Chapter 930
"Guangu Miracle wants to see me again?" Su Yi frowned, "This guy met me yesterday morning and arranged a surprise for me, and summoned me again this morning, what is he going to do?"

"To be precise, he wants to see the two of us." Zhang Xiaowei said, "He asked me to go with you today, so it shouldn't be against you."

"What did he say?" Su Yi asked.

"He said, let me tell you, you must go see him this morning, and you have to put aside any important matters. He has important matters to discuss with the two of us." Zhang Xiaowei said.

"Something's wrong." Su Yi was keenly aware of the strangeness, "You are my secretary. If there is something important to discuss, he can just tell me. Why do you want to go there too? You are the person he put by my side , if there is something to talk to you about, why do you want me to go too?"

"Oops, maybe I've been exposed?" Zhang Xiaowei suddenly widened his eyes in horror.

"Probably not." Su Yi stared at Zhang Xiaowei's expression for a while, but didn't feel the element of acting.

"Well, you use my phone to call him, and I'll find out what he has to say." Su Yi said.

"it is good!"

Zhang Xiaowei stepped forward to make a call without hesitation.

Soon the phone was connected, Su Yi answered the phone, first explained that he had something urgent to deal with in the morning, and asked Guan Gu Miracle if he had anything to say on the phone.

After getting a negative answer, Su Yi asked if he could let Zhang Xiaowei come back and convey the words to himself, but Guan Gumiracle refused again.

So Su Yi said in a difficult tone, can he go there in the afternoon?

Miraculously, Guan Gu did not reject Su Yi this time, and agreed to come down, and told Su Yi that Zhang Xiaowei could go to him with Su Yi in the afternoon.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi's expression changed immediately.

"This little devil really wants to do something!" He looked at Zhang Xiaowei with a serious expression.

"The conversation you had just now was normal," Zhang Xiaowei said doubtfully, "I can't hear anything wrong."

"There are too many things that are wrong!" Su Yi sneered. "At the beginning, he had an extremely urgent tone, as if he couldn't delay half a minute, and he couldn't even reveal a word on the phone. But if it's really important, you can talk to me about it." Talk, how could you allow me to go there again in the afternoon? Even you can delay going until the afternoon? "

"Maybe he thinks that you are really in a hurry and can't go to see him in the morning." Zhang Xiaowei said.

"He thinks I'm in a hurry? This is the biggest problem!" Su Yi said, "If he really wants to understand my situation and difficulties, he must at least ask me, what is the urgent matter? Did he ask? "

Zhang Xiaowei was stunned.

"On the one hand, he urged me to go to see him quickly, and still insisted on going, but on the other hand, he ignored the reason why I couldn't go to see him. Is this normal?" Su Yi narrowed his eyes and said.

"There is an effect in psychology called the three-time effect, which means that when a person has rejected you twice in a row, usually they will not reject you for the third time. The reason for this effect is because the other party cares about your feelings , I don’t want you to lose control of your emotions.”

"If Guan Gu Miracle really doesn't care about my reasons, and he really insists on letting me go to see him, then after my two proposals are rejected by him, he should continue to reject me, because he has legitimate reasons, so don't care about it at all. How will I feel if my emotions are out of control."

"Conversely, after he rejected me twice, I still opened my mouth to evade for the third time. This is also abnormal, because it means that I rejected him three times in a row. But instead of getting angry, he agreed to my proposal smoothly. What does this mean?"

"It means that Guan Gu cares about you very much, but you don't care about Guan Gu?" Zhang Xiaowei said.

"Of course not!" Su Yi rolled his eyes, "I don't care if he is real, but there is only one thing he cares about - I go to see him! Others, he doesn't care, including me making excuses to reject him, He didn't feel anything about it, and instead compromised with me."

"When you say that, it seems abnormal!" Zhang Xiaowei said thoughtfully, "The triple effect..."

"No matter what he wants to do, there is no doubt that you are also his target this time." Su Yi said.

"Am I really exposed?" Zhang Xiaowei was confused.

Su Yi didn't dare to guarantee it this time.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "We have to find out exactly what this Guan Gu is going to do!"

"How to check?" Zhang Xiaowei asked.

Su Yi glanced at Zhang Xiaowei, and resolutely gave up the decision to order this guy to inquire about the news.

Let him do things?
In terms of unreliability, Zhang Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian have never disappointed people.

But Su Yi also agreed to Qin Xiaomo to propose marriage to Najib today, can this matter be handed over to Zhang Xiaowei?
Su Yi looked at Zhang Xiaowei again, and silently gave up the plan again.

