Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 940 The East is Invincible

Chapter 940 The East is Invincible
Chuanwu moves Qi and blood, which is "following the trend", which is equivalent to sailing a boat with the current, or using water power to build a water-powered windmill.

How the river flows and how big the current is, these are not the levels that Chuanwu can interfere with.

And what about inner strength?

Internal strength is to draw out a tributary from the river. This tributary is completely up to me. I can flow as I want it to flow, and I can go wherever I want it to flow.

Of course, it is not completely arbitrary, but the minimum methods and rules must be followed.

The dantian, acupuncture points, and meridians are the "river channels", "dams" and "reservoirs" prepared by the internal energy system for the refined qi and blood.

Different sects and sects have different internal energy operation circuits and principles, and the power of internal energy created is also different.

Therefore, internal strength can be divided into strong and weak.

Generally speaking, the fewer the running lines and the simpler the running method, the easier it is to practice internal strength, but relatively speaking, the progress of extracting internal strength from qi and blood will be slower.

For example, Qi Ju Qi Gong and Yuan Yuan Jin of Rotten Street.

And the more running lines, the more complicated the running method of internal strength, it is very difficult to practice, but the more internal force you extract, the greater the power, and the progress will be very fast when you practice it.

The simplest internal energy only needs to guide the internal breath to circulate in the meridians for a week and then return to the dantian.

However, the complex internal energy, the speed of operation, the size of the flow, the mode of operation, and the residence time of the internal breath in each acupuncture point and each meridian are different.This kind of internal strength is extremely dangerous to operate, because it is very easy to go astray because of the slightest difference.

This is a bit similar to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions. There are particulars about whether each medicine is dried or soaked in water, whether it is ground into powder or roasted. The efficacy of the medicine is weakened, and in severe cases, the medicine has no effect at all, and may even have adverse effects.

If there is no master to explore by oneself, even if it is the simplest internal strength, I am afraid that it will take a long time to cultivate the first ray of internal strength.

If it's a complex internal force, if you want to get started by yourself, then don't even think about it.

Therefore, if you have no foundation in martial arts and want to learn the Nine-Yin Manual, Nine-Yang Magical Skill, or Yi Jinjing by yourself, unless you have the aura of the protagonist, you will be close to death if you practice it.

And even if you are lucky, there is a high probability that you will not be able to practice anything well.

How did you develop the first ray of internal strength?Where do you practice?How to get it to the dantian after practice?

If you don't even know the most basic question, why do you practice magical skills?

Can you read cheat books based on your literacy?

When a person exhales, the pulse travels three inches, when inhaling, the pulse travels three inches, and when breathing is fixed, the pulse travels six inches.

Do you understand this sentence?This is just common sense of internal breath timing.

The pulse travels fifty degrees around the body.Leaking water for 25 minutes, Rongwei is yang 25 degrees, and yin is [-] degrees...

This sentence is also common sense of internal strength, but this stuff is like elementary school students reading advanced mathematics. He knows all the numbers and letters on it, but does he know what it means?
Therefore, advanced internal strength is suitable for those who have already achieved a high degree of martial arts to practice.

Beginner Xiaobai wants to learn internal skills, there are two ways——

First, practice the simplest, slowly explore, the risk is small, but it takes a long time.

After you have developed your internal strength, you can consider switching to a better internal strength.

The second is to be guided by a master.

This reflects the importance of "inheritance". How easy is it for people with a master to learn internal skills?
Your first ray of internal strength does not require you to slowly explore and cultivate, your master will inject it into your meridians, and then guide it to run around the sky according to the inner strength operation method, until you learn and can operate it yourself.

The next step is even simpler, you only need to run the Zhou Tian step by step, and cultivate your internal strength continuously.

With a master teaching you, you can practice no matter how complicated the internal skills are, and there is no risk, unless you commit suicide or are stupid.

And high efficiency, quick entry.

This and self-exploration without a master are completely two extremes, one is in the sky and the other is in the ground.

It can be seen how important inheritance is to martial arts.

Even some special martial arts must be taught from heart to heart, and secret books alone cannot be passed on.For example, some martial arts that pay attention to the artistic conception, the artistic conception is difficult to describe, and it must be demonstrated on the spot to feel the real effect and power.

There are also martial arts that have changed after being passed on, and the reasons for this are various and complicated.

It may be that the predecessors lost some key words, or some people who think they are smart make a fool of the future generations.

For example, the good "Beiming Shengong" has become "The Dafa of Attracting Stars". Who knows what cleverness has done to this cheat book.

After talking about internal strength, let's talk about lightness work.

