all night." Zhang Wei muffled.


"Girls send good night to fools to reply good night, high EQ to reply and warm her all night"

"Pfft hahaha..."

After a brief silence, everyone burst out laughing!

"Zhang Wei, you really have a high EQ!" Hu Yifei laughed until tears came down.

"Zhang Wei, there are you, there are, you are really a fighter among the weird ones!" Zeng Xiaoxian laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up holding his stomach.

Even Su Yi couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Wei said with a bitter face: "What can I do? At that time, Moran sent a good night message and was waiting for my reply. I had already spent a lot of time searching for Brother B's article in a hurry. Where would I have time to read the article carefully? Of course I replied according to the title, what's wrong with me?"

"You're right, it's Xiaoyi, Moran, and the whole world that's wrong!" Qin Yumo said with a smile.


Everyone burst into laughter again.

"Oh, don't laugh at me!" Zhang Wei stomped, "My love! My love! Brother B, you must help me, how can I save it?"

"This matter, I will show you the way." Su Yi smiled and looked at Qin Yumo, "Lu Ziqiao is unreliable, you need a truly omnipotent master, I recommend Yumo. If she helps you, take Getting down to Moran is not a problem at all!"

"Really? Is it really possible?" Zhang Wei was both surprised and delighted, "Yu Mo, the world is in an emergency, you must help me! After the matter is completed, I will treat you to dinner!"

"It's free for me to eat, I don't want to eat instant noodles, just six sticks of pickled mustard!" Qin Yumo said with a smile, "But you can still help you, don't worry, I will take care of this matter, if you are lucky, I will take care of your Moran I promise to go out on a date with you tomorrow!"

"Really! That's great!" Zhang Wei was overjoyed.

"Are you saying it's too kind to help you, or is it too good to save you a pack of instant noodles?" Qin Yumo teased.

"It's all there, hehehe..." Zhang Wei was overjoyed, scratching his ears and cheeks.

"Let's go, let me see, what did Ziqiao teach you to talk to Moran?" Qin Yumo smiled, "But I guess it must be his classic quotations from scumbags, hehe..."

Zhang Wei and Qin Yumo went to the next door, and Zeng Xiaoxian apologized to Su Yi again, expressing that he had no intention of offending.

Tang Youyou is looking forward to preparing for tomorrow's interview.

So Su Yi and Hu Yifei were left in the room.

"I'm a little hungry." Hu Yifei said, "Do you want fried rice with eggs?"

"Can you do it?" Su Yi questioned her cooking skills.

"Joke!" Hu Yifei smiled proudly, "Egg fried rice is my best!"

"Is it a sure thing?" Su Yi asked.

"...It's not over, is it Su Xiaoyi!"

(End of this chapter)

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