He was afraid that Zhang Xiaowei would not know who he would betroth Qin Xiaomo to, and when the time came for his first marriage to become his second, it would be a great joy.

So I'd rather work harder on myself.

Su Yi had already thought about the matter of proposing marriage, and he decided to find a foreigner to complete the work.

Among the Chinese, those who are willing to propose marriage to him, a traitor, are definitely not highly respected, but there are a lot of notorious ones.

Su Yi didn't want to disgust himself and Qin Xiaomo, so he just hired a foreigner.

Foreigners don't care if Su Yi is a traitor, as long as the money is in place, he can do anything.

The candidate, Su Yi, was also thought up, that is, the Italian old man who sold diamonds.

Su Yi bought his diamond ring and gave him an extra money to help him propose a marriage.

Anyway, it's just a formality, and he doesn't need to say too much, the Italian old man is competent enough.

"Do you have anything else to do today?" Su Yi asked Zhang Xiaowei.

"Lv Xiaoqiao asked me to meet." Zhang Xiaowei reported truthfully.

"Go ahead, talk to him as you want, even if you expose my real situation and relationship with you, it's fine." Su Yi said, "But one thing, if you don't see me, you must not run away alone Go and meet him alone!"

"Don't worry, Mr. B, I know what's in my heart." Zhang Xiaowei swore.


With such a guarantee, Su Yi felt lost.

On the other side, Tang Xiaoyou didn't know that her identity had been exposed in front of Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xian'er.

She made up a not-so-satisfying story about why she disappeared yesterday.

If it was before, Hu Xiaofei and the others would have believed it, but now...

Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xianer looked at each other and smiled strangely.

"Sister Xiaofei, President Zeng, in fact, the reason why I was able to get out of trouble yesterday was because of a very coincidental event." Tang Xiaoyou said solemnly, "Yesterday, I was reunited with my nephew who had been separated for more than [-] years!"

Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xianer looked at each other.

"Your—eldest nephew?" Zeng Xian'er asked in a daze, "Having been separated for more than twenty years? How old are you?"

"What's wrong with me at 25?" Tang Xiaoyou asked back.

"Then how old is your eldest nephew?" Zeng Xianer asked.

"He is 23, forcing me to be two years younger." Tang Xiaoyou replied casually.

Both Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xian'er showed the look of "you make it up, you continue to make it up".

"You don't believe it?" Tang Xiaoyou also saw their disbelief, and hurriedly explained, "What I said is true! The reason why I am only two years apart from my eldest nephew is because my seniority is relatively high, and I am his Hemp's No.13 younger sister."

"Aunt Thirteen?" Hu Xiaofei frowned, with a half-smile.

"Hehe, your nephew is called Huang Feihong, right?" Zeng Xianer also sneered, "But did you go to the wrong set? Huang Feihong is in Guangdong Province, not in Shanghai!"

"No! I'm really not lying to you," Tang Xiaoyou stomped anxiously, "My eldest nephew is Lv Xiaoqiao, the tycoon of Shanghai, and we just met yesterday."

Hu Xiaofei and Zeng Xianer looked at each other and laughed loudly.

"Your nephew is a tycoon in the capital city? My nephew is Zhe Peng Tianhuang, haha!" Zeng Xian'er covered her stomach with a smile, "Please, even if you want to tell a lie, please make up a more reliable lie, okay?"

"Why does no one believe me when I tell the truth?" Tang Xiaoyou rolled his eyes and said, "Since you don't believe me, I will take you to see him now!"

"Right now, all the Zhepen people in the Magic City are looking for us. My eldest nephew told us that he can provide us with shelter!"

Zeng Xianer smiled and waved: "Then there is no need..."

"Cough cough!"

Hu Xiaofei interrupted him with a cough twice, and said to Tang Xiaoyou: "Xiaoyou, go to the boiling water room at the intersection and fetch a pot of water for us first, and we'll discuss whether we want to see your eldest nephew later."

"Okay." Tang Xiaoyou went out with a thermos bottle.

As soon as she went out, Zeng Xianer frowned and said, "Why don't you let me reject her? She is a traitor, who knows what schemes she has? We have to guard against it!"

"It's because she is a traitor, so we should find out what kind of medicine is sold in her gourd." Hu Xiaofei said, "Now she doesn't know that she has been exposed, and she wants to use us to do something, like It's like using us to assassinate Mr. B, but we can also take this opportunity to find out her real purpose, and then do the trick!"

Zeng Xian'er looked at Hu Xiaofei in horror, and made a tactical backward movement: "Monster, who are you? You haven't shown your original shape yet!"

