Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 968 Unit 2 Opened

Chapter 968 The Second Unit Opens

After Tong Baixiong and Shangguan Yun stopped, Dongfang Bubai casually pointed out a few words to the two of them, and they resigned happily as if they had found a treasure.

After the two left, Dongfang Bubai said to Su Yi: "Brother Lian, you can practice this "Yi Jin Jing" now."

"Okay! Let's practice!" Su Yi couldn't wait.

After all, he has accepted all of Ren Woxing's internal energy, and he has also absorbed a large amount of icy true energy from Zuo Lengchan. The shortcomings of "Star Absorbing Dafa" are already tormenting him. If Dongfang Bubai hadn't been there to help him channel his internal energy, With Su Yi alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to suppress the backlash of the alien qi.

These are just two kinds of true qi, if there are more than a few more, wouldn't it just blow up?

Su Yi called the Green Ant and asked her to give Ren Yingying the manuscripts of "The Dafa of Absorbing Stars" and "The Classic of Yijin", and said to her: "The secret books cannot be passed on to the outside world for the time being, you should take them back and familiarize yourself with them first, and when you want to If you want to practice, come to us again."

"The practice of "Star Absorbing Dafa" is very dangerous. Just the first step of dispersing the kung fu is very dangerous. If there is no one to supervise and guide it, it is very difficult to practice it. Moreover, you need to do a lot of preparations to practice this kung fu. You should prepare first. .”

Ren Yingying respectfully took the two cheat books from Su Yi's hands, bowed to the two to thank them, and then withdrew.

After Ren Yingying left, Dongfang Bubai asked: "Brother Lian, we have done our best to Yingying, and I have done nothing to Ren Woxing!"

Su Yi turned his head and smiled at him: "If you plant melons, you will reap beans. I hope we will have a good harvest."

Su Yi is not a villain who seeks profit without profit, but he is definitely not a sage who does not repay his kindness.

He treated Ren Yingying like this, not to mention her body.

Ren Yingying is definitely a talent, with a black belly and ability, and willing to do things, dare to do things.

It can be seen from the fact that she was able to kill Xiang Wentian this time, not to mention that she has had such a high prestige among heretical sects for many years.

The Sun Moon God Sect seems to have a great family and business, but in fact there are not many people who can use it.

Therefore, it is definitely a good choice for Su Yi to subdue Ren Yingying and let her use for himself.

What's more, Ren Yingying's identity also has a lot to do.

He had a hunch that as long as Ren Yingying was willing to give her sincerity, he would definitely get surprises from Ren Yingying.

Half a month later, with the help of Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi, Ren Yingying exhausted all her skills and formally practiced the "Star Absorbing Dafa" and "Yi Jin Jing".

Compared with the former saintly nun, the position of Guangming Youshi is a high position of real power, and what it means is self-evident.

Overnight, Ren Yingying's position in the Sun Moon God Sect underwent a drastic change, not to mention skyrocketing, but at least a rising tide.

She and Tong Baixiong, one internally and the other externally, have a clear division of labor and do not interfere with each other.

The first task Su Yi gave to Ren Yingying was to set up an intelligence station near the gates of Wuyue Sword Sect and Shaolin Wudang to monitor every move of these seven major sects.

Su Yi casually wrote a few terms and techniques in the field of intelligence for later generations, and Ren Yingying regarded them as a standard.

Shangguan Yun became Ren Yingying's first capable subordinate, and was sent by Ren Yingying to set up an intelligence station.

Not long after, Jabu came back.

Jia Bu killed a bloody river outside this time, and thousands of people died at his hands. He earned himself the notoriety of a "yellow-clothed butcher". The most notorious executioner ever.

It is worth mentioning that Ren Yingying reabsorbed the exercises after she had finished practicing "The Dafa of Attracting Stars", and the "materials" were provided by Jia Bu.

This person is very good at digging camps. Although he is "on business" outside, he always pays attention to the dynamics on Heimuya. Several masters with deep internal energy were captured alive and sent to Heimuya for Ren Yingying to absorb internal energy.

This move made him immediately admire Ren Yingying. With a word from Ren Yingying, Su Yi gave her face and transferred Jia Bu back.

Jia Bu can be regarded as a talent, and this time he made a name for Su Yi by killing people outside, which can be regarded as a career. It can be seen that the ambition born before has been completely extinguished, and now he just wants to make up for his mistakes and win Su Yi's trust again. .

But after all, he was considered "attempted to commit a rebellion". Su Yi didn't kill him, allowing him to make up for his mistakes was a great kindness. Jia Bu knew this, so after meeting Su Yi, he was very respectful and fearful.

After Su Yi observed this person, he found that this person did not seem to be pretending, and he should have really given in, so he beat him a few more words and sent him away.

There is no such thing as rewards.

Too much can never be given to a man who has made a grave mistake.

