Chapter 928
The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

When Lu Xiaoqiao had just raised doubts about Tang Xiaoyou's identity, Tang Xiaoyou struggled a little perfunctorily, and decisively betrayed herself.

"Okay, nephew, since you keep asking me, I have no choice but to tell you the truth. But if you promise me, you must not tell others!" Tang Xiaoyou said.

Lu Xiaoqiao was a little confused.

Did I repeat it?
Am I forced?
It seems like I just asked casually, right?

You can choose not to speak, right?
But it's better said!

Lu Xiaoqiao cheered up: "Little aunt, don't worry, I will definitely keep it a secret for you! We are relatives, and it is impossible for me to harm anyone if I harm you!"

"It's because I'm a relative that I'll tell you, otherwise I'll be strict with my mouth!" Tang Xiaoyou said.

She looked left and right, with a mysterious look, leaned close to Lu Xiaoqiao and said in a low voice, "Actually, I am indeed an underground party, and my code name is—Wan Yu!"

Lu Xiaoqiao suddenly showed shock.

"But I actually have another identity!" Tang Xiaoyou proudly said, "I'm still a spy of the Zhe Pengyu Agency, code-named - Difficult Early Pregnancy!"

Lu Xiaoqiao was shocked just now, so she widened her eyes even more.

This is impossible!

My little aunt can't be this complicated!

This was the first reaction in his mind.

"Huh..." Tang Xiaoyou let out a long breath, feeling relieved that his long-cherished wish had been fulfilled for many years, and even choked up with tears in his eyes: "The secret that has been held back for so long is finally revealed! You know this How did I spend the year? Do you know what it feels like to have a secret but not be able to tell it?"

"My God! It feels so good to tell the secret!"

Tang Xiaoyou was immersed in unspeakable comfort, her expression was intoxicated.

Lu Xiaoqiao said embarrassedly: "Uh...Little aunt, I can understand that you feel very comfortable, but can you stop making such a strange sound? If my subordinates hear it, they will think we are playing some forbidden game inside."

"Ah bah! A dog can't spit out ivory!" Tang Xiaoyou gave her an angry look, "Tell me about you, Xiao Qiao, your reputation in Shanghai is not very good. is that you?"

"Character design! It's just for setting up the character design." Lu Xiaoqiao hastily explained with a guilty conscience, "Actually, I am a very pure and kind person. Sweeping the floor is afraid of harming the lives of ants, and I cherish the moths covering the gauze lamp. I only run it for work. A hideous face, but in reality, I've been divided and miserable!"

Tang Xiaoyou suddenly showed a look of envy when he was serious, and said longingly: "This kind of life... must be very enjoyable, right?"

Lu Xiaoqiao was stunned.

"Little aunt, the people of Zhepeng are already in decline, and the underground party is just a bunch of bumpkins in the valley. Only the party-state is at the top of the sky, which is the only hope for this country!" Lu Xiaoqiao persuaded in a bewitching tone, "Look at you , with such outstanding ability, but can only be a poor student, and even make a living by singing and singing in public!"

"If you look at me again, it's just because you are loyal to the party and country, you have such power and wealth, rich, face and women! Little aunt, with such a huge gap, don't you have any ideas in your heart?"

"Yes!" Tang Xiaoyou nodded heavily, his face full of eagerness to try, "You don't need to persuade me, I am willing to join you as a three-faced spy!"

"That's great, little aunt! It's great that you are willing to abandon the dark and turn to the bright!" Lu Xiaoqiao was very happy, and was about to continue talking when she suddenly realized what Tang Xiaoyou said just now——

There seems to be a little problem.

"Wait, you just said...a three-faced spy?" Lu Xiaoqiao looked confused, "Little aunt, did you get me wrong? What I mean is that you have to give up your identity as a Zhe Peng spy and an underground party. Abandon the darkness and turn to the light, join our military command, and from now on, a white heart will go to the party and the country..."

"What's the point of that?" The little aunt waved her hand and said, "A single identity can't satisfy my in-depth interpretation of the role. I decided to use the two identities of the underground party and Zhe Peng's spy to deliver information to the party and the country! Isn't this better? choice?"

"It seems to be true..." Lu Xiaoqiao was persuaded in a daze, "But little aunt, stepping on two boats is already a test of skill. You are now in Sanyang Kaitai, are you stable?"

"Don't worry, I'm an old driver, absolutely no problem!" Tang Xiaoyou waved his hand, "However, on the bright side, I'm just your little aunt, you can't disclose my identity!"

