Infinite script kill

Chapter 1014 Psychic

Chapter 1014 Psychic
"This is Witch Street??"

Xu Tong looked at the deserted street in front of him, raised his head and looked at Amota aside.

The street in front of me was deserted and deserted, and there were hardly any people around. It was hard to imagine that this was the bustling area of ​​the Western Exhibition Area.

Even if a few figures appeared occasionally, they came and went in a hurry, no matter how you looked at it, it looked like people from the scalpers came to check in.

"No, this is it!"

Amota smiled mysteriously, and led Xu Tong to the other side, crossed the street, turned left and right, and saw the only open coffee shop at the end of the street.

It's just that the words "Today is free" are impressively written on the door of the coffee shop. Obviously, even if the door is opened, it is not intended to give the other party a chance to consume.

Xu Tong glanced at the name of the coffee shop. It was very strange. It was clearly a coffee shop, but for some reason, the signboard said [Tyrande's Bananas].


Pushing open the door, a strong aroma of coffee beans floated into Xu Tong's nostrils.

At the same time, there were a few figures sitting sparsely in the room. Although they were all wearing disguises, Xu Tong could clearly feel how intense the gaze was on them.

Especially Amota, he has no disguise, he has an oriental face, and he is not the object of preferential treatment here.

When I walked to the table, before I could speak, I was served a cup of hot coffee: "There is no consumption in this shop, drink this cup of coffee and leave as soon as possible!"

Xu Tong looked at the white bubbles floating on the dark coffee, and seriously doubted whether this cup of coffee had been treated with special care.

After the clerk said the order to evict customers indifferently, Amota pushed the coffee aside calmly, folded his middle finger and index finger together, tapped the table lightly a few times, and then uttered a hoarse and low voice.

Immediately, the clerk's face changed slightly, and his tone and attitude immediately changed 180 degrees: "I'm sorry sir, your disguise is really good."

After speaking, he quietly put away the cup of coffee on the table, then turned around and walked to the coffee machine, reached out and pulled the handle of the coffee machine twice, and a door opened.

Amota blinked at Xu Tong, and the two walked into the door. It was an alley, but at the end of the alley was a dead end.

"Boss, are you ready?"

Amota walked to the end of the wall, took out a piece of meat that he had prepared earlier, and threw it towards the wall. The moment the piece of meat touched the wall, the bricks on the wall started to squirm.

Only then did I realize that the bricks on the wall turned out to be densely packed with small crabs, and the crabs competed for meat, so that the wall cracked a hole.

Through the gap, a bustling street appeared in front of Xu Tong and the others.

"Welcome to Witch Street, please!"

Amota made a gentle gesture of invitation, and then led Xu Tong into the street.

The pavement paved with black warm cobblestones feels a little slippery when stepped on, and there is a strange smell in the air, a bit like burning licorice, and a bit smelly.

Xu Tong saw a lot of weird shops here, which made him think of the movie he saw in the madhouse, Harry Potter.

"Amota, are you familiar with this place?"

Xu Tong asked as he walked.

Ordinarily, Amota should have never been to this place, but he seems to know everything here.

"Of course, because my followers are here!"

Amota said with a little pride that even the demons exiled from hell still have their own believers in some remote corners.

Amota said and pointed to a shop called Bone Sacrifice in front; "My believers are there, boss, you can take a stroll, if you need, you can come here to find me, just call my name it is good."

Watching Amota leave, Xu Tong always felt that this guy seemed to be hiding something from him, but he didn't intend to go into it, everyone has their own secrets.

Xu Tong stopped and walked in front of these shops, but he couldn't find anything that attracted him. Most of the props here were biased towards witchcraft.

But I don't know if it's because most of the shops in the exhibition are closed, some scattered players have set up stalls here.

Xu Tong picked up an item card and checked it, and found that although these item cards can be called high-quality goods, they are not really any special top-quality item cards.

If you think about it carefully, you will understand the reason.

Everyone is holding back their energy to prepare for the sale at the Ten Thousand Realms Auction. If there are really good things, they must be kept at the Ten Thousand Realms Auction.

After all, everyone has to compete for points. Even an ordinary item card can be sold at a much higher price than usual.

But Xu Tong wasn't upset, he didn't plan to find any precious item cards.

Walking around to pick and choose, occasionally one or two good item cards will appear in front of me, but I asked about the price, but I gave up decisively.

Although the things are good, it is obvious that people are treated as if they are being taken advantage of. I am not short of money, but I don't want to be such a fool.

As I walked, I didn't know where I went. When I looked up, a big tent appeared in front of me. There was a signboard hanging on the tent, the house of healing.

Xu Tong wanted to leave, but his heart beat a few times at this moment, and he couldn't help but look back, with a strong premonition urging him to go in.