"Yi Jin Jing" is extremely useful for "Suction Star Dafa" to dissolve different kinds of true qi. As Su Yi rests, the internal energy in his meridians gradually flows into a stream, and the tributaries flow into the river. No longer divide each other.

Not only that, but the internal force cultivated by the Yi Jin Jing does not dissipate in a week, moves continuously, Qi is generated from the inside, blood is moistened from the outside, and it is extraordinarily smooth when exerted.

How smooth is it?
When the heart is moved and the force is sent out, it is collected and released, and it is applied naturally, without realizing it, it comes out spontaneously, like the rising of the tide, like the hair of thunder.

It's that smooth!
Moreover, the biggest effect of Yi Jin Jing is to wash the pulse and improve the foundation.

Generally speaking, this is an internal skill that taps the potential of the human body.

"Star Attraction Dafa" is responsible for "receiving", and "Yi Jin Jing" is responsible for "releasing". Su Yi couldn't be more satisfied with his state.

But Dongfang Invincible has a different view.

He is still studying Buddhist scriptures, because he feels that the inner strength of "Yi Jin Jing" still has a lot of potential that has not been tapped. He feels that there are deeper secrets hidden in "Yi Jin Jing", and the answer may be hidden in the Buddhist scriptures.

He is so persistent, Su Yi is really skeptical.

It is said that after the ancestor Bodhidharma passed away, the second ancestor saw a volume of scriptures beside the ancestor's futon, which was the "Yi Jin Jing".Of course, at that time the scripture was not called by this name, it was just an anonymous scripture.

The second patriarch got the unnamed scripture and studied it hard, but the meaning of the scripture was so profound that he couldn't understand it at all.

The second patriarch thought that Patriarch Bodhidharma left this scripture by the side of the stone wall for nine years. Although the scriptures are few, it must be very important.

He didn't understand it himself, so he traveled all over the famous mountains and visited eminent monks, hoping that someone could understand the mystery of this scripture.

But the second patriarch was already the top eminent monk at that time, he couldn't understand it, let alone someone else?
The second patriarch ran around for more than 49 years and found nothing, until one time he met an eminent monk on Mount Emei, and the two talked about Buddhism together.The two inspired each other at the Golden Summit of Emei. After [-] days, they finally understood the Buddhist principles contained in the scriptures.

The second patriarch thought that this was all the unnamed scriptures, but he didn't expect that after more than ten years, he met a young man who knew martial arts in Chang'an. When he was discussing Buddhist scriptures with this young man, he took out the unnamed scriptures. The young man said that the unknown scripture is a secret book of martial arts, and relayed the principles of martial arts in it.

The second patriarch felt as if he had found a treasure, and hurriedly recorded what the young man said.

The secret book of martial arts recorded by the second ancestor has been handed down to this day, and it has become "Yi Jin Jing".

And this young man back then was said to be the founding hero of the Tang Dynasty, who later assisted Tang Taizong to pacify the Turks, became a general and became a prime minister, and Li Jing was named Duke of Wei.

If the legend of "Yi Jin Jing" is true, it means that the treasure of Shaolin is really the martial arts learned from that volume of unknown Buddhist scriptures.

That Dongfang Bubai searched for the undiscovered secrets of the "Yi Jin Jing" from the Buddhist scriptures, it is really not whimsical.

Moreover, this "Yi Jin Jing" has been circulated for hundreds of years, so it is really hard to say whether it is the original version.

With Dongfang Bubai's martial arts attainments, it can be seen that there are still unfinished intentions in "Yi Jin Jing", and it must be true.

In the following time, Su Yi devoted himself to practicing martial arts, and Dongfang Bubai also focused on reading Buddhist scriptures.

Su Yi gradually handed over the educational affairs to Tong Baixiong and Ren Yingying, while he himself only grasped the general direction and delegated power.

Little did he know that what he did made Ren Yingying's heart even more shocked.

Ren Yingying's life experience was bizarre, and she was seriously insecure since she was a child, which made her never trust anyone.

But not long ago she tried to believe in Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai, and as a result, she now possesses the two magical skills of "Star Absorption Dafa" and "Yi Jin Jing", and has become a high-ranking right envoy of the Sun Moon God Sect. The default successor of the next generation leader!

Her trust has been richly rewarded!
But now, Su Yi, the "father-killer and enemy", trusts her in every possible way, entrusts her with a heavy responsibility, and delegates power to her without hesitation. This makes Ren Yingying feel strange and complicated emotions towards Su Yi in her heart.

Reminiscent of the previous "treacherous male favourite", and looking at the wealthy Angzang man now, Ren Yingying is full of curiosity about Su Yi.

For Ren Yingying, who lacked paternal love since she was a child, the attraction of a mature, powerful and wise man like Su Yi is fatal to her, especially after Su Yi has won her trust, gratitude and admiration.

