Infinite script kill

Chapter 1020 Malicious Bidding

Chapter 1020 Malicious Bidding
Blind Kang is also a well-informed person, and he has seen teleportation arrays before.

The cost of a single transmission is not high, but the key is that the layout of this thing is too expensive.

A teleportation array needs at least tens of millions of consumables, which directly raises the threshold to a level that ordinary people can't afford.

The most important thing is that this teleportation array is unique to the western camp, and almost all the people who can arrange the teleportation array are in the top western teams.

Even a super team like the Gunslingers, no one can arrange a teleportation array.

And the appearance of these teleportation beacons now seems to have a feeling of breaking this routine.

At least in Kang Xiazi's view, the appearance of this thing is bound to set off a huge wave.

After a burst of exaggerated screams, Kang Xiazi calmed down, then played with the beacon in his hand, thought for a moment, and returned the beacon in his hand to Xu Tonghou: "Tell me, what do you want!"

"Huh?? I haven't started yet, why did you admit defeat??"

Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help laughing wryly, this was not the effect he wanted.

Blind Kang glared at Xu Tong with his double pupils, and said with a smirk: "What's better?? You take out this thing at this time, it's like taking out a bottle of mineral water in the desert." Same."

This thing is indeed a good thing. If it is changed to a time point, this thing will be around 5000 million, and it is impossible to increase it.

But at this point in time, it's hard to say.

As he said, this is the mineral water in the desert. You usually feel that two yuan is expensive. In the desert, for those who are dying of thirst, this thing is life-saving gold.

Blind Kang lay down on the chair, looking like Ge You paralyzed: "The current situation of the Spear Gods is not optimistic, but if they can get the batch of teleportation formations in your hand, the embarrassment of the lack of troops will be reversed in an instant come over."

"The Western camp will never watch the Gunners win these things, so it is bound to increase the price crazily."

Speaking of this, Kang Xiazi said meaningfully for a while: "The most taboo thing in this auction is the word Dou, but it is normal for things that have something to do with this word to be auctioned at an outrageous price."

So at this point, Xu Tong has won.

The Spear Gods and the Western camp may be able to come up with more precious things.

But the question is, who will buy it?

Those who can afford it may not necessarily buy it, and those who want it may not have the strength.

According to his initial estimate, what the Gunslingers and the Western camp can produce are only rare and rare, and at best this is the end.

Otherwise, it is really a top-level treasure, and if you take it out and buy it for the other party, isn't this a sincere contribution to the enemy?

Blind Kang claimed to be the God of Gamblers, and he had nothing to say about the gambling products, so he readily surrendered at this moment to save face for himself.

With blind man Kang's approval, Xu Tong immediately felt relieved. In fact, he thought the same way, but he didn't know what to do.

Originally, he planned to sell all the dozen or so teleportation markers in his hand if he couldn't sell them individually, in order to win by quantity.

"So I'm not impolite anymore. I want to make a top-notch elixir, but I lack a main ingredient. The properties of this medicine..."

Xu Tong's brows moved slightly, the thought of Dan Jing was awakened, and he read out several medicinal materials and requirements.

Xu Tong said as he said.

Blind Kang wrote down these things, and curled his lips: "Good guy, these things are not easy to find, but there may be some in the warehouse of Guanyin Pavilion. I'll go and show you around. When the auction is over, you can come to the Angelica Soup Find me."

Blind Kang threw a house card to Xu Tong as he spoke, saying that when he arrived at the place, he would just take the house card and come to him.

While the two were talking, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and Yan Xiaoqi and the three who were full of wine and food had turned back.

When Yan Xiaoqi saw Blind Kang sitting in his seat, he was stunned for a moment. Blind Kang couldn't help being startled when he saw Yan Xiaoqi, and the two of them nodded immediately. Neither of them spoke, and Yan Xiaoqi turned and sat down. on another sofa.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's heart twitched, and he noticed something, but it was difficult to point it out at the moment.

Five people sat in the room, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Fortunately, the auction has gradually begun to reach its peak, and major forces have entered the venue one after another.

Xu Tong's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he sat up from the sofa, staring at the information on the glass in front of him.

【Spiritual Gold Diamond】

This is something Xu Tong did not expect, and it actually appeared at the auction at this moment.

This is a good thing, Yunxun seems to be very fond of this thing, and at the moment, his little tail is up on the hall.

"It seems that people from the church should have taken action."

In the "New Territories" script world of abandoning gods, the people from the church finally came to find themselves, and took out a bag of [God's Golden Diamond]

At that time, there were more than 20 diamonds in a bag of [God's Gold Diamonds], but at the auction now, there are groups of five.

The starting price actually starts at 100 million script points.

This breath is a full thirty groups, and the information is about to fill up the glass in front of them. Obviously, it is also the idea of ​​winning by quantity.


Seeing the price, Xu Tong couldn't help scolding.

"The price is still fair. I'll buy two sets. It will always come in handy."

Blind Kang shot two of them directly.

Yan Xiaoqi thought about it for a while, and finally decided to forget it, he is really not rich now.

He has to come here to eat and drink even to eat, one can imagine how flat his pockets are now.

"Don't you guys buy some?"

Seeing Xu Tong and Yan Xiaoqi's indifferent appearance, blind man Kang couldn't help asking.

Yan Xiaoqi shook her head: "It's useless to me."

Xu Tong said even more shamelessly: "I prefer prostitutes for nothing to buying them with money."

"Hehe, you guys..."

Blind Kang shook his head, thinking that the two of them were still too young to look down on these little money. If this thing was sold after the auction, it would be no problem to earn at least 20 script points.

Soon other top teams were also making moves.