"Of course, I'm not a fool." Lu Xiaoqiao said, "I plan to buy you an apartment in the French Concession, call it the Tang Mansion, and then announce to the outside world that you are my little aunt. Those who have your opinion have to weigh it up, offending you is offending me, Lu Xiaoqiao, and I have tens of thousands of brothers under my command, whether you agree or not!"

"Reliable!" Tang Xiaoyou snapped his fingers excitedly, "My eldest nephew is still good to me! Tell me, what tasks does the party and state have for me?"

"Mr. B!" Lu Xiaoqiao said seriously.

"Assassinate Mr. B!" Tang Xiaoyou's eyes widened in horror, and he yelled out.

"Of course not! You can't kill him!" Lu Xiaoqiao shook her head and said, "He is more useful alive than dead. At least for now, we can't let him die."

"That's good, that's good..." Tang Xiaoyou breathed a sigh of relief.

"What? Are you afraid of him?" Lu Xiaoqiao asked suspiciously.

"No, it's just that Zhe Peng just canceled the mission to kill him. If you want me to kill him again, won't the two sides conflict?" Tang Xiaoyou said.

"The Zhe Peng people want you to kill Mr. Yi?" Lu Xiaoqiao frowned.

"Yeah?" Tang Xiaoyou showed a suspicious look, "Why did you say yes?"

Lu Xiaoqiao hesitated for a moment, then relieved: "Okay, you are on your own, so it's okay to tell you. Actually, I got the news that Guan Gu, the owner of the Fish Trap, even sent someone to assassinate Mr. B. But it didn't work there either. It’s not even as loud as your side.”

"Ok you! You actually sent the same task to others without telling me? It's clear that you don't trust me!" Tang Xiaoyou raised her eyebrows, and suddenly became unhappy.

"Aren't you an underground party? Why are you still under Guan Gu's command?" Lu Xiaoqiao asked strangely, "Even if you are a spy, aren't Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xian'er? Zhe Peng can still command them?"

"This, it's the credit of my difficult-to-premature child! Hehe!" Speaking of Tang Xiaoyou, she became excited, and immediately told the whole story vividly, which made Lu Xiaoqiao stunned for a while.

"So it's like this..." Lu Xiaoqiao suddenly said, "Little aunt, the task I'm going to give you is actually very difficult. You should also know that we lost a batch of ammunition, right?"

"Of course, Guan Gu is also looking for this batch of munitions, which is a headache." Tang Xiaoyou said, "It is precisely because of this batch of munitions that he has the intention to kill Mr. Yi."

"This batch of ammunition must be in Mr. Yi's hands, he wants to use this batch of arms to enrich himself!" Lu Xiaoqiao said.

"This traitor is a national traitor! Everyone can get him and punish him!" Tang Xiaoyou immediately denounced indignantly, "I wish I could eat his flesh, drink his blood, and gnaw his bones!"

"..." Lu Xiaoqiao said quietly, "Little aunt, the show is over."

"Really?" Tang Xiaoyou immediately retracted his expression and coughed twice, "Go on, go on."

"My original idea was to recruit you into the military order to make up for my fault of losing that batch of munitions." Lu Xiaoqiao said, "In this way, my merits and demerits will be equalized, and I can pass the test safely. But now you keep the other two sides. Identity, this gave me a new inspiration, you can roam among the three forces, and then use the three forces to find the whereabouts of this batch of arms!"

"Sure enough, it's a very difficult task!" Tang Xiaoyou said solemnly, "Very well, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, I am willing to accept this challenge! Don't worry, I will leave the whereabouts of the arms to me! I only have one question!"

"What's the problem?" Lu Xiaoqiao asked.

"If I join the military command, will I have another code name? What should I be called?" Tang Xiaoyou asked.

Lu Xiaoqiao pondered slightly, and said: "You are like a cloud drifting with the tide, but Bixue's heart is for the party and the country, so your code name is Biyun!"

"Good name!" Tang Xiaoyou's eyes lit up, "Biyun, Wanyu, Difficult to conceive a child... My name has already become a series."

While the little aunt and the eldest nephew were plotting, Su Yi took advantage of the darkness and sneaked into Hu Xiaofei's room.

He didn't come to steal incense and jade, but to negotiate with Hu Xiaofei.

But the actor terminal seemed to have misunderstood him. Just when he successfully sneaked into Hu Xiaofei's room, he suddenly released a side mission.

Side mission 2: Sexy and daring - women conquer the world, men conquer women, the best way to deal with an incomprehensible female devil is to sleep with her! (This task is the last side task of this world studio. If you succeed, you can get a reward for upgrading to 3.0.)
Su Yi stayed for a long time.