At this time, Immortal Sensation has the same meaning as Celestial Sensation, but compared to Celestial Sensation, Immortal Sensation is more accurate, but it rarely appears, but every time it appears, there must be something related to oneself.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong simply walked in to have a look.

The space in the tent is not large, and it belongs to the kind where you can see the head at a glance. An old man is sitting on a chair, as if he sensed someone walking in, his slightly drooping eyelids are gradually opened, and his black teeth are grinning. Xu Tong smiled and said:

"Lost traveler, want to find your answer!"

With the standard witch's opening remarks, Xu Tong even felt that the other party was a little unprofessional. After all, compared with the old magic stick in the hospital, who always brought him a different opening statement, the performance of the witch in front of me was really a bit amateurish. .

As if sensing Xu Tong's questioning gaze, the sorceress hurriedly took out her magic wand and tapped on the wooden board behind her.

I saw eight words [three hexagrams a day may not be accurate] written in traditional Chinese characters on the wooden board.

"This is the highest award I got when I was studying in the mysterious East, do you know the words on it?"

Xu Tong curled his lips and thought: "Good guy, you are probably being limp by someone, aren't you?"

Normally, Xu Tong turned around and left, but this time was an exception, since he felt something, he should have gained something here, so he simply pretended not to know and shook his head.

"Hahahaha, this is called sincerity makes spirit!"

The sorceress let out a hoarse laugh, and explained the meaning of these four words to Xu Tong solemnly.

Then he took out the crystal ball and put it on the table: "Young man, you can try it, if it doesn't work, you don't need money!"

Seeing that the witch had issued an invitation, Xu Tong took the opportunity to sit down, only to see the witch mysteriously took out a small box.

Squeeze out a pinch of fingernail-sized powder from it, and walk to the side of the charcoal fire. I don’t know if it’s because I’m old, but my hands are shaking a little. When I was about to sprinkle the powder in, I accidentally shook my hand , Sprinkled most of the powder in the box into the charcoal fire.


Now the witch's eyes turned green, and she grinned in distress, almost screaming, but seeing the ignited powder, she could only endure the pain and sit back on the chair.

After the powder was ignited, the entire tent was covered by a faint blue smoke. The sorceress folded her hands together, shouted, "Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable", and then chanted the mantra.

Xu Tong pricked up his ears and listened carefully. It turned out to be the Analects of Confucius? ?

Good guy, three religions in one?This old lady got the true biography.

"Quick, put your hands on the crystal ball!"

Prompted by the old lady, Xu Tong opened his palm and placed it flat on the crystal ball, but the moment his hand touched the crystal ball.

The vision in front of him suddenly blurred.

Immediately following Xu Tong, he felt his body sinking, and when he regained his senses, he had already reached a forest in front of him.

"What is this place??"

Xu Tong was startled, he didn't expect this unreliable old lady to be really successful? ?
Just when he was wondering where he was sent by the old lady, a figure hurriedly ran past him in the distance.

Seeing this, Xu Tong hurried to chase after him.

But the shadow ran very fast, no matter how hard he chased, he couldn't catch up, and ran out of the woods in a daze, but waited for him to look up.

But he was taken aback by what he saw in front of him, only to see a wide and rapid river rushing by in front of him, and a bridge stood on the river.

In front of the bridge head, there is a pergola, and a huge iron pot is bubbling.

Familiar images rushed over.

"Naihe Bridge?? I went to hell??"

Before Xu Tong understood what was going on, he heard a burst of silly laughter from the bridge. Xu Tong took a few steps forward to take a look, and suddenly said pleasantly: "Fool!"

I saw the fool sitting on the bridge, and when he heard Xu Tong's shout, he looked back at Xu Tong, waved to Xu Tong, and beckoned him to come up.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't suspect him, and quickly walked up the bridge: "Fool, what are you doing sitting here? Where have you been all this time?"

Xu Tong stepped forward and pulled the idiot to ask, but the idiot just smiled silly and pointed to the bridge: "Look!"


Xu Tong didn't understand what the idiot meant, but the idiot had already pulled him to the edge of the bridge, pointed at the broad water below, and asked Xu Tong to look.

Xu Tong poked his head out to look down the bridge, and saw that there seemed to be many blurred shadows on the water. Before he could see clearly, he suddenly felt someone pushing hard behind him.


The biting chill hit, and Xu Tong was plunged into darkness in an instant. After an unknown amount of time, there were voices of arguing in his ears.

The voice is very familiar, listen carefully, like the youngest.

But when he wanted to listen more carefully, the voice suddenly disappeared, followed by a bright light in front of him, under the dim light, a thin face appeared in front of him.


Xu Tong's heart trembled. He remembered this face. This was his mother's face. He had seen it in his memory, but when he opened his mouth, he could only make a cry like a baby.

"Son, remember, find what your father hid on you, hold it, and don't let the youngest get it, he will destroy you and the whole world!"

(End of this chapter)

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