In fact, Chuanwu also has light work, but Chuanwu's light work is similar to modern parkour extreme sports.

It's just that parkourers generally need to survey the terrain and measure the distance, and they can only step on the wall one or two times, and roll on the ground to buffer it. As a martial arts master's escape fighting skill, light work can not only survey the terrain in advance, but also step on the 90° wall. With five or six feet, it can quickly continue to fight when it lands.

The practice of light kung fu in traditional martial arts is very cumbersome and complicated, even more so than acupressure, it is very boring, and it is only a subsidiary branch of martial arts, which is the icing on the cake. Very few people are willing to work hard to practice light kung fu.

And what about the lightness kung fu in ancient martial arts?

This is awesome!
This is a unique method of using internal force. The general principle is that the internal force is generated from the soles of the feet to form a reaction force, and then the foot is stepped on this reaction force to make the body vacate, or achieve a light effect, and move quickly in mid-air.

The most common and simplest light work, such as flying on the grass, is to follow the special exercise route, and every time you run, you will send out the internal force of the reaction force from the soles of your feet, so that you will become lighter and faster, and you can step on the grass. The tip moves rapidly.

There is also Yanzi Sanchaoshui, which is also based on the same principle, but some simple body techniques are added, such as somersaults and leaps.

Qinggong is not flying, and the focus of different Qinggong is also different.Some Qinggong skills are good at walking, such as Tian Boguang's stepping on three folds of water; some Qinggong skills are good at maneuvering in small spaces, such as Spiral Nine Shadows;

In short, lightness kung fu is a unique kung fu that can only be practiced by people with internal strength. How can one come to this world without learning a powerful lightness kung fu?

It's a pity that Su Yi didn't find any particularly famous Qinggong in the category of Qinggong in Zangshuge. The only one that moved him a little was Tian Boguang's stepping on three stacks of water.

He hesitated for a while, but didn't move for a while.

Then there is the kung fu of acupuncture points.

In this world, there are some martial arts that specialize in hitting acupuncture points, which are unique and unexpected, but generally speaking, there are very few such martial arts.

Just like becoming a doctor after a long illness, as long as one has practiced internal skills, everyone has some understanding of meridians and acupoints. Everyone knows which acupoints will have the effect if they are blocked, so even if you don’t need to learn it deliberately, as long as you have For internal strength, if you practice more, you will be able to tap acupuncture points.

However, acupuncture techniques are fast, accurate and ruthless, as well as unexpected, which is not easy. After all, the acupuncture point target is so small, and the enemy is moving, so it is not easy to hit it.

Su Yi also knows a little bit about acupuncture. He learned it from Luo Yu in the Republic of China, but he has only mastered two techniques, so he knows a little bit.

In this world, he doesn't plan to learn acupressure for the time being, and he plans to postpone the study plan of acupressure indefinitely.

Finally, there are fists, feet and weapons.

For example, heart-breaking palm, Wudang sword and so on, the biggest difference between this kind of martial arts and traditional martial arts is that every move and style of it is attached to internal force.

If Su Yi develops internal strength, his fists, feet and weapon kung fu are at the level of a master. With the addition of internal strength, he will be awesome immediately. This is Su Yi's biggest advantage!

That is to say, for the time being, Su Yi doesn't need to deliberately practice Dugu swordsmanship, heart-breaking palm and other martial arts, and can focus most of his energy on practicing internal skills and light skills.

However, Chuanwu's moves are different from Guwu's moves, and their power and effect will definitely change.

Su Yi felt that he could choose a boxing and blade martial arts, and try to see how it was different from the moves he taught.

This is not a big problem.

While flipping through the martial arts cheats in the Library Pavilion, Su Yi roughly set a goal in his mind for his preliminary martial arts practice plan in this world.

Unfortunately, he didn't find "Star Attraction Dafa" here, not even "Taijiquan Sutra", let alone "Sunflower Treasure".

A treasure of this level would not be placed here if Dongfang Bubai even thought about it.

Su Yi tried to search for the stream-of-consciousness teaching of "The Dafa of Attracting Stars" in the actor mall, but he lost interest immediately after just one glance.

can not afford……

Not to mention "The Dafa of Attracting Stars", even "The Teaching of "Zixia Magic" from entry to mastery of the stream of consciousness" still needs 5 million fans.

He now has 3 million fans, and the inner strength cheats he can buy are almost the basic inner strength mental method of the Wuyue Sword School from entry to mastery of the stream of consciousness teaching.

This most basic level of inner strength mentality cost 3 million fan points?
Su Yi resolutely dismissed the idea of ​​self-study.