What the hell is this?
Forcing him to be a scumbag?

Forcing him to step on two boats?

Is he this kind of person?

Looking at Hu Xiaofei's graceful figure like a begonia sleeping in spring under the moonlight, and then thinking about the attraction of upgrading to version 3.0...

Su Yi feels that there seems to be room for his moral bottom line to drop...

He didn't experiment with his new version of the power, because he didn't come looking for trouble.

He had to wake up Hu Xiaofei in a way that was gentle but implicitly deterrent and at the same time expressed goodwill.

Su Yi looked around and found the mosquito coils being lit on the table not far away, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He found a silk thread, tied one end to the desk and the other end to a chair, then tilted the chair, and the middle of the silk thread was next to the mosquito coil.

During this process, Su Yi's movements were very light, so light that he didn't make any sound. Hu Xiaofei even breathed evenly on the bed from the beginning to the end, without being disturbed at all.

Su Yi took out the note that he had prepared a long time ago from his pocket, folded it in half and separated it, and stood it on the table.

After doing this, he took one last look at Hu Xiaofei, and quietly retreated out.

Time passed by minute by minute.

At a certain moment, the mosquito-repellent incense broke the silk thread, and the tilted chair fell to the ground with a loud "bang".

Hu Xiaofei, who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly awakened, got up suddenly, and looked around vigilantly.

After seeing that the chair was just falling down, she was slightly relieved, but immediately after she saw the piece of paper standing on the table, her gaze immediately became fixed.

Then all the hairs stood up!
Someone came in!
Hu Xiaofei just felt creepy!
She was not feeling well, and almost subconsciously wanted to play the peace shuttlecock, to make herself safe first, but in the end she forcibly resisted the urge.

The place where she is hiding now is a very old alley, and there are at least a few hundred people living within this hundred meters.

Once she started the shuttlecock drill, these hundreds of people would jump up and dance the shuttlecock drill in unison in their sleep, and they might have the heart to kill her.

Especially there are some old men and aunts here who struggle to walk, you let them do aerobics?
It's too wicked to do this.

She endured the panic and took a deep breath, pulled out the gun from under the pillow, then got out of bed and quietly walked to the window, hid by the window and looked out.

It was dark outside, with the shadows of the whirling trees and the shadowy eaves fighting against each other, it seemed that there were people hiding everywhere.

She looked at it for a while and couldn't see anything, so she went to the table to pick up the piece of paper, and looked at it carefully under the moonlight——

"Huaiyuan Road, 50 meters to the east, Warehouse No. 3, Old Navy Wharf, meet and discuss in detail. ——Su Xiaoyi"

The one who came was Su Xiaoyi, a big traitor!

Hu Xiaofei's heart was shaken, and his expression immediately became cloudy.

Su Xiaoyi can sneak into her room without anyone noticing, make a small time-delay mechanism and leave a note, and of course he can kill her without anyone noticing while she is sleeping!

She had already assassinated Su Xiaoyi twice, the first time she escaped due to lack of experience, and the second time she was captured alive by the other party.

These two times, if the opponent was almost unlucky, he had already become the dead soul of her gun.

But from last time to this time, the other party had the opportunity to kill her but still let her go. What does that mean?
Hu Xiaofei didn't know, but now her heart was like a mess, extremely complicated.

After struggling for a moment, she began to change clothes.

Anyway, go to the appointment first.

Since Su Xiaoyi is not afraid of seeing her, what is there to be afraid of?

And she also wanted to know what kind of medicine this Su Xiaoyi was selling in the gourd.

Hu Xiaofei quickly left the door quietly, and searched for it according to the address on the note.

This is an abandoned dock, and the warehouse is naturally an abandoned warehouse.

The door of the warehouse was ajar, and Hu Xiaofei pushed the door open, and found that it was extremely empty inside, with a lot of space, especially the length, which was extraordinarily long.

Not far from the warehouse gate, there was an old table that was moved from nowhere, and there was a flashlight on the table.

Hu Xiaofei stepped forward to turn on the flashlight, and almost at the same time, a beam of light lit up on the opposite side.

She was terrified, and hurriedly passed the light.

I saw a man in a suit standing outside the window on the opposite wall of the warehouse, looking at her with a smile.

Who is not Su Yi?

"It's exactly 100 meters away from me to your side." Su Yi said with a smile.

In the empty warehouse, his voice clearly reached Hu Xiaofei's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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