Infinite script kill

Chapter 1007 Every family has a difficult scripture to read

Chapter 1007 Every family has a difficult scripture to read
Seeing this scene, Mr. Song's good temper almost made him crooked.

Fortunately, Xu Tong didn't take two steps before he was stopped by the master.

"Stinky boy, it's already here, can you still run, come in!"

Hearing the master's shout, Xu Tong ran in with a playful smile, leaned close to the master, glanced at the big fish in the pond in front of the master, and said with a smile: "You teach me master, I'm doing this!" The junior is here, the influence is not good."


Xue Gui glanced at Xu Tong: "When you close the door, you are a family. If the family shuts the door and scolds, there is no bad influence."

"Yes, yes, our family is talking behind closed doors. Master, you are the head of the family. You are right in saying what you say, but... Master is kneeling. How can I, as an apprentice, stand here and talk."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he glanced at Xue Gui, showing a coy look, but he didn't intend to kneel down at all.

When Xue Gui took a look, he laughed angrily at Xu Tong's rascal appearance.

He glared at him, turned his head and said to the two people behind him angrily, "Get up!"

Hearing Xue Gui's words, Master and Mistress were relieved. After they stood up carefully, Master squinted his eyes and glanced at Mistress:
"It is said that a daughter-in-law becomes a wife after 20 years. If you want to be the master of the family, you should think about whether you have the weight."

"Daughter-in-law dare not!"

The teacher's wife, Ba Nu, lowered her head, her face was frighteningly pale.

It was the first time for Xu Tong to see his proud teacher's wife deflated, and he secretly laughed in his heart. If he had known earlier, he would have come back a few days later.

"It's just what did she do to make Master so angry??"

Xu Tong also felt that it was weird, this girl is so cruel, how did the master train her to be so honest? ?
It seems that there must be some things I don't know.

"Go down!"

The master waved his hand, signaling the two to get off, and after the two left, the master let out a long breath: "Master Ni, it's really..."

It can be heard that Master is blaming Master a little in his heart.

Xu Tong, on the other hand, was full of disapproval, pretending to be unrecognizable on purpose, and nodded: "That's right, my master, who can marry an ancient god as his wife, will be his family for about 500 years!"

The master was stunned and froze in place.

After thinking about it, I can't help being amused, it seems to be the same reason!
But after a while, he realized that he had been led astray by Xu Tong, and he snorted coldly: "You can be a good person, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Xu Tong knew in his heart that what the master said was a warning to himself, but he really took it easy and said indifferently: "Every family has difficult scriptures to recite."

Before doing it differently, I might not see it so openly.

But after going through this dungeon, Xu Tong looked at it a lot more. Compared with Xu Fan, having a carefree teacher's wife is nothing.

You look at Xu Fan, which family is doing well, and then look at Yeluqi's family, who doesn't have any troubles.

Even in reality, there are always a few bad relatives who make people worry.

If you really take all of them to heart, everyone will live a miserable life.

On the other hand, although the teacher's wife is not a fuel-efficient lamp, as long as the teacher is here and can hold her down, she will not be able to make any waves.

The most important thing is that at the critical moment, the teacher is still very easy to use, at least in terms of fighting, the teacher does not save fuel and I don't know, the real thing is to be ruthless.

"You can see it!"

"So what if I can't see it, I killed her? My master is not happy, just showing my filial piety, do you always have something good to tell me?"

There are very few people who can reach Xu Tong's step by pushing their noses on their faces.

Xue Gui opened his hand towards him: "You still have half of the idea of ​​the Supreme Being True Monarch."


Xu Tong did have half an idea in his hand, which he originally wanted to give to the master, so he took it out and sent it to the master.

The master took over this half of the thought and put it into his sleeve: "This time you offended the Supreme Master, Du Ziren will always give you a sweet treat. When I come back, I will give you good news."

Xu Tong was not in a hurry, but when the master mentioned this matter, Xu Tong thought of another matter.

"Master, take a look at this painting."

He took out the picture drawn by the fool and handed it to the master, wanting to let the master have a look, is there anything else in the painting that he didn't see.

Xue Gui took a look at it, then looked at Xu Tong again, and finally looked suspiciously at this painting.


Xue Gui pointed to this painting: "Naiheqiao has one hundred and eight thousand ghosts a day. It has never been so quiet. When Po Meng is away, there will be ghosts on duty, and this painting..."

Xue Gui hesitated to speak, and returned the painting to Xu Tong, but he couldn't see any way in it for a moment.

However, the master speculated that maybe the fool wanted to send some news to him, but it was not convenient to give him all at once, and wait and see if he would receive another letter from the fool in the future.

After chatting with the master, Xu Tong got up and went to visit Mr. Mei, who was in a good mood.

First, he congratulated Xu Tong on becoming an immortal, and then hinted that he could continue to practice his thoughts, and try to combine Yanshu with thoughts to see if he could come up with any new tricks.

Anyway, it's just a random experiment. Most of the strange spells that Taoist Plum Blossom spread out back then were tested in this way.

Then he inadvertently talked about the teacher's wife.

Elder Mei just smiled at this, and told Xu Tong what happened that day.

At the beginning, the teacher's wife came back with the idea of ​​Shangsheng Zhenjun, and used it as a threat to ask the teacher to take out the inspector's seal and lend it to her.

The mistress thought it was a sure thing, but in the end, the master didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the "Decree of Heaven's Mandate" and Du Ziren's command talisman, and punished this little girl on the spot.

"After all, she is too impatient. This girl doesn't even think about it. Her current flesh shell is still paper. How can she get it off with your master?"

Old Mei said with a smile as he walked.

Except for the "Decree of Destiny" and Du Ziren's command talisman, in front of the master, the master of playing with paper, Shi Niang's fleshy shell can only be suppressed.

If it weren't for thinking about Mr. Song, with the master's decisive temperament...

"What does he want to borrow the master's seal letter for? Could it be that he also wants to go to the underworld?"

Compared with this matter, Xu Tong actually wanted to know the motive of his wife's doing this.

"It should be true. Part of her body was suppressed in the eighteen hells. If she can't get it back, she can only parasitize in the flesh shell."

Mr. Mei's words reminded Xu Tong of the head he encountered on the remote mountain, which shows how many shady things are suppressed in the underworld.

While the two were talking, they walked to the wine cellar in the back mountain.

Xu Tong saw that he could just fill his wine gourd [Shensha] with wine, bid farewell to Mr. Mei, and walked into the wine cellar.

Find the innermost jar of wine, and when you open it, you can feel the aroma of the wine overflowing.

In the clear and translucent wine jar, the wine inside is as clear as a mountain spring, you can see the bottom at a glance, and if you look carefully, you can still see a faint golden light flowing on the wine.

Under the wine tank, there is a golden pine cone that has been soaking in the wine tank for a while.

I don't know what is the use of this fruit, Xu Tong took away the wine, poured it all into [Sand], and then took out the fruit, this thing has been soaked in it for so long, but it is still horribly hard , I pinched it with all my strength, but it didn't move at all.

Simply throw them into [Chensha] to soak them.

After filling the wine, Xu Tong went back to the front yard, and saw his mistress covering her face, crying in the arms of the master, Xu Tong grinned and walked forward: "Greetings, master and mistress. "

Seeing Xu Tong coming, the teacher hurriedly broke free from Song Lao's embrace, and looked at Xu Tong with red eyes: "I'll go to the kitchen and make you something to eat."

"Come, come, sit down and talk!"

Elder Song pulled Xu Tong to sit down.

"Don't be angry, your wife is not that kind of villain, she will give you an explanation for this matter sooner or later."

Song Lao smiled and said to Xu Tong.

"Where did this come from, why am I so angry, but you made Grandpa really angry this time."

Xu Tong really didn't take it to heart, instead, after hearing what Mr. Mei had said, he said in his heart that his wife had hit the gun. She didn't know that the master had been on guard against her.

This time it's all right, the master didn't make a move, she jumped out by herself, this time she taught a lesson, no one will be able to plead for mercy next time.

On the contrary, it was the master who didn't understand what the master meant, and foolishly begged for mercy together, which really made the master unhappy.

If it were me... well, I wouldn't be able to find such a stupefied daughter-in-law.

Why didn't Elder Song know this? He sighed, his expression darkened for a moment, and then he said in a low voice: "Back then, the Three Religions clearly communicated to the world that no one would touch me, but there were a few really obedient ones. Come on, there are a lot of tricks in the dark, if it weren't for your mistress to protect me, I would have died a long time ago."

Speaking of those years, Song Lao felt very uncomfortable.

In that era, he was bullied and had no one to rely on. It was difficult for him to make paper for others.

If others knew that he made the paper doll, they would not take it even if it was thrown on the ground.

He can only hide and hide, and work as a small laborer for other people's households.

In the end, his family was ruined and his family was destroyed. With some final thoughts, he used the forbidden technique to summon the soul, but he failed. Instead, he recruited his wife and put aside her identity. At least for the next few decades, if she hadn't protected him , I have been tortured to death long ago.

Xu Tong also knew that this was all the sequelae left by his master, he had suffered all the blessings of the seven schools, and his master had suffered all the hardships of the seven schools, so he would not argue with his wife because of this.

After calming Master Song, when Xu Tong was about to leave, Mistress came out with a bowl of noodles and put it on the table. Xu Tong didn't refuse, and started eating the noodles directly. Seeing Xu Tong eating so neatly, Mistress Knowing Xu Tong's thoughts, he glanced at his master Song Lao, gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice: "I don't like to owe others, you helped me this time, let me remind you, I think The nearest underworld is not safe, something may happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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