Now there is only one way——

East is undefeated!

Su Yi took a deep breath.

This was a problem he had to face.

To learn the great method of attracting stars, he must hold on to Dongfang Bubai's thigh.

Moreover, he is a novice in ancient martial arts, so it would be best for Dongfang Bubai, a master of martial arts, to advise him on what lightness kung fu to learn, what boxing kung fu and weapon kung fu to practice.

Although there is no problem for you to learn the Yi Jin Jing and beat the Blood Coagulation Claw of the Demon Sect, after all, if your internal strength is not matched, your martial arts will be greatly reduced.

Good internal strength and martial arts should promote each other and achieve each other.

Therefore, if Su Yi wants to learn the great method of attracting stars now, it is best to use Dongfang Bubai's knowledge to choose the matching lightness kung fu and martial arts for himself.

The number one in the world chooses martial arts for you, who in the world has such an opportunity?
Su Yi convinced himself again, gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and told himself to be brave and not afraid of difficulties.

There is nothing to see in Zangshu Pavilion for the time being, so he decided to find Dongfang Bubai now.

After going out, the two elders outside hurriedly saluted respectfully, but Su Yi just gave a cold "um" and hurried away.

Not only did the two elders not think it was disobedient, but they breathed a long sigh of relief, as if sending off the plague god.

Su Yi still let his subordinates lead the way, and returned to Chengde Hall.

There is a small door at the back of the main hall. After opening the small door, you have to pass through a long and narrow corridor, and you will arrive in a garden.

There is a row of small stone houses in the garden. This is the residence of several other elders, and it is also the entrance to the hidden valley of Dongfang Bubai.

The subordinates led Su Yi into the small stone house on the westernmost side.Then the two stepped forward and pushed hard against the wall on the left.

With the "clank" of the machine's gears, the wall was pushed open, revealing an iron door inside.

Such a hidden place, if not seen with their own eyes, outsiders would not be able to find it.

"Boss, my subordinates are waiting to retire!" The subordinates finished their mission and retired respectfully.

Going further in, it's not a place they can enter.

Su Yi nodded, his eyes fell on the lock of the iron door.

I touched my body, and there was a bunch of keys hanging around my waist, and I don't know where they are.

He took it off and tried it, and soon the lock was unlocked with one of the keys.

Push the door and enter, and behind the iron gate is another flat and long tunnel.

Really Nima long...

Su Yi complained in his heart, the majestic oriental leader, why is he hiding so deeply?

The tunnel is only about one meter wide, and there are oil lamps lit at intervals on the left.
Dongfang Bubai certainly wouldn't do this kind of rough work, it couldn't be him, right?
Su Yi was thinking wildly while turning left and right in the tunnel.

After walking for a while, the eyes suddenly opened up, revealing two lights, the wind poured in from the exit, faintly carrying the fragrance of flowers, which made Su Yi refreshed and refreshed.

He quickened his pace and came out of the tunnel, only to find that he was in an exceptionally delicate garden again.

Red flowers and green bamboos, green pines and verdant cypresses in the garden are arranged with great ingenuity. The pond in the middle is covered with lotus leaves, and there are four white cranes standing leisurely by the pond. They are not surprised when Su Yi comes, but send out "Owl Owl" instead. ’ a joyful cry.

On the edge of the rockery, two beautiful maidservants were catching butterflies and frolicking. Seeing Su Yi, the two hurriedly stood up and saluted and said hello: "Maidservant, see the master."

There was no fear on the faces of the two girls, but they were all smiling.

It turned out that there was someone serving...

Is it still living in seclusion with a servant?

Su Yi didn't know their names, so he just nodded to them and walked along the stone path.

There is an antique house behind the rockery, and the windows are open. From a distance, Su Yi saw a person sitting beside a dressing table on the left side of the window, wearing a red dress, with black hair like a waterfall, and a bun towering.

He was sitting with his back to Su Yi, and when he got closer, Su Yi could only see his white ivory-like neck, delicate ears, and hands as tender as spring onions.

She holds an embroidery frame in her left hand, and an embroidery needle in her right hand, where she embroiders.

He seemed to have sensed Su Yi's footsteps, and when he looked back suddenly, his eyes twinkled like stars, and he said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Brother Lian, are you back?"

The voice is as tactful as an oriole, and as crisp as big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate.

The voice is Yujie's voice, and the face is——

Qingxia face!
Su Yi's eyes lit up.

To be honest, he was seriously taken aback.

Then he was a little stunned.

Now before him was a very important question.

What should he call Dongfang Invincible?
no no?

Or fail?

(End of this chapter)

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