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Chapter 1028: Divine Lightning Slashes Evil Ghosts

Chapter 1028: Divine Lightning Slashes Evil Ghosts


Suona sounds like complaints and weeping.

There were bleak cries outside the mourning hall.

The Dinghaishen needle of the Mei family finally passed away forever.

No one can deny the achievements of this old man.

In the alternation between the era of doomsday and the new era, it was he who resisted all opinions and took the Mei family down the mountain, from avoiding the world to joining the world, abandoning the inheritance of the plum blossoms and embracing the embrace of the new world. This kind of wisdom and courage is not Ordinary people can do it.

Although the Mei family has lost those inheritances, what they can gain are the materials and industries that are enough for future generations to live comfortably.

Even if I were anyone else, I wouldn't dare to say that I did better than him.

Some local officials also came to the scene in person and issued some affirmations for the old man's contributions over the years.

In the rivers and lakes, many high-ranking people also came to pay their respects.

In addition to representatives of Taoism such as Qingcheng, Emei, Maoshan, Longhu, etc., people from the three religions and nine streams were also there.

This is not even the ordinary team.

Listening to the suona singing a song called Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix, although Xu Tong wanted to join in the fun, he thought about it and let it go.

Even if he has taken over the Plum Blossom Lineage and is the actual head of the Plum Blossom Lineage, this does not change the fact that he is from the Seven Sects.

If it was the past, Xu Tong might join in the fun. He doesn't like to watch it the most, and others are disgusted, but he looks helpless.

But now he is not in the mood.

The character of the old man of the Mei family does not allow him to do this.

On the other hand, it seems that after becoming a fairy, Xu Tong feels strange to reality.

It is the world that rejects me, or in other words, I should not belong to this world.

"Could it be that the youngest and the others threw themselves into the madhouse for the same reason?"

The more Xu Tong thought about it, the more troubled he became.

Why did Taoist Plum Blossom say that he owed his karma?
Before Mr. Mei died, what did the last sentence mean?

The streets are full of ghosts?
Xu Tong awakened the divine power of the Buddha's eyes and glanced at them. There were some scattered wandering spirits around the street, but there was nothing abnormal about them.

Seeing that the sky was getting late and the lights in Mei's house were brightly lit, but the little fat man of the second soul couldn't stay any longer, jumped up from the top of Xu Tong's head, and then flew towards the clouds and flew in that familiar direction.

Under the light, on the chubby face of the little fat man, two small mung bean-like eyes were staring around.

But when he came to that familiar place, he didn't see the familiar Chaoshou stall.

Under the dim street lights, the familiar street, the familiar background, but the steaming hand-made stall in my memory did not appear.

The little fat man checked the time, then simply squatted on the side of the road, raised his head and waited quietly.

Occasionally, some wandering spirits would pass by here, but when they saw the little fat man, they would give them an indifferent glance, and then hurriedly disappeared into the darkness.

As time gets later and later.

The little fat man's mood is getting worse and worse.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly a man and a woman walked up to the little fat man: "Hey, it's really you, don't wait here, go, go."

The little fat man raised his head and looked at the man and woman in front of him, with a puzzled look on his honest face.

It seemed that he was familiar with the couple in front of him, but he couldn't remember who they were.

Seeing the little fat man's confused face, the woman immediately explained; "You forgot, we used to come here to eat chao shou, are you from my mother-in-law's family? We haven't seen you for a while?"

After hearing the woman's words, the confusion in the little fat man's eyes gradually receded, and he pointed to the open space under the streetlight in front of him.

Seeing Xiaopang's actions, the woman's expression darkened: "This time is not peaceful, your mother-in-law was injured by other evil spirits, come with us, I will take you to see her, okay, don't come here, it's very dangerous here !"

Hearing that her mother-in-law was injured, Xiaopang's eyes turned red instantly, and his chubby body stood up abruptly.

It may be because the little fat man is so simple and honest, so that the couple didn't realize how terrifying the murderous look in the little guy's eyes was, and they didn't even realize that there were signs of thunder clouds gathering above their heads at this moment.

"Hurry up, I'll take you to see your mother-in-law!"

The woman urged and called Xiaopang, and when she heard seeing her mother-in-law, most of the murderous look in Xiaopang's eyes dissipated, he nodded, and followed the woman.

At the same time, Xu Tong, who was sitting quietly in the room, suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, and opened his eyelids suspiciously.

"The little fat man is angry??"

Xu Tong felt it was weird, the little fat guy's temper was just like his appearance, even if he pinched his little face casually, he wouldn't get angry, why did he suddenly feel that this guy had murderous intentions just now.

"It's weird!"

Xu Tong wanted to distract himself to check, but at this time he noticed someone coming outside the door, so he had to give up temporarily, thinking: "Anyway, the strength of Xiaopang, Feidixian is not an opponent, let him go, but May there be no people who are blind, after all, even a god can't stop an honest person getting angry!"

Standing up and tidying up his clothes, he opened the door and saw that it was none other than the Taoists from Longhu Mountain, and the leader was Taoist Lingxu...

