Infinite script kill

Chapter 1012 The War Without Gunpowder

Chapter 1012 The War Without Gunpowder

Strengthening props is actually not difficult, especially if it is only strengthened to +6 level.

It’s almost a no-brainer to click to confirm.

Especially with the help of Fa Cai, after transforming into a tentacle monster, it is almost possible to complete the upgrade of two item cards in one minute.

And there is no packing and stamping link, which saves time and effort.

However, in order to reflect that it was not easy for them to earn this amount of money, Xu Tong still emphasized that they can only strengthen a hundred item cards every day.

In fact, at this moment, Laojunfang has begun to slowly move closer to the direction of industrial upgrading. This time, it is not only for blessing oil, but also for the trial camp stage.

As a monopoly business, it can be predicted how terrifying the future sales volume will be once the industry is opened up and strengthened.

After all, the number of players is not small, and new players will enter the arena every moment.

This time, the Gunslingers recruited troops, even paid for the equipment, and took the certification task. If it takes a long time, the number of certified players may skyrocket.

At that time, one can imagine how big the market will be.

I'm afraid that by then, there will be too many people who want to strengthen it, so that even if they want to strengthen some things to sell, they won't be able to.

"Well, it seems that we need to find a way to improve the strengthening efficiency of the Dream Rubik's Cube."

Xu Tong was thinking about it, when he suddenly felt the whole Laojunfang boom, and the whole house trembled, Xu Tong thought it was the Rubik's Cube frying pan, but after a closer look, it was not only the house that shook, but the whole exhibition. Then trembled.

Immediately after the guiding spirit appeared next to Xu Tong: "Master, the exhibition exchange meeting that I told you last time has already begun!"

It was only then that Xu Tong remembered that the guiding spirit had said this before.

So I went to the terrace on the third floor and looked outside. Sure enough, on the far edge of the exhibition, many foreign buildings gradually emerged.

A Buddhist pagoda full of Burmese style, a huge red torii gate appears, and behind it are endless cherry blossom trees.

Black ancient castles rose from the ground, full of a sneaky atmosphere. Of course, there were modern buildings. For example, Xu Tong saw skyscrapers rising out of the sky like sharp swords.

Southeast Asia, North America, Japan... and more than a dozen national-style buildings appeared out of thin air, cleverly spliced ​​together with the exhibition they were in.

"Head, there are new changes in the exhibition area!"

There were also changes in the low-level exhibition area where Li Bo was located.

Before Xu Tong could respond, he received a prompt from the item book.

"Ding! The Super Ceremony has started, and all the exhibition areas have opened barriers. Players can go to other exhibition areas to complete check-in tasks and get corresponding points. The more points you have, the more points you get,"

"Punching task 1: Visit at least three other exhibition industries. For each industry you visit, you can get 100 points, and there is no cap."

"Punching task 2: During the event, the more you spend in other exhibition areas, the more points you get, and the final consumption amount is equal to the number of points you get."

"Punch task 3: Participate in the Wanjie Commercial Bank auction, and sell at least one item in the Wanjie Commercial Bank auction. The auctioned amount will be equal to the points!"

"After the final super ceremony is over, players can rank through points to obtain unique treasures!"

A series of prompts sounded, and a list of rare rewards on the leaderboard also appeared in front of Xu Tong.

As soon as Xu Tong saw it, he curled his lips immediately, and said in his heart: "Good guy, this event planning is really true to reality, really kryptonite!"

The strong are always strong, which is vividly displayed in this event.

The activity is completely based on money. Players who have no money can only do some check-in tasks. They work hard and get very few points in the end.

Rich players can just spend money directly. For example, masters like Gunshentuan who are not short of money can directly spend tens of millions of script points. Who can stop it.

And these rare treasures, the reason why they are called rare treasures, do have extraordinary effects.

For example, the No.3 booster gem can inlay and fuse items and props, and upgrade the quality of any props by one level.

If the No.3 reward is still pertinent, then the No.2 reward is exaggerated [Hallowed Temple] can increase the resource output of the script world it occupies by ten times.

No.1 is an industry inlaid prop card [Industrial Empire] embedded in the industry, which can upgrade the industry in all directions, and even copy the core industry capabilities.

Xu Tong clicked on the description of this rare treasure, and after a closer look, he couldn't help being jealous.

This prop card can copy the core ability, that is to say, I originally only had one fantasy Rubik's Cube, but after inlaying this prop card, it can become two, or even three.

If this is the case, the problem of insufficient production capacity of Laojunfang in the future that I was worried about will be completely solved.

"We must get this reward!"

Xu Tong squinted his eyelids, and his heart inevitably became hot, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt very embarrassed.

The difficulty is too great.

If his competitors were only the Gunslinger Group, he might be able to bargain with the Gunslinger Group and operate internally.

After all, the Gunslinger Group is looking for themselves now, but now their competitors are all player teams in the world.