Consciously or subconsciously, she began to move closer to Su Yi's side, one Uncle Lian at a time.

She is already superb in tea art, but Su Yi's eyes penetrating into the world make her dare not go too far, so many provocations are limited to the end, and she dare not go beyond the rules.

But the more oppressive and taboo it is, the more eager she is to try it.

Su Yi noticed this situation and decisively found Dongfang Bubai.

"My niece seems to be planning to seduce me, what should I do?"

"Brother Lian, isn't it normal for a good man like you, who is rare in the world, to be admired by women?" Dongfang Bubai said indifferently, "If Brother Lian likes you, then you can take her as a concubine."

I rely on...

Su Yi was a little dumbfounded: "You—are you not jealous?"

Dongfang Bubai covered his lips and smiled: "Brother Lian, it's only natural for a big man to have three wives and four concubines. I don't want to be a jealous woman and let the world laugh at me. When I was a man, I had seven wives just as a concubine. Lian Brother, you have only loved me all this time, and I am already uneasy and deeply uneasy."

Su Yi was stunned for a long time before he gave Dongfang Bubai a thumbs up: "Baibai, I give you a thumbs up!"

"What do you mean?" Dongfang Bubai frowned, "Also, what did you call me?"

Su Yi smiled and flew over, hugged her, and flew into the bedroom with lightness kung fu.

"It's time to pay the public food..."

"Brother Lian, you..."

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, months pass by.

On this day, Su Yi was practicing acupoint acupuncture with Dongfang Bubai when he suddenly froze when he received a message from the terminal.

"Actor Su Yi, the first unit of this film - Demon Star Gaozhao has ended, and the performance calculation is as follows:
[-]. Performance rating: Your name is known to everyone, and it changes color when people hear it. It can stop children from crying at night and get the highest rating of Demon Star Gaozhao.

200. Rewards and penalties: You will be rewarded with [-] director points.

The crew of "Ten Heroes Fighting the Devil"

Before I knew it, half a year had passed!
Su Yi felt a little emotional, this period of time was probably the most fulfilling half a year he had lived.

The performance evaluation of the first unit did not come as a surprise to Su Yi, because Su Yi has never relaxed his public opinion propaganda.

Now the story about "Yang Lianting, Blood Knife, Demon Gun" has long been compiled into various versions of story books by storytellers, and has been widely circulated.

If those assistant actors hear these stories, they will find that there are shadows of a series of movies such as "Human Skin Inn", "Ten Tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty", "Fatal Turning" and so on.

Su Yi specially picked these bloody, cruel, and thrilling stories in order to make people feel extremely uncomfortable sensory stimulation for him, so as to achieve the effect of fear.

It turned out surprisingly well.

Now his name can be said to be known to everyone. Even the people in the most remote areas know that there is a big devil named Yang Lianting in the Demon Cult. He not only loves to torture and kill people, but also eats human flesh.

It can be said that the reason why Su Yi can get the highest rating is entirely due to public opinion propaganda.

If Su Yi hadn't done this, just relying on his two battles at West Lake Meizhuang and Chi Youzhong, even with the incident of his bloody revenge, I'm afraid it would be difficult to achieve the current effect.

The end of the performance of the first unit means that the assistants have landed in this world.

Sure enough, right after Su Yi, he received another message from the terminal.

"Actor Su Yi, the second unit of this film—Ten Heroes has opened. This unit is a show for the ten assistants. You are not allowed to participate in the whole process, otherwise it will be considered a violation.

The performance tasks of the ten assistant actors are released as follows:

[-]. Performance time: within three months from today.

[-]. Performance task: to become famous, to run for the title of one of the top ten knights, with unlimited means.

Three: Ranking Rewards: The Top Ten Heroes are ranked in order, comprehensively sorted in terms of reputation, influence, and the degree of sensation caused by their famous

The first knight, reward 200 director points!
The second knight, reward 150 director points!
The third knight, reward 100 director points!
The fourth and fifth knights will be rewarded with 50 director points!
The sixth and seventh knights will be rewarded with 20 director points!
The eighth and ninth knights will be rewarded with 10 director points!
The tenth knight, no reward.

Four: Failure penalty: If you can’t become famous and become one of the top ten knights, it will be judged that the performance task of this unit has failed, 30 director points will be deducted, and you will automatically become the first deathmatch target.

Five: Special instructions:

1. The Top Ten Heroes include but are not limited to actor status. Actors can cultivate their close friends and confidantes to become one of the Top Ten Heroes, and can receive half of the director's points for their corresponding rankings.

2. Except for reasons of force majeure, the ten assistants are not allowed to be absent from the performance arrangement, otherwise it will be deemed a breach of contract and the consequences will be at their own risk.Unless there is a temporary change in the performance information, no further notice will be given.

The crew of "Ten Heroes Fighting the Devil"

(End of this chapter)

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