On the other side, the little fat man followed the men and women into an alley.

I don't know where this alley is. Occasionally, I will see some shops, which seem to be selling Buddhist supplies, but these shops have already closed at this moment, and even the Buddha statues are covered by black cloth.

The location is getting more and more biased, and gradually even some street lights can't be seen.

The woman said as she walked: "During this time, I don't know what happened, and I don't know where a group of evil spirits came. They are so fierce that we dare not go to the streets now, for fear of being caught by these evil spirits."

"Yes, my mother-in-law was injured by these evil spirits. They seem to have seen ghost money in her money jar."

The man said from the side: "I don't know what my mother-in-law thinks, how can things like Mingchao be put in a jar."

Hearing the conversation between the man and the woman, Xiaopang's face suddenly revealed a bit of self-blame. He didn't expect that his good intentions would cause his mother-in-law to be injured.

"Little brother, this Ming note is a good thing. Grandma was seriously injured. If you still have Ming note, take it out. This thing can heal her injury."

The woman seemed to be thinking of something, and asked the little fat man.

Xiao Pang was simple-minded, and when he heard that it could heal injuries, he nodded immediately without saying a word, and after groping around in his bellyband pocket, he actually took out a shiny golden note in his hand.

After seeing this gleaming gold banknote, the eyes of both men and women were rounded, and the woman stretched out her hand tremblingly, wanting to take it.

But Xiaopang took back the money in one go: "Where is the mother-in-law?"

"Grandma, ah, in front, in front!!"

The woman was taken aback, and immediately led Xiaopang forward. After the three 'people' passed through the narrow alley, an abandoned unfinished building appeared in front of them.

A row of black shadows in front of the unfinished building is curling up in the corner.

"There are too many evil spirits outside now, we dare not go out, we can only hide here!"

The woman was afraid that Xiaopang would not believe it, so she walked ahead while explaining.

It's just that when Xiaopang stepped into the unfinished building with one foot, the man behind him suddenly grabbed Xiaopang's wrist.

Just wanted to lift him up.

But when he lifted it vigorously, he found that the chubby-looking chubby was terribly heavy. Instead of lifting him up, he waved his arms in displeasure with the chubby, and threw the man directly away.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Looking at the man's embarrassing appearance thrown on the ground, there was a burst of harsh laughter from around.

"Where is the mother-in-law?? Where is the mother-in-law??"

Xiaopang also ignored the laughter, but turned his face coldly, and asked the woman with a puffy little face.

The woman felt guilty when asked by the chubby man. After taking two steps back, she simply ignored him, turned around and shouted into the darkness behind her, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, come out quickly, this kid has money in his pocket!"

When hearing the word Mingchao, the laughter in the building stopped abruptly, and pairs of red eyes opened from the darkness.

"Hell money!!"

Accompanied by the sound of Kong You, the darkness in front of him was squirming, and a huge figure like a reptile moved his body supported by countless palms, and slowly walked out of the darkness.

It seemed that as he walked, the surrounding world seemed to be swallowed by endless resentment.

"Yes, it's a ghost note, and it's the largest ghost note!"

Feeling this terrifying breath coming towards her, the woman was already lying on the ground trembling.

Countless pairs of eyes stared straight at the little fat man in front of him, and his bloody mouth slowly opened: "Give me the money!"

"Mother-in-law! Mother-in-law!"

The little fat man was not frightened by the scene in front of him, but kept calling for his mother-in-law.

Seeing the anxious look of the little fat man, the big-mouthed monster let out a low, grinning laugh: "Grandmother?? Hahahaha... I have eaten all the granny, or you can come and look in my stomach, ahhaha Ha ha!"

The loud laughter seemed to shatter the unfinished building.

Numerous sneaky ghosts twisted their bodies along with the laughter, cooperating with the king to tease him.

"Yeah, that old lady is delicious."

"Your Majesty ate the head first, then the arms, and finally the legs!"

"No, it ate the legs first, then the body, and finally the head, hahahaha!"

"You ate her?"

Xiaopang stared blankly at the huge figure in front of him. Two drops of liquid like teardrops slid down from his chubby face. Before they fell on the ground, they turned into a wisp of electric arc and dissipated in the air.

"You ate your mother-in-law!!"

The fat on Xiaopang's body was trembling, strands of silver-white arcs overflowed from his face, and the angry roar contained an irrepressible tyranny, which made the ghosts who were still laughing violently. His whole body trembled, an unstoppable sense of fear struck, and all the laughter stopped abruptly in an instant.

"Damn you!!"

Before everyone could understand what had happened, a dazzling thunder surged from the seemingly harmless little fat man in front of him. In just a split second, there was a sudden explosion in the sky, and a purple-red sky thunder, It is to split the sky and fall down...


Taoist Lingxu, who was drinking tea with Xu Tong, was startled by the thunder, and the teacup in his hand was smashed into pieces. When he looked up, he saw the purple-red thunder light in the distance, and the fairy face. The muscles couldn't stop twitching: "Damn, Zixiao Shenlei??"

(End of this chapter)

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