"Crazy you!" Hu Xiaofei rolled his eyes and said.

"The real Hu Xiaofei has always been straightforward and won't engage in such devious tactics." Zeng Xianer exclaimed, "But you don't bother to use tricks today? This is not you, Hu Xiaofei!"

"Do you know me well? You think you are the roundworm in my stomach!" Hu Xiaofei said angrily, "Anyway, just listen to me!"

"Hehe." Zeng Xianer smiled stupidly, "Although I am the leader, I am used to listening to you. But Hu Xiaofei, the last time I listened to you, we were captured alive at the Gendarmerie Command; the last time I listened to you, We also ran away, this time... are you sure there will be no problems?"

"The previous two times, it was because I hadn't fully realized how powerful I am!" Hu Xiaofei clenched her fist confidently, "Don't worry, it won't happen this time. In the face of absolute strength, all schemes and tricks are vulnerable!"

When Tang Xiaoyou came back from fetching hot water, Hu Xiaofei told her: "Xiaoyou, take us to meet your eldest nephew."

"Happy to help!" Tang Xiaoyou immediately cheered up.

At the same time, Su Yi was persuading the old man in Yiguo to help him go to Qin Xiaomo's house to propose a marriage, while Zhang Xiaowei and Lu Xiaoqiao got connected again.

Still on that rooftop.

"There seems to be something wrong with my beauty trap!" Lu Xiaoqiao said to Zhang Xiaowei with a solemn expression, "Qin Xiaomo said some strange things to me yesterday morning, and then he didn't contact me again, Xiaowei, do you know why? something?"

"Uh..." Zhang Xiaowei looked at him with strange and pitiful eyes, "As far as I know, your undercover agent is going to marry your target."

"What do you mean?" Lu Xiaoqiao didn't respond.

"That's the literal meaning," Zhang Xiaowei spread his hands, "Wolves fall in love with sheep, they love madly, they break through the secular walls."

"..." Lu Xiaoqiao's expression froze.

"This is impossible! This is too absurd!" Lu Xiaoqiao exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's not absurd for wolves to fall in love with sheep. They say that where there is love, there is direction." Zhang Xiaowei said.

"No! Shut up!" Lu Xiaoqiao lost her mind, "I used a beauty trick! A beauty trick! I asked her to seduce him, but I didn't let them get married!"

"I think Qin Xiaomo overfulfilled your task." Zhang Xiaowei said seriously.

"Damn it!" Lu Xiaoqiao hugged her head angrily, and suddenly looked at Zhang Xiaowei, "Do you think Qin Xiaomo is out of my control?"

"Did you let him marry?" Zhang Xiaowei asked back.

"No." Lu Xiaoqiao said.

Zhang Xiaowei smiled and spread his hands, with a "do I need to say more" expression on his face.

"Damn it!" Lu Xiaoqiao scolded, and then asked Zhang Xiaowei with hope in her eyes, "Then do you think she will help me find that batch of ammunition?"

"I think you should consider the question of whether Su Xiaoyi will kill you after knowing your identity as the station chief of the military control station." Zhang Xiaowei said, "Since Qin Xiaomo decided to marry Su Xiaoyi, there is no doubt that your identity is also certain. Betrayed by her."

Zhang Xiaowei resolutely blamed Qin Xiaomo for betraying Lu Xiaoqiao, and immediately felt that he was very witty.

"Damn it!" Lu Xiaoqiao was so angry that she slapped her thigh, "I really lost my wife and lost my army!"

"Your life is in danger at any time!" Zhang Xiaowei warned with a serious face.

"I said why Guan Gu Miracle suddenly asked me to meet today..." Lu Xiaoqiao's expression was cloudy, "It turned out that they knew my identity and planned to trap me!"

"No, I have to run all night to Wudu..."

"Don't! Don't worry!" Zhang Xiaowei hurriedly stopped him, "It's not that serious. Guan Gu Miracle and Su Xiaoyi have never been able to urinate in the same pot. I think it has nothing to do with him summoning you and Su Xiaoyi."

"Su Xiaoyi doesn't seem like the kind of idiot who wants to go all the way to the dark with the Zhe Peng people. I don't think it's a bad thing for him to know your identity."

"Yes, yes, I have to calm down, don't panic, don't panic..." Lu Xiaoqiao took a deep breath, "Then why did Guan Gu Miracle suddenly want to see me? I rarely deal with him."

"I don't know about that," Zhang Xiaowei said, "He also made an appointment with Su Xiaoyi and me, but Su Xiaoyi postponed the meeting to the afternoon."

(End of this chapter)

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