In addition to the golden diamonds of the gods, special products such as magic spices, bones of the gods, super seeds, rough energy stones, pink lizards, etc. were all sent to the auction.

During this period, Xu Tong only made one shot and bought a batch of super seeds.

【Super Seed】

A rare product after special gene synthesis.

When planted, it yields the extremely rare Inorganic Rice.

Inorganic Rice: Eaters can quickly recover physical strength, repair their own muscle damage, and increase their strength by 1% each time they eat it.

(Up to 30% increase)

During this period of time, the dragon rice in my hand is being consumed rapidly. Don't forget, I still have more than 3000 mouths between the virtual and the real. These 3000 mouths eat a lot of food every day.

Fortunately, in the grain depot of Meihuazhuang before, a lot of stored grain was taken back, mixed with long rice, so that Xu Tong would not be allowed to go back to reality to purchase.

But these things will be eaten up, and these super seeds are a good choice right now.

He remembered that in Li Bo's natural ability, it seems to have the ability to catalyze plants. When the time comes, strengthen these seeds and then hand them over to Li Bo to plant the land. It should be able to give him a short time. Grow enough food.

At this moment, Li Bo didn't know that his future was to follow Xu Tong's idea and start to go in the direction of Shennong and never return. Of course, this is a later story.

More and more special products began to appear, but the effect did not seem to be very good.

Similar to reality, most of the specialty products are not even liked by locals, let alone outsiders.

At this time, some item cards with fluorescent lights appeared on the glass.

【Boutique spirit】

You can infuse spirits on props and items such as equipment to enhance the spirituality of the props themselves.

The stronger the spirituality, the higher the possibility of the item awakening.

"The Gunners have made their move!"

This time Kang Xiazi and Yan Xiaoqi both cheered up.

The Gun God Group has three major industries, Sanxian Pharmacy, Mochizuki Epiphyllum, and Refining Factory.

Among them, the refining factory burns the most money. Players can throw unnecessary item cards into the factory for refining. After refining, they will get some spiritual essences, which are excellent spell-casting materials.

It can increase the casting skill by one level, or even two levels.

The best spiritual essence is to infuse the equipment with spirit to enhance the spirituality of the equipment.

This kind of spiritual essence is often not sold to the outside world, and they don't even have enough points within themselves, but now they have put up such a large amount of essence for auction, which shows that they are bound to win this event.

It's just that things are good things, but there are very few people who can buy them.

It's not even as good as the Western gods' golden diamonds.

On the one hand, this thing is too expensive, a set costs 330 million script points, and there are only four of them.

On the other hand, many people are not going to take this muddy water.

Blind Kang thought about it for a while, and thought it was not worth it, so he simply didn't buy it, let alone Xu Tong, he wanted this thing, and there were plenty of ways to get the gun gods to send it to them.

As for Yan Xiaoqi... outside he is a battle god, but here he is a poor ghost, and poor ghosts have no human rights here.

"Looks like the Gunners got off to a bad start."

Kang Xiazi looked at the transaction figures and became worried about the Gunners.

But soon, all the spirits seemed to be bought by someone in an instant. In just ten seconds, the spirits were sold out.

Seeing this, the three people in the suite were startled, and then immediately realized something.

"The gun god group is planning to lose face this time, and play left and right reselling."

Yan Xiaoqi hugged her arms with both hands, her expression turned ugly in an instant.

In front of everyone's eyes, the operation of the Gunslinger Group is simply shameless. The operation is so obvious, isn't it a clear attempt to cheat.

"Aren't you afraid of being reported by the Gunslingers for doing this?? Do you really think that their backstage can cover them??"

Even a blind man like Kang can see the operation. Believe it or not, everyone can't see it. This is a proper cheating, and it is the most shameless kind.

"It's clear that something is going to happen!"

Sure enough, soon, the Western team also started, and a large number of super-highly priced god gold diamonds were sold out directly.

The price is more than three times what it was before.

Now Blind Kang couldn't sit still, so he got up and went out immediately, and rushed back after a while. He just sold the golden diamonds of the gods that he bought, and waited for the western team to take them all away. The blind man's mouth crooked all of a sudden.

This time and again, the empty-handed white wolf, on the contrary, is the fisherman's profit, making a net profit of three times the difference.

"Wouldn't it be a problem for them to do that?"

Xu Tong sat aside and frowned. He didn't believe that the Gunslingers would be so stupid. After all, he had seen Zhang Lao's tricks before. That old guy was definitely a business genius. How could such a low-level trick come from him.

It's just that the situation is getting more and more chaotic now, Xu Tong can't take action for a while, so he can only wait and see.

In just half an hour, the numbers on the points list were getting bigger and bigger, and all players could see that the points of the Gunners, the Temple, and the two teams were growing at a rocket-like rate.

After inquiring about it, I found out that it is still possible to operate like this, so the following mid-level auctions and low-level auctions began to have similar situations.

"Head, how do you play this? How about we try too??"

Looking at the jumping numbers, Gu Xibai couldn't help but widen his eyes.

However, Xu Tong waved his hand, signaling him to sit down and wait and see what happened. Based on his understanding of Mr. Zhang, he always felt that this matter was not that simple.

Sure enough, before waiting for a while, all the item books in the exhibition issued a prompt: "Ding! Since someone in the auction will conduct the auction by maliciously brushing points, all participants and teams on the scoreboard who participated in the malicious auction will be punished. Issue the following sanctions."

"Ding! All those who participated in the malicious auction will no longer be able to participate in this event after being judged!"

"Ding! All points of those who participated in the malicious auction will be cleared."

"Ding! All those who participated in the malicious auction will no longer be able to sell items, but they retain the right to bid."

(End of this chapter)

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