Among those overseas teams, it is hard to guarantee that there will not be a super team larger than the Gunslingers. With the current Laojunfang alone, it is almost impossible to participate in the competition for the top spot.

Just when Xu Tong almost wanted to give up this activity.

"Boss! Someone is looking for it."

Amota went upstairs and said to Xu Tong: "It's the people from the Gunslingers who came again and said they wanted to see you on important matters."

Xu Tong couldn't help being a little surprised, wondering what the Gunslingers were doing at this time, but after all, he was his God of Wealth now, so he still had to take care of him.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong asked the other party to come up.

Seeing that it was Zhang Lao who came, Bu Luan did not come with him this time.

After the two sat down, Mr. Zhang went straight to the point and said, "You have finished watching the event."

"finish watching."

Xu Tong didn't know the meaning of the old man's visit, so he didn't say much and just waited and watched.

"This event is very interesting, and the rewards are good, especially the No.1 reward, which is of great help to Laojunfang."

There is a big difference between Zhang Lao and Bu Luan in his negotiation style. He always likes to make friends with others. In fact, Xu Tong still likes Bu Luan to be as straightforward as Bu Luan. Slightly commanding taste.

But with his identity as a gun god, everything seems so natural.

Xu Tong patiently waited for Mr. Zhang to complete his detours before he opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Mr. Zhang has said so much, what exactly do you want? Do you want me to open the door of convenience? Or..."

"No, what I mean is that I hope that Laojunfang will be closed for a while. As long as this event is over, the Gunners will definitely get the first place, and the rewards they get at that time can be directly given to Laojunfang. "

Mr. Zhang saw that Xu Tong seemed to be misunderstood, and quickly explained: "There are many restrictions on this event, such as the amount of consumption, which can only be counted as consumption in other exhibition areas, and consumption in our own exhibition area is not counted." , who do you think would be willing to share their scripts with the enemy?"

The underlying meaning of Zhang Lao’s words is that the consumption power of Ni Laojunfang is too terrifying. It really makes you open the door to do business, and the opponent directly burns money. It can not only improve your strength, but also earn points, which is simply blood.

"So, in the end, I'm afraid that each family will not work hard on this item. In the end, if you want to decide the outcome, you still have to hold it at the Great Auction of Wanjie Commercial Bank. The Gun God Group has prepared a large amount of funds to guarantee If you win the title of No. [-], you can give the rare prize of the top prize to Laojunfang, of course, as a condition of preferential treatment, in the future, the equipment of Laojunfang will be strengthened, and some discount benefits will be enough."

It has to be said that the conditions given by Mr. Zhang are very attractive. After all, Xu Tong himself is not sure about competing for the first place.

If the strengthening ability of Laojunfang is released at this time, it is tantamount to supporting the enemy in disguise.

Especially Zhang Lao's last light words: "The God of Fighting has agreed to close the arena, and soon other industries will be closed one after another."

Zhang Lao said so much, how could Xu Tong not understand the meaning, so he almost said directly: "If you open the door, you are an enemy, a traitor!"

Well, raising the topic to this level, even if Xu Tong wanted to participate, he didn't want to carry such a big hat.

He could only agree readily.

After seeing off Mr. Zhang, Amota went upstairs, put his arms around his arms, leaned against the door, and looked at Xu Tong with a wicked smile on his face: "This deal is a good deal, we can relax now."

When personal interests are linked with national justice, Xu Tong has no choice.

He was not allowed to have other options.

Xu Tong put his hands behind his head and sighed, "I'm afraid the planner of this event never imagined that the krypton gold event he planned so hard will turn into a war without gunpowder in the end."

After finishing speaking, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly: "However, it has never been my style to put my own future on others!"

It wasn't that he couldn't believe whether the gun gods could win the first place, but that Xu Tong didn't believe Zhang Lao's promise at all.

The old ancestors said it well, the wall is used to resist insults.

Really wait for the Gunslingers to win the first place this time, when the time comes, whether to give this thing to me, how to give it, and what conditions are there, that is what other people say, and any preferential benefits are all my own family, so what kind of discounts are you talking about? Welfare?

Hearing Xu Tong's words, Amota was stunned for a moment, but then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Hey, I knew you were not an obedient baby, what do you want to do?"

"Aren't they going to participate in the Wanjie auction? Let's make a big one for them!"

The auction is to see who can take out the things and get a higher price.

Holding the Dream Rubik's Cube in my hand, even if it's a piece of shit, I can strengthen it to the price of gold. I don't believe anyone can beat me in this regard.

Seeing that Xu Tong was so ambitious, Amota immediately moved her face forward, and said mysteriously: "I know a good place to burn money, why don't you try it!"

"Where?" Xu Tong looked at Amota.

"Tell me...can you forgive my debt?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up."

Under Xu Tong's urging, Amota lowered his voice and whispered three words into Xu Tong's ear: "Witch Street!"

(End of